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1、 Boys and girls, today we will have a lesson about clothes. I think it is useful for you. You must be interested in them. Look at here, whats in my hand? Oh, yes, there are many cards about clothes in my hand. You should speak out the names of these clothes quickly as soon as I take them out. Are yo

2、u ready?Ss: Yes.(教师一张张抽出画有衣服的卡片,让学生一起大声说出服装名称,复习已学过的衣服名称。)coat , blouse , pants , shirt , raincoat , dress , sunglasses , sweater , jacket Good! You have remembered many names of clothes. Are you happy? Of course.2. (教师用手中的卡片,学习有关询问服装质地的表达。并板书句型。 We have learnt so many words about clothes. Today we

3、will learn the expressions about what is your clothes made of.Now lets learn Unit 8 topic1 教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 Presentation Well done. Now lets come to 1a. First look at your classmates. What did you find? Oh, you can find they are wearing different kinds of clothes. What nice clothes! Can you guess w

4、hat Maria is wearing today? If you want to know it, please listen to the tape carefully.What is Maria wearing?Whats it made of ?What does Jane want to buy? Who wants to answer the first question?S1: She is wearing a Chinese Tang costume. OK. Next question?S2: Its made of silk. The last question?S3:

5、She wants to buy some new clothes.2. T: Look at 1a, and listen to the dialog again, then follow the tape to imitate it.look great What a nice coat! a Chinese Tang costume feel soft so that buy some new clothes have a fashion show3. Use the pictures of 1b and teach “be made of ”by questions.1.Hi, xxx

6、. You look so smart today. What a nice blouse!Thank you.Whats it made of?Its made of silk.2.Hi, xxx. You look so smart today. What nice sunglasses!What are they made of?They are made of plastic.Step2 Consolidation1.Listen to the dialog in 1a.Answer these questions:What are Jane and Maria talking abo

7、ut?What is Marias Chinese Tang costume made of?What will they do after talking?2.Listen and read after the tape, then finish 1a.3.Pair work. Ask the students to act the dialog out. Finish 1b.Step 3 Practice1.Have a competition to finish 2 and 3a.2.The teacher retells 3b and writes the key words on t

8、he blackboard. Students listen to 3b and retell it using the key words. For example: couldover therewhat aboutShoes & Hats Section.3.Pair work. make 3b as an example and talk about 3a. Ask one or two groups to perform the conversation.Step 4 ProjectAsk the students to make a survey about things in t

9、heir daily life.What is the purse made of?Its made of leather.课堂板书设计(3) Could you tell me where to buy a scarf ?(4) Thanks. And what about hats?作业 Prepare a family photo and describe their clothes.Section Bsize, natural, afford2. Master some useful expressions about choosing clothes:What would you l

10、ike to buy?Id like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.What size do you wear?Size M.Its made of natural materials.What do you want to buy?Id like to buy a silk hat and a woolen dress.3. Master the usage of adverbial clauses of result.4. Improve the students listening skills.1.Review the Simple Past

11、Tense.2.Review the names of different types of clothes.3.Go on learning “be made of”.4.Learn how to express the specifications of clothes.Master some useful expressions about choosing clothes How time flies! Its time to check your homework. Have you brought your family photos? Ss: T: Can you introdu

12、ce your family to our classmates? Who will be volunteer? OK, please come to the front, and face the classmates. (该学生手拿相片,面对全班学生。 S1: This is my father. Hes wearing a gray sweater and the sweater is made of wool. His shoes are made of leather. This is my mother. She is wearing a beautiful pink dress

13、and the dress is made of cotton. Her scarf is made of silk 2. T: Boys and girls, please look at the photo. Can you remember whose mother she is? Yes. She is s mother. What is she wearing? She is wearing a sweater. Whats it made of? Its made of wool. Yes, its made of wool. You can also say its a wool

14、en sweater. Please look at the blackboard and read after me. (学完woolen之后,教师手拿一个皮制手提包。 Whats it? Its a handbag. Yes, its a handbag. Whats it made of ? (帮助学生回答。 Its made of leather. Its a leather handbag. (板书划线部分并标出音标,注释,让学生跟读。(以此类推,呈现size, silk windbreaker和natural materials。 (教师在写黑板上的句子时,可悄悄地加上一句未操练的

15、句子,并且句子里含有生词,这样不仅可以灵活地引入新词,还可以培养学生的观察力,活跃课堂气氛。 Well done! Now we have learnt so many new words on the blackboard. Please look at the blackboard carefully. Can you find something different? There is a new word in these key words. T: Yes, follow me, clothing. (学生跟读几遍,掌握它的拼写。 (教师把clothing, clothes, clo

16、th写在黑板上,让学生说出它们之间的区别,然后教师归纳总结。 Who can tell me the differences among clothing, clothes and cloth?Step1 ReviewGuessing game. Review the names of clothes and the pattern of “be made of”.Teacher: Its made of silk. Its for the neck or head. What is it?Students: Its a. They are made of gold. They are exp

17、ensive. What are they? They are.Step 2 Presentation1.Read 1a alone and find out the new words.2.Learn the new words, then listen to the dialog in 1a, try to get the main idea and answer the questions:Whats Kangkangs coat made of?Where can we get cotton, wool, silk and leather?What kind of coat does

18、Michael want to buy?Step 3 Consolidation1.Read 1a and remember the following sentences:How handsome!Whats it made of?Its made of wool and cotton.What are they made of?They are made of cotton or other natural materials.I want to buy a coat like yours.2.Read 1a again and finish 1b.Step 4 Practice1.Lis

19、ten to the tape and finish 2a.Review the Simple Past Tense and the Past Continuous Tense.2.Pair work. Finish 2b.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Check your answers with your partner.Make a survey according to 1b.Things which aremade of plasticThings which are made of silkmade of glass

20、plastic cupssilk scarfmirrorSection C1. Learn some new words and phrases:depend, northern, Australian, nearly, silver, iron, depend on, according to, catch ones eye2. Go on learning how to use“sothat”.The T-shirt is so bright that Kangkang looks lively.3. Understand the style and the way of dressing

21、 in western countries. 4. Be able to read the instruction tag in the clothes:100% cotton Made of 100% cotton1.Go on learning more expressions about the materials and colors of clothes.2.Learn more than one adjectives used as attributive.3.Learn the fashion culture in North America.4.Be able to read

22、the clothes labels.Learn more than one adjectives used as attributive. Boys and girls, Im very happy today, because I bring many special clothes here and they are in this bag. We can play guessing game. Do you like it? (教师拿着装衣服的袋子走到学生面前让学生感觉并做猜测。学生只许触摸不许看。教师可以看袋子里学生碰到的衣服,并做回答。 Let me tell you how to

23、 play the game. Ill ask some of you to put your hands into the bag, touch the clothes and tell me what it is and what its made of. You can ask“Is it a cotton coat?”and so on. Is it a silk scarf ? No. You can take it out. Oh, its a silk skirt.(教师可把袋子拿到下一名学生处。 You can also try it.(学生感觉质地并问。 OK. Are th

24、ey cotton pants? Yes. They are cotton pants. Thank you. Please sit down.(教师回答后,把这条裤子拿出来。(继续下面的游戏,让学生自如地运用所学知识,并把拿出的衣服依次放于讲桌上。2. (导入新词汇和新课。 Wow, there are so many beautiful clothes on the desk. Which of them do we wear on special days and which ones do we wear on common days? Do you know? Yes, of cou

25、rse. (请一学生上来划分,把在正式场合穿的衣服放左边,其余放右边。如果学生分好了可表扬,没分好可请其他人帮忙。 OK. Ill ask one student to come here and do it for us. But you must put the clothes which we wear on special days on the left and the clothes which we wear on common days on the right. (一分钟之后。 You made so many sentences. Ill also make a sente

26、nce for you. Sometimes what the people wear depends on festivals. In some areas women must wear red coats during the Spring Festival. Its a custom. Would you like to know what North American people wear on special days? Yes, wed love to. OK, well learn it today. Please open your books on Page 81.Step1 Presentation 1. (让学生快速阅读1a, 找到下面两个问题的答案并根据课后词汇表, 自学生词: dislike, boot, northern, Australian, 培养学生自学能力。 Now read the whole passage as quickly as you can and try to find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard. You can look up the new words in your word list.

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