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1、15. A. collar B. nose C. mouth D. ear名师点评深爱儿子的鲍尔夫人一直为儿子的健康忧虑,常带他去医院看病,甚至被儿子脱毛衣引起眼睛和鼻子的不适而虚惊一场。答案简析1A。根据下文鲍尔夫人常带儿子去看病可见她非常爱儿子,故选择loved。2C。鲍尔夫人担心儿子会有病,常带他医院,说明Nick没有强壮的体魄,故选择Strong。3A。上文讲到鲍尔夫人爱儿子,那么儿子的健康状况应让做妈妈的担心才对,而不是惊奇或快乐,故选择afraid。4D。两分句从意思上看,应为因果关系,因此应用so引导这个结果状语从句。5C。生病了当然是去看医生,再根据下文意思,应选择doctor

2、。6B。look over为固定词组,意为“检查”。7B。上文提到一年要去医院检查四次,下文将要讲到其中一年里发生的一件事情,故选years从而形成对应。8D。have trouble with sth 意为“在某方面有麻烦”为一习惯用语。9B。医生问了一个问题,他要作出回答,因此得思考一会儿,故选择thought。10C。医生的问题用了现在完成时态,对之作出的回答也应用现在完成时,即:Yes ,I have。11D。深爱儿子的妈妈第一次听说儿子鼻子、眼睛有问题应感到惊讶,故选择surprised。12C。妈妈感到惊讶是因为她从未听儿子提到过这回事,故应选never。13B。医生对自己经常检查

3、的病人,出现新的病情应作为严肃的事情来处理,故应选seriously。14B。take a sweater off意为“脱去毛线衣”。15A。穿毛衣时衣领子挤压眼、鼻引起疼痛,故应选collar。17The computer plays an important part in our everyday life. It is one of the great _1_ in the world in the _2_ century. It works for us not only at home, in the offices, in big shops, _3_ at schools. T

4、oday it is used _4_ many ways. It really _5_ the world large wealth (财富) and happiness.The first computer in the world was _6_ Enid. It was built in America in 1946. It was _7_ and heavy. _8_ it was born, it has been developing very fast. Until now it has gone _9_ four periods(时期,阶段)and changed a lo

5、t. Therere many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster. It becomes more and more _10_.The computer can do most of the things _11_ the people. It can help us to _12_ about the real world more quickly, to learn _13_ we want to learn and to think _

6、14_ ourselves. _15_ a student in the twenty-first century, you must work hard at it.1. A. inventions B. discoveries C. robots D. inventors2. A. twenty-first B. twenties C. twelfth D. twentieth3. A. also B. but also C. too D. either4. A. in B. to C. by D. over 5. A. takes B. helps C. gets D. brings 6

7、. A. found B. invented C. called D. bought 7. A. easy B. small C. large D. light8. A. For B. Until C. When D. Since9. A. by B. across C. through D. against 10.A. serious B. harmful. C. dangerous D. helpful 11.A. for B. to C. at D. with 12.A. set B. tell C. know D. talk 13.A. what B. that C. which D.

8、 who 14.A. of B. about C. out D. for 15.A. For B. Be C. As D. To 本文介绍了电脑的产生、发展以及在我们日常生活中广泛的使用,针对一些人对将来电脑会控制人类的担忧,作者提出了自己的看法。A。one of 后要用可数名词的复数形式,根据文章意思,可知答案是A。D。要表达第几个世纪,应该用“序数词century”,而根据常识,计算机是二十世纪的产物,A项“二十一世纪”与实际不符合。B。固定搭配not onlybut (also) 意思是“不但而且”。所以答案是B。in many ways为一固定用法,表示“在许多方面”。根据文章大意,可

9、知答案是D,表示“给人们带来财富和快乐”。C。因为Enid是名字,故用called。根据常识可知老式计算机庞大而笨重,故填large。该句句意为“自它诞生之日起,它的发展就非常迅速”,since在意思和时态上与主句呼应,为正确选项。动词短语go through表示“经历”。用介词for+宾语表示“为人们做事”,故选A。know about表示“了解”,侧重于有关某人或某事的具体情况。learn后面接的是一个宾语从句,而且连接词在从句中做learn 的宾语,所以只能用what,因为that在宾语从句中是纯连词,只能起连接作用,不能做句子成分。think of表示“想起;认为”;think abo

10、ut表示“考虑”;think out表示“想出”;根据文章含义,答案应是D。介词as表示“作为”,为正确选项。18It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night. After he 1 his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag. There 2 much money in it. Lets 3 when hes asleep, 4

11、?” “No, no,” said the woman. “He must look 5 his bag tomorrow morning. If he cant find it, hell telephone the police.” They thought for 6 minutes. Then the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass. Why 7 some forgetful grass into his food? If he 8 the food, he will forget 9 his bag away. The old

12、man had the food 10 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door 11 and the old man had left with the bag. He woke his wife up and said to her 12 , “What a fool(傻瓜)! You forgetful grass isnt 13 at all.” “No, I dont think so. He must forget 14 ,” his

13、wife said. “Oh! I remember now!” cried out the man suddenly. “He forgot to 15 for the night.” 1. A. went B. has gone to C. had been to D. had gone to 2. A. must have B .must be C. may have D. can be3. A. take it away B. to take it away C. take away it D. to take away it4. A. dont you B. wont you C.

14、will you D. shall we5. A. at B. like C. for D. after 6. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little7. A. not put B. not to put C. not putting D. dont put 8. A. has B. will have C. is having D. is going to have9. A. taking B. to take C. bringing D. to bring 10. A. in B. of C. with D. from 11. A. open B. op

15、ens C. opening D. to open12. A. quickly B. happily C. angrily D. politely 13. A. strong B. important C. delicious D. useful14. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything15. A. cost B. stay C. pay D. spend名师点评 店主看到来住店的客人的包,认为里面有许多钱,于是便想占为己有,他们夫妻二人想出一个办法,把健忘草拌在客人的饭里想让其第二天起来时忘记去寻找自己的包,可是客人却在第二天一

16、早就离开了,连住宿费都忘了付。店主夫妻害人不成反害了自己。弄清故事的情节发展是做好本题的关键。答案解析1. D。本句考查的是时态,该动作发生在下文 said的前面,表“过去的过去”,因此用D,而C表示的是状态。2. B。此为情态动词表示猜测在there be句型中的运用。3. A。lets 后跟动词原行,代词要放在动词和副词构成的词组中间。4. D。lets引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句为shall we。5. C。包没了,当然会寻找(look for)。6. B。下文minutes为可数名词复数,此句为肯定句,故选 a few。A项表示否定含义,C、D都修饰不可数名词,前者表否定,后者表肯定。7

17、. A。why not do sth.为why dont you do sth.的省略形式,表示建议。8. A。条件状语从句中,主句是将来时,从句则用一般现在时。9. B。forget doing sth. 表示忘记做过某事了,forget to do sth表示忘记了要去做某事;take与下文的away构成固定短语,表示拿走。10. C。那个客人吃的是拌有健忘草的饭。with表示具有、伴随。11. A。find the door open, 发现门是开着的,这里open是形容词作宾语补足语。12. C。妻子的建议没有达到预想的效果,所以店主很生气。13. D。店主抱怨说健忘草根本没用。14.

18、 B。妻子坚持认为吃了健忘草的客人一定忘了某事。15. C。原来客人吃饭、住宿后忘记付钱了。19 Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行) to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 1 things with. He 2 to take ten servants with him. They would 3 the things to sell and the food to 4 on their t

19、rip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to 5 and asked to 6 with them. The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 7 may go with us. 8 you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my 9 , you cant carry a 10 load (担子). You must 11 the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his mas

20、ter and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.“You are 12 .” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy said 13 and lifted the load gladly. On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were tired 14 the little servant. Do you

21、 know 15 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.1. A. eat B. buy C. change D. get2. A. decided B. liked C. hoped D. tried3. A. take B. bring C. carry D. borrow4. A. cook B. eat C. buy D. drink5. A. them B. the servants (仆人) C. the road D. th

22、e rich man 6. A. stop B. stay C. go D. talk7. A. you B. he C. I D. they8. A. Since B. If C. Because D. But9. A. family B. guests C. servants D. things10. A. heavy B. light C. small D. difficult11. A. eat B. choose C. pick up D. understand12. A. brave B. right C. clever D. foolish13. A. sorry B. noth

23、ing C. angrily D. good-bye14. A. besides B. of C. except D. with15. A. who B. him C. that D. why 本文讲述了一个聪明的小男孩的故事。他要求加入一位富人的旅行,在得到同意后 选择担子时,看似愚蠢地选择了最大、最重的担子。而这恰恰就是他的聪明之处,因为他所挑的面包在途中是被边走边吃的,到达目的地时已所剩无几。阅读这故选foolish。篇文章时要注意句子的整体理解,如第8、9、10这三题。1. B。这位富人不仅带了东西去卖,而且带钱去“买”东西。解这道题时要注意将句中and前后的内容进行比较。2. A。根

24、据他的想法,他“决定”要带十个仆人。这件事完全可以由他自己决定,所以没有必要“希望带”或“努力带”,故C、D不合题意。3. C。carry在句中意为“携带、运送”;take 意为“带走”;bring意为“带来”。本句意为“他们将运送要卖的东西和在路上要吃的食物”。下文的第10、11两题所在的句子也有提示。 4. B。参照第3题。5. D。一个小男孩来找这位富人,要求和他们一起走,故选 the rich man。6. C。参照第5题。富人同意小男孩随行。8. D。此句和上文是转折关系,意为“但是你是我的仆人中最小的、最瘦的、最弱的一个,你不能挑重担”,故选but。9. C。参照第8题。10. A

25、。11. B。此句意为“你要选择挑最轻的担子”,“pick up”意为“捡起”,不合文意,故选choose。12. D。主人看到这个小仆人选择了最重的担子,感到他很“愚蠢”,故选foolish。13. B。听了主人的话,小男孩“什么也没说”,而是高兴地挑起了担子。14. C。由于小男孩的聪明,“除了”他自己,其他仆人都累坏了。15. D。Do you know why? 用在文章最后用来引出原因,告诉读者其中的奥妙。20Peters job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they wer

26、e not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming _1_ the hill towards the frontier, _2_ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike _3_ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and _4_ him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very _5_ to see _6_ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the mans pockets _7_

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