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1、2) 学生讨论:中国有哪些慈善机构,每个机构设立的目的。Welcome to the unit Part B.3) 讨论如何为贫困地区的孩子筹集学费,进行交流,完成Part A 。4) The comic strip: a 跟录音机朗读课文。 b 操练对话。 c 背诵对话。 d 记忆重点词组。【知识链接】1. charity: n. 慈善;慈善机构 a charity show慈善表演(标题)许多慈善团体 many _ 2. advertise: v. 做广告advertise on TV 在电视上做广告advertise in a newspaper 在报纸上做广告 advertise fo

2、r sb/sth. 做广告征求某人或某物 你还记得“广告”的名词形式吗?_ 一则广告 _3. 了解一下几个重要的慈善机构:Project Hope 希望工程 (helps schools and students)Project Green Hope 绿色希望工程 (helps protect rivers and lakes in China)Save Chinas Tigers 拯救东北虎 (protects tigers and other big cats in China)Spring Bud Project 春蕾行动 (helps poor young girls return t

3、o school)ORBIS 奥比斯防盲治盲计划 (helps the blind people in poor countries)UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会 (helps children all over the world by providing clean water, food and education)【课堂反馈】一、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. The school sports meeting will be h_ on Monday.2. Let me made a p_ for the show.3. Dont be nervous. Im s_ youll

4、be the best, Linda.4. Why dont we ask our parents and friends to d_ money to save them.5. This charity helps p_ rivers and lakes in China.6. I have _ (广告) for a house with a garden.7. A _ (话筒) makes your voice sound louder.8. I _ (希望) I could be the headmaster one day.9. Every year he raises some mo

5、ney for those _ (慈善机构). 10. Why are you holding so many _ (传单)?二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.除非你认真学习,否则你不会学好英语的。You can learn English well_ _ you _ _.2.班长正在发作业本。The monitor is _ _ the exercise books.3.上周歌手们为海啸义演筹款。The singers had a _ _ to_ _ _ the tsunami.4.春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的。_ _ _ helps poor young girls _ _scho

6、ol.5. 我打算主持英语晚会。 Im going of the English evening.6. 我希望我能飞到月球上去。 I I to the moon.7. 你英语为什么讲得这么好?因为我经常练习说。 Why you English ? I often it.8. 如果你能少睡多运动,你就会更健康。 If you and , youll be .9. 他们经常散发传单叫人们不要吸烟。 They often to ask people .10. 他们举办慈善活动的目的是为希望工程募捐。 Theyre organizing a to for .11.You can (在报纸或杂志上刊登广

7、告) Unit 4 A charity show (Period 2)( Reading I )1. 语言目标: 通过阅读,理解文章大意,重点记忆一些生词。2. 语言功能: 培养学生阅读能力,引导学生掌握一定的阅读技巧。一、从课文中找出以下词组: 1 主持一次慈善活动_ 2 有很多空余时间_ 3 因为摄像机(的缘故)_ 4 著名明星 _ 5 开始演出排练_ 6 许多其他的职责 _ 7 在适当的时候_ 8 能够 _9 一次成功_ 10 不断地问自己_ 11 大事件_ 12 明星的支持者 _ 13 大声地发言_ 14 似乎要做某事 _15被邀请_ 16得到当地企业的大力支持 _二、通读课文,回答下

8、列问题:Why didnt Ricky write to Kitty earlier? _What did he feel when he was chosen to be the host?_Why was Ricky very nervous? _When did they start working on the show? _Why couldnt Ricky sleep at all that night? _Was the charity show a success? _三、按要求变换句型1. I was late because I got up late.(对划线部分提问)_

9、 _ you late?2. He stayed at home all day because it was cold outside. (合并成一句) He stayed at home all day _.3. Simon didnt come to the party. He was busy.(合并成一句)Simon didnt come to the party _ he was busy.4. I hope that I will be back soon.(改为简单句) I hope_ _ back soon.5. The charity show will be held o

10、n June 1.(对划线部分提问)_ _the charity _ _?一、翻译句子 1). 我的工作是分发传单。 It was _ _ _ _ _ the leaflets. 2). 他似乎对他儿子很生气。 He _ _ _ angry with his son.3). 因为寒冷的天气,许多人患病了。Many people got sick _ _ the _ _.4). 我们得到当地企业的大力支持。We had a lot of _ _ _ _.二、用动词的正确形式填空1. When winter comes, the weather (become) colder and the da

11、ys shorter.2. Could you tell me if it (be) rainy tomorrow?3. Remember (turn) off all the lights if you want to go out.4. Im sorry I have (trouble) you. Have you got a moment?5. She (change) much in the past few years. She still looks as young as before.6. Miss Yang (go) to Nanjing and shell be back

12、in the three days.7. The delicious food for our guests (cook) this morning.8. “Oh mum, (let) me play games with them for a while, please,” said the little girl.9. The old man told the policeman he saw the accident (happen) when he was passing by.10. All the exercise books (collect) so far by our mon

13、itor,11. You can donate your money and clothes to different _ (慈善机构).12. The company has _ (登广告) in the newspaper and on TV, too.13. If the computer doesnt work well, you can call the _ (生产商).14. If you cant use the product properly, you can look at its _(介绍).15. The _ (组织者) of the charity shows are

14、 friendly. You can ask them for help.16. The weak man _ (希望) he could climb to the top of the mountain.17. At these big parties, different people have different _ (职责).18. When our team kicked the last goal in, we felt even _ (更激动).19. During the recess between the first and second class, we do morn

15、ing _ (操).20. When a question is answered _(错误地), the princess hair is cut an inch.21.(2008潍坊)Lisa is such a shy girl that its hard for her to sing in p_.22.Do you know that famous singer? Let me _ (介绍) him to you.23.The secret of my _ (成功) is to work hard.24.How many local _ (企业) will take part in

16、the charity show?25.Harry has a special _ (嗓音). He is good at singing.26.The big _ (事件) made us feel surprised.27.You _ (not need) any help, do you?28.- Must I stay at the office this afternoon? - No, you _ (not need)29.Look! Your shirt is so dirty. It needs _ (wash).30._ David _ (need) anything to

17、drink?31.Tom needs _ (get) up a little earlier tomorrow.32.Your room is full of dust. It needs _ (clean)33.I think more people should _ (invite) to take part in them.34.I hope more events like this _ (organize) to raise money for charity. Unit 4 A charity show (Period 3)( Reading II )1.加深对文章的理解,并能够复

18、述课文的重点句型。2.加深对文章中语言点的理解和运用,能应对相应的题型。一、将下列短语译成英语选择某人去做某事 _ 准时 _ 记得做某事 _变得更容易了 _慷慨的 _现代流行音乐 _ _公共活动 _一个好的结果 _介绍明星 _他的主要工作 _捐款 _表演的前一晚 _二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I dont know what made him laugh so_(excite)?2. Andy Law will give two_(perform) in Nanjing this year.3. Everything became _(easy) than before afte

19、r I tried my best.4. Most international _(busy) letters are written in English.5. “We are proud of your_(successful), Daniel.” said father.三、同义句转换。1. They put off the match because it rained.They put off the meeting _ _ the rain.2. We chose Daniel to be the host. Daniel _ _ _ _ the host.3. Who will

20、host the party?Who will _ _ _ _ the party?4. The show ended five minutes ago.The show _ _ _ _ five minutes.5. At first I couldnt open the door._ _ _ , I _ _ _ open the door.1. I felt very happy when I was chosen to be the host.= I felt very happy when I was chosen as the host.= I felt very happy whe

21、n the organizer chose me to be the host.choose sb. to do sth. 选择某人去做某事被动形式: be chosen to do sth. 记忆: choose chose chosen 2. I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous pop stars would come too. 本句中knew 的宾语是两个并列的that 引导的从句,故称为宾语从句。 句中的would 是will 的过去式,因此可称从句的时态为“过去将来时”。3. We

22、started working on the show two months ago,so we could do everyting on time.start doing sth. 开始做某事 = begin doing sth. / start to do sth./ begin to do sth.4. In the beginning = at the beginning = at first 起先5. I thought I would never be able to remember all the words 我原以为我无法记住所有的台词。think 的过去式thought

23、通常解释为原以为be able to = can 但是be able to 的时态比can 多,本句中就是“过去将来时”。 【课堂反馈】选择填空( ) 1. John _ to be the host of the charity show two weeks ago. A. is chosen B. was chosen C. choose D. has chosen( ) 2. -How can we support charities? - You can donate your pocket money _ charities or raise some money _ them. A. to, to B. for, for C. to, for D. for, to ( ) 3. I missed the beginning of the charity show _ the heavy traffic. A. so B. because C. so that D. because of( ) 4. - The English test is coming. I feel really _ . - Take it easy.

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