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1、()-hat as the atte ith her esterda ? She aught a bad ld昨天她怎么了?她换了重感冒。* hats rng ith sething? 某物出了什么故障?(6)-hats rng ith ur ath? 你的表出了什么毛病?- It desnt r坏了。(7)He has a sre thrat hats rng ith hi?2 have a ld 患感冒 have a bad ld 患重感冒- hats rng ith u? I have a bad ld- H are u feeling n ? - I feeling uh better

2、3 stahahe 胃痛 腹痛 肚子痛 have a stahahe 胃痛= have a pain in the stah have a bad stah 胃痛得厉害(1) -I nt feeling ell at the ent- hats rng?- I have a bad stahahe此刻我感觉不舒服。 你怎么了?我胃痛得厉害。(2)The b said he had a stahaheThe b said he had a pain in the stah男孩说他肚子痛得厉害。4 sre ad 疼痛的 酸痛的 thrat 喉咙 烟喉have a sre thrat 烟喉痛have

3、 a sre ba = have a pain in the ba 背痛(1)D u have a sre thrat? 你喉咙痛?(2)Theres sething rng ith thrat我烟喉有毛病。(3)I ant spea ut beause I have a sre thrat我说不出话了因为嗓子痛。(4)He ant spea arr the heav bx beause he has a sre ba他不能般这重箱因为背痛。ba ar ear ee ft hand head leg uth ne nse stahtth -teeth(1)- hats rng ith her?

4、 She has a pain in the ba=She has a baahe她怎么了? 背痛。(2) L at the b There are nl t teeth in his uth看那个男孩。只有两颗牙。6 have a tthahe 牙痛 dentist 牙医(1)-hats the atter? Ive a tthahe 怎么了? 我牙痛。- abe u shuld see a dentist-Thats a gd idea出许你应该去看牙医。是好主意。(2)-I had a bad tthahe last night-I srr t hear t that我昨晚牙痛得很厉害。

5、听到此事我很难过。(3) -D u thin I shuld see a dentist ? 你认为我该看牙医吗?es , I thin s是的,我认为是这样。7fever ad 发烧have a fever 发烧have a high fever 高烧A: hats rng ith u?B: I aught a bad ld esterda Ive gt a headahe and a fever H lng have been lie this ? Ever sine last night ud better tae se ediine Have a gd rest and drin re

6、 ater u ill be sn8 rest n 休息have a rest 休息一会儿have a gd rest 好好休息Lie dn 躺下(1)u had a ld u shuld have a gd rest in bed你患了重感冒。你应该躺在床上好好休息。(2) Lets stp t and have a rest咱们停下休息吧。(3) Please tae ff ur shirt and lie dn n the bed请躺下你的衬衫,躺在床上。* rest n 剩余部分 the rest 剩余的人There are ten bs in the lassr Three f th

7、e are leaning the lassr The rest areleaning the inds教室有十个男生,其中三个在打扫教室,其余的在擦玻璃。9hne n 蜂蜜 tea ith hne 加蜂蜜的茶 ith 带有 具有(1)Drining tea ith hne is gd fr ur health 渴蜂蜜的茶对健有益。(2)uld u lie se dupling ith eat in the? 你想吃肉馅铰子吗?(3)The an ith a pair f thin glasses is English teaher戴深度眼镜的人是我的英语老师。10ediine药tae se

8、ediine 吃药tae this ediine 吃这药(1)ud better tae this ediine tie a da ull be all right sn这药你最好一天吃两次。 你会很快就好的。(2) ther ased e t give her se ediine fr ld 我母亲要求我给她买点治点感冒的药。(3) hats rng ith u, ung an ? I dnt feel ell I srr t hear that Please tae ff ur shirt and lie dn n the bed es,dtr ell, theres nthing uh

9、rng ith u D u tae uh exerise ? N, dtr I never have an tie fr exerise H d u sleep? Ver badl, dtran u give e se ediine t help e sleep? es, I anbut I ging t,u dnt need ediine ust tae re exeriseB; u are right, dtr Its iprtant fr e t eep healthThan u fr ur advie ure ele I hpe u feel better snSetin B1illn

10、ess n 疾病 身体不适 ill ad 病的(1)Taing this ediine tie a da after eals is gd fr ur illness饭后一天吃两次这副药对你的疾病有益。(2)-I feeling ver ill ud better a dtr2adive 建议 give sb se advie 给某人提些建议give sb se advie n 给某人提某一方面的建议(1) He had a bad ld uld u give hi se advie?他患了严重的感冒 你能给他提些建议吗?(2) dentist gave e se advie n teeth

11、我的牙医给了提了关于牙齿方面的建议。3thirst ad 口渴的 feel thirst 感觉口渴 be thirst 渴(1) I feeling tired and thirst at the ent - u a drin a glass f ater ith nthing and lie dn n the bed Have a gd rest ull be better in the fe das现在我感觉又累又渴。 你可以渴一杯清水,并躺在床上,好好休息。过几天就会好的。4stress v 加压力于 ,便紧张 * be stressed ut 有压力的,紧张的get stressed

12、ut 有压力(1)Shes alas stressed ut,s she ant sleep ell她总是有压力,所以睡得不好。(2)Dnt be stressed ut and tr t relax 不要有压力设法放松。(3) Dnt get stressed ut, Itll ae u si4 prble n 问题,令人困惑的事情(1)I have se prble t as (2) The phsis prble is ver diffiult,I ant r it ut这道物理题很难, 我算不出。* have se prbles( in ) ding sething 做某事有困难* h

13、ave n prble ding sething 做某事没有困难(3) It as ver rain last Sunda,s e had se prbles libing the untains上星日下大雨,所以我们爬遇到了困难。(4)He said he had n prble in ring ut the phsis prble他说他没有问题算那道物理题,。* n prble 没问题 -an u g the vies ith e ?- N prble6traditinal ad 传统的(1)Traditinal teahing ethds ant iprve ur grades传统的教学

14、方式不能提高我们的成绩。(2)The dtr is gd at traditinal hinese ediine 这位医生很擅长传统的中医。7believe vt 相信 认为believe + that + 宾语从句(1)I believe that the best a t learn English ell is t spea it as uh as pssible我认为学好英语最好的办法是尽可能地多说。* I dnt believe that + 宾语从句。我认为、不。(2)I dnt believe that that he ill e trr我认为他明天不会的。8 balane n平

15、衡 协调 eep the balane f the nature 保持自然平衡a balaned diet 均衡的饮食(1)Peple shuld prtet anials in rder t eep the balane f the nature为了保持生态平衡,人们应该保护动物/(2)Its eas t have a health lifestle,and its iprtant t eat a balaned diet有一个健康的生活习惯很容易,并吃均衡的饮食很重要。in (u)阴 ang (u) 阳(1) It ight be beause u have t uh “in”可能是你阴太

16、虚了。(2) u have t uh ang in ur life ,s u shuldnt eat a lt f ang fd 在你的生活中阳太盛,所以你不该吃许多阳性食品。(3) Peple h are t stressed ut and angr a have t uh ang hinese dtrs believethat the shuld eat re in fds lie tfu有压力易发怒的人们也许是阳性过盛 。中医认为他们应该吃象豆腐类的阴性食品。9ea ad 虚弱的 无力的 反义词 strng 强壮的feel ea 感觉不舒服be ea in = be nt gd at /

17、 nt d ell in 在、差be a little ea in =be nt ver gd at = nt d ver ell in 在、有点差(1)-I feeling ver eaI ant al n 我感觉不舒服。我不能继续往前走了。(2)He said he asnt ver gd at hinese =He said he didnt d ver ell in hinese =He said he as a little ea in hinese 他说他语有点不好。(3) The b said that as ea in sight and hearing 这个男孩说他的视力和听

18、力不好。10Dangshen 党参 , Huangqi 黄芪 herb 草本植物,药草,香草- abe u have t uh in u shuld eat ht ang fds lie beef Eating Dangshen andHruangqi herbs are als gd fr this 也许你阳气太盛。你应该吃象牛肉热的阳性食品。吃党参和黄芪对此也有益。11angr ad 愤怒的,生气的be angr get angr bee angr 生气be angr ith sb 生某人的气(1)Father and I are alas angr, but e are gd frien

19、ds我和父亲总是生气,但我们是好朋友。(2)I as angr ith hi fr taing nteb ithut saing anthing我很生他的气因为他什么也没说就拿走了我的笔记。(3)He beae angr hen he heard the nes 当他听到这消息时发起了火。12 est n 西部 西方 estern ad 西方的, 自西方的(1)Xiniang lies in the est f hina x疆在我国的西部。(2)rea lies t the est f apan 韩国在日本的西部。(3)hinese ediine is n ppular in an ester

20、n untries中国医药在西方许多国家受迎接。13fe很少 几乎没有a fe 几个 一些little 很少 没有a little一点儿fe a fe 修饰可数名词, fe 表示否定 a fe 表示肯定little a little 修饰不可数名词。 little 表示否定 a little 表示肯定(1)T has t sta at he hiself beause he has fe friends汤姆得呆自已呆在家里因为他没有朋友。(2)Althugh its ind,a fe students are plaing ftball there尽管刮风,几个学生在哪儿踢足球。(3)e us

21、t hurr ,Theres little tie left我们必须快点,没有多少剩下的时间了。(4) father an spea a little apanese 我父亲会讲点英语。14 sta v sta + ad sta at he 呆在家里(1)e ften sta at he n Sundas 我们在周日经常呆在家里。(2)Taing exise ever da is gd fr staing health天天锻炼对保持健康有益。1until= till n 直到、之时, 在、之前 肯定句与延续性动词连用(1)I athed TV until father ae ba at 12:

22、00 last night我昨晚看电视直到我父亲12点回。(2)Ill sta in Shanghai until next ee 我将在上海呆在下周。* nt until 直到才否定句,误语动词用延续性动词。句子结构是:否定句+ until + 从句/ 时间状语。(3)I didnt g ut t pla ftball until I finished her我做完作业才出去踢足球。(4)I nt believe it until I sa it ith n ees直到我亲眼见到我才会相信。ntuntil 可以替换 hen, befre, after, if 等引导的状语从句。(4)He e

23、nt t bed after he did his her- He didnt g t bed until he did his her()The left the r hen the eeting as ver-He didnt leave the r until the eeting as ver(6)Ill let u in if u sh ur pass- I nt let u in until u sh ur pass(通行证)16。 hear vt 听见,听说, 听 hear sb d sth听见某人做了某事(动作的全过程)hear sb ding sth 听见某人在做某事(1)I heard hildren singing in the nest r hen I passed b我路过的时候听见孩子们在隔壁唱歌。(2)e heard the r ust n 刚才我听见他们哭了。(3)I listened, but I heard nthing我听了,可是我什么也没听见。

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