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词汇晨读 届高考英语3500词汇背诵 25Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Awaiterenteredwithatray.侍者端着托盘进来了。waiting-room n.等候室(如候诊室,候车室等):Sir, you shouldnt be sitting in this waiting-room. It is for women and children only.先生,你不应该坐在这个候车室里。这个候车室是专门为女士和儿童而设的。Thereweresixotherpeopleaheadofhiminthewaiting-room.在候诊室里,有六个人排在他前面。waitress n.女服务员,女侍者:There are a number of waiters

2、in this new restaurant and the number of the waitresses is 100.在这家新餐馆有许多的服务员,女服务员的数量是100。 A waitress came in, carrying tea on a tray.一名女侍者走进来,手端放着茶的托盘。wake(woke, woken)v.醒,醒来,叫醒:She usually wakes early in the morning.她通常一大早就醒了。In many homes in the UK, the first person to wake up has to make tea for

3、the family.在英国的许多家庭中,第一个醒来的人必须为家人泡茶。The children woke me up.孩子们把我吵醒了。Did you have a good sleep last night?你昨晚睡得好吗?No! The hotel is close to a main road, and I woke up from time to time. 睡得不好。旅馆离主路很近,我时不时就醒了。觉悟,醒悟:By the time he had woken up to the danger, it was too late.待他觉察到危险时,已经太迟了。【拓展】wake up t

4、o清醒认识到:Peoplehavetowakeupconsciousnesstheyresponsibilityothers.人们必须清醒意识到他们对别人是负有责任的。wake a sleeping dog招惹是非,自找麻烦:I always had to bear the blame for my naughty son, who used tosleepingdogat school.我每每得代淘气的儿子陪不是,他常常在学校里惹是生非。My brother is ill-tempered, and likes to wakingdog.我弟弟的脾气很暴躁,常喜欢在外面惹是生非。in the

5、 wake of随着,尾随,紧跟,仿效,跟着,因为:Indevelopmentsscienceandtechnology,manhasbecomemorecapableconqueringnature.随着科学技术的发展,人们征服自然的能力也越来越强了。Dolphinssometimesplayboats.有时海豚在船的尾流中嬉戏。There were heavy losses of property in the wake of the flood.洪水给财产造成重大损失。wakeful失眠的,不能入睡的,其名词为wakefulness:I had a wakeful night becau

6、se he warned me that I should be watchful.我一夜未眠,因为他警告我要小心。It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness. 经常吃安眠药来对付这种失眠绝不是什么好办法。walk n.步行,散步:Do you often go for walks?你经常去散步吗?v.走,步行:I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。在上走,沿走:He just walked th

7、e street.他刚刚走过这条街道。遛(动物):They walk their dogs every day.他们每天遛狗。陪走:I will walk you home.我陪你走回家。【拓展】walk around绕而走,四处走动,四处走走:Would you like towalk aroundthe factory this afternoon?今天下午到工厂的各处走走好吗?getwalkarounddarksometimes.我有时会在黑暗中起床来回走动。didnotfeeltired,socontinuedcity.我并不感觉到累,所以我继续绕着城市散步。walk on eggsh

8、ells谨言慎行:Toworkourboss,youneedoneggshells.与我们老板共事,你需极为谨慎做事。Learn to walk before you runwall n.墙:The castle walls are very thick.城堡的墙很厚。【拓展】After his company suffered from millions of dollars in losses, Joe saw the handwriting on the wall and left the company.在他的公司遭受数百万美元的损失后,乔看到了不祥之兆,离开了公司。wallet n.

9、钱包,皮夹子:The thief took away the womans wallet without being seen.小偷趁人不注意拿走了那个女人的钱包。She placed the receipt in her wallet.她把收条放到皮夹子里了。walnut n.胡桃,胡桃树,胡桃木(高级家具材料):The meat of thewalnutcan be used in cakes.做蛋糕时可用胡桃肉。A walnut tree or a walnut is a tree on which walnuts grow.胡桃树或胡桃是上面结胡桃的树。Thisboxismadewal

10、nut.这个箱子是胡桃木做的。wander v.漫游,漫步,闲逛,游荡,徘徊:He likes to wander over the countryside.他喜欢在乡间漫步。I like to wander in the park after dinner.我喜欢晚饭后在公园里闲逛。She wandered aimlessly around the streets.她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。He was wandering about in the forest.他在森林中徘徊。(目光)游离,胡思乱想,走神,神志恍惚,(思想)开小差:His eyes wandered restlessl

11、y around the room.他的眼睛不安地转来转去,打量着房间。Ifyourmindstartswanderbeginaboutsomethingelse,refocusattentionbreathing.如果你开始胡思乱想了,就把注意力重新集中在你的呼吸上。His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing.他过去常常会走神,总是忘了自己正在干什么。His mind wanders.他神志恍惚。Try not to let your mind wander.尽量别让你的思想开小差。Jarvisfou

12、ndhiswandering.贾维斯发现自己走神了。want v.想要:I want some black tea.我想要一些红茶。需要:The house wants painting.房子需要油漆了。需要在场:Shes wanted immediately in the directors office.她得马上到主任办公室去。应该(用于提出建议),得:If possible, you want to avoid alcohol.如有可能,你应该避免饮酒。You want to see a doctor at once.你得马上去看医生。缺少,没有:His answer wants pol

13、iteness.他的回答不够礼貌。【拓展】表示主观上想要,其后可接不定式,但不接动名词;表示客观上的需要,其后可接不定式,也可接动名词(用主动表被动):Your clothes want washing/to be washed.你的衣服要洗了。in want在贫困中:The widow is in want.那个寡妇生活在贫困之中。in want of缺少,需要:Are you in want of money?你需要钱吗?for(the)want of由于缺少/不足:Forwantanythingbetterdowatchedtelevisionforwhile.因为没有什么更好的事情可做

14、,我看了一会儿电视。The project failed for want of financial backing.该项目因缺乏资金支持而告吹。Ourcaruselesspetrol.由于缺少汽油,我们的汽车派不上用场。war n.战,战争:The president said if terrorists declared war on the United States, war would be what they got.总统说如果恐怖分子向美国宣战,那么他们得到的就是战争。ward n.守护,看护,监护:Heenjoynewstatusbeing“wardstate”.他不喜欢扮演“

15、政府守护者”这一新角色。To whom is this patient in ward?这病人由谁监护?Theboyunderward.这男孩受到监护。病房:hospitalmedicalwardsurgicalward.医院有一个内科病房和一个外科病房。warehouse n.仓库,货栈:They stored their goods in a warehouse.他们把货物储存在一个仓库里。goodstruckedwarehouse.货物由卡车运到了一家货栈。warm adj.暖和的,温暖的:Take your coat off. Its warm in the room.把外衣脱掉,室内

16、很暖和。Wash your hands with warm water.用温水洗洗手。热情/热烈的:He was pleased with their warm welcome.他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。【拓展】warm还可以作动词用:The weather has warmed up.天气转暖了。Your feet will soon warm up once you get indoors.你一进屋,脚很快就会暖和起来。warmth n.暖和,温暖:The warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of w

17、ool used.毛衣的暖和程度当然是由使用的羊毛的种类决定的。lampbehindseemsbathewarmth.他身后的灯光似乎将他罩在一片温暖之中。热心,热情,兴奋:He spoke with great warmth.他讲得非常兴奋。warn v.警告,告诫:I warned him to be careful.我告诫他要小心。预先通知,提醒:The teacher warned the students of the test.老师预先通知学生要考试。warnpossiblefailure.我的确警告过你可能失败。Imcallingcomingstorm.我打电话来提醒你注意即将到

18、来的暴风雨。【拓展】表示告诫某人不要做某事,可用warn sb. not to do sth.,也可用warn sb. against doing sth.:The doctor warned him against smoking/not to smoke.医生告诫他不要抽烟。warningn.提醒,警报,警告,警示,先兆:Because of her warning, I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.医生发出警告不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼

19、。The bridge collapsed without(any)warning.那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了。Let me give you a word of warning.我来提醒你一句。adj.警告的,告诫的:I flashed a warning glance at them.我向他们投去警告性的一瞥。I gave him a warning look.我向他使一个警告的眼色。She ignored the warning signals.她忽视了一些预警信号。Ignoreearlywarningsillnesscouldresult.忽略早期征兆可能会导致疾病。wash

20、n.洗(涤),冲洗:Id better go and have a wash before dinner.我还是晚饭前先洗个澡。(可连用a)洗的衣服:She has a large wash this week.这星期她有大批衣物要洗。v.洗,冲洗:materialwasheswell.这种料子很耐洗。I must wash my hands before dinner.吃饭前,我必须洗手。【拓展】wash out(使)清洗掉,冲掉或冲垮(桥梁、道路),因雨等受影响:Withpermanenttints,resultwontwashout.用的是永久性的涂料,洗不掉。afraidthisrai

21、nwilloutgardenpartyagain.恐怕这场雨又要使我们的游园会告吹了。Letsideaagain.我们打消那个念头,重新考虑吧。wash away冲走,清洗,消除:Quantities of soil have been washed awayin the area, resulting in the increasing number of natural disasters.这个地区大量的土壤被冲走了,结果导致自然灾害数量增加。Doawaysins?你认为你可以洗去你的罪过?Nothingcanevermyfeelingdeath.什么都消除不了我对他的死的负疚感。Wate

22、rpowerful,earth,putfireevendestroyiron.水是很强大的。它能冲走土,熄灭火,甚至可以毁掉金。wash ones hands off不干涉,不插手:Im going to wash my hands off the whole business.我将不再过问这件事情了。washroom n.盥洗室,洗手间,卫生间,厕所:The washroom is to the left of the entrance, near the stairs.盥洗室在进口处左边,靠近楼梯。gowashroom.我想去洗手间。Can you tell me where the wa

23、shroom is, please?能告诉我厕所在哪儿吗?waste n.(但可连用a)浪费:Its a waste of money to buy that.买那个东西是白浪费金钱。废物:A lot of household waste can be recycled and reused.许多家居废物都可以回收再用。v.浪费:Dont waste words on him.别在他身上白费口舌了。She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (=She rejected it immediately).她当即拒绝了提议。【拓展】与spend用法类似,表示

24、浪费时间或金钱做某事,可用于waste time(money)on/over/upon sth.或waste time (money) (in, on)doing sth.:You are foolish to waste so much money on amusement.你在娱乐上浪费那么多钱,太傻了。He wasted his time(in)doing nothing.他无所事事,浪费光阴。watch v.观看:Do you often watch television?你常看电视吗?看,注意看:Watch me doing it.瞧我怎么做。We watched them pass

25、.我们见他们走过去的。当心,注意:Watch the cars when you cross the street.过马路时要注意车辆。寻找,等待(机会等):She watched her moment to cross the road.她看准时机横穿马路。看守,监视:The doctors watched the SARS patients throughout the night.医生们整晚看护“非典”病人。,表:I looked at my watch to see if I was late.我看了看手表,看是否迟到了。(可连用a)看守,守卫:Police keep a 24

26、-watch on the house.警察对这座房子实行24小时监视。【拓展】keep watch值班,放哨,守望:Who will keep watch tonight?今晚谁值班?Jose,asusual,climbedtreekeepwatch.乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。on the watch for注意,提防:You should be always on the watch for pickpockets.你应该要时刻提防小偷。on watch值班:The man on watch didnt notice the danger.值班的人没有注意到这危险。watch out(for)当心,提防,关注,注意:You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place.你必须小心,这里到处是地雷。 Watch

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