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1、D.Glad to hear thatB6.The survey shows that the officials of some listed(上市的)companies are _themselves at the expense of the stockholders(股东).A.abusingB.rewardingC.disruptingD.enriching7.In the past ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he _respect from everyone of us.A.qualifi

2、esB.expectsC.reservesD.deservesD8. Your spoken English is so good. Have you been abroad? Yes. I _ in London for two years.A.have stayedB.stayedC.had stayedD.have been stayingA9.Dad, I won first place in the speech contest._! Im proud of you, my daughter.A.CongratulationsB.Good luckC.My pleasureD.Goo

3、d idea10.This entrance is in_use:do not block it.A.constantB.tenderC.creativeD.critical11._ by a crowd of people, I felt nervous, _ what to say.A.Watching, didnt knowB.Having watched, and not knewC.Having been watch, not knownD.Being watched, not knowing12.I could see from her expression that my com

4、ments had_.A.come throughB.hit homeC.borne away13.John remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of _wit.A.emotionalB.accurateC.excellentD.exceptional14.Dont _ your hope no matter what happens.A.write downB.look forC.go overD.give up15. Im afraid Ive got a terrible flu. _A.Nev

5、er mindB.Keep away from meC.Better go and see a doctorD.You need be more careful16.He has been _since he was appointed as president of the university last year.A.putting upB.getting awayC.making use of his relationshipD.throwing his weight around17.A:Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. B:_.

6、A.OK, just in caseB.Well, it just dependsC.Yes, take it easyD.All fight, just in case of18.I would never come to the restaurant again. The food is terrible!_.A.Nor am IB.Neither would IC.Same with meD.So do I19.In these remote villages, women are _the opportunity of having a career.A.reservedB.denie

7、dC.disruptedD.invaded20.-Ive passed the driving test! -Im glad to hear that you _ it at last!A.didB.gotC.passedD.made21.Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt turn up.A.should have arrivedB.should arriveC.should have had arrivedD.should be arriving22.A:What are you looking for? B:I’

8、m looking for a tool_.A.and open the boxB.with that to open the boxC.and opening the open the box23.The guide was enthusiastic and knowledgeable and we spent a lovely evening wandering into places which we _ straight past otherwise.A.had walkedB.were walkingC.would have walkedD.must have wal

9、ked24.I had great difficulty _ the suitable food on the menu in that findD.finding25.A:So, how is your new roommate?She really_. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, She always makes rude remarks.A.turns?me?overB.turns?offC.turns?downD.turns?

10、me out26.Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.comes for27.A:Why is_ she put off going abroad for further education?Because of thatD.one28.Being_about its future, investors are wary

11、of putting more money in the industry.A.skepticalB.contemporaryC.incredibleD.aesthetic29.He never tidies up his desk, so it is a _ of books and newspapers.A.confusionB.disorderC.chaosD.desk30.The_breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in out

12、ntinual31. The weather here in summer is so changeable. Please take an umbrella when you go out. _.A.Well, dont worryC.Oh, take it easyD.OK, just in case32.For a successful business, friendly and _ staff are essential.A.sufficientB.effectiveC.efficientD.respective33.But for her mothers sudden illnes

13、s, she would never think of breaking this _with you.A.arrangementB.scheduleC.appointmentD.interview34.Schools ban students from bringing mobile phones, which are used to _ in exams.A.clickB.clarifyC.chargeD.cheat35.Mark does not take his schoolwork seriously._, no one expects a millionaires son to w

14、ork hard.A.HoweverB.ConverselyC.But thenD.Nevertheless36.I dont know why she avoids _ her opinion on the be givenC.givingD.being given37.The police are_ the two missing children.A.looking outB.looking afterC.looking forD.looking on38.A:How did it _that all the flowers died?I ha

15、d forgotten to water them.A.come?aboutB.come?backC.come downD.come?from39._ are kept on the farm for their meat or milk.A.200 head cattleB.200 head of cattleC.200 head cattlesD.200 heads of cattle40. Would you like a cup of coffee? _.A.Its very kind of youB.No, I wouldntC.Yes, pleaseD.Here you are41

16、.Its cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?A.With pleasureB.Yes, pleaseC.Of course notD.Thank you42.According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack are not necessarily _ an effectA.reasonB.cautionC.factD.cause43.At the dinner party last night Christine felt greatly _

17、because her mother kept bragging about her accomplishments at school.A.alarmedB.disappointmentC.ashamedD.embarrassed44.Had it not been for the haze(雾霾) weather phenomenon, there _ fewer car accidents in Beijing then.A.wereB.would beC.may beD.would have been45.I am sorry I am not in a position to ans

18、wer this question. Ask the man sitting by the window. He is power46.President Bush admitted that no proof had been found that Iraq had _ weapons.A.chemicalB.chemicalsC.chemistD.chemistry47.The twins look alike but they are different in _.A.characteristicB.appe

19、aranceC.characterD.nature48.Hes determined to finish the job _long it matterB.howeverC.whereverD.whatever49.Chinas space station, _ three capsules and covering an area of no less than 60 square meters, will be completed within 10 years.A.making up ofB.made upC.consisted ofD.consisting of5

20、0.The discovery of new evidence led to _.A.the thief having caughtB.catch the thiefC.the thief to be caughtD.the thief being caught以下内容可以删除:(一)非标准劳动关系产生的原因非标准劳动关系是从标准劳动关系发展而来。标准劳动关系是一种典型的劳动契约关系,产生于资本主义社会,并一直延续至今。自20世纪60年代始,随着经济的迅速发展,信息技术的普遍应用,各国的产业结构和知识结构发生了巨大变化,进而要求劳动力作为生产要素流动性增强,灵活就业、弹性就业需求增大。因为,在


22、的价值,人们不再愿意从事那种传统的束缚于单位的就业形式,而更愿意寻找一种适合自己意愿的、满足自己爱好的、更加自由的就业方式,从而拥有更多属于自己的自由时间和空间来安排自己的生活、实现个人的价值,近年来兴起的SOHO一族就是典型例证。SOHO是Small Office Home Office(小办公室、居家办公室)的缩写,它是指个人以自己的家或小型场所为办公室而从事工作的小型事业体(个体户)。SOHO代表了一种自由的新型就业方式,其工作场所不固定,工作时间自由,收入高低也不确定,特别适合与高新科技、信息技术相关工作的劳动者,如软件程序员、网络工程师、记者、编辑、自由撰稿人、音乐制作人、广告工作者

23、、咨询师等。 (二)非标准劳动关系面对的挑战我国的非标准劳动关系是在市场经济快速发展,就业形式日益严峻的大背景下产生并发展起来的,更多的是缓解就业压力的产物。由于国有企业改革,我国的城镇失业率一直居高不下,而传统的僵化的固定就业模式刚性太大,不利于缓解就业压力。非标准劳动关系对于降低用人单位的用工成本、方便劳动者自由选择劳动时间、缓解就业压力、扩大就业机会等作用越来越突出,正成为就业的重要渠道,使劳动关系呈现出多元化、复杂化格局。非标准劳动关系突破了标准劳动关系的内涵,对原有的劳动关系法律调整机制提出了新的挑战。随着非标准劳动关系的不断发展,我国传统的标准劳动关系法律调整体系已经越来越不适应非

24、标准劳动关系调整的需求。非标准劳动关系对传统法律的挑战主要体现在以下几方面:1.法律适用和劳动主体方面我国现行的劳动法律主要以标准劳动关系为主,很多非标准劳动关系被排斥在基本法律调整的范围之外。 此外,我国劳动法主要覆盖的是传统行业的劳动者,范围狭窄。非标准劳动关系就业人员中有些是在劳动法或者劳动合同法调整范围之内,如劳动者派遣关系中的劳动者等,但还有很多人被排斥在这两部法律的调整之外,如家政人员等。我国非标准劳动关系调整的现状要求劳动主体适用范围必须扩大。2.劳动关系的建立方面根据劳动法的规定,只有用人单位与劳动者之间才能建立劳动关系。用人单位可以是企业也可以是个体经营者,但不能是个人。但是



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