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1、2003.12A Letter of Reply to a Friend应用文+论证现象2003.6An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident记叙文2002. 12It Pays to Be Honest2002. 6Student Use of Computers图表论证现象2002.1A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus作文的六种题型四级的作文可以分为论证现象型、应用文、记叙文、描述文、发言稿和图表文章六种题型。这六种题型既是对四级作文的

2、科学分类,又是对四级作文考点的高度概括。1) 论证现象文章 此类作文在四级考试作文中最为常见。命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释,并加以评论。其基本结构是:说明现状;阐述这种现状产生或存在的原因;做出分析,提出建议或总结观点。 第一段(What)引出某一社会现象描述社会现象描述社会现象 第二段(Why) 翻译提示句,指出这段的主题有如下理由可以解释出现这种现象的原因第一个原因第二个原因第三个原因 第三段(How) 总结全文的中心思想提出建议或展望未来2) 应用文 应用文,尤其是信件,也是四级作文考试常涉及的题型之一。特别值得注意应用文近年来出现的频率比较高。在这类题型中,考生会读到一个特定的场

3、景,试题要求考生按照这个特定的场景给相关人士写一封短信,并在信中明确表达自己写信的原因和目的等。书信的类型可能千变万化,如邀请信、申请信、求职信、感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、祝贺信等等。只要掌握了英语书信的基本格式,并运用恰当的句式和语句,就一定能够写出一封好的书信。3) 图表论证现象 这种题材的文章是图表描述和论证现象文章的综合体。它兼有两种题材的特点。先描述图表,然后就图表中所反映的社会现象进行议论。基本写作模式与论证现象类文章一致。4) 记叙文记叙文是最近两年的新兴题材。在记叙文中,一定要用一般过去时。如果想叙述一连串过去发生的事情,可采用after, before, first, next

4、, then, later等词,使先后顺序更加清楚。5) 描述文描述文考察考生描述地点、场景的能力。这其中涉及到一个考生熟悉的场所,如学校、博物馆、公园等,由考生向他人介绍、推荐这些地方,说明它们吸引人的特点及优势所在。6) 发言稿 我们可以根据下面的步骤来完成一篇发言稿的写作。第一步:先做简短的自我介绍,表达在此发言的愉悦之情。第二步:将提纲中的要求转换成三段模式。第三步:最后对听众表达谢意或提出希望。A Brief Introduction to A Tourist Attraction (CET-4, 2004.6) some welcoming words (欢迎词) the sche

5、dule (时间表)for the day a description (描述) of the place the tourists will be visiting写作的重要性 6分最低限,只要结构不出错,得分应该为9分。评判作文第一点是:作文是否体现主题思想第二点是:组织结构是否合理第三点:语法文字是否有重大错误第四点:卷面布局是否整洁内容不跑题即可,注意:1.不要妄图以情动人;2.不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜。结构上牢记总分总:先写主题句(Topic Sentence),再写分论点,最后写总结句(Conclusion)。语言最重要,往往使评分产生重大差异,语言要模仿和包装。写完之后修改注意:

6、(内容方面尽量不要修改)1、字母大小写 2、怪符号 3、单词拼写 4、主谓一致 5、动词时态 6、名词单复数写作元素=词1.连接词陈述个人意见:I think表示总结:to sum up in a word表示转折:however nevertheless, 表示列举:for example for instance (Students cheating in exams) is a case in point.表示原因: as a result of / on account of +词组 in that +句子表示条件 as long as +句子表示递进: furthermore mor

7、eover 表示结果:accordingly, consequently 2. 常用词1) important: significant. It is of great significance for.2) good: be helpful for, be beneficial to be conducive to sth3) bad: be harmful to, have adverse (influences/impacts) on sth./sb.4) about: so/as far as something is concerned5. 方便:convenient/ conven

8、ience6 效率:efficient/ efficiently/ efficiency7. 节省和浪费:save time/ money/ space; economical, thrift waste time/ money/ space; costly, lavish8. 人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, creative, sociable, perseverance; selfish, isolated, conserative9. 人的身体健康:health, disease,

9、 strong, strength, energetic10 娱乐:colorful, pleasure,joy, recreation, entertainmentm, relax tired, boring, lonely11. 环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty12. 安全和危险:safe, danger, risk13. 经验:experience, social experience, enter the society14. 人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely写

10、作元素=常用词组1. 在某种程度上I agree with what you say to some extent.2. 随着我国经济的迅速增长 with the prompt economic advance of our country3. 给.留下难以磨灭的印象 sth / sb has left an indelible impression in ones mind4. 增进我们彼此之间的理解和友谊increase/strengthen/promote our mutual understanding and friendship5. 上网浏览信息 surf the Internet

11、6. 使我们的生活丰富多采 make our life varied/ enrich our life7. 满足需要 meet ones needs/ satisfy ones desire8. 实现理想 fulfill ones expectations9. 跟上时代发展的巨大变化 keep pace with the enormous changes of society10. 抓住机遇做某事 grab at the chance to do sth./ take an opprtunity of doing sth.11. 符合某人的期望 live up to one12. 不遗余力做某

12、事spare no efforts to do sth. 写作元素=句型基本表达人们认为:it is generally/ widely believed/ held/ agreed that越来越:be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, the growing number of1)定语从句English which has become the leading language of science and technology is also plays an important role in education.2)虚拟语气It is high

13、 time that we began to face the challenges in society.3)主谓一致 Not onlybut alsoNot only should we be able to read and write English, but also we should be able to speak English.If you do not know English, you have no access to the world of Internet.4)比较结构Compared with +N.,sth is more+ Adj.Compared wit

14、h Chinese, English is more common.the + Adj.最高级+N. + (that) + 主语 + have ever + seen ( known/heard /read, etc) English is the most extensive language that I have ever known英语是我所知道最广泛的语言6)含有it的结构It is obvious/ evident that.明显的是 It is generally acknowledged that人们普遍认为I am responsible, honest and easy t

15、o get along with.1. It is almost universally recognized that I am responsible, honest and easy to get along with.2. It is undoubtedly that I am responsible, honest and easy to get along with.3. There is no denying that I am responsible, honest and easy to get along with.7)特殊句型及结构 主语+ cannot emphasiz

16、e the importance of +doing sth. / N.+ too much.再怎么强调.的重要性也不为过We cannot emphasize the importance of learning English too much. 布局成篇=论证现象历年真题1. It Pays to Be Honest (CET-4/6, 2002.12)1.当前社会有很多不诚实的现象. 2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实 The problem of being honest has caused wide public concern over the recent years. Eve

17、ry one of us has been confronted with many instances of dishonesty. Students cheating in the exams is a case in point. Even scientists plagiarize others articles or inventions to seize money or fame. (Not only do students cheat in exams but also scientists plagiarize others articles or inventions to

18、 seize money or fame.) Honesty should and would never go out of style. Here are a variety of reasons for it. For one thing, honesty is the prerequisite for any individual to be respectable and successful in society. One who views honesty as the most important virtue and put it into practice will be

19、rewarded in the long run. For another, One who deserts honesty will sooner or later be found out cheating, and people will never believe him any longer. Ultimately, not only does dishonesty affect the prompt advance of society but also it will undermine the living conditions. All that has been discu

20、ssed above points out an undeniable fact that it pays to be honest. Honesty has long been and will always be a national virtue, which all of us should learn by heart and practice with extreme care, because honesty is the best policy.2. A Letter of Reply to a Friend1建议报考的专业及理由;2报考该专业的基本条件;3应当如何备考。Dea

21、r Jason: When it comes to which major you should choose, I propose that you apply for the major of English. I hold the point of view that English is becoming increasingly significant. In the first place, with the rapid advance of society, English, which is the global language, plays an increasingly

22、significant role in our life (或There is an idea which is widely accepted by all the college students that English is of great importance.). In the second place, English can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Last but not least, not only does English br

23、ing us diverse job opportunities, but also English is a fast way to get information. In order to study at English Department, you have to meet the following requirements. On the one hand, the basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are necessary, because they are the foundations for

24、 your future study. On the other hand, you need a proper attitude in learning English because “Attitude is everything.” As far as the preparation work is concerned, you should review all required vocabulary. In addition, youd spend some time on oral English and writing. To sum up, the significance o

25、f English, as we all know, should not be neglected. It is advisable that (或It does make sense that )you should pay more attention to English learning.(more attention should be paid to.)Sincerely yours,Edward2. Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? (CET-4, 2005/12)1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点 2.校园是否应对游

26、客开放,人们看法不同 3.我认为 Nowadays, many famous university campuses have become one of the popular tourist attractions. There is a general debate in society today over the phenomenon of visiting university campus. Not only do thousands of middle school students visit Tsing Hua University and Peking Universit

27、y, but also the local students visit highly esteemed ( prestigious) universities in their own province. As far as the present situation is concerned, should the university campus be open to tourists? Different people have different opinions. On the one hand, some people argue that it is a good thing

28、 for the students to visit the famous university campus. For one thing, it can help them know the university better and it can open their minds and widen their horizons. For another, they can have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university. On the ot

29、her hand, some people hold a negative view about this phenomenon. In their opinion, the public tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on the universities because not only will it do harm to(ruin) the environment but also it is harmful to the academic atmosphere. In my opinion, the tourism to th

30、e universities is not a good thing. The campus is mainly a place for study. With the increasing tourism on the campus, it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.写作技巧=万能句型引出现象的句型1. The problem of being honest has caused wide public concern over the recent years.近些年,诚实的问题引起了关注。2. There is a general debate on the campus/in society today over the phenomenon of waste on campus.对于校园浪费这一现象,校园/社会上进行着广泛的争论。3. (Dishonesty.) is such a common matter that almost every on

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