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2、 因此通过遗忘灵活地进行调整。在学习或者记忆存储(输入)和遗忘(输出)之间不断进行着调整。实际上,有证据表明一个人遗忘的速度和他学习的速度是直接相关的,这些数据完全证明了当代的输入-输出平衡的记忆模式。三、 考研核心词汇 influence / 5influEns / n. 1影响,感化,势力;有影响的人(或事)2(电磁)感应 vt. 影响,改变例 My parents considered my friend to be a bad influenceon me.我父母认为我朋友对我有不良影响同义 affect,induce, move,persuade,prejudice,swaysubs

3、equent / 5sQbsikwEnt / adj. 后来的,并发的例 subsequentevents 随后发生的一些事件同义 following,later,next反义 previous / 5pri:vjEs / adj. 在前的,早先的 adv. 在.以前 , 返回上一级菜单派生 subsequence / 5sQbsikwEns / n. 后继,随后evidence / 5evidEns / n. 1明显,显著,明白2迹象,根据, 物证据,证物例 Can you show me any evidencefor your statement?你能给我看你供词的证据吗?同义 clue

4、,data,indication,proof,sign派生 evident / 5evidEnt / adj. 明显的,显然的evidently/ 5evidEntli / adv. 明显地,显然obvious / 5CbviEs, -vjEs / adj. 明显的,显而易见的例 Indeed, there are many obvious advantages to a five-day week.的确,实行五天工作制有许多明显的优点。同义 apparent,clear,distinct,evident,explicit manifest,plain反义 obscure / Eb5skjuE

5、 / adj. 暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的vt. 使暗,使不明显派生 obviously / 5RbvIEslI / adv. 明显地nevertheless / 7nevETE5les / conj. 然而,不过 adv. 仍然,不过例 She was very tired, neverthelessshe kept on working.她虽然很疲倦,可仍在继续工作。同义 although,anyway,but,regardlessremarkable / ri5mB:kEbl / adj. 不平常的,非凡的,显著的例 Your work has been remarkable this

6、 week.这星期你的工作很出色。同义 exceptional,extraordinary,great,notable,noteworthy,special 派生 remark / ri5mB:k / n. 备注,评论,注意,注释 vt. 评论,注意,谈及 vi. 谈论function / 5fQNkFEn / n. 1官能,功能,作用,职责2典礼,仪式, 数函数vi. (器官等)活动,运行,行使职责例 The old machine wont function properly if you dont oil it regularly.那台旧机器如果不经常加油是不能正常运转的。同义 act,

7、ceremony,exercise,gathering,operate,perform,rite,ritual,serve,service,work派生 functional / 5fQNkFEnl / adj. 功能的constant / 5kCnstEnt / n. 数、物常数,恒量adj. 不变的,持续的,坚决的例 An absolute constant is fixed and can not be changed.绝对常数是固定而不可以改变的。反义 inconstant / in5kCnstEnt / adj. 变化无常的派生 constantly / 5kRnstEntlI /

8、adv. 不变地,经常地,坚持不懈地recitation / resI5teIF(E)n / n. 朗诵,背诵,叙述,背诵的东西例 Recitationworks for several reasons: First, when you know you are going to recite something in your own words, you pay more attention. Second, you get immediate feedback.背诵有几个理由:第一,当你知道你将要用自己的话来背诵些东西的时候你就会更加注意。第二,你能够立刻得到反馈。派生 recite /

9、 ri5sait / v. 背诵,朗读,叙述, 律书面陈述(事实) recital / ri5saitl / n. 朗诵,背诵,叙述,独奏会,独唱会intelligent / in5telidVEnt / adj. 聪明的,有才智的, 计智能的例 The most intelligentstudents do additional reading to supplement the material in the textbook.最聪明的学生用增加阅读量来补充课本的内容。同义 aware,bright,perceptive,rational,sensible,understanding派生

10、intelligence / in5telidVEns / n. 智力,聪明,智能reasoning / 5ri:zEniN / n. 推理,评理,论证 adj. 推理的例 His close reasoning gave fibre to his argument.他严密的逻辑使他的论点强劲有力。派生 reason / 5ri:zn / n. 理由,原因,动机,理智,前提 vt. 说服,推论,辩论 vi. 推论,劝说,思考 reasonable / 5ri:znEbl / adj. 合理的,有道理的,通情达理的,讲道理的maintain / men5tein / vt. 1维持;维修,供养2

11、主张例 He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.因为他一直坚持失败主义的态度,所以失败了一次又一次。同义 bear,keep,possess,preserve,retain,save,support sustain,uphold反义 abandon / E5bAndEn /vt. 放弃,遗弃 n. 放任,狂热派生 maintenance / 5meintinEns / n. 维护,保持,生活费用,扶养adaptive / E5dAptiv / adj. 适应的例 What

12、 we can do is to develop our adaptiveabilities to deal with the situation .我们所能做的就是培养自己的适应能力去适应这种情况。派生 adapt / E5dApt / vt. 使适应,改编 adaptable / E5dAptEbl / adj. 能适应的,可修改的instance / 5instEns / n. 1实例2建议,要求3情况,场合 vt.举.为例;获得例证例 There are many instances of good people and good deeds nowadays.现时好人好事的例子很多。

13、同义 case,circumstance,example,occasion固定搭配 at the instance of应的请求;for instance例如,举例说;anxiety / AN5zaiEti / n. 忧虑,焦急,渴望,热望例 For some people, air travel is a real anxiety.对一些人来说,飞机旅行是真正使他们焦虑的反义 ease / i:z / n. 安逸,安心,不费力,悠闲 vt.使悠闲,使安心,减轻,放松 vi. 减弱,减轻,放松,灵活地移动派生 anxious / 5ANkFEs / adj. 观念的,担忧的,渴望的,盼望的re

14、lief / ri5li:f / n. 1(痛苦等的)减轻2债务等的)免除3救济,调剂,安慰例 I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.听说我已经通过了考试,感到轻松多了。同义 aid,alleviation,alternate,assistance,ease,freedom,release派生 relieve / ri5li:v / vt. 减轻,解除,援救,救济,换班 relievable / ri5li:vEbl / adj. 可减轻的gradual / 5rAdjuEl / adj. 逐渐的,逐步的,渐

15、进的例 There has been a gradual increase in the number of families owning refrigerators.拥有电冰箱的家庭数一直在逐步增加。同义 little by little,slow派生 gradually / 5rAdjJElI / adv. 逐渐地fade / feid / vi. 1(声音等)减弱下去,褪色2枯萎,凋谢 vt. 使褪色n. 淡入,淡出 adj. 乏味的,平淡的例 The lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor.当我们从海港起航时,光线逐

16、渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱同义 bleach,decline,dim,droop,dull,fail,weaken反义 bloom / blu:m / n. 花,旺盛,青春 v. (使)开花, (使)繁盛clue / klu: / n. 线索例 The police found a clue which will help them catch the robber.警察发现了能帮助他们抓住强盗的线索。同义 evidence,hint,key,lead,proof,signduration / djuE5reiFEn / n. 持续时间,为期例 We hope the war will be sh

17、ort duration.我们希望战争是短期的。同义 period,term,timeconfusion / kEn5fju:VEn / n. 混乱,混淆例 Words like“ believe” and “receive” are a source of confusion in spelling.诸如 believe和 receive这样的词在拼写上容易混淆。反义 order / 5C:dE / n. 1次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序2会议规则3命令,定购,定单 vt. 命令,定购,定制派生 confuse/ kEn5fju:z / vt. 搞乱,使糊涂 confused / kEn

18、5fju:zd / adj. 困惑的,烦恼的species / 5spi:Fiz / n. 种类, (原)核素 n. 律式样 n. 宗圣餐物例 Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.有一些动物已经灭种了,因为它们不能适应环境的变化。同义 class,group,kind,sort,type,varietyassume / E5sju:m / vt. 1假定,设想2采取,呈现例 I assume you always get up at

19、the same time.我想你总是在同一个时间起床。同义 adopt,believe,presume,put on,suppose,suspect,think反义 conclude / kEn5klu:d / v. 结束,终止,决定,作出结论vt. 推断,断定,缔结,议定派生 assumption / E5sQmpFEn / n. 假定,设想,担任,承当,假装,作态flexibility / 7fleksE5biliti / n.弹性,适应性例 The flexibilityof a mans muscles will lessen as he becomes old.人老了肌肉的柔韧性将

20、降低。派生 flexible / 5fleksEbl / adj. 柔韧性,易曲的,灵活的adjustment / E5dVQstmEnt / n. 1调整,调节2调节器例 The government decided to make minor adjustments in oil prices . 政府决定对石油价格略做调整。派生 adjust / E5dVQst / vt. 调整,调节,校准,使适合gross / rEus / adj. 总的,毛重的 n. 总额 vt 总共赚得例 The company grossedover $5000000 last year.该公司去年总共获利在5

21、00万美元以上。同义 total,vulgar,whole反义 net / net / n.1网,网络,网状物2净利,实价 adj. 净余的,纯的vt. 用网捕,净赚,得到 vi. 编网contemporary / kEn5tempErEri / n. 同时代的人 adj. 当代的,同时代的例 Shelley and Keats were contemporaries.雪莱和济慈是同一时代的人四、 强化练习1By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide _ over art.A.influence B. consultant C. access D. expect2In 1976, something truly_ happened to the Olympic Flame it was transformed into an electric pulse, the pulse was then transmitte

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