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人教版必修1Unit5Nelson Mandela a modern hero单元学案设计.docx

1、人教版必修1Unit5Nelson Mandela a modern hero单元学案设计人教版必修1Unit5Nelson Mandela-a modern hero单元学案设计单元基础词汇和语法回顾 (一)Warming up and reading.单句语法填空1Things might get better, but it doesnt look very _ (hope) right now.2_ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _ (self)3They have an _ (act

2、ivity) holiday, sailing and swimming.4Its so _ (fair)Mary gets more money for less work.5The money was divided _ (equal) among her four children.6_ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children.7Im sorry. I didnt mean _ (hurt) you.8Its very generous of them _ (sha

3、re) their meal with their outofwork neighbours.9_ (found) in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.10Only when I left my parents for Italy _ I realize how much I loved them.答案:1.hopeful2.Selfish; share9Founded

4、10.did.介、副词填空1A great person is someone who devotes his/her life _ helping others.2He fought _ the German Nazis and Japanese invaders.3He gave _ a rich life for his ideas and fought _ his country to be free _ the UK _ a peaceful way.4Mandela was the black lawyer _ whom I went for advice.5He was gene

5、rous _ his time, _ which I was grateful.6_ a matter of fact, I do not like violence, but in 1963 I helped him blow _ some government buildings.答案:1.to2.against3.up; for; from; in4.to5with; for6.As; up.选词填空1_, I dont agree with you.2We depend on our friends when we are _.3In this city, nearly one thi

6、rd of the population is _ and they have nothing to do every day.4In time of crisis its good to have a friend to _.5Did you _ _ others?6He _ the study of chemistry ever since he graduated from university.7If anyone breaks the law, he will be _.答案:1.As a matter of trouble3.out of work4.turn t

7、o5.fight with6.has been devoted to7put in prison.完成句子1_ _ _ _ _(这是一个的时期) the poor couldnt afford the school fees.2In order to win, we will have to _ _ _(同困难作斗争)3There were thousands of passengers in the train when it _ _(爆炸)4John became a citizen of that country, gaining _ _ _ _ (选举的权利)5Only when yo

8、u lose your health _ _ _ _ _(才懂得它的珍贵)答案:1.This was a time when2fight against/with difficulties3.blew up4the right to vote5.will you know its value.完形填空Martin Luther King was born in Georgia in 1929. When he was _1_ a boy, Dr. King learned that his _2_, the black Americans, were _3_ treated different

9、ly from most of _4_ fellow Americans. Many could not attend good schools, _5_ good jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their _6_. Dr. King knew that in a free country this was _7_. He wanted to help his black brothers, _8_ he decided to go to school and become _9_ minister. He becam

10、e a pastor(牧师) in Montgomery, Alabama. This is _10_ Martin Luther Kings “Peaceful fight” first began.Dr. King worked _11_ equality in other cities. He knew that the _12_ way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful, _13_ in face of danger. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for h

11、is achievement and _14_.The whole nation _15_ the terrible event that _16_ on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King was _17_. The man who had preached nonviolence(非暴力) died _18_.But Dr. Kings dream can never _19_. Many Americans are still _20_ to make that dream come true.1A.alrea

12、dyBStill Cyet BFriends Cpeople Dcountry3A.seldom BSometimes Csome time Doften4A.his BIts Cour Dtheir5A.get Blook for Clost Dto do6A.faces BSkin Cbodies Dclothes7A.even worse BBetter Cwrong BBecause Cso Dbut9A.the BOne Canother Da10A.where BWhy Cwhat Dwhether11A.with BI

13、n Cby Dfor12A.only BOther Cwrong Dsecond13A.except BEven Cif Dalso14A.honor BVictory Ccourage Dfailure15A.discourage BSaw Cmourned Drebelled16A.passed BSpread Chappened Dappeared17A.defeated BShot Ccaught Dstruck18A.bravely BViolently Cquietly Dsuddenly19A.die Bbe believed Crealize Dfail20A.wanted B

14、Working Cprepared Dstruggling答案与解析:1解析:根据句意,still表示“还,仍然”之意。答案:B2解析:people在此指“国民”。答案:C3解析:根据全文得知黑人没有得到平等待遇,并且是“经常性”的。答案:D4解析:此处指黑人的同胞。答案:D5解析:由于全句中有并列连词or,故选项应与live和attend并列,get在此表示“得到”之意,符合句意。答案:A6解析:此处指皮肤的肤色。答案:B7解析:根据上句中的a free country来看,这种做法显然是“不对”的。答案:C8解析:so表示“因此”。上下文自然衔接。答案:C9解析:a minister,在此表“职业”,即成为“牧

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