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懂你英语核心课Level 2Word文档格式.docx

1、 Animals自然和动物Birds can fly. 鸟能飞。Oceans are very large bodies of water.海洋是非常大的水体。Fish and frogs live in this pond.鱼和青蛙生活在这个池塘里。This river is long.这条河很长。This river has clean water.这条河有干净的水。This bird is flying.这只鸟在飞。This is a family of ducks.这是一个家庭 f鸭子。This cat is sleeping.这只猫在睡觉。This is a small dog.这是

2、一只小狗。This tree is tall and green.这棵树又高又绿。These two birds are in a tree.这两只鸟在树上。4.Positions & Actions立场和行动She is walking down some stairs.她正在走下一些楼梯。 She is looking out the window.她正向窗外望去。He is coming from the door.他正从门口走来。They are going to the door.他们要去门口了。There is a white ball under the table.桌子下面有一

3、个白色的球。The keys are next to the green book. 钥匙就在绿皮书旁边。The boy is standing between the two girls. 男孩站在两个女孩中间。The boy is standing inside the circle.男孩站在圆圈里。5.This Is My Family这是我的家庭 Angela is our youngest daughter.安吉拉是我们最小的女儿。 Do you both take Chinese classes?你们都上中文课吗? Do you have any questions?你有什么问题吗

4、? Do you like your school?你喜欢你的学校吗? I can speak Chinese fairly well, and so can my sister.我的中文说得相当好,我妹妹也能说得很好。 Im 12 years old.我12岁了。 Its name is Jumper.它的名字是JUPER。 Its a good school.这是一所好学校。 First Question: how do you spell your family name?第一个问题:你的姓氏怎么拼? My family name is Jackson, j-a-c-k-s-0-n.我姓

5、杰克森。 They have two daughters, but no sons.他们有两个女儿,但没有儿子。 They have no sons.他们没有儿子。 Thanks. How old are you?谢谢你多大了? Thank you Lisa.谢谢丽莎。 We go to school at 8: 00.我们八点去上学。 We live in Shanghai.我们住在上海。 We also have a dog.我们还有一条狗。 What time do you and your sister go to school?你和你妹妹几点去上学? What time do you

6、 come home from school?蒂姆你放学回家了吗? What language do you speak at home?你在家说什么语言? We speak English at home.我们在家讲英语。 Yes, I do. Its a good school.是的,我知道这是一所好学校。6.Days of the Week7.The Germans speak German.德国人说德语。Beijing and Tokyo are both in Asia.北京和东京都在亚洲。Christina arrived two days ago, the day before

7、yesterday.克里斯蒂娜两天前,前天到的。Hes stealing her phone.他在偷她的手机。She practices every day.她每天都练习。February is the second month of the year.二月是一年中的第二个月。If today is Monday , yesterday was Sunday.如果今天是星期一,昨天是星期天。If today is Friday, next Monday is three days from now.如果今天是星期五,下星期一是三天后If today is Thursday, the day a

8、fter tomorrow is Saturday.。如果今天是星期四,后天就是星期六。If today is Thersday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday.如果今天是热日 他前天是星期二。If today is Friday, Sunday is the day after tomorrow.如果今天是星期五,星期天是后天。If someone is in an accident, call for an ambulance.如果有人出了事故,叫救护车。They are standing next to each other.他们站在一起。Th

9、e Jacksons pay rent every month.杰克逊一家 每个月的房租。There are 12 months in a year.一年有12个月。Two minutes later, they took off for Beijing.两分钟后,他们启程前往北京。We have a cat.我们有只猫。21.The Jacksons(Hobbies)杰克逊一家(爱好)He doesnt sing very well.他唱得不太好。Lisa loves music.丽莎喜欢音乐。They have a large living room.他们有一个大客厅。Theres a p

10、iano in the living room.客厅里有架钢琴。With practice, shes getting better.经过练习,她得到了提高。2.The Jacksons(Jobs)杰克逊(乔布斯)Bill teaches in a small university.比尔在一所小大学教书。Bill likes to sing.比尔喜欢唱歌。Her mother teaches English to children.她母亲给孩子们教英语。Her students are between seven and nine years old.她的学生年龄在7到9岁之间。Her fat

11、her teaches English to adults.她父亲教成人英语。His students are at least 18 years old.他的学生至少18岁。Lisas parents both have jobs.丽莎的父母都有工作。They dont teach at the same school.他们不在同一所学校教书。They are both teachers.他们都是老师。t teach at the same school.他们不教 在同一所学校。They teach at schools.他们在学校教书。3.Types of rooms房间类型People

12、eat food in a dining room.人们在餐厅吃食物。People cook food in a kitchen.人们在厨房里做饭。People sleep in a bedroom.人们睡在卧室里。People take baths in a bathroom.人们在浴室里洗澡。The boy is on this side of the table.男孩在桌子的这边。The girl is on the other side of the table.这个女孩正在桌子的另一边。They are on the same side of the street.他们在同一条街上。

13、4.Daily Actions日常行动 Pay the taxi driver.给出租车司机报酬。 Please pay the taxi driver请付出租车司机钱 Give money to the street musician. 给街头音乐家钱。 Give money to someone.给别人钱。 This shop sells flowers.这家商店卖花。 This man wants to steal her phone. 这个男人想偷她的手机。 She wants to buy a dress. 她想买条裙子。5.Classes & Interests阶级和利益Anyth

14、ing else?还要别的吗?我擅长语言。Do you like math?你喜欢数学吗?Do you read a lot?你经常读吗?Good morning Tom. How are you today?早上好汤姆。你今天情况怎么样?Good morning Lisa. Im fine I like this sunny weather.早上好丽莎。我很好,我喜欢这种阳光明媚的天气。Me too. Whats your first class today?我也是。你今天的第一节课是什么?My first class is math.我的第一节课就是数学。Im good at langua

15、ges.我会打篮球。I can play basketball. I really like it.我真喜欢它你擅长什么?是的,我很高。但我也很快。是的,我知道你呢 ?是的,我知道我喜欢读书。不怎么有意思你呢?你擅长什么?What are you good at?你很高,所以很好,对吧?Youre tall, so thats good, right?Yes, Im tall. But Im also fast.Yes, I do. What about you?Yes, I do. I love to read.Not really. What about you? What are you

16、 good at?No, I dont. Im not very good at math.不,我没有。我数学不好。6.Months of the Year一年中的几个月Both of their children are girls. 他们的两个孩子都是女孩。The girl is standing outside the circle.那个女孩站在圆圈外。The Jacksons apartment is fairly large.杰克逊家的公寓相当大。They live in a large apartment building.他们住在一幢大公寓楼里。t have any boys.他

17、们没有男孩。They sleep in their bedrooms.他们睡在卧室里。They are on opposite sides of the street.他们在街道的对面。These people are walking in a crosswalk.这些人走在人行横道上。She can play fairly well.她弹得相当好。s pulling the door open.她把门打开。Some mountains are very high.有些山很高。A forest has many trees.Both of their children are girls.Bi

18、ll teaches in a small university.People take baths in a bathroom.Helen teaches at a primary school.His students are at least 18 years old.Her students are between seven and nine years old.s 12 years old.She is looking out the window.Some mountains are very high.s parents both have jobs.Lisa is the o

19、ldest of the girls.It is raining, so take an umbrella.s cloudy so we cant see the Sun.The Jacksons apartment is fairly large.The boy is standing inside the circle.The boy is standing between the two girls.This is a red traffic light.This shop sells flowers.This frog lives in a pond.These two birds a

20、re in a tree.Their apartment is on the 5th floor.There are two adult ducks and five baby ducks.They have a large living room.t have any boys.t teach at the same school.They usually take the elevator to the 5th floor.With practice, shes getting better. Thank you Lisa. 第一个问题:你什么时候放学回家?你会说什么语言? 回家?谢谢丽莎

21、。 Good morning Lisa. Im fine I like this sunny weather. My first class is math. Yes, I do. What about you? I can play basketball. I really like it. Yes, Im also fast.早上好丽莎。我的第一节课是数学。是的,我知道你呢?我会打篮球。我真喜欢它是的,我很高。31.The Jacksons(Location)杰克逊一家(地点)Across the street is a small shopping center.街对面是一个小购物中心。

22、Behind the building is a pond and some trees.大楼后面是一个池塘和一些树。s about 20 meters north of the shopping center.它在购物中心以北20米处。In front of the building is a street.大楼前面有一条街。If you look on the map, its this street, 1st Avenue.如果你看着 地图,是这条街,第一大道。Lisa and her sister take the subway to school.丽莎和她姐姐乘地铁去学校。The J

23、ackson family lives in this apartment building.杰克逊一家住在这座公寓楼里。Their building is on the west side of the street.他们的大楼在街道的西侧。Their apartment is on the 5th floor.他们的a 公寓在五楼。There are many small shops in the shopping center.购物中心有许多小商店。t have enough money for a car.他们没有足够的钱买一辆车。t own a car.他们没有车。They take

24、 the subway to work.他们乘地铁上班。You can buy food there, such as meat and vegetables.你可以在那里买食物 ,比如肉和蔬菜。You can buy food at the shopping center.你可以在购物中心买食物。 a car is too expensive.汽车太贵了。2.Public Spaces & Food公共空间和食物 She is also an excellent cook.3.Things to Wear穿的东西4.Lets Have Lunch我们一起吃午饭吧Do you want to

25、have lunch?你想吃午饭吗?Okay. What time do you want to meet?好的。你想几点见面?Okay. 12: 45 is good.好的。12:45很好。s about 50 meters north of the shopping center.它在购物中心以北50米处。Lets meet at 12: 30, ok?我们12点半见,好吗?s meet in front of the subway.我们在Subwa前面碰头吧s meet at the south entrance. Its on 1st Avenue.我们在南门见吧。在第一大道。How

26、about 12: 45?45怎么样?They want to meet at 12:45.他们想在12:45见面。s a good pizza restaurant in the shopping center.购物中心有一家不错的比萨饼店。 entrance. Its on 1 st Avenue.入口在第一大道.。Which entrance?哪个入口?Where on 1 st Avenue?在第一大道的哪里?What time do you want to meet?What kind of food do you like?你喜欢吃什么菜?Yes, I do. Where do you want to meet?是的,我知道在哪儿见面?5.Asking for Directions Excuse me. Which way is the subway from here? There are two subway stop near here. Which line do you want? I want line ten. Go south on first avenue. Its about two hundred meters from here. The subway entrance is on the east

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