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1、Article 1: CommoditY 条款1:货物1.1. Name of Commodity: 商品名称 Hongai Anthracite Fine No.11A (Hongai No. 11A)Vangdanh Anthracite Fine No.11A (Vangdanh No. 11A)Vangdanh Anthracite Fine No.11B (Vangdanh No. 11B)Vangdanh Anthracite Fine No.11C (Vangdanh No. 11C)1.2. Specification: as below: 规格如下:Hongai No.11A

2、Vangdanh No. 11ATotal moisture(as received):8.0% max8.5% maxAsh(dry basis):36.00% max33.0% maxVolatile matter5.0% maxSulphur0.6% max1.1% maxCalorific value (min-max)5,201-5,500kcal/kg5,201 - 5,500 kcal/kgNet Calorific value (min-max)(as received basis):4,600-5,000kcal/kg4,600 - 5,000 kcal/kgSize:0-1

3、5mm0-15 mmVangdanh No. 11BVangdanh No. 11C36.5% max40.0% max4,901 - 5,200 kcal/kg4,601 - 4,900 kcal/kg4,500-4,900kcal/kg4,000 - 4,400 kcal/kgHongai No. 11AVangdanh. 11A水收到基8.5% max 灰分干燥基36.0% max33.0% max 挥发分硫分高位热值 低位热值 收到基 5,201-5,500 kcal/kg粒度Vangdanh. 11BVangdanh. 11C全水4,901-5,200 kcal/kg4,601-4,

4、900 kcal/kg4,000-4,400kcal/kgArticle 2: Quantity, Price and Value条款2:货量、价格及货值GradeQ-ty of the 1st half of 2013 (MT)Shipments by March 31st 2013Q-ty (MT)FOB Campha port, VietnamPrice (USD/MT)Value (USD)600,000.00150,000.0065.509,825,000.00500,000.00200,000.0063.0012,600,000.0057.0011,400,000.00400,00

5、0.0051.507,725,000.00Total:2,000,000.00700,000.0041,550,000.00总金额: USD 41,550,000.00Notes: 备注 (1) FOB Price and Value include trimming fees. FOB价格和货值包括平舱费(2) Tolerance of Quantity and Value is +/- 10% 允许重量和价值有+/-10%的偏差(3) If there are more than one grade of coal to be delivered, quantity of each gra

6、de may be adjusted flexibly and agreed by both parties, but the total quantity shall not change. 如果多过一种煤种要运输,数量经双方同意可以灵活调整,但总数不能改变(4) The above prices are applied for geared vessels with workable cranes/derricks only. In case of gearless vessels, USD 1.0/MT will be added into the above prices. Geare

7、d vessels with unworkable cranes/derricks as per the Buyers declaration in the vessel nomination will be considered as gearless vessels. 合同的以上单价仅为带吊机的价格。如船舶没有吊机,需在以上价格加上1美金/吨。如由买方指定的船宣告此吊机不可用,也视为无吊船舶。Quantity adjustment due to total moisture (only for invoicing purpose): In case the actual moisture

8、content mentioned in the Certificate of Quality issued by QUACONTROL exceeds 8.0 pct for Hongai and Maokhe coal grades and/or 8.5 pct for Vangdanh coal grades, the Invoiced quantity shall be determined as below:装港的质量证上,如果煤炭Hongai 和 Maokhe,显示全水超过8%,煤炭Vangdanh显示全水超过8.5%,则发票的重量按以下进行调整:For Hongai and Ma

9、okhe coal grades: 煤炭Hongai 和 Maokhe Invoiced Quantity = B/L weight B/L weight x (Actual moisture 8.0 pct)发票数量=提单重量-提单重量*(实际含水量-8.0%)For Vangdanh coal grades: 煤炭Vangdanh Invoiced Quantity = B/L weight B/L weight x (Actual moisture 8.5 pct)发票数量=提单重量-提单重量*(实际含水量-8.5%)Price adjustment due to calorific v

10、alue: If according to the Certificate of Quality issued by QUACONTROL the actual Calorific Value on dry basis is lower than the minimum Calorific Value as per the Specifications, the Invoices price to be adjusted as below: FOB price x actual Calorific value Invoices price = - Minimum Calorific value

11、如果装港的质量证上显示实际干燥基低于合同规定的最小热值,发票价格要根据以下公式计算 FOB价*实际热值发票价格= - 最小热值3 Article 3: TERMS OF DELIVERY. 交货条款3.1. Terms of delivery: FOB Campha port, Vietnam as per INCOTERMS 2010. 越南锦普船上交货,根据国际商会国际贸易术语解释通则2010。3.2. Loading Port: one safe berth and/or anchorage area of Campha port, the minimum sailing draft o

12、f which is 9.0 m装载港:一个安全的泊位/锚地在锦普港,航行最小的吃水为9m3.3. Destination port: Any port of China卸货港:任何中国港口3.4. Shipment period: Cargoes shall be shipped in bulk fairly evenly spreadfrom the date of signing the contract to March 31, 2013.Shipment schedule shall be agreed by both Parties in theprinciple that the

13、 Buyer is responsible to sufficientlyarrange vessels to take delivery of the committed quantity.The Buyer shall not be entitled to claim the Seller in case the performance security is forfeit to the Seller as per article 7 herein due to the Buyers failure to fairly evenly spread take delivery of the

14、 total committed quantity.承运时间:从签订合同之日起到2013年3月31日。具体时间由双方协定,买方有责任安排足够大的船来约定的货量。根据本合同条款7买方不能接受卖方所交货物完全平仓,则不安全时买方不能完全向卖方提出索赔。Article 4: LOADING CONDITIONS AND LOADING RATE条款:4:装货条款和装货率4.1. Loading procedure: Both parties agreed the loading procedure as below:装货流程:双方同意按如下条款进行装载:(1) The Buyer shall mak

15、e vessel nomination for the Sellers confirmation by fax or e-mail at least seven (7) days prior the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of vessel at loading port, stating clearly: name, the nationality, and particulars of nominated vessel and her laydays (maximum - 5 days). The Seller shall inform his v

16、essel acceptance or non-acceptance by fax or e-mail within 1 working day to the above said nomination. In case of non-acceptance of vessel, the reasons need to be provided. (1) 在船舶到达装港至少7天前买方必须通过传真或邮件的方式将船舶报给卖方确认,买方应陈述清楚船名、船籍、船舶规范及该船的受载期(最多-5天)。买方应在上述指定船舶后在1个工作日内以邮件或者传真方式是否接受此船,如果不接受则需要提供拒收原因。(2) Th

17、e Buyer shall definitely and officially book the vessel right after the Sellers vessel acceptance. If the Buyer intends to change the accepted vessel, he must advise by fax or e-mail to have the Sellers confirmation in according of point 4.1, item (1) mentioned above. (2)买方需明确及正式的预订一艘卖方认可的船舶。如果买方改变卖

18、方可接受的船舶,则买方必须按上述4.1条款以邮件或者传真方式告之卖方。(3) Five (5) days prior to ETA of the accepted vessel at loading port, the Buyer or the Shipmaster shall cable to the Seller indicating the date of presentation of the vessel.在预计抵达装货港提前5天,买方或者船长需用无线电通知卖方船舶动态。(4) Three (3) days prior to the date of presentation of t

19、he vessel, a telegraphic notice on precise date of arrival and quantity to be shipped should be sent to the Seller or Sellers representative at the loading port.需在船到达提前3天前告诉卖方或者在装港卖方的代表准确抵达时间和船只装货的货量。For fulfilling necessary entry formalities of the vessel into the loading port with owners paying ag

20、ency disbursement fees prior to the vessels arrival, the owner/ shipmaster to get in touch with the shipping agent:为完成船舶必要的进港手续,船东需在到达前支付代理费用,船东/船长和代理取得联系。以下是装港代理的地址:Vinacomin Shipping Agency Joint Stock Company (VICOSA)- Add: 55A Le Thanh Tong Street, Halong City, Quangninh, S.R.Vietnam- Tel. No. 8

21、4 - 33 - 3821 981/3866 112- Fax. No. 84 - 33 - 3821 980/3866 137(5) On arrival at the loading port, which means on arrival at a position within or near the loading port where waiting vessels usually lie, after free pratique and in all respects vessel is ready to load, whether the vessel in berth or

22、not, the shipmaster is to hand over during working time to Sellers representative at the loading port a written Notice of Readiness (NOR) indicating time at which vessel is ready to load cargo. 船舶一旦到达装港,或者装港的接近地时,办理完入境手续,不论船舶是否靠泊,船东都可以在工作时间向卖方代表递交了标示此船已全面准备装货的备妥通知书。(6) Working time starts from 8:00

23、to 12:00 in the morning and from 13:00 to 16:30 in the afternoon from Monday through Saturday (Hanoi Standard Time). 工作时间从周一至周五,早上8:00-12:00,下午13:00-16:30(Hongai标准时间)(7) Laytime for loading shall commence at 13:00 if NOR is given before 12:00 and at 8:00 next working day if NOR is given during after

24、noon office hours, whether vessel in berth or not, unless sooner commenced, in such case time actually used before commencement of laytime to count as laytime. 如果NOR在12:00前递交装卸时间将从13:00起算,如果NOR在下午递交装卸时间将从下个工作日早上08:00起算,不管船舶是否靠泊,除非能很快开始装货,此种情况开始实际装货前的时间将被记入装卸时间。(8) Time for loading shall not count be

25、tween 16:30 on Saturday and 8:00 on Monday nor between 16:30 on the last working day preceding a Holiday of S.R. of Vietnam and 8:00 on the first working day thereafter, unless used, in such case time actually used to count as laytime. 从周六的16:30到周一的08:00及从越南假期前一个工作日的16:30到节后第1个工作日的08:00这两段时间不被记入装卸时间

26、,如果在这两段时间内确有装货,那么实际装货的时间也将被记入装卸时间。(9) Should the vessel arrive at loading port earlier than agreed laydays, waiting time for laydays commencement is for the Buyers account unless sooner loading commenced, in such case time for actual use to count. 如果船舶在约定的受载期之前到达装港,等待装货的时间将记入买方的账户,除非能很快开始装货,应该以实际所用的时间作为装卸时间。(10) Should the vessel a

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