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1、 The purpose of this paper is to show peculiarities of traditional and experiential marketing and describe why experiential marketing is better way to understand consumer behaviourparative analysis shows the main characteristics of traditional and experiential marketing. Traditional marketing charac

2、teristics are there: product functional characteristics and superiority, narrow determinate product categories, point of view to the consumer as a rational thinker, application analytical, quantitative and verbal methods, mechanical standpoint to the consumer“Stimulus- Reaction”. Experiential market

3、ing present these characteristics: orientation to the consumer experience, looking to the consumer experience holistically, point of view to the consumer as rational thinker and emotional too, exclectizm of methodical, “from Stimulus to Reaction”. As we can see out of traditional marketing character

4、istics this standpoint to the consumer is insufficient, because it evaluate just one side of consumer behaviour: rational conduct so looking the biggest benefit from purchase. Meanwhile experiential marketing estimate both sides of consumer: rational and emotional, this standpoint to the consumer is

5、 more personal, individual. Key words: traditional marketing, experiential marketing, product superiority, consumer, emotions, rationality In this article, I contrast traditional marketing with a new approach to marketing called Experiential Marketing Nowadays then the world is very quickly change,

6、coming new tech-nologies, communication, comes changes in to the marketing too. In the Great Britain, USA and similar counties markets are overfill with products and services. There are big competitions so principles and actions of traditional marketing do not work. How attract new consumers, cause?

7、 These opportunities have experiential marketing. Some propositions of traditional marketing are discussed. In the traditional marketing commodity is understanding as accomplice of attributes. K. Lancaster expressed this standpoint the first time in 1966. Then this standpoint was developing by F. Ko

8、tler, T. Nagle. In the newest science literature we can find good description as a complex of characteristics and superiority Many consumer behaviour researches such as Kotona, Engel, Black-well, Minard 1999 consumer estimate like rational thinker. This standpoint is based on concept of information

9、remaking. This concept widely comes from cognitive psychology. Marketing-mix inventor Neil Borden 1964 asserts that united components in the marketing-mix are not. Marketing-mix theory was criticising due to its mechanical point of view stimulus- reaction. Now is proved that between stimulus and rea

10、ction is process. The notion of experience has entered the field of consumption and marketing through Holbrook and Hirschmans 1982 pioneering article. Twenty years after, this notion has gained ground to be recognised as important for what it can contribute to marketing knowledge of the consumer. As

11、 a consequence, it is the pillar of the socalled experience economy and experiential marketing. Building on Arnould and Prices well-known 93s “River Magic” paper on extraordinary experiences, marketers tend to engage consumers in a memorable way, offering them extraordinary experiences. For them, ex

12、periences provide consumers a way to engage physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually in the consumption of the product or service making the interaction meaningfully real. Experiential marketing is everywhere. In a variety of industries, companies have moved away from traditional

13、features-and-benefits marketing toward creating experiences for their customers. This shift toward experiential marketing has occurred as a result of three simultaneous developments in the broader business environment With the experience economy era,with the increased competition is narrowing rather

14、 than as a natural advantage; Enterprises in product, pricing, channels and promotion, marketing services, operating at the level of competition, due to the operation of the market norms of transparency and information, and made to imitate and learn from each other at an increasing rate, I would lik

15、e to establish long-term competitive advantage has become increasingly impossible; The various communication activities, and enhance the customer experience needs,so that customers receive the material and spiritual concept of the dual meet marketing - Experiential marketing In many cases, customers

16、 may have turned a deaf ear to product advertising overwhelming. Because there are too many ads, and many advertising commitments to honor the integrity of a number of emerging issues, with the changes in values, the confidence of customers for the advertisers are increasingly reduced. In fact, cust

17、omer care is reflected in the details of the real experience, a good brand in the details for customers to get real comfortable experience times in fact, a hundred times better than advertising Consumer value is the core of marketing attention to what customers value is the fundamental question of w

18、inning. Traditional textbook lists four kinds of consumer value, namely, functional value, emotional value, social value and personal value. At present, the company has experience to the experience economy brought about by the new value. Consumer experience has become the first five kinds of consume

19、r value, namely, the pursuit of consumer purchases and the value of the experience. 1. Focus on Functional Features and Benefits Traditional marketing is largely focused on features and benefits.Traditional marketers assume that customers business customers or end consumers in a variety of markets i

20、ndustrial, consumer, technology, service Weigh fimctional features in tenns of their importance, trade off features by comparing them, and select the product with the highest overall utility defined as the sum of weighted features 2.Product Category and Competition are Narrowly Defined In the world

21、of a traditional marketer, McDonalds competes against Burger King and Wendys and not against Pizza Hut Friendlys or Starbucks. Chanel fragrances compete igainst Dior fragrances and not against those of Lancome or LOreal, or against fragrances offered by the Gap or another mass-market retailer. For a

22、 traditional marketer, competition occurs primarily within narrowly defined product categories - the battleground of product and brand Managers. 3. Customers are Viewed as Rational Decision Makers Throughout this century, economists, decision scientists and marketers have viewed customer decision-ma

23、king as straightforward problem solving. As Engel, Blackwell and Miniard 1994 explain, problem solving refers to thoughtful, reasoned action undertaken to bring about need satisfaction. Customer decision-making processes typically lre assumed to involve several steps: need recognition, information s

24、earch, evaluation of altematives, purchase and consumption. 4. Methods and Tools are Analytical, Quantitative and Verbal Standard traditional marketing methodologies are analytical, quantitative and verbal. Think about regression models. The input to most regression models and their stepchild the lo

25、git model consists of verbal ratings collected in interviews or surveys. The purpose is to predict purchase or choice based on a number of predictors and to assess their relative importance weights. Or consider positioning maps A Focus on Customer Experiences In contrast to its narrow focus on funct

26、ional features and benefits,experiential liarketing focuses on customer experiences. Experiences occur as a result of encountering, undergoing or living through tilings. Experiences provide sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and relational values that replace functional values. Strategic Ex

27、periential Modules The SENSE module - or SENSE marketing - appeals to the senses with the objective of creating sensory experiences, through sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. SENSE marketing may be used to differentiate companies and products, to motivate customers and to add value to products F

28、EEL marketing appeals to customers inner feelings and emotions, with the objective of creating affective experiences that range from mildly positive moods linked to a brand THINK marketing appeals to the intellect with the objective of creating cognitive, problem-solving experiences that engage cust

29、omers creatively THINK appeals to target customers convergent and divergent thinking through surprise,intrigue and provocation. ACT marketing enriches customers lives by targeting their physical experiences, showing them altemative ways of doing things RELATE marketing contains aspects of SENSE, FEE

30、L, THINK and ACT Marketing. However, relate marketing expands beyond the individuals Personal。In the experiential perspective,the consumption experience is no longer limited to some prepurchase activity, nor to some postpurchase activity, e.g. the assessment of satisfaction, but includes a series of

31、 other activities which influence consumers decisions and future actions. Consumption experience is thus spread over a period of time which, according to Arnould and Price 1993, can be divided into four major stages: The pre-consumption experience, which involves searching for, planning, day-dreamin

32、g about, foreseeing or imagining the experience; The purchase experience which derives from choice, payment, packaging, the encounter with the service and the environment; The core consumption experience including the sensation, the satiety, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction, the irritation/flow, the transformation; The remembered consumption experience and the nostalgia experience activates photographs to relive a past experience, which is based on accounts of stories and on arguments with friends about the pas

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