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1、第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Sometimes it can be difficult to homeschool(进行家庭教育) on your own. Thats why its 1 to connect or have a support group that will help you succeed in homeschooling. The first step is to find a(n) 2 that has similar goals an

2、d ideas as you. Maybe they homeschool in the same way, use the same curriculum or have the same ages of students.Its important to make sure that you decide what youre looking for out of a support group and then you can go and 3 for it using the Internet or local organization. Do you want your group

3、to just support homeschool families and parents or do you 4 want to hold classes? Are you organizing around a 5 event like field trips, a topic, or classes themselves? If your homeschool support group is just for parents, consider advertising 6 . Getting together a group of homeschooling parents can

4、 really help you to 7 ideas that will help improve your homeschool program and can help you succeed in the long run. If youre going to include 8 in your support group, make sure to organize them by 9 level so theyre with other students of the same age.If you want to include classes as a part of your

5、 homeschool group, you need to decide what type of 10 youll offer, enrichment, art, athletic, or even core curriculum. Identify a teacher early on and a leader. You dont want to be the 11 leader in your homeschool group. You want to find people that you can trust to 12 alongside you.Communication is

6、 the key. You want to set up an email group, a phone chain and maybe even website to keep everyone 13 . Whether you find a local group to join or 14 one of your own, having a support group can really help you 15 in homeschooling.1.A.accessibleB. importantC. evidentD. natural2. A. groupB. companionC.

7、 leagueD. organization3. A. payB. applyC. struggleD. search4. A.deliberatelyB. particularlyC. actuallyD. consequently5. A.vitalB. currentC. specificD. random6. A. locallyB. cautiouslyC. temporarilyD. nationally7. A.approveB.exchangeC. interpretD. adopt8. A.parentsB.teachersC. managersD. students9. A

8、. grade B. managementC. stress D. security10. A.teachersB. classesC. leadersD. groups11. A. topB. former C. only D. same 12. A.followB. dictateC. obeyD. lead13. A. informed B. accustomed C. contented D. alarmed14. A. purchaseB.supportC. subscribeD. start15. A. succeedB. reflectC. participateD. accum

9、ulate第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。The localelementary school had just let out and I found myself behind a school busas I was driving home. The bus 16 (stop) by a house sitting on top of ahill. A little girl no more than

10、seven years old jumped down the bus steps andstarted running up the driveway toward the house.I looked up the hill to see 17 she was going and saw her Dad waiting forher. As she got closer and closer her Dad smiled and knelt down to greether. The second she got to him he folded her in 18 powerful ar

11、ms andgave her a huge hug.My eyes watered a bit as I watched this scene and remembered all the times 19 my own children had ran into my arms with 20 (smile) faces.Every single hug from 21 was a fountain of youth and a treasure of joy.My lovely trip down memory lane was interrupted when I heard the c

12、ar 22 me sound its horn(喇叭). I saw 23 school bus quickly pulling away. I started tofollow it again with a 24 (light) spiritthan I had before. I took that beautiful moment and stored it 25 (safe) in mysoul where I knew it would remain forever. 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A

13、、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My grandfather died more than twenty-five years ago. I was fifteen. He was kind, strong, fair, and very funny. When I was a young musician, he was my biggest fan. I played my violin for him when he visited, and he loved everything, but each time he had one request. “Could

14、 you play Amazing Grace?” he asked, full of hope and with a twinkle in his eye, because he knew my answer was always, “I dont know that one!” We went through this routine at every major holiday, and I always figured Id have time to learn it for him later.About the time I entered high school and star

15、ted guitar, Grandpa got cancer. The last time I saw him alive was Thanksgiving weekend in 1985. My mom warned us that Grandpa didnt look the same anymore and that we should prepare ourselves. For a moment I didnt recognize him. He looked so small among all the white sheets. We had all gathered in Oh

16、io for the holiday, and Im sure we all knew we were there to say good-bye. I can see now that Grandpa held on long enough to see us each one more time. I remember how we ate in the dining room and laughed and talked while Grandpa rested in his hospital bed. I wonder if it was sad for him to be alone

17、 with our voices and laughter. Knowing Grandpa, he was probably content.The next morning I found my moment alone with him. I pulled out my guitar, tuned to his appreciative gaze, and finally played for him “Amazing Grace.” I had worked on it for weeks, knowing it never mattered whether I actually pl

18、ayed it well and choosing not to believe as I played that it was my last concert for my biggest fan. The cancer had stolen his smile, but I saw joy in his eyes. He held my hand afterward, and I knew I had done something important. I argued with people all through college about my music major. I was

19、told by strangers that music wouldnt make me any money and it wasnt useful like being a doctor. But I know firsthand that with music I was able to give my grandpa something at a point when no one else could. 26.At first the author didnt play Amazing Grace for Grandpa because _.A she hadnt learned it

20、 yetB. she found it difficult to playC. she disliked playing it.D. her grandfather was just joking.27. From the last sentence in Paragraph 2 we can infer that _.A. Grandpa treasured love from familyB. Grandpa was used to living aloneC. Grandpa was too weak to feel anythingD. Grandpa was optimistic a

21、bout his health28. When the author finally played “Amazing Grace” for Grandpa, _.A. she made him smile joyfullyB. she knew she must play it well C. she brought him love and comfortD. she believed she could play it many times for him.29. What is the authors attitude toward her music major?A. Disappro

22、ving B. Regretful C. Doubtful D. Positive30. Which of the following was true according to the passage?A. The author was 15 when she wrote the article.B. The author has a great affection for her grandfather.C. The author prefers to be a doctor rather than a musician.D. The author is confident that mu

23、sic will make her much money.Bs almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. If you have a fear of failure, you might be uncomfortable setting goals. But goals help us decide where we want to go in life. Without goals, we have no sure destination.Many experts recom

24、mend visualization(形象化) as a powerful tool for goal setting. Imagining how life will be after youve reached your goal is a great motivator to keep you moving forward. However, visualization might produce the opposite results in people who have a fear of failure. In his article, researcher Thomas Lan

25、gens showed that people who have a fear of failure were often left in a strong negative mood(消极情绪) after being asked to visualize goals and goal attainment.So, what can you do instead?Start by setting a few small goals. These should be goals that are slightly, but not overwhelmingly, challenging. Th

26、ink of these goals as early wins that are designed to help improve your confidence. For example, if youve been too afraid to talk to the new department head (who has the power to give you the promotion you want), then make this your first goal: Plan to stop by her office during the next week to intr

27、oduce yourself. Or, imagine that youve dreamed of returning to school to get your MBA(工商管理硕士), but youre convinced that youre not smart enough to be accepted into business school. Set a goal to talk with a school counselor or admissions officer to see whats required for admission.Try to make your go

28、als tiny steps on the route to much bigger goals. Dont focus on the end picture: getting the promotion, or graduating with an MBA. Just focus on the next step: introducing yourself to the department head, and talking to an admissions officer. Thats it.Taking one small step at a time will help build

29、your confidence, keep you moving forward, and prevent you from getting overwhelmed with visions of your final goal. 31. Paragraph 1 mainly talks about _.A. the fear of failureB. the difficulty in setting goals C. the reasons for failureD. the importance of setting goals32. The opinion of Thomas Lang

30、ens is used to _.A. tell the results of setting goalsB. prove the limitations of visualizationC.draw the readers attention to the topicD. stress the importance of visualization33. The fourth paragraph is developed mainly by _.A. analyzing causes B. making comparisons C. following the order of space D. giving examples34. When setting goals, you should _.A. concentrate on your final goals B. talk with your department headC. begin with some smal

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