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九年级英语上册 Module 11同步素材含教案和练习 外研版Word文档格式.docx

1、The population of +某国(某城市)+ is某国(某城市)has the/a population of。有时,“有多少人口的城市”用a city with a population of来表示。【例句】The population of Australia is 19,400,000. = Australia has a population of 19,400,000.Beijing is a city with a population of more than ten million. (4)提问“有多少人口”时,需用特殊疑问词what, 而不用how many 或ho

2、w much。【例句】Whats the population of this city? 这个城市有多少人口?【考查点】人口的“多”或“少”的表达以及询问人口有多少的句式。【易错点】人口的“多”或“少”误用many或 few及用how many 与population搭配。【考题链接】The experts think that Indias population may be _ than Chinas _ 2020.A. many, by B more, in C. larger, by 答案:C.解题思路:此题考查人口的“多”或“少”的表达,由于题目中有than,要用比较级,故先排除A

3、;而指“人口多”时要用large, 故选C。2. increase【用法】v. 增加,增大 【例句】The number of students has increased.学生的人数增加了。注意:increase to 增加到 increase by 增加了【例句】The production of iron has increased to 120 million tons, which means that it has increased by 20%。铁的产量已增加到一亿两千万吨,意思是说它增加了20%。【考查点】increase to 和increase by的区别。【易错点】错用

4、介词。【考题链接】棉花的产量增加了10%。The cotton output has _ 10%.increased by。此题考查“增加了”的翻译,由于前面有has,所以increase要用其过去分词形式,故写为increased by。3. crowd【用法1】n. 人群用作名词时,其为集合名词。作主语时,其谓语用单数(视为整体时)或复数(考虑到个体成员时)均可。【例句】The crowd moves on, and no one tries to stop it. 人群向前移动,谁也没试图阻止。The crowd were running in all directions. 人群往四面

5、八方跑去。强调人数多时,可用其复数形式。如:There were crowds of people waiting to get in. 有许多人在等着进去。【用法2】v. “聚集”、“挤满” 【例句】People crowded round to get a better view. 人们争相围观。Shoppers crowded the streets. 买东西的人挤满了大街。常用结构 be crowded with【例句】The hall was crowded with people. 大厅挤满了人。The exhibition was crowded with visitors. 展

6、览会挤满了参观的人。此外,派生形容词 crowded 意为“拥挤的”。如crowded trains (hotels, roads, shops) 拥挤的火车(旅馆,道路,商店)【考查点】crowd不同词性的用法。【易错点】词性不同时意思不明确。When a bus comes, the _ at the bus-stop rushes and pushes to get on.A. people B. crowd C. policeB。此题考查名词。由于句中所给谓语是rushes and pushes,用了单数,而people和police都是复数名词,其谓语要用复数,故选B。4. poli

7、ce【用法】n. 警察police是警察的统称,包括policemen和policewomen,一般用作复数,作主语时,其谓语要用复数。如要表示“一个警察”,则用a policeman 来表达。【例句】The police are looking for the robber.警察(方)正在寻找盗贼。【考查点】词意理解。【易错点】作主语时谓语误用单数。The police _ searching for the thief everywhere.A. was B. are C. is此题考查police的用法,其作主语时,谓语要用复数,故选B。即学即练_ is the population o

8、f your city? About two million.A. How B. What C. How manyThe police _ looking for the man who killed someone last night.A. is B. are C. willThe things in the supermarket are very cheap, so it is always c_. 他们学校学生的数量已增加到了三千人。The number of the students in their school has _ 3,000. (二)重点短语 短语学习1. along

9、 with【用法】连同,跟一起 (= together with)along with相当于一个并列连词,当其连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数取决于充当主语的第一个名词的数。与此用法类似的短语还有together with, as well as.【例句】The teacher along with his students has gone to the concert.那位老师连同他的学生一起看演唱会去了。【考查点】along with连接并列主语时的用法。【易错点】不能确定其谓语的单复数。Look, the woman along with two girls _ playing games

10、 in the park.A. are B. is C. have beenB. 此题考查along with连接并列主语时的用法。由于 “A along with B ”这一结构作主语时, 谓语动词的数取决于A的数的变化,故选B。2. thanks to 【用法】“由于,多亏”(= because of)这一短语中,thanks是名词,to是介词。【例句】Thanks to the doctor, the boy was saved.多亏了医生,那男孩得救了。【考查点】短语本意。【易错点】误以为thanks是thank you的意思。_ the governments efforts, ou

11、r life is becoming better and better.A. Instead of B. According to C. Thanks toC。此题意为“多亏了政府的努力,我们的生活正变得越来越好”,故选C。3. add to 【用法】“增加,增添” (此处to为介词,其后接名词,代词)【例句】Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 焰火使节日之夜更加生色。addto 把加入到She added sugar to her tea. 她往她的茶里加了糖。【考查点】add to与addto的区别。【易错点】

12、add to与addto的意思混淆不清。 【考题链接】坏天气更增加了我们的困难。The bad weather only _ our difficulties.added to。此题考查“增加了”的翻译,故写added to。4. protectfrom 【用法】“保护不受侵害”(from后接名词,代词等作宾语)【例句】Its my duty to protect children from harm.保护孩子免受伤害是我的责任。【易错点】不会灵活翻译。 He is wearing his sunglasses to _ himself from the sun. A. prevent B.

13、stop C. protect此句意为“他戴太阳镜使自己免受太阳光的侵害”,prevent和stop与from构成的是prevent/stop sb from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,故选C。5. a number of【用法】“许多”【考查点】the number of和a number of的区别。辨析:the number of和a number of:the number of:“的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,其谓语动词要用单数。The number of students in our class is 50.a number of: “

14、许多”, 相当于many,修饰可数名词的复数,作主语时,其谓语动词要用复数;number前可用large或small 等修饰,以表示程度。A number of students are planting trees on the hill.【易错点】不明确the number of和a number of谓语的单、复数。 The number of women teachers in our school _ over forty. A. is B. were C. areA。the number of跟复数名词连用作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数, 故选A。6. too much【用法】“太多

15、”【考查点】too many, too much和much too的区别。too many, too much和much tootoo many:“太多”,其后接复数可数名词。There are too many people in the street.too much:“太多”,其后接不可数名词。Dont make too much noise.much too: “太,非常,极其”,其后接形容词或副词。The car is much too expensive. 【易错点】易混淆too many, too much和much too后所接的词。 You look _ fat, so do

16、nt eat _ sweet. A. much too, too much B. too much, much too C. much too, too manyfat是形容词,先排除B,sweet在这里是“甜食”的意思,是不可数名词,故选A。1. A number of students _ carrying water now.A. is B. are C. were2. There is _ noise and population in this area.A. too many B. much too C. too much3. We should protect animals _

17、 danger.A. of B. to C. from4. 随同包裹寄来的还有一张账单。There was a bill _ the parcel.5. 就那事我想补充点什么。Id like _ something _ that.6. 多亏了你的帮助,我才可能按时完成这项工作。_ your help, I could finish the work on time.(三)重点语法语法学习1. 冠词:冠词分不定冠词a,an和定冠词the共三个。【用法】(1)不定冠词:不定冠词有a和an两种形式,a用于以辅音(不是辅音字母)音素开头的单词前,an用于以元音(不是元音字母)音素开头的单词前。例如:a

18、 boy,a university,a European country;an hour,an honour,an island,an elephant,an umbrella(2)不定冠词的用法:泛指某一类人、事或物,这是不定冠词a/an的基本用法。An elephant is bigger than a horse.一头大象比一匹马大。用于第一次提到的可数的表示不特定的人或物的名词之前。He bought a car last month. The car is red.他上个月买了一辆车,这辆车是红色的。表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。There is a book

19、and two pens on the desk.桌上有一本书和两支钢笔。表示“每一”,相当于every. 例如,I go to school five days a week.我一周上五天课。用在序数词前,表示“又一”,“再一”。例如,I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.我已有三本书,我想再买一本。用在某些固定短语中:a lot(of)许多,大量;after a while过一会儿(3) 定冠词的用法:特指某(些)人或某(些)物,这是定冠词的基本用法。指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。Open the window,please.请打开窗户

20、。指上文已经提到过的人或事物。I have a car. The car is red.我有一辆小汽车,它是红色的。指世界上独一无二的事物。 例如:Which is bigger,the sun or the earth?哪一个更大些,太阳还是地球?用在序数词,形容词最高级前。The first lesson is the easiest one in this book.第一课是这本书中最简单的一课。用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。例如,the Great Wall长城,the United States美国用在某些形容词前,表示某一类人。例如:the poor穷人,the blind盲人用

21、在姓氏的复数形式前,表示“全家人”或“夫妻俩”。the Greens 格林一家或格林夫妻俩用在方位词前。on the left在左边,in the middle of在中间用在乐器名称前。She plays the piano every day.她每天弹钢琴。用在表示海洋,河流,山脉,群岛及国家和党派等名词前。the Black Sea黑海,the Yangzi River长江用在某些固定短语中:all the same仍然;all the time一直;at the moment此刻;at the same time同时;by the way顺便说;do the shopping/wash

22、ing买东西/洗衣服;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上;in the open air 在户外,在野外(4)零冠词的用法:在专有名词和不可数名词前。例如,Class Two二班,Tianan Men Square天安门广场,water水可数名词前已有作定语的物主代词(my,your,his,her等)、指示代词(this/these,that/those)、不定代词(some,any等)及所有格限制时。例如,my book(正);my the book(误)在星期,月份,季节,节日前。on Sunday在周日,in March在三月,in s

23、pring在春天,on Womens Day在妇女节(特例:如果月份,季节等被一个限定性定语修饰时,则要加定冠词:He joined the Army in the spring of 1982.他是在1982年的春季参军的。)在学科名称,三餐饭和球类运动名称前。I have lunch at school every day.我每天都在学校吃午饭。某些固定短语中不用冠词。a. 与by连用的交通工具名称前:by bus乘公共汽车;by car乘汽车;by bike骑/坐自行车;by train乘火车;by air/plane乘飞机;by sea/ship乘船,但take a bus,in a

24、boat,on the bike前需用冠词。b. 名词短语:day and night日日夜夜;brother and sister兄弟姐妹;hour after hour时时刻刻;here and there到处。c. 介词短语:at home在家;in surprise惊奇地;at noon在中午;on foot步行;at night在晚上;on duty值日;at work在工作;on time准时;for example例如;in class在上课;on show在展出;in bed在床上。d. 与go有关的短语:go home回家;go to bed上床睡觉;go to school

25、去上学;go to work去上班;go shopping/swimming/boating/fishing去买东西/游泳/划船/钓鱼 (5)用与不用冠词的差异:in hospital住院/in the hospital在医院里on earth究竟/on the earth在地球上,在世上in front of在(外部的)前面/in the front of在(内部的)前面take place发生/take the place(of)代替at table进餐/at the table在桌子旁two of us我们当中的两人/the two of us我们两人(共计两人)next year明年/

26、the next year 第二年a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家(一个人)/a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)【考查点】冠词的用法【易错点】不明确不定冠词和定冠词的用法。【考题链接】He gave my sister useful book yesterday.A. an B. a C. / D. theuseful的第一个音素为ju,故选B。2. 大数的读法:迅速无误识别数词的前提是能够流利地读出数词。先从两位数读起,然后练习读三位和四位数乃至五位或六位以上的数词。其中两位和三位数的读法是读所有数词的基础。英文数词中的每一个逗点的读法也要牢记:一个逗点读“thousand”,两个逗点读“million”, 三个逗点读“billion”。还要弄清楚,每个逗点间由三位数组成。英文数词中的第四位数、第七位数、

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