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1、凭的理由41. take part in 参加42. make friends with 跟做朋友43. dress up 装扮44. on top of the world 极其高兴的45. turn to 转向46. at the end of 在末端;在结尾47. give up 放弃48. in spite of 虽然;不管;尽管49. cry out 大声呼喊50. go about 1.四处走动 2.着手;从事51. write out 写;写下52. go down (计算机)出故障53. go down with 感染上54. no way 不可能;无论如何不55. find

2、out 发现;查明56. at the moment 此刻;现在57. stand/be/wait in line 站成一排;排队等候58. get over 克服 ;战胜59. the other day 前几天;日前60. walk through 步行通过61. in point of fact 事实上;实际上62. keep from 阻止;使不做某事63. check out 结账离去64. get it/someone wrong 误会;误解65. keep away (使)不靠近66. instead of 代替;而不是67. keep in contact with 与 保持联

3、系68. in fact 事实上69. pick up 收听到70. look forward of 期待;等待71. along the way 随着时间的推移72. in brief 简而言之;简单地说73. work on 致力于74. at present 目前75. funnily enough 说来奇怪;说来也巧76. in the long term从长远看77. in order to 为了;以便78. wonder at 对感到惊奇;想知道79. take a day/two days off 休假一/两天80. takefor granted 想当然;认为当然81. pra

4、ctice doing sth 练习做某事82. in the end 最终;后来83. try hard to do sth 努力做某事84. give a hand 帮忙;援助85. build up 1.吹捧;2.增加86. tear down 诋毁;推倒87. at ease 放松;感到自在88. give importance to 重视89. bring in 引入;把带进90. in common 共用的;共同的91. drive away 赶走92. take place 发生93. in the shape of 以的形状94. light up 开灯,点灯;照亮;使生辉95

5、. put up 盖起;搭起96. join in 参加; 加入97. carry out 履行 实现;实行98. not at all 完全(不);全然(不)99. selectas 选择作为100. catch on 流行;受欢迎101. be kown as 以知名;称为102. hang up 挂;悬103. learn about 获悉;得知104. in debt 负债105. be about to 即将106. send out 发出;发送107. on the other side 另一边;彼岸; 反面;另一面108. check off 清点;清查109. gather a

6、round/round 聚集;会合110. prepare for 为作准备111. protect from 保护免受,免遭112. hide from 躲避;把藏起来以防113. scare away 吓走;吓跑114. try on 试穿;试戴115. date back to 回溯至年代;始于116. in the past 在过去;以前117. along with 跟一块;同时118. end with 用结束119. as well as 也;还;而且120. finish up 结束;完成121. (and)what is more 而且;更重要的是122. pick out

7、1.辨认出;区别出2.挑选123. tell from 从中辨认出124. put across 表达;使被了解125. spell out 详细编写;详细说明126. in conversation with 与谈话127. glance at 匆匆一看;瞥视128. be directed at 针对129. thanks to 由于;多亏130. hold back from 阻止;阻挡131. be careful with 小心132. in/by contrast 对比之下;相反133. with/in regard to 关于;就而论134. act as 充当;扮演的角色135

8、. fun and games 好玩;戏闹136. in the field 现场;参加比赛137. take/make(a) mental note(s) 记在心里138. stand for 1.象征;代表 2.忍受;容忍139. take note of 注意(到);留意(到)140. stick to 坚持;坚守141. take on 开始雇用142. fit in with (使)符合;适合143. send in (使)进入144. on (the/an)average 平均;通常145. by the time 当的时候;在之前146. on ones own 独立;独自147

9、. be limited to 限制;限定于148. take care of 1.照顾;看护 2.处理149. jump rope 跳绳150. compate withfor 为而与竞争151. be interested in 对感兴趣152. take turns(doing sth )轮流;依次153. depend on 取决于;视而定154. be concerned with 1.关心;关注2.关于;涉及155. tear down 推倒;拆毁156. in danger of 处于危险之中157. agree with 同意158. line of thinking/thou

10、ght 思路;想法159. afford to do 花得起;承担得起160. close down (使)停业161. have nothing to do with 与毫无关系162. make sense 有道理163. stopfrom 阻止164. even so 尽管如此165. take away 带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物)166. rush out 赶紧出去167. make a trip/trips to 旅行;旅游168. anything but 根本不;一点也不169. more than a little 非常;极其170. of the worst kind 最糟糕的

11、171. at work 起作用172. be opposed to 反对;不同意173. in detail 详细地174. play out 演戏;演出175. long before 早在以前176. be quick to do sth 很快做某事177. more than just 不仅仅178. in style 时髦;流行179. out of date 过时的;不用的180. get away from 逃避;逃离181. in/out of fashion 流行/不流行182. and the like 诸如此类;等等183. come and go 来来去去184. ma

12、ke money 挣钱;赚钱185. live off 靠过活186. enjoy doing sth 享受的乐趣;喜欢做187. as early as 早在的时候188. would rather 宁愿189. in every aspect of 在的各个方面190. in reality 实际上;事实上191. try hard to do sth 努力争取去做192. at a rate 以的速度193. get back sth 重新获得;找回194. on the beach 在海滩上195. tons of 大量的196. look up to(sb)尊敬;敬仰197. tak

13、e pride in 引以为荣;为感到自豪198. help out 帮助199. as soon as 一就 200. pick up 获得;学会201. dream of 梦想202. share with 分享;共用203. have faith in 相信;信任204. come true 实现;成真205. in the meantime 其间;206. apply for 申请207. end up 最终208. invest in 投资;入股209. show for 在方面有某种成果210. make a name for oneself 出名211. look back on

14、 记得;回忆起212. turn out 结果;213. with hope of 希望;指望214. die of 死于215. get into trouble 陷于麻烦的处境216. on the spot 立即;即刻217. kick the habit(of doing sth )戒除习惯218. take off 开始有成就;开始受欢迎;开始成名219. come together 趋于完善220. check in 登记进入;报名参加221. go without 没有也行;将就222. as/so long as 如果;只要223. draw a blank 不成功;无结果22

15、4. get/be tired of 对厌烦;对厌倦225. in the habit of 有的习惯226. blowoff 吹掉227. get around to 找时间做;终于去做228. break down 崩溃;跨掉229. check out 办理借出(领取)登记手续230. notany longer (on longer) 不再231. clean out 清理(房间、箱子等)232. set up 建立;创办;举办233. turn on 打开234. ahead of 1.胜过;优于2.在之前235. suffer from 患有(疾病等);为所苦236. be con

16、cerned about 担心;操心237. lose touch with someone 与某人失去联系238. from above 从上面;从天上 ;从上级239. the ticket to 所需的东西;恰好的事情240. ask someone out 请某人出去玩241. work out 产生结果;结果是242. spendon 花于243. think out loud 自言自语;边想边说出来244. take on 露出;呈现245. land on 锁定;落在246. from a distance 从远处;远远地247. in/within sight 看得见248.

17、be in love 相爱249. ever since 从此以后250. stick out 伸出;突出251. be conscious of 意识到;感觉到252. put on 穿上;戴上253. hear of 听说;知道254. cut off 切掉;割断;剪断255. guard from 防卫;防范256. to this day 至今257. at the sight of 一看见258. pull away 驶离259. on the other hand 另一方面260. asas像一样261. speak of 谈及262. be overcome with 被(感情等

18、)压倒263. be satisfied with 对满意264. at a time 每次;依次;逐一265. wait for 等;266. start out 出发267. admit to 承认268. used to 过去常常269. in response (to) 作为回答270. care for 照顾;关心271. focus on 集中在272. contrary to 同相反273. bring up 提出(议题)274. in view of 考虑到;由于;鉴于275. provide for 供养;抚养276. as a consequence of 作为的结果277

19、. insist upon/on 坚决要求278. run into 遇到(困难);陷于(困境)279. not for a moment 一点没有;根本不280. speak poorly of 贬低;讲的坏话281. go into 从事282. aside from 1.除之外2.既又283. getout of 从得到;获得284. pass somebody by/over 对不予理会;忽略;无视285. seek out 找到;找出286. little by little 逐渐地;一点点地287. break away from 摆脱;放弃288. pay a/the price

20、 for 付出代价289. bend down/over/forward 俯身290. take on 接受(工作);承担(责任)291. over/in/during the course of 在过程中292. in order 按顺序;按次序293. grow up 长大成人294. teach by example 通过榜样进行教育295. attachto 把和联系起来296. at least 1.无论如何,反正2.至少297. be/become/feel comfortable with 与愉快相处298. right away 马上;立刻299. combinewith 将和

21、结合起来300. correspond with 与通信301. on a daily basis 每天302. out of touch 失去联系;不接触303. catch up on 赶做304. back and forth 来回;前后305. in the works 在进行中;正在完成中306. grow/be/become accustomed to 习惯于307. reach for 伸手去拿308. keep to 不离开;局限于309. have fun 玩得高兴310. log off 停止使用计算机工作311. on the loose 行动不受限制的;逍遥法外的312

22、. be bound to 必定;一定313. in person 亲自;当面314. trickinto doing 骗某人做某事315. hang out 闲荡;厮混316. shut down 关闭;(使)停业317. have no idea 不知道;不了解318. lead to 导致319. be sure of/about 确信320. go online 上网321. on foot 步行322. look out 当心323. worlds of (a world of )大量;无数324. put something into practice 将付诸实践;使生效325.

23、be well kown for 因而闻名326. wander about 漫步;徘徊327. search for 寻找328. on the top of 在顶上329. get off the ground 飞离地面;取得进展330. in the face of 在前面;面对而不顾331. look for 寻找332. at ones best 最佳状态;巅峰时期333. be famous for 因而闻名334. at the same time 同时335. get to the point 谈到正题;讲到关键问题336. be likely to 有可能337. after

24、 all 毕竟;终究338. out of control 失控339. consist of 有组成340. on top of 完全控制(或掌握)着;对一清二楚341. look after 照顾;照料342. hold down 保住工作(职位)343. at the risk of 冒风险344. go back to 追溯(到)345. go the extra length 加倍努力;不遗余力346. care about 关心;在乎347. at odds with 同不协调;和有矛盾348. drag ones feet 故意拖延349. be toast 完了;死定了350.

25、 be out of 缺乏;没有351. right now 立即;此刻352. be faced with 面临353. figure out 理解;想出354. at random 任意地;随机地355. whats worse 更糟的是356. beyond comprehension 无法理解357. come to 涉及;谈到358. apart from 1.此外2.除外359. call up 1.(在计算机屏幕上)查看信息2.给打电话360. break into 强行进入361. warm up (使)热身;做准备活动362. cut out (马达)熄火363. a cou

26、ple of 一些;几个364. plenty of 很多的;大量的365. get in contact with 与取得联系366. file away 将归档367. start from ground zero 从头开始;从零开始368. refer to 提到;说起369. compose oneself 使镇定;使平静370. look someone in the eye 直视对方的眼睛371. in addition (to) 除之外;另外372. in advance 预先;提前373. crossoff 删除;划去374. go off 离开;出发375. sure enough 果然;果真376. come alive 活跃;充满活力 377. in short 总而言之;378. get ones nose out of joint 使心烦;使生气379. have a hatred toward/of/for 憎恶;对仇恨380. be oneself 显示真我;保持自我381. for the long run 长期382.

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