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安徽省安庆市十六校八年级英语上学期期中联考试题 人教新目标版Word文档格式.docx

1、home.13.WhydoesLisagotoworkbybike?Shelivesnearher B.doesnthaveacar. C.Shesdoingexercise.14.Whatsmatterwithman?Hestired.Hedrinkstoomuchmilk. C.cantsleep.15.HowisTinadifferentfromTara?taller.Tinashairlonger.curlier.三、长对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题16. Where are the two spe

2、akers most probably talking?A. In a park B. On the road C. In a shop17. How will the woman go to the Childrens Palace?A. Walk there B. Catch the NO. 309 bus C. Take the subway听下面一段对话,回答18至20小题18. What are the speakers talking about?A. Their vacation plans B. A piano lesson C. Anns family19. When are

3、 Williams family going to Qingdao?A. On June 15 th B. On June 25 th C. On June 23 rd20. Which is NOT right?A. William doesnt know how long he is staying in Qingdao.B. Ann makes her plan to babysit and have violin lessons.C. William is going to Qingdao on June 25 th 四、短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文

4、后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。21. Daniel wanted to stay _ that nightAin the old mans house Bin his car Cat a hotel22. After Daniel saw the old man,he stopped his car because _Athere was something wrong with his carBhe wanted to ask the way to the hotelChe couldnt drive any longer23.

5、 The old man wanted to _A. go to the hotel B. go home C. go to the city24. They drove for about _ after they passed the hotelA. nine miles B. twelve miles C. twenty-one miles25. In fact, the old man _ the Sun HotelA. knew B. didnt know C. lived in五、信息转换(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,

6、每空仅填一词。Personal Information(个人信息)Name: Jim GreenFrom: (26)_Character(特征): tall, has short curly (27)_, and wears a pair of glassesHobby: Playing (28) _ Time to get up: (29)_Favorite subject: English Wants to be: an English (30) _笔试部分一、单选题(20分)31. -_dovisit their grandparents?-Once aweek.soonB.C.long

7、D.often32. -Was your brother at home last night?-No, he _ to his friends birthday party.A. goesB. has gone C. was goingD. went33. She shows _ in music and sports.A. talentB. talentedC. talentingD. talents34. _ Michael Jackson has left us, his songs will be in our hearts forever.A. HoweverB. BecauseC

8、. AlthoughD. But35. Hegoingfishing_hisvacationnow.inonD. at36. The teacher asked the students to _ a story about their families.A. get upB. turn upC. clean upD. make up37. Can you finish the work better with_ money andpeople?A. less, fewerB. fewer, lessC. little, littleD. few, few38. _ is very impor

9、tant for us to learn English well.A. This B. ThatC. ItD. One39. -Will you please answer the door? It _ be your sister.-Sorry, I _. Im feeding the rabbit.A. must; mustntB. will; cantC. may;D. must; neednt40. -Did you decide _ a bicycle to school?A. byB. ridingC. to byD. to ride41. -Arthur is a loving

10、 grandmother-Yeah, she _ all her free time with her grandchildren.A. paysB. takesC. usesD. spends42. The earthquake _ on May 12,2008 in Si chuan.A. happened B. takes placeC. took placeD. happen43. My grandma is ill, and I have to _ her on Sunday.A. look for B. look after C. look likeD. look at44. I

11、dont like action movies, I think theyre _.A. boring B. difficult C. famousD. exciting45. Dad will give me _ to eat _ my fourteenth birthday.A. different something, onC. something different, inB. something different, onD. different something, in46. Mike hurt his back seriously and can _ get out of be

12、d without help.A. quickly B. easilyC. nearlyD. hardly47. -_ do you _ sitcoms?- I love them.A. How; think ofB. How; like of C. What;D. What; like48. JimmyandTimmyboth50kg,thatsay,Jimmy_Timmy.soheavyasheavieras49. -The Yellow River is the _ in Northern China.-I know its much shorter than the Changjian

13、g River.A. two longer riversC. second longer riverB. two longest riversD. second longest river50. -Excuse me. Can I take this seat?-_. A girl sat here just now. Maybe she went to WC.A. Im afraid not B. I cant hear you C. It doesnt matterD. Its nothing.二、完型填空(30分)ATherewere 51 classes this afternoon,

14、 we 52 a party for 53 Day. At about two oclock inafternoon,partybegan.TwoYoungPioneershostedparty.The talked 54 schoollifeofPioneers.Thestudentsparentsalso 55 . They told us to study harder. Thenthey 56 uslotgifts. 57 , the teachers, students and parents sat around a table with a 58 , some oranger o

15、n it. We sang and danced. 59 had a good time, 60 interesting the party was!51. A. notsome52. A. took53. A. theChildrens54. A. on55. A. said56. A. passed57. A. Last58. A. apple59. A. Everyone60. A. HowB. noB. gaveB. theChildrensB. aboutB. talkedB. AtlastB. eggB. AllusB. WhatanC. notC. hadC. ChildrenC

16、. withC. toldC. madeC. FirstC. cakeC. AllweC. HowD. notD. likedD. theChildrenD. toD. spokeD. keptD. AtfirstD. fishD. EveryoneD. WhatBToday more and more people begin to care about young peoples mental(心理的) health. Young people usually have many 61 with their mind(头脑). Some students become worried be

17、cause they 62 study very hard and get high grades. 63 a Junior 2 student from Hefei found that he couldnt follow his teacher in class, he started to cut his fingers 64 a knife. 65 student, 14 years old, from Guangzhou, was always worried about her exams very much. When she looked at the exam paper,

18、she couldnt think of 66 . Many students who have problems dont 67 go for help, because they think if they go to see a doctor, others will know their secrets.Liang Yuezhou, a doctor from Beijing Hospital, gives the following 68 to young people: 69 to your parents or teacher;Go to see a doctor if you

19、feel 70 or ill;Join in group activities and play sports.61. A. ideas62. A. should63. A. Before 64. A. in65. A. Other66. A. something67. A. like to68. A. advice69. A. Tell 70. A. happyB. problemsB. have to B. If B. underB. The otherB. everything B. k now of B. waysB. Talk B. unhappyC. dreams C. may C

20、. WhenC. withC. Others C. nothing C. think about C. means C. Walk C. excited D. thingsD. canD. UntilD. byD. AnotherD. anythingD. think ofD. opinionsD. TakeD. relax三、补全对话(5分)Bybus.Imzoo.zoo?Sure.E.Ilikelionslot.F.Thanks.G.Sowhatanimalsdoyoulike?A:Hello,Ted!going? B: 71 Canyou? 72 . Letsgo.there? 73 .

21、Whichyourfavoriteanimal?B: 74 . Dothem?Lionsdangerous.Yes.TheyreButtheyrebrave(勇敢). 75 .panda.Theylovelyfriendly.四、阅读理解(40分)People in many countries are learning English. Some of them are small children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn E

22、nglish by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required (要求) for st

23、udy. They study their own language and math and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because at colleges or universities some of their books are in English. Some people learn English because they want to read newspaper

24、s or magazines in English.根据短文内容选择正确答案。76. Teenagers, adults and _learn English.A. workers B. farmersC. childrenD. people77. People learn English_.A. at schoolsC. on TVB. over the radioD. not all in the same way78. Different kinds of people learn English _.A. together with other subjectsC. for their workB. for different reasonsD. for higher studies at college79. From this passage we know tha

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