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1、The Internet, he said. Its going to be really big.Anthony later introduced me to the head of the Internet project.We are looking for content to put on our network here, the guy said to me.Well, I said I had lots of content to offer.The guys eyes lit up. Cool,We would like to put it on our network.We

2、ll, I was always looking for new clients.What are you going to pay? I asked.He said that they could not pay anything for the content, but they would set up a URL for me.Whats that?s kind of like your address on the web.What would I do with this URL thing?Well, it could be your business.I dont see ho

3、w it is a business, and theres not even any advertising, I cleverly replied.Not yet,But one day there might be.I thought about it for two seconds.Naah. I said. Ive got bigger fish to fry. Ive got to be going now. Maybe we can cooperate next time.And I walked out.Idiot!Well, that Internet thing turne

4、d out to be so much bigger than I had thought. I wish I had never made such a mistake. Sorry Anthony. You were right.1. The head of the Internet project expected the author to _.A. become a user of their product B. put advertisements on their webC. provide video news for their network D. get an emai

5、l address from the Internet2. The guys offer was rejected because the author _A. didnt think it a good deal B. was unwilling to trust a strangerC. was too occupied to start a new business D. was worried about the safety of e-business3. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. I dont believe your wo

6、rds. B. I ought to cook dinner now.C. I need to get more payment. D. I have something more important to do.4. Which of the following can be the best title for this text?A. Power of New Technology B. Never Too Old to LearnC. My Biggest Mistake Ever D. Building a Business PartnershipBIf your job requi

7、res a lot of sitting, you could be putting your health at danger.The American Journal of Epidemiology (流行病学) did a study in 2010 on the correlation (相互联系) between sitting and an individuals physical health. In the study, 53,440 working men and 69,776 working women were surveyed on their time spent s

8、itting. The subjects were all disease free when employed. The researchers identified 11,307 deaths in men and 7,923 deaths in women during the 14-year follow-up.The findings: Women who reported sitting for more than six hours per day had an approximately 40 higher all-cause death rate than those who

9、 reported less than three hours a day, and men had an approximately 20 higher death rate.Well, nows a fine time to get this information. But why didnt they tell me this years ago? I would have planned on taking a more active job instead of the sedentary (坐着的) job of an editor.So what can you do if y

10、ou have to work for a living at a job that requires a lot of sitting? Here are some ideas:Take frequent breaks. It is recommended that workers vary activities, change their position, and take short breaks every 20 minutes to rest muscles and increase blood circulation. Get a standing desk. Some stud

11、ies have shown that working from an upright position may be better for health. The serious fitness people can even purchase a treadmill (跑步机) desk. It only goes about one mile per hour. Have a walking meeting. If your group is kind of small, going for a walk while discussing topics is a good alterna

12、tive.5. According to the text, the study in 2010 _.A. found men reporting shorter sitting time than womenB. surveyed more men than women on their daily sitting timeC. identified fewer deaths in men than in women during the 14-year follow-upD. discovered correlation between sitting and physical healt

13、h in men and in women6. We can infer from the text that the author did not recommend _.A. using a standing desk B. resting ones musclesC. quitting sedentary jobs D. taking a walk while discussing7. What does the underlined word subjects in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Things being discussed. B. People being

14、studied.C. Areas of knowledge being learned. D. Objects being painted.8. What is the main idea of the text?A. Your job could be killing you.B. Working out leads to health risks.C. Long-time sitting is positively associated with health.D. A study on sitting time and physical health was completed.CWhe

15、n Lucy and Maria Aylmer tell people they are twins, disbelief is the response. The 18-year-olds from Gloucester, U.K. are two of the five children born to their Caucasian (白种人的) father and half-Jamaican mother. While their other siblings (brothers and sisters) have a blend (混合) of features from thei

16、r parents who have different skin colours, Lucy and Maria are unique: Lucy has fair skin and red hair, while Maria has brown skin and dark hair.No one ever believes we are twins because I am white and Maria is black, Lucy said. Even when we dress alike, we still dont look like sisters, let alone twi

17、ns. When we meet friends for the first time they all refuse to believe we are twins and some have even made us produce our birth certificates to prove that we are really twins.Unlike identical (同卵的) twins, fraternal twins are bom from two separate eggs. The BBC reports that for a biracial (双人种的) cou

18、ple expecting twins, there is about a 1 in 500 chance those twins will have different skin colors.The Aylmers are proud of their uniqueness.Now we have grown older, even though we still look so different, the bond between us is much stronger,Now we are proud of the fact that we are each others twin

19、sister. Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin sister and Im very proud of having a black twin sister, too.9. Lucy and Maria are unique because _.A. they are fraternal twins B. their siblings are all blackC. they are hybrids of multi-racial parents D. they are twins with dif

20、ferent skin colours10. How do people usually react to the twins physical appearances?A. They think it possible. B. They joke about them.C. They find it unbelievable. D. They regard them as lucky dogs.11. What can we learn about Maria from the text?A. She comes from Jamaica.B. She was born of biracia

21、l parents.C. She bears mainly features other father.D. She shares a birth certificate with her twin sister.DFrom Art to Zoo, the Smithsonian, the worlds largest museum and research complex, has something to interest kids and students of all ages.Plan ahead online with The Official Kids Guide to the

22、Smithsonian Institution an interactive guidebook just for kids.The Last American Dinosaurs: Discovering a Lost WorldNovember 25, 2014 2018Museum: Natural History MuseumLocation: 2nd Floor, WestExplore how we learn about past ecosystems and organisms through the study of their fossils and find what g

23、oes into making a large-scale fossil exhibition. Watch fossils being prepared in a working fossil preparation lab.As We Grow: Traditions, Toys, GamesAugust 22, 2012 Indefinitely American Indian Museum 1st Floor, near Imaginations Activity CenterAll children play. Native American children play like a

24、ny others, but their toys and games are more than playthings. They are ways of learning about the lives of grown men and women and ways of learning the traditions of their families and their people. The toys, games, and clothing come from all over North, Central, and South America, representing many

25、 tribes and many time periods.The First LadiesNovember 19, 2011 Indefinitely American History Museum 3rd Floor, Rose GalleryOn view are more than two dozen gowns, including those worn by Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, and Jacqueline Kennedy. Four cases provide in-depth looks

26、 at Mary Todd Lincoln, Edith Roosevelt, and Lady Bird Johnson and their contributions to their husbands presidential administrations.Apollo to the MoonJuly 1, 1976 Permanent Air and Space Museum 2nd Floor, East WingThis gallery traces NASAs manned space program beginning with ProjectMercurys Freedom

27、 7 (1961); then the Gemini Project (1965 66); followed by the Apollo Program(1967 1972), with Apollo 17 as the last manned exploration of the moon.12. The purpose of the text is to _.A. promote some scientific projects B. highlight some children activitiesC. release some entertainment videos D. intr

28、oduce some museum exhibitions13. If you are interested in American history and politics, you can go to _.A. the 1st Floor B. the East WingC. the Rose Gallery D. the Natural History Museum14. Which of the following has been on for the longest time?A. The First Ladies.B. Apollo to the Moon.C. As We Gr

29、ow: Traditions, Toys, Games.D. The Last American Dinosaurs: Discovering a Lost World.15. If you visit all the four locations, you can _.A. see gowns once worn by Edith RooseveltB. help prepare a dinosaur fossil exhibitionC. learn about Apollo 17s space explorationD. play with childrens toys from Central America第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You are sure to improve your English if you are determined. But you should always carry on studying. Here is a list of tips to help you.The Internet is your friend. You probably have

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