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1、There were some twins. One was twenty, the other was twenty 2. One married the other. How can be this ?One was twenty, the other twenty too. One was a priest so he married the otherPS: These sentences must be asked orally .Pronunciation is important. (too = 2) Which is the most self-centered letter

2、of the alphabet?i (I) 272 Which letter is always trying to find reasons?y (Why?) 273 Which letter is not me? U. 274 What letter can do the work in one day that you can do in two days? W (Double u- Double you) 275 Why dont we need a compass at the North Pole? Because every direction is south. 276 Why

3、 is the A like a flower? Because the B is after it. 277 Why is the letter A like noon? Because its in the middle of the day. 278What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?The C279What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order?The Q. (queue) 280 What has two heads, four eyes, six legs

4、and a tail? A horse and its rider. What is the difference between twice twenty-two and twice two and -twenty?192When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?193What amount of money can be divided fifty-fifty between two persons, giving one person a hundred times more than the other?194The first part of an odd n

5、umber is removed and it becomes even. What number is it?195Sisters and brothers have I none, but that mans father is my fathers son. Who am I looking at?196Suppose there was a cat in each corner of the room; a cat sitting opposite each cat, a cat looking at each cat, and a cat sitting on each cats t

6、ail. How many cats would there be?197Which can move faster, heat or cold?198Which is correct: The white of the eggs is yellow, or the white of the eggs are yellow?199Which has more legsa horse or no horse?200Which candles burn longerwax candles or tallow candles?Answers:191. The first is 44, and the

7、 second is 24.192. When they make 22.193. Fifty dollars and fifty cents.194. (S)even195. My own son 196. Four. Each cat was sitting on its own tail.197. Heat, because you can catch cold.198. Neither. The whites are never yellow.199. No horse. No horse has five or more legs. A horse has just four leg

8、s. 200. Neither. They both burn shorter.71.What two things cant you have for breakfast?72.What do most gardeners not like to grow?73.If a band plays in a thunderstorm,who is most likely to get hit by lightening?74.If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?75.How many

9、sweets can you put into an empty bag?76.How can you leave the room with two legs and return with six legs?77.How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt?78.I unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it in my coffee. The sugar didnt get wet.Why?79.If it takes three and a half minutes to boi

10、l one egg, how long does it take to boil four eggs?80.If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them,how many will be left?Keys ( VIII ) 71.Lunch and supper. 72.They dont like to grow their age. 73.Conductors are. 74.It remains a white stone. 75.One sweet.Because a second s

11、weet cant be put into an empty pocket. 76.Fetch a chair somewhere ,and youll understand it. 77.The ladder might be lying on the ground instead of against a wall. 78.You have not had water yet. 79.Three and a half minutes. 80.One - the dead one. 61.What man can not live inside a house?62.What match c

12、ant be put in a match box?63.What is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday?64.What has many teeth but never uses them for eating?65.The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?66.What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck?67.What part of London is in Brazil?68.What is

13、that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?69.When is it correct to say I is?70.What is that which has a mouth,but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?Keys ( VII ) 61.A snowman. 62.Football match,basketball match,and so on. 63.Today. 64.A comb. 65.A hole. 66.A bottle. 67.T

14、he letter L. 68.A promise. 69.When we say I is a pron.70.A river.1. What time is it when20 dogs are after l cat? _ 2. When should you kick(踢) a birthday?3. What room has no walls, no doors, no floors and no windows? _ 4. Why cant your nose be twelve inches long?5. It is yours, but others use it more

15、 than you do. What is it?6. What has a bed but never sleeps?7. Which travels faster, heat or co1d? _ 8. What five-letter word has six left when you take two away?9. What is the end of everything?10. There are three men on a train. Mr A speaks English and Chinese. Mr B speaksFrench and English. Mr C

16、can only talk with Mr A. What language does Mr C speak? _ 11. What is it that can carry a message to anybody in any town?12. What is it that, when once lost, you can never find again?13. What is it that we never borrow but often return?14. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?15. What

17、 walks all the time but never leave his place?16. What hands never hold anything?17. It has a mouth, but never speaks; it has bed, but never sleeps on it. Whatis it?No.3 is Space room. No.5 is Name. No.6 is Gum. No.7 is Cold. No.8 is Sixty. No.9 is Results. No.10 is Chinese. No.11 is Mobile. No.12 i

18、s Time. No.13 is Life. No.14 is Teacher. No.15 is Clock. No.16 is handrail. No.17 is Bodhisattva. 18. Today is Monday. Jim got to Beijing last Wednesday. John got there two daysearlier than Jim. On what day did John go to Beijing? (last Monday) 19. What has two legs but cannot walk. (A pair of trous

19、ers) 20. Bobs uncle was a three-bottle man. (大酒徒) 21. Take it easy, my boy. It isnt dangerous at all. (别紧张) 22. It will be all right before you know it. (很快) 23. Which country is good for skaters?24. Which country is useful at mealtime?25. Which country has no problem of water supply?26. Which count

20、ry is useful to turn a lock?27. Which country has its most part in pain?28. What goes up but never comes down? (Your age) 29. He stands first in his class. What does it mean?(He is the best student in hisclass.) 30. What does the sentence “His race is nearly run” mean? (His days are number/ Heis dyi

21、ng) 31. What runs from Beijing to Shanghai without morning? (road) 32. Who always goes to bed with his shoes on?(马) 33. Which bird cant fly? (驼鸟) 34. Wheres the john? (厕所) 35. Jim doesnt go to play with us. Because some of us dont give him the time ofthe day. (不喜欢它) 36. When a man became ninety year

22、s old, his days are numbered. (寿命不长) 37. If you lose your job, Ill lose mine, so we are both in the same boat. (命运相同) 38. It is an open book that Jane has got married. (人人皆知) 39. When the engine caught fire, I just lost my head. (不知所措) 40. The doctor is up to his eyes in work today. (忙得要命) 41. Why s

23、ixty is bigger than sixty-one? 60年代生的人比61年代人大。42. Which thing is the biggest and smallest? (人心) 43. America will hold the _ Olympic Games in 1996. 26th. 44. Its half past one. What time will it be twenty hours later? Its half pastnine. 45. Im not quite myself “means” “Im _.” 46. A lot of people are

24、having lunch in a big room. Four people are drinking a bowl( 碗) of water. Two are eating a bowl of rice. Three are eating a bowl of meat. They need 52bowls. How many people are there ?48. 47. Xiao Dong wrote(写)ten letters on the card. But one letter is lost(丢失). Canyou find it for here. 48. 什么 “man”

25、一太阳就 “消失” (雪人) 49. I can fly, I can sing, I have a beak(喙), So my name is bird ?50. Xiaomings grandpa is 60 years old. His is birthday is in February. But he onlyhad 15 birthdays. Why. (因为他的生日在2月29日) 51. Whats nine and four? Is it one? Sometimes its one. Why? (如9堆沙加4堆沙为一 堆沙) 52. What stands in the middle of the world? (r) 53. What kink of dog is always bitten but never barks? (热狗) 54. What five-letter word cab lose four without changing its sound? queue(辫子) 55. 什么桌子在田里见到?

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