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届高三英语一轮复习必备精品 Module 4 Unit 2文档格式.docx

1、(2007 浙江卷)We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only_ violence. A. run into B. comes from C. leads to D. begins with【答案】C 考查动词短语词义辨析 run into 撞到.身上come from 来自于begin with以.开始【点拨】掌握不同短语的意思(2007 浙江卷) The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.A. to be heard

2、B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard【答案】A 考查动词的基本用法。to be heard 表目的和被动【点拨】掌握动词的基本用法,按照句意排除。知识网络【考点概览】1. 重点单词(1)sunburnt adj. 晒黑的(2)struggle vt. 努力,斗争,拼搏(3)super adj. 特级的,超级的(4)expand vt 使变大,伸展(5)circulate vt 循环,流传(6)decade n. 十年(7)output n. 产量,输出(8)disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的,令人不安的(9)therefore adj 因

3、此,所以,因而(10) regret vt./vi 后悔,遗憾(11) comment n. 评论,议论 vt./vi 表达意见,作出评论(12) export vt./vi 输出,出口(13) rid vt. 摆脱,除去(14) confuse vt. 使迷惑,使为难(15) underline vt 画底线标出,强调(16)summary n 总结,摘要,概要(17) skim vt 浏览,略读2、重点短语(1)thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为(2)rid of 摆脱,除去(3)be satisfied with 对满意(4)build up 逐渐增强,开发,建立(5) lead to

4、 通向,导致(6)keep free from/ of 使免受(影响,伤害等),使不含(有害物)3、重点句型(1)If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to try growing?(2)In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.4、语法知识动词的 -ing 形式做主语和宾语课时复习方案Module4unit2 第一课时1

5、、重点词汇考点一 regret【基础过关】(1)后悔regret doingTom regretted telling his parents the thing汤姆后悔告诉父母那件事(2) 遗憾regret to doI regretted to tell you you hadnt passed the driving test.我很遗憾的告诉你没有通过驾驶执照的考试。【拓展延伸】regret to say/ tell 遗憾的说/告诉much to ones regret 深感遗憾with regret 遗憾地I regretted to say you were fired by thi

6、s company.我很遗憾的说你被这个公司解雇了。He told me with regret that he couldnt come to the party.他很抱歉的对我说他不能参加这个聚会了。He gave up teaching in 1998, much to his students regret.他与1998年放弃了教学生涯,这是他的学生很遗憾。【典型例题】 They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted _ them.A. to be not able to help B. not being able to hel

7、p C. being not able to help D. not be able to help【答案】B 考查regret doing这一用法。还考查了动名词的否定形式 not doing【点拨】熟练掌握regret 的用法。掌握not doing not to do 考点二 struggle【基础过关】struggle v. 奋斗,拼搏,做出极大努力 n努力,奋斗,挣扎I struggled to get free. 我争取自由。The poor had to struggle for life.穷人必须为生活而努力。【拓展延伸】phrases:struggle to do sth 努

8、力以struggle for sth. 努力以博取struggle with/against 同搏斗The trapped wolf struggled to escape from the cage.那只被困的狼挣扎着从笼子里逃走。He struggled with/ against cancer for ten years but he never gave up.他和癌症作斗争已经十年了可他从来没有放弃过。【联系归纳】fight against/ with 与战斗fight for 为而战斗All the people in the world are fighting against

9、A/H1N1 flu.全世界人都在与甲型H1N1流感作斗争。【典型例题】He has been struggling _ success in his business.A. against B. with C. for D. to【答案】C 考查struggle for努力以博取,struggle with/against 同搏斗【点拨】区分动词与不同介词搭配的含义,按照句意排除。考点三 therefore【基础过关】adv 因此,所以,因而therefore 虽然可以表示“因此,所以”的意思,但是它是副词而不是连词,不可以单独连接两个独立句,而必须添加and等连词或另起一句。We have

10、 a growing population and therefore we need more food.我们的人口在日益增长,所以我们需要更多的食物。She was very tired. Therefore, she didnt give the market report.她非常疲倦,所以没能作市场报告。【拓展延伸】therefore/so/thus【点拨】 therefore是副词而不是连词,不可以单独连接两个独立句,而必须添加and等连词或另起一句。放在句子中,前后要有逗号隔开。so/ thus 既可以作连词也可以作副词。I was ill and therefore I coul

11、dnt go to the party.I was ill so/thus I couldnt go to the party.我病了所以不能去参加这个聚会了。however 是副词而不是连词,与therefore用法相同,放在句子中,前后要有逗号隔开。We dont have enough money .We, _, cant afford to buy the car.Atherefore B. so C. however D. thus【答案】A考查therefore的基本用法【点拨】记住therefore的词性及放于句中的特点。考点四 reduce【基础过关】减少,缩小;降低Theyv

12、e reduced the prices in the shop, so its a good time to buy.商店已经降低了商品的价格,看来现在是买东西的好时候The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.大火把森林烧得仅剩下几颗树。reduce by 减少了(其后常加百分数,也可加具体数字)reduce to 减少到(其后常加具体数字)The number of the students in our school reduces by 20% this year.今年我们学校学生的数量减少了20%She reduced her weight

13、 to 45 kilograms.她的体重减轻到45公斤。同义词:decrease 反义词:increase,rise ,这三个词后也可以加 by 和 to,和reduce用法相同。Toms weight was reduced _ 10 kilograms last yearA. by B. to C. from D. in【答案】A 考查reduce的基本用法。此处应根据句意选择【点拨】抓住关键,根据句意选择,不可能选择B ,意思不通考点五 equip 【基础过关】配备,装备He equipped himself for a long journey. 他为长途旅行准备行装。Proper

14、education will equip one for a job.接受一定的教育就使你具备就业的能力。【拓展延伸】equip sb. with sth.给某人配备某物be equipped with 配有equip sb for/to do sth 使某人具备做某事的条件n equipment 装备,设备(不可数)He equipped his bike with a head light.他给自行车装上了前灯。Your education will equip you to make a good living.你受的教育能够使你过上好的生活The equipment for the l

15、ab took much time and money.实验室的设备花费了大量的时间和钱。The experts suggests _our army _ modern weapons.A. to equip; with B. equipping; with C. to equip; for D. equipping; for【答案】B suggest的用法及固定搭配equip sb. with sth【点拨】牢记短语及动词的用法 suggest doing 。考点六 be satisfied with 【基础过关】对表示满意I am not satisfied with the presen

16、t situation.我对于现状一点也不满意。【拓展延伸】be pleased with对表示满意 be content with对表示满意v satisfy 使满意Some people are very hard to satisfy.adj satisfying= satisfactory 令人满意的(修饰物)What he did is far from satisfactory.他所做的远不能令人满意。n satisfaction 满足to ones satisfaction 使某人满意The problem was settled to the satisfaction of t

17、he customers.问题解决了,顾客很满意。She was _ the result. We knew it from her _ look.A. satisfying with; satisfied B. satisfied with; satisfiedC. satisfied with; satisfying D. satisfying with; satisfying【答案】B 考查satisfied和satisfying 的区别。修饰人的表情,声音用ed形式。【点拨】掌握两个形容词的区别。还要掌握特殊情况。考点七 lead to(1) 通向All roads lead to R

18、ome.条条大路通罗马。(2)导致;造成(后果)Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.吃太多糖会导致健康问题。His carelessness led to his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。lead to(为介词)后可加doingThe car accident led to his being killed.那次车祸致使他死亡。result in 导致 result from 由导致The death of fishes in the river resulted from pollution.这条河里的鱼的死亡是

19、由于污染导致。The road _ the city is lined with trees.A. lead to B. result from C. result in D. leading to【答案】D 考查短语意思辨析。【点拨】按照词组意思排除。还要注意分析句子结构,找主干。leading to做后置定语修饰the road.考点八 thanks to【基础过关】幸亏,由于Thanks to Germaines tireless efforts, the concert was a huge success.多亏了杰曼的不辞劳苦,音乐会取得了巨大成功。Thanks to your he

20、lp, I got over all the difficulties.多亏了你的帮忙,我才能克服所有的困难。because of, due to, owing to, on account of 均有“由于”的意思。The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。Owing to the rain, the meeting has to be put off. 会议因雨而推迟了。On account of difference in taste, your design do not suit this

21、 market. 由于趣味不同。您的款式不合此间市场。_ the new policy, we are now having a happy life.A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Thanks for【答案】A 考查近义词的辨析。此处,Thanks to应为“多亏了” Because后应加句子,For 表示补充说明的原因【点拨】掌握近义词的区别。2重点句型考点九 If so,【基础过关】如果这样so用if 之后,代替前面的分句或句子,构成缩略条件句,语义可由上下文语境得知。Will you get a free evening next week? If

22、 so, let us have dinner. 下周你有一个晚上的空闲吗?如果有,我们一起吃顿饭吧。【拓展延伸】:if not 如果不 if any 如果有一些if only 要是.就好了 what if? 倘若怎么样/怎么办I dont know if there are some mistakes in my composition. If any, please point them out.我不知道我的作文中是否有一些错我,如果有一些的话,请指出来。If youve finished, we can have a coffee. _,youd better keep working.

23、A. If so B. Only if C. If only D. If not【点拨】按照句意排除。考点十 the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice 【基础过关】第一个做某事的人You are the first to make such a mistake.你是第一个犯这样错误的人。the first, the last 等后接动词时用不定式的形式,并形成主谓关系。某些句词如wish, promise, plan等也常用动词不定式作定语,动词不定式与该名词常构成同位关系。You are the last to pass

24、 the driving test.你是最后一个通过驾驶执照考试的人。Do keep your promise to write to us.一定要遵守诺言给我们写信。He is always the first_ to the classroom and the last _.A. to come; leaving B. coming; to leave C. to come; to leave D. coming; leaving【答案】C 考查固定句型。【点拨】 熟练掌握the first to do 和the last to do【实战演练】1. It was really a gre

25、at success - _ your hard work.A. result in B. because C. thanks to D. thanks for2. Much to my _,I am unable to accept your invitation.A. fault B. failure C. regret D. pleasure3. She got a bank loan to rent and _ a small workshop.A. associate B. equip C. relate D. feed4. This is an investment program

26、 that will _ the creation of hundreds of new jobs.A. get to B. lead to C. devote to D .adapt to5. -Shall I come tomorrow?I would rather you _.A. didnt B. dont C. wont D. wouldnt6. Ever since the civil War, the south _ to find ways to do with the troubled past.A. struggled B. have struggled C. has st

27、ruggled D. was struggling 7. I know he is _ the plan from his _voice o n the phone. satisfying B. satisfied with; satisfying D. satisfying with;8. The headmaster _ the school _ advanced equipment.A. provided; for B. equipped; with C. supplied; to D. equipped; on9. -I hear Sarah was badly injured in the car accident. -_, lets go and see her right away.A. If e

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