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1、4 But his demeanor concealed a Harvard law degree and an internship in DC with a congressman, ajunior partnership in a New York law firm, along with a razor-sharp intellect and an ability to thinkon his feet. (Para 2)Partnership refers to the position of being one of two or more people who own a com

2、pany as partners.A junior partner is a newer or younger partner who has less responsibility or fewer shares than a seniorpartner.A razor-sharp intellect is a very intelligent mind, which is quick to think and react; it is as sharp as a razor.The ability to think on ones feet means being able to thin

3、k quickly in unexpected situations.5 Senator Rogers was a Democrat who knew Capitol Hill inside out but who had neverthelessmanaged to keep her credibility with her voters as a Washington outsider. (Para 3)To know something inside out means to know something very well.A Washington outsider refers to

4、 someone who is outside the central groups or members of political circlesin Washington and is therefore possibly independent.Senator Rogers was in her third term of office (ie she had been a senator for at least eight years) and sheknew the Senate and the government institutions in Washington thoro

5、ughly. Still, she had kept an imagewith voters that she was an outsider (ie she had not been affected negatively by knowing Washington toowell or by becoming too much like other politicians).6 She was pro-abortion, anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment, asfine a progr

6、essive liberal as you could find this side of the Atlantic. (Para 3)The prefix pro- means in favour of something or someone. The prefix anti- means against. Pro-abortion,anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment, all of these examples have beenseen as important political

7、issues in the US, which are debated in political campaigns and thereforepoliticians are generally expected to take a position on them. For example, Senator Rogers was in favourof reducing carbon emissions the output of CO2 into the atmosphere, because she was aware of thenegative effect of high emis

8、sions on climate change.A progressive liberal is someone who believes in social or political change if most people want it,especially change that makes a system fairer.The expression this side of the Atlantic refers to North America. The other side of the Atlantic would be inEurope, and vice versa f

9、or speakers in Europe.7 It was election time in the following year, and the word was she was going to run for the Democraticnomination. (Para 3)The expression the word was means there was some talk that , or people were saying that Unit 5 A place in society158The Democratic nomination here refers to

10、 the official approval of a candidate for the president bythe Democratic party. The nomination takes place officially during the Democratic convention beforea presidential election campaign. Up to that point, there are candidates who run or compete for thenomination, later the Presidential candidate

11、s run for President. There are parallel processes in theRepublican party.8 Hed never been to Joannes which had often been maligned, or its jazz orchestra, which had aguest slot for a well-known movie director who played trumpet, but because of the stellar qualityof its sophisticated guests: politici

12、ans, diplomats, movie actors, hall-of-fame athletes, journalists,writers, rock stars and Nobel Prize winners in short, anyone who was anyone in this city of powerbrokers. (Para 4)To malign means to say unpleasant things about something or someone, usually unfairly.A guest slot refers to a guest appe

13、arance as a particular occasion in a series of performances orprogrammes.The expression anyone who is anyone means any really important person or someone with a well-knownname.Power brokers are the people who control or influence which people get political power in an area.The sentence means he knew

14、 the reputation of the restaurant for its famous guests; its reputation was notfor its food or live music (which included a jazz orchestra in which a famous film director sometimesplayed). The guests included politicians, diplomats, actors, journalists, writers, musicians and scientists anyone who i

15、s well-known in Washington, a city in which many people are powerful or influential in thegovernment.9 Inside, the restaurant was heaving with people. (Para 5)The expression heaving with people means crowds of people are pushing and pulling, moving up anddown.10 “Good evening Miss Bacall, good eveni

16、ng Mr Hanks,” and clicked his fingers to summon anotherwaiter to show them to their table. (Para 8)Miss Bacall and Mr Hanks may be oblique references to film stars Lauren Bacall and Tom Hanks.To click ones fingers means to make a noise with ones fingers as a signal to summon or call someone.11 The h

17、ead waiter blinked, and swallowed hard. (Para 22)To blink means to close and open ones eyes quickly. Here, this shows surprise.To swallow hard means to make a movement in the throat as if swallowing food. Here this showsembarrassment Alberto realized he has made a mistake.12 In a classless society,

18、Rogers was the closest thing to aristocracy that America had. (Para 23)America has a reputation for being classless, ie it doesnt have such social classes as European countriesare supposed to have. This means that there are no people like aristocrats, but Senator Rogers was sodistinguished that she

19、seemed like an aristocrat, or very nearly an aristocrat.13 Alberto hovered for a moment, then went to speak to a colleague. (Para 23)To hover means to wait or stay for a moment while somebody decides what to do. This shows that he orshe is unsure for the moment.A place in society Unit 5159Reading an

20、d understanding2 Answer the questions.1 Where and when is the story set?The story is set in Joannes, a famous restaurant in New York on Christmas Eve.2 Who is Josh?Josh is a smart, hard-working lawyer in his early thirties. He is an African-American.3 Why does he go to Joannes?He has an appointment

21、at Joannes.4 Who is Jo Rogers?Jo Rogers is a senior Senator in Washington and a well-known person in America.5 How does the head waiter greet Josh?He greets Josh very badly. He has a disdainful, superior attitude towards Josh and behaves rudely.6 Where does he eventually seat him?At the back of the

22、restaurant, close to the bathroom, near a half-opened window through which an icybreeze is blowing.7 What does everyone do when Jo arrives?Everybody becomes silent and turns to look at her and greets her with silent applause.8 What suggestion does the head waiter make?He suggests that they should si

23、t at a better table in the middle of the restaurant, from which she can seeeverybody, or everybody can see her.9 Does Jo accept the invitation?No, she says the waiter brought her friend to that table, so they will stay there.3 Choose the best summary of the passage.Teaching tipsAsk Ss to give reason

24、s why the other two summaries are not the best ones. Please see comments below.1 Its Christmas time, and a young man comes into a very busy restaurant. The head waiter shows him to atable by an open window. A little later a well-known politician comes in and says she is dining with theyoung man. The

25、 head waiter suggests moving them both to a more comfortable table, but the politiciandeclines the offer, saying that shes happy to stay there if her friend is happy there too.Comment: It summarizes some of the points. But the final sentence is wrong: The Senator doesnt giveany conditions about stay

26、ing at the table, she just says they will stay where the waiter seated her friend.2 A well-known politician arranges a meeting with a young man. She wants him to help her in her electioncampaign to become US President. They arrange to meet in a crowded restaurant, where they can speakinformally. The

27、 waiter doesnt recognize the young man, and seats him at the worst table in the room,but when the politician arrives he realizes his mistake, as he knows the two need to be comfortable todiscuss politics. This is partially wrong and fails to capture the main idea, they arrange to meet at Joannesbeca

28、use it is a famous restaurant.1603 When a young black man arrives in a crowded and expensive restaurant, the head waiter makes him sitin the least comfortable place, even though a table has been booked for him and a “Ms Rogers”. WhenMs Rogers arrives, the waiter realizes that she is a well-known pol

29、itician; and Ms Rogers realizes thather friend has been treated badly because of the colour of his skin. The waiter realizes his mistake too,and tries to make up for it, but it is too late.Comments: This is the best summary because it captures the main point about the treatment of Josh.The passage does not actually state that he was treated badly because of the colour of his skin, but it isimplied and in the context it is likely to be th

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