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伊丽莎白一世剧本范文模板 22页Word下载.docx

1、6. The Brontes(布朗特三姐妹)7. Charles Dickens (查理狄更斯)8. Sir Walter Scott(瓦尔特司各特)9. Robert Louis Stevenson (罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森)10. Modernism (现代主义)11. Postmodernism (后现代主义)12. Joseph Coad (约瑟夫康拉德)13. Virginia Woolf (维吉尼亚吴尔夫)14. D.H.Lawrence (D.H.劳伦斯)15. E.M Foster(EM福斯特)二、本单元重、难点辅导1. early writing1). British lite

2、rature concerned with Christianity: Anglo-Saxons illustrated versions of the bible: the most famous- the Book of Kells2). Beowulf - a long poem, one of the oldest of these early “Old English”(AD 6thC. AD 11th C.的盎格鲁撒克逊的英语) literary works (古英语文学作品指8th C. AD11th C. AD)3). Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey

3、Chaucer (1340-1400)The most important work in Middle English (中古英语:11th C. AD15th C. AD) Literature. Its made up of a series of stories told by 31 pilgrims to entertain each other on their way to the Christian Church at Canterbury in south-east England. Its quite noticeable for its diversity, not on

4、ly in the range of social status among the pilgrims, but also in style of the stories they tell. 杰弗里乔叟 的坎特伯雷故事集是中古英语文学中最重要的作品。故事讲述了31个朝圣者结伴到英格兰东南部的坎特伯雷去朝圣.途中,每个人讲一个故事,来缓解旅途的劳顿. 值得注意的是,这部故事集体现的多样性,这些朝圣者来自不同的阶层,几乎涵盖了当时的所有社会阶层,他们讲故事的风格也各不相同. (中古英语:指11世纪到15世纪的英语) 4). the stories of King Arthur and his k

5、nightsKing Arthur was the King of England in the 5th Century and was the central figure of many legends. History of the Kings of Britain published in 1138 well established King Arthur in literary form. The book invented material to fill the broad gaps in the historical record. The stories of King Ar

6、thurs court, his knights and their famous round table and the search for the Holy Grail were mainly based on a very few vague “facts”. The ruined castle at Tintagel in Cornwall mentioned in the legends of King Arthur is now a popular tourist destination. 2. Elizabethan Drama (伊丽莎白一世:1533.9.71603.5.2

7、4)-a general flowering of cultural and intellectual life in Europe during 15th and16thC. which is known as “The Renaissance”- drama: the most successful and long-lasting expressions of this development- the 1st professional theatre opened in London in 1576- the great trio (the best of the famous pla

8、ywrights)1) Christopher Marlowe (克里斯托弗马洛)the earliest of the trio Dr Faustus 浮士德博士2) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) an English dramatist and poet in the Elizabethan age. He is generally regarded as the greatest playwright in English literature. His plays fall into three categories: tragedies (Hamle

9、t, Romeo and Juliet, etc.), comedies (Merchant of Venice, The Dreams of the Midsummer Night, etc.) and history plays (Hey VI, Charles II etc. )威廉莎士比亚是伊丽莎白时期的英国剧作家和诗人。他通常被认为是英国文学中最伟大的剧作家。他的作品分为三类:悲剧、喜剧和历史剧,悲剧有哈姆莱特、罗密欧与朱丽叶等,喜剧有威尼斯商人、仲夏夜之梦等,历史剧有亨利6世查理二世等。 3) Ben Jonson3. the 19th C. literatureRoughly t

10、he first third of the 19th century makes up English literatures romantic period. Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason.粗略地讲,19世纪的前30几年构成英国文学的浪漫主义时期。浪漫派作家更多地关注人类的想象力和情感,而不是理性的力量。A volume of poems called Lyrical Ballads written by

11、William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge is regarded as the romantic poetrys “Declaration of Independence.” Keats, Byron and Shelley, the three great poets, brought Romantic Movement to its height. The spirit of Romanticism also occurred in the novel. 华兹华斯和塞缪尔泰勒柯勒律治合编的抒情歌谣集被认为是浪漫派诗歌的“独立宣言”。济慈,

12、拜伦和雪莱这三位伟大的诗人把浪漫主义运动推向高潮。浪漫主义的精神在小说中也有体现。The Romantics saw themselves as free spirits, emphasizing nature, originality, the emotional and personal, rather than the “rational” in their work. This was a change from the emphasis on imitating classical (meaning Ancient Greek and Roman) conventions and f

13、orms. -novels1). Jane Austen6 novelsSense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma2). Bronte sistersdaughters of the vicar of a village church in Yorkshire. Though poor, they were educated and respectable. They all died young, but were remembered long after their death for their contribution to En

14、glish literature. Charlotte (Jane Eyre), Emily (Wuthering Heights) and Ann. 她们是约克郡一个乡村教会的牧师的女儿,分别叫夏洛特,爱米莉和安。虽然很穷,但她们都受过良好的教育,非常受人尊敬。她们很年轻就去世了,但是由于她们对英国文学的贡献,在她们去世后那么久都没有被人遗忘。夏洛特的名篇是简爱,爱米莉的名篇是呼啸山庄。为了书出版,她们都得用男性化的笔名。3). Elizabeth Gaskell (盖斯凯尔,a woman writer) (friend of Charlotte; represent amore real

15、istic aspect of the 19th C.; supported in her work by the greatest British storyteller of the 19th C., Charles Dickens) North and South4). Charles Dickens (18121870)is now regarded as one of the greatest English writers. His works were characterized by vivid comic characterization and social critici

16、sm. He wrote many well-known novels, including Bleak House, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, just to name the best known. 查尔斯狄更斯是英国最伟大的作家之一。他的作品以生动幽默的人物刻画和社会评论为特征。他写了很多部小说,包括荒凉山庄,雾都孤儿,双城记, 大卫科坡菲尔.在此只列举最好的几部。* Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Dickens are regarded as novelists first

17、 and social critics second in the 19th C.5). Sir Walter Scot the most famous Scottish novelist and wrote many novels in the early decades of the 19th C. Some of the novels were concerned with Scottish history. Some remain popular today and several have been made into films. Rob Roy(罗布罗伊concerned wit

18、h Scottish history), Ivanhoe(艾凡赫a story of conflict between Saxon and Norman ) 6). Robert Louis Stevensonwrote Scottish historical romances, Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(吉基尔医生与海德先生), a novel concerned with the conflict between the rational and the emotional. (The Island of Treasure金银岛)4. 20th C. liter

19、atureTwo stylistic periods: Modernism and Postmodernism1) Modernism Modernism in literature began before the WWII (19191945). Modernism in literature can be seen as a reaction against the 19th C. form, which can be considered as assuming understanding between writer and reader. This approach to writ

20、ing is called “realism”. However, modernist writers express the difficulty they see in understanding and communicating how the world works. Modernist writing seems disorganized and hard to understand. Two of the most famous English Modernist writers are Joseph Coad and Virginia Woolf. 现代主义主要是指二战前写的文

21、学作品的一种形式。它的特点是试验性很强。它可以被看作是对19世纪的现实主义的一种反叛。现代派作家表现了他们在了解这个世界和相互交流过程中遇到的困难。现代派的作品看起来好像是杂乱无章的,很难理解。它经常从一个思绪混乱的个人的角度来描绘情节,而不是从一个情节之外的不带任何感情色彩的全知叙事者的角度来描绘。英国最有名的现代派作家包括约瑟夫康拉德和维吉尼亚伍尔夫. Joseph Coad (约瑟夫康拉德1857-1924) one of the most famous Modernist writers. Polish-born, Coad was brought up in Poland and w

22、as in his twenties beforehe knew any English. After becoming a British subject, he wrote brilliant novels in English. His most well-known novel is The Heart of Darkness(黑暗的中心) Virginia Woolf(维吉尼亚吴尔夫1882-1941) is regarded as a modernist writer and one of the most famous writers of the century. Her wo

23、rks are concerned with the individual consciousness, especially female consciousness. Her novels have become important to feminists for the way they show womens personalities to be limited by society. In her writing, she uses the technique called the stream of consciousness(意识流). One of the best nov

24、els is Mrs. Dalloway(黛洛维夫人). D.H. Lawrence (劳伦斯,1879-1970) one of the most famous modernist writers in English literature. His novels were critical of the modern world, especially of the modern industrial society. In his writing, he gave up the conventions and forms that had been typical of the 18th

25、 C. One of the features of his writing was that his language was easy and sentences were short. Son and the Lovers 儿子与情人. E.M FosterHowards End (霍华德庄园)2) Postmodernismgenerally refers to literature after the WWII. Its characterized by a high degree of experimentation. George Orwells 1984 begins “Pos

26、tmodernism” in English literature. The horrors of the Second World War weakened ideas of human progress, and of meaning in life. One of the characteristics of Postmodernism is to give up the search for meaning in life. In the Postmodernist novel The French Lieutenants Woman by John Fowles, the reade

27、r is offered a choice of endings. 后现代主义一般指二战以后60至70年代出现的文学新流派。特点是试验性极强。乔治奥威尔于1948年写的1984开启了英国文学的后现代主义的先河。二战的恐怖阴影削弱了人们追求人类进步和生活的意义想法。后现代主义的特色之一是放弃寻求生活的意义。约翰福尔斯的在其后现代主义小说法国中尉的女人中设置了多重结局,给读者提供了选择的机会。篇二:向女王致敬向女王致敬的第十二夜卢颖(江西财经大学 外国语学院,江西 南昌 330013)摘要:作为英国“黄金时代”最有成就的剧作家,莎士比亚在第十二夜这出节日喜剧中通过两个完美女性的形象,以巧妙的情节故

28、事,幽默戏谑的语言娱乐观众并向当时已经年迈的伊丽莎白一世女王表达了敬意。第十二夜是一出向女王致敬的剧作,是莎士比亚喜剧中的巅峰之作。关键词: 伊丽莎白一世,第十二夜,完美女性,喜剧。伊丽莎白一世( Elizabeth I ,1533 1603) , 英国都铎王朝女王(1558 1603 年在位) , 英王亨利八世的女儿。伊丽莎白一世统治时期, 英国步入封建社会末期,也被称为它的“黄金时代”。至1603年伊丽莎白一世女王逝世,都铎王朝结束,她在位的最后9年期间,莎士比亚所属的宫内大臣剧团为宫廷演出共32次,而海军大将剧团只有20次,其他剧团合共13次,所以作为“黄金时代”最具有才华最有影响力的剧



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