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福建省永春一中等届高三上学期第一次四校联考英语试题 Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、5. Where are the speakers?A. In a hospital. B. In a bar. C. At home.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B.

2、Brother and sister. C. Classmates.7. Why does the man talk to the woman?A. To exchange gifts. B. To ask for some help. C. To make friends with.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. How could the man afford the house?A. He got a promotion. B. He sold his old house. C. He got money from his father.9. What can the wo

3、man do? A. Buy a house. B. Save some money. C. Stay in the mans house.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What are the speakers talking about? A. A project. B. A new employee. C. An open position.11. Why didnt the woman meet Jack this morning?A. She was busy with her work. B. She wasnt at the company. C. She

4、was at a meeting.12. How does the man know Jack?A. They are old schoolmates. B. They go to the same dentist. C. They live close to each other.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. Why is the man calling?A. To check his order. B. To arrange a birthday party.C. To get some information about the restaurant.14. Wha

5、t discount does the restaurant offer?A. Many dishes are 50% off on weekdays.B. Some drinks are free on weekends.C. French dishes are 50% off on weekends.15. Which type of wine do Davids friends prefer?A. French. B. Italian. C. Spanish. 16. What is the price of a bottle of beer?A. $2. B. $3. C. $5.听下

6、面一段对话,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. What is the life like at Rainforest Lodge?A. Busy. B. Peaceful. C. Ordinary.18. What are the tourists told to do?A. Carry their luggage to the house.B. Go straight to the restaurant.C. Wait about an hour for dinner.19. What do tourists have on the coach?A. The schedule of the

7、 trip. B. The map of the rainforest. C. The blue sheet on recent news.20. What do we know about the Orchid and Fungi Tour?A. It is a walking tour. B. It offers fish for lunch. C. Its destination is the waterfalls.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑

8、。ATwo young giant-panda twins born in the United States have returned home to China, but are struggling to adapt to the language and food. The 3-year-old sisters, Mei Lun and Mei Huan, were the first surviving panda twins to be born in the United States, and were returned to China from Zoo Atlanta o

9、n Nov. 5. But the pair still understand English better than Chinese, and prefer American biscuits to Chinese bread. A zoo-keeper said that his main concern is that the pair are so addicted to American biscuits that everything they eat from bamboos to apples has to be mixed with biscuits. They even w

10、ant to snack on biscuits when drinking water. The zoo-keeper is trying to wean them off their biscuit habit, gradually replacing the American food with Chinese bread. Mei Huan is adapting, but Mei Lun doesnt want to touch the unfamiliar bread. Mei Lun is the livelier of the two, often jumping onto t

11、he roof and hanging upside down from a rail, but her slightly younger sister Mei Huan is calmer, preferring to sit still, observe her new environment and occasionally snack on bamboo. A language barrier is also reported. While the pair respond to their own names, and understand some English phrases

12、such as “come here”, they dont understand the Sichuan dialect of Chinese. The news caused some laughter on Chinese social media, with some users commenting that the pandas would soon get used to Sichuans famously spicy cuisine. 21.Basedonthepassage,whichstatementdoyouthinkisright?A. Thepandatwinscan

13、fitinwellSichuan.B. TheareonlyfondofSichuanfoodanddishes.C. Thehavebeenusedtonewenvironmentveryquickly.D. Itshardforgetsoon.22.Whatdoesunderlinedpart“weanthemoff”fourthparagraphmean?A.helpridof. B.form.C.strengthen.D.keep.23.What can we learn about the two sisters?A. MeiHuanmainlyeatsbamboo. B. MeiL

14、unlivingamoreactivelife.C. MeinotsmarterthanMeiLun. D. Meiasquietheryoungersister.BTEENSGIVING is an exciting yearly event where hundreds of New York City teens gather togetherannually for a remarkable day of community service. This year, TEENSGIVING in SRING 2017participants will once again better

15、New York City and impact thousands of lives!Whenis TEENSGIVING in SPRING2017? SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2017Whereis TEENSGIVING? All over New York City. Everyone will meet at the 92nd Street Y (92nd and Lexington) at 9:00 a.m. for the event kick-off. Then, all TEENSGIVING volunteers will disperse(使分散)across

16、 the city to work with ourpartnering agencies where they will make a HUGE difference and have fun!Whoparticipates in TEENSGIVING? Hundreds of teenagers from around the city. Teens come from the 92nd Street Y, various city schools,youth groups, and organizations in the area. In addition, many adult v

17、olunteers (aged 21 and older) willdonate their time to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2017.What projectsdo participants do at the agencies? Sample projects include painting park benches, planting gardens, visiting and playing with underprivilegedchildren, assembling craft kits for children in hospitals, assi

18、sting at animal shelters, working at soupkitchens, delivering meals and celebrating with families at homeless shelters.Do I get anything for participating in TEENSGIVING? Yes! Everybody benefits! Teen volunteers will receive 6 hours of community service credit, goodtowards honor society, high school

19、 graduation and college application requirements. Adult volunteers will be “thanked” with a light breakfast, a gift certificate for their troubles, and the satisfaction of helping ourcitys youth contribute to their community. In addition, all teen and adult volunteers will receive a coolTEENSGIVING

20、in SPRING 2017 T-shirt. This sounds awesome! How do I register for TEENSGIVING in SPRING2017? Interested teens and/or adults should e-mail the TEENSGIVING Coordinator Josh Hyman (subject: TEENSGIVING) to receive more information and to register for this fantastic event! Teens can als

21、o contact their schools Community Service Advisor.24. How often is TEENSGIVING held?A. from time to time B. once every yearC. every two years D. twice a year25. What can the teenagers do in this event?A. Give thanks to the adults. B. Take good care of animals.C. Clean the streets of New York. D. Wor

22、k for high schools and colleges. 26. What does an adult volunteer may get for his time devoted to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2017?A. community service credit and a T-shirtB. a high school certificate and a light breakfastC. a T-shirt and a gift certificateD. a gift certificate and community service credi

23、t27. What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?A. To inform readers of some frequently asked questions.B. To introduce TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2017 to readers.C. To encourage readers to ask more questions about TEENSGIVING.D. To call on readers to participate in TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2017.C“

24、If they hated me they didnt talk to me about it,” says a young German manager at a media firm in Frankfurt. Still, he says it was notice-able that when an employee 20 years older than him thanked him for buying lunch he had to swallow twice before adding the word bossOlder workers sometimes envy bei

25、ng managed by a younger colleague. Precocious youngsters, too, can feel awkward about bossing their elders around. But in Germany a shortage of skilled workers means that such situations are becoming ever more common.The countrys population is projected to shrink. As more Germans retire, fewer young

26、sters are entering the work-force to replace them. As a share of the working population the number of 15-to-24-year-olds has fallen by ten percentage points since the 1980s, says the German Federal Employment Agency. Firms competing to hire young talent have to promote them earlier as a result. A pa

27、per by professors at the University of Cambridge and WHU, a German business school, to be published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, suggests this could be a problem.As in many countries, German work-places are legally obliged to overlook age when deciding whom to promote. Yet according to

28、 Jochen Menges, one of the authors, when an ordinary worker leap frogs a more experienced one, it can leave the latter with feelings of “anger, fear and disgust”. People tend to judge their own standing by the success of their peers, and to see failure in being bossed about by someone younger. The relationship between feelings of anxiety and the age of the boss is clear, according to Mr. Menges. A manager who is younger by one year is somewhat unsettling; a gap of 20 years

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