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1、 _二. 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.在电话中交谈_2.很长时间_ 3.那里的交通_4.很快习惯_5.过去常常是_6.改善很多_7.几年前_8.过去_9.相当安全_10.事实上_11.来参观一下_12.亲眼目睹_13.做个报告_14.照顾_15.一个热心人_三、在文中划出下面的句子并分析。1. You will get used to it very soon if you come. 译:_点拨:get(be) used to-习惯于,to在这里是介词 区别:used to-过去常常, to在这里是不定式符号练习:a.我们将很快习惯北京的生活。We _ soon _ _ _ the lif

2、e _ _. b.他已经习惯步行上班了。He _ already _ _ _ _ to work. c.他过去常常开车上班。He _ _ _ by car.2. They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.译:_思考:since在句子中做_词,后面只能使用_时态四填写1c的空格,分析现在完成时中since和for用法的不同for + _的时间;since + _的时间五仔细阅读P121-122英语构词法,写出P18(3)中单词的意思三:归纳总结 本课重点学习了四:自我检测题

3、:一, 单项选择。()1 How do you like _at this school?A study B to study C studies D studying() 2 I heard the traffic was _and everyone drove too_ A Terribly , quick B terribly, fast C terrible, fast D terrible quickly()3 Lucy and Lily _China for 5 months.A has been in B have been in C have been to D have go

4、ne to ()4 He _to school by bike, but now he _to school on foot. A used to going, gets used to go B used to go , D gets used to go C used to go , gets used to going D get used to going , used to go ()5 Isnt it very cold in winter there? _Its very warm.A Yes, it is B No, it isnt C Yes , it was D N o ,

5、 it wasntUnit1 Topic3 第二课时SectionB 学习目标:1 继续学习含有since 和for的现在完成时,进一步了解现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。2学习合成词的构词法。3学会关心他人,让世界充满爱。现在完成时和一般过去时的区别一般过去时中终止性动词和现在完成时中延续性动词的转换。(一):(二):一. 读1a,填写1b的空格.给我看一片有趣的文章_2.无家可归的人_3.数百人_4.重新工作_5.过正常生活_6.发现需要帮助的人_7.选定适当的方式_8.medical treatment_9.给他们提供住处_10.对自己有信心_拓展:a. finish - be over

6、b. begin/start-be on c. get to/reach/arrive in-be in/at d. become-be观察2b中的句子,将下面一般过去时的句子转换为现在完成时 a.The meeting finished a moment ago. _b.The film began 5 minutes ago. _c.They got to the airport an hour ago. _d.He became a doctor 5 years ago. _三在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Once they find people in need, they decid

7、e on suitable ways to help them. _once - 一旦就(连词),引导时间状语从句,从句中用一般现在时表示将来in need - 在困难时,在贫困中 链接:in trouble_ in danger_decide on - 决定,选定某事 链接:decide (not) to do sth.-_2.The program also provides them with houses. 译:_provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.- 给某人提供某物3. It trains them so that they can

8、 find jobs again. 译:_so that意思是_,引导_从句,同义词组是_ They started early so that they could get there on time. 译:_同义句转换: _链接:sothat意思是_,引导_从句,同义词组是: tooto 反义词组是: enough toa.The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.-_ b.The film is so interesting that it makes us laugh.-_4. I think it is important

9、 for these people to feel good about themselves. 译:_feel good - 感到愉快(有信心) feel good about oneself-自信(自我感觉良好) feel well- 感觉(身体)好 注意:well在此是形容词,相当于:fine / healthy 5. He has been away from the army for nine years because of a leg away from-离开,不在某地(延续性) 区别:leave-离开(短暂性) because of-因为 (后跟原因状语) 区

10、别:because-因为 (后跟原因状语从句)a leg wound-腿伤 同义句转换:He _ the army nine years _ _ he had _ _ _.归纳总结:本课学习了五: ( ) 1 _you get lost, please call me . A Though B Until C Before D Once ( ) 2Please _the poor people _some food and clothes.A Provide ,for B provide, with C provide, of p D rovide, from( ) 3 Oh, youre l

11、ate again, The film _for twenty mintutes. _What a pity! A Has begun B began C has been on D have been on Unit1 Topic3 第3课时Section C1谈论社会服务机构,使学生对其有简单的了解和认识。2谈论一下社会热点话题,增强学生的同情心和社会责任感。重点活动是1a someone 和anyone 辨析(一). 先试着回答1a的两个问题再读1a(二). 读1a,完成1b (三). 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1. be famous for its success in doing_

12、2.重新过上正常的生活_3.把钱借给他们_4.租公寓房_5.给他们的孩子买衣服_6. a special program_7.流浪儿童_8.与此同时_9.学习厨技_10.完成他们的培训_11.严格遵守制度_12.携带毒品_13.偷东西_14.不遵守其它的制度_15.一个成功的好机会_16.解决这些问题_17.过幸福的生活(2)_18.残酷的战争_(四). 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. It is famous for its success in helping homeless people return to a normal life.success in doing - 在干方面的成

13、功 a. I wish you success in passing the driving exam. 译:_ b. Chinas success in hosting 2008 Olympics makes Chinese people proud. _总结:be successful(形容词) in doing= dosuccessfully(副词) = succeed(动词) in doing- 成功地做某事他们已经成功地通过了考试。a._b._ c._2.The food is prepared, cooked and served by the street kids.译:_is

14、prepared, cooked and served -被动语态 by - 被,由(后跟动作的发出者)a. The big dinner was cooked by mother. 译:_ b. The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 译:_三、归纳总结-四 、自我检测。1单项选择。( )1 Were you _the task? A Success in finishing B successful in finishing C successful to finish D succeeded in finishing ( )

15、2 Have you ever _anything? _No ,never.A Stolen B stole C steals D steal( )3 If_ disobeys the school rules. He wiss be punished.A All B both C anybody D somebody( )4 He never misses a good chance _his English.A Practice B practicing C to pratice D practiced ( )5 Every day, many people lose their jobs

16、, and I think it is _them to find new jobs in a couple of weeks. A Easy for B difficult for C easy of D difficult ofUnit1 Topic3 第4课时SectionD 1 复习现在完成时。2复习构词法(合成词和派生词)3了解希望工程,教育学生要富有爱心。重点活动是1a和3掌握现在完成时。1在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.了解_2.希望工程_3.a social service program_4.目的是,力争达到_5.中国的贫困地区_6.为支付教育经费_7.在过去的六年中_8.国内

17、外人士_9.为支付_ 10.送到大学_11.二百三十万学生_12.有很多工作要做_13.没有的帮助_14.继续她的学业_15.change her life_16.一名大学生_17.leave the college_18.在你的周围_2. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.It aims to bring schools into poor areas of China. 译:aim to do sth. -目的是,力争达到 拓展:aim at sth.-瞄准目标 aim-目标,目的,企图(名词) a. We must aim to find the lost purse. 译:_ b. The

18、y aim to be there around 6:00. 译:_c. Whats your aim in life?_ d. aim at a success译:_2.In the past six years, Project Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan from people at home and abroad. _in the past +时间段 = in the last +时间段 - 在刚刚过去的一段时间(含现在),常与现在完成时连用 区别:in the past = in the old days - 过去,与过去时连用a. 在过

19、去的二十年里中国发生了巨大的变化。b. 过去中国很贫穷。_at home and abroad - 国内外 拓展:go abroad - 出国3.Without the help of Project Hope, she couldnt continue her studies. 译:_without the help of - 没有的帮助 反义词组:_ - 在的帮助下a. 没有老师的帮助,他不可能顺利考试通过。_ _ _ _ his teacher, he _ _ the exam _四 自我检测。1完成句子1Project Hope _(致力于)help poor children afford their education.2 . Rose _

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