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1、“To see a Bill Cunninghams street snap was to see all of New York,”Dean Baquet,one of The Times editors,said.“Young people.Brown people.People who spent fortunes on fashion and people who just had a strut and knew how to put an outfit together out of what they had and what they found.”Cunningham was

2、 born in 1929 in Boston.He grew up constructing fashion from little things,building hats from his cheap material.He received a scholarship to Harvard,but dropped out quickly,then moved to New York and began working in media.He got his first camera in the late 1960s and began documenting the rapidly-

3、changing fashion of the era.Even as he gained more success throughout his life,The Times noted that he led a simple lifestyle:“He didnt go to the movies.He didnt own a television.He ate breakfast nearly every day at the Stage Star Deli on West 55th Street,where a cup of coffee and a sausage,an egg a

4、nd cheese could be had until very recently for under $3.”“His fellow photographers were sought after by the fashion worlds rich and powerful,yet he remained one of the kindest,most gentle and humble people I have ever met,”said Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.,The Times publisher and chairman.Cunningham r

5、egularly photographed designer work and fashion shows,but continued his work documenting what style meant to the everyday citizens of cities around the world.“The best fashion show is definitely on the street.Always has been,and always will,”he said in the 2010 documentary “Bill Cunningham New York”

6、.1.What does Dean Baquet say about Cunningham?A.He paid little attention to elderly New Yorkers.B.He loved photographing any New Yorker with a style.C.He took a keen interest in smartly dressed poor people.D.He had a good taste and knew how to put an outfit together.2.Whats Cunninghams attitude towa

7、rds fashion?A.Fashion is more alive and interesting on the street.B.Its impossible to follow fashion since its changing rapidly.C.Everyday citizens should not spend much money on fashion.D.Designer work is more worthy to be documented than street fashion.3.Which statement is true according to the re

8、port?A.Cunningham finished his college education in New York.B.Fashion photographers are hardly arrogant or money-driven.C.Cunningham built a famous fashion brand of hats in his youth.D.Cunningham lived a simple life and didnt ask for much comfort.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要描述了Bill Cunningham对于时尚的理解和追求。答案及剖析:

9、1.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“To see a Bill Cunninghams street snap was to see all of New York”可知他的观点是“从Cunningham的街拍里可以看到整个纽约”,意为各种各样的纽约客都有可能进入Cunningham的镜头,故选B项。2.A推理判断题。根据末段中的“The best fashion show is definitely on the street.”可知,他对街头时尚更看重,更感兴趣,故选A项。B、C项未提及,D项与原文不符。3.D细节理解题。根据第五、六段,特别是纽约时报对他生活细节的描述可知,他生活朴素,对物

10、质要求不高。A、B、C三项均与原文不符。B【科技说明类】Dropping your smartphone when taking a selfie(自拍照)could soon be less risky,says specialty glass maker Corning.For more than 160 years,Corning has applied its unique technology in specialty glass to develop products that have created new industries and changed peoples live

11、s.Cornings work in specialty glass dates back to 1879,when the company produced the glass used in the famous Thomas Edison lightbulb(灯泡).The companys next generation of Gorilla Glass has come alongthe material used in more than 70% of smartphone screens,including on Samsung and Apple products.Cornin

12、g said Gorilla Glass 5 could survive more than 80% of drops from as high as 1.6 meters.Broken or cracked screens are the number one cause of smartphone repairs and customer complaints globally,followed by overheat.The new glass was tested on rough surfacesphone models were dropped from a height of 1

13、.6 meters onto a sheet of sandpaper.Some of the phones tested survived over 20 hard drops in the lab.Typically,most phone drops are from between waist and shoulder height.As well as drops,the company said it was twice as good at resisting scratch(划痕)and other damage compared to whats currently on th

14、e market.Smartphone producers are expected to market products with the new glass within the next few months.“Weve been working with our closest customers for quite some time now,”Cornings vice president and general manager John Bayne said.“And theres huge interest in this product for obvious reasons

15、.”4.What is paragraph 3 mainly talking about?A.Tests on the new glass. B.Complaints from customers.C.Causes of screen damage. D.Marketing of the new glass.5.What do we know about Gorilla Glass 5?A.Its well received in the market. B.It began to be produced in 1879.C.It has changed peoples lives. D.It

16、s strong and doesnt break easily.6.What is John Baynes attitude towards the future of the new glass?A.Doubtful. B.Optimistic. C.Defensive. D.Uncertain.这是一篇科技类说明文,主要讲述了现在即将研发出的更坚固的手机玻璃Gorilla Glass 5。4.A主旨大意题。本文第三段主要讲了新的玻璃在距地面1.6米的高处进行的跌落测试中表现良好,且抗划性能优秀。A项意为“对新玻璃的测试”,符合文意。B项,文中第三段只是提及手机屏幕损坏或破裂是智能手机报修

17、和用户抱怨最多的问题,但没有深入展开描述。B项不符合文意。C项和D项,本段未提及。故正确答案为A项。5.D推理判断题。由文中第三段最后一句 As well as drops,the company said it was twice as good at resisting scratch(划痕) and other damage compared to whats currently on the market.可知,第五代大猩猩玻璃在防摔、抗划等方面的性能比市面上的其他玻璃优秀一倍,推测出这种玻璃非常结实,不易损坏。D项符合文意。A项,由最后一段第一句Smartphone producer

18、s are expected to market products with the new glass within the next few months.可知,配置第五代大猩猩玻璃的智能手机几个月后才上市。A项不符合文意。B项,由第一段最后一句可知,康宁公司从1879年开始生产专用玻璃,并不是第五代大猩猩玻璃从1879年就开始生产了。C项,由最后一段第一句可知,配置第五代大猩猩玻璃的智能手机几个月后才上市,并没有改变人们的生活。C项不符合文意。故正确答案为D项。6.B推理判断题。由最后一段第二句“Weve been working with our closest customers f

19、or quite some time now”和最后一句“And theres huge interest in this product for obvious reasons.”可知,康宁公司已经和最亲密的顾客合作很长一段时间了,新型玻璃对他们有很大的吸引力,可推知 John Bayne 对第五代大猩猩玻璃的前景非常乐观。B项符合文意。故正确答案为B项。C【社会文化类】A new book written by a Chinese American on her super-strict parentingBattle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has raised

20、 fierce debates in the US.Amy Chua is a Yale Law School professor and the mother of two teenage girls.She is the daughter of Chinese immigrants.In the Chinese culture,the tiger represents strength and power.In her book,Ms.Chua writes about how she demanded excellence from her daughters.Chua writes t

21、hat her daughters,Sophia and Louisa,were never allowed to go on a date,be in a school play,watch TV or play computer games.They couldnt choose their own after-class activities or get any grade less than an A.They had to play the piano or violinand no other musical instruments.She writes that if a Ch

22、inese child gets a Bwhich she says “would never happen”there would be “a screaming,hair-tearing explosion”.She describes making her 7-year-old daughter play a piano piece perfectlyyelling,not letting her leave the bench and even using the bathroomuntil it was.Many people have criticized Amy Chua.Som

23、e say her parenting methods were abusive(虐待的).She even admits that her husband,who is not Chinese,objected to her parenting style.But she says that was the way her parents raised her and her three sisters.Stacy Debroff,who has written four books on parenting,says Amy Chuas parenting style is not lim

24、ited to Chinese families.She says it represents a traditional way of parenting among immigrants seeking a better future for their children.But she also sees a risk.When children have no time to be social or to follow their own interests,they might not develop other skills that they need to succeed i

25、n life.Stacy Debroff advises parents not to just repeat the way they were raised.Alison Lo,an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Washingtons Bothell campus,says,“I dont think Amy is advocating a best practice of parenting style,or that success and achievements are critical yardsti

26、cks of a good life.But I can imagine how strong her daughters college applications are going to be.For many parents whose dreams are seeing their kids graduating from a competitive university,Amy is sharing with the readers that it is achievable by persistent,devoted parental guidance,”Lo says.“In t

27、hat sense,a young adults giftedness can be born,or made.”7.We can learn that Amy Chua is assistant professor easy-going woman C.a cruel teacher D.a demanding mother8.What do you know about Amy Chuas husband?A.He came from China. B.He is against her parenting style.C.He approved of her par

28、enting style. D.He thinks her parenting methods are abusive.9.Stacy Debroff advises parents to .A.follow Amy Chuas parenting style B.develop their own style of strict with children a better future for their children10.Alison Lo concludes that .A.a teenager can be raised to be a

29、talentB.a gifted child was born with talentC.persistent,devoted parental guidance is the best parenting styleD.parents should respect childrens personalities本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位美籍华人女教授蔡美儿写了一本名叫虎妈战歌的书,书中介绍了她如何秉承“中国妈妈”的教育方式,严苛地要求两个女儿的经历。她提出的“中国式”严苛教育的方法引发了巨大的争议。7.D细节理解题。根据第二段第四句In her book,Ms.Chua writes

30、about how she demanded excellence from her daughters.可知,蔡女士对她女儿们的要求非常高,故选D。8.B细节理解题。根据第四段第三句She even admits that her husband,who is not Chinese,objected to her parenting style.可知,蔡女士的丈夫反对她的教育方式,故选B。9.B推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句Stacy Debroff advises parents not to just repeat the way they were raised.可推知,Stacy Debroff建议家长们应该形成自己的教育方式,故选B。10.A细节理解题。根据最后一段最后两句For many parents whose dreams are seeing their kids graduating from a competitive university,Amy is sharing with the readers that it is achiev

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