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1、My ultimate gratitude is reserved for my beloved family members, who have been supporting me through all the time, encouraging me whenever I encounter difficulties, and providing me with tremendous help. All these have made this thesis possible.非英语专业大学生学习动机变量的实证调查及教师相应激发学习动机的课堂管理策略摘 要动机是外语学习者在学习中最重要

2、的心理因素和个体差别因素之一。它对外语学习的全过程及学习结果起着至关重要的影响。英语教师在课堂上经常会发现一些缺乏或失去学习动机的学生,这些动机问题影响了外语教学与学习的效果,然而中国目前的外语学习动机研究多侧重于动机的重要性的研究, 对于外语教与学中存在的动机问题的影响因素,教师对学习者学习动机的影响以及教师从教学课堂管理策略上激励学生的动机基本没有涉及。基于日前外语教与学中存在的动机问题和学习动机的研究现状,本论文拟从大学英语教师的角度来调查研究在英语教学课堂上影响非英语专业大学生的学习动机的变量, 并探索英语课堂教学中激励学生学习动机的相应的管理策略。本文介绍了相关的动机理论以及这些理论

3、对外语学习和教学的启示,从理论上分析了学习动机的重要性; 同时引入了国内外课堂管理研究的成果. 课堂管理的基本内容就是对课堂上主客体的行为,课堂环境和课堂活动的管理. 教师作为课堂管理的主体, 必然要提高整个课堂教学与学习过程的效果, 而学生的动机对于外语学习的全过程及其结果又起着至关重要的影响. 遗憾的是目前我国大部分的英语教师并没有对学生的学习动机及其影响因素给予足够的重视. 即使有的教师意识到了学习动机的重要性, 并且在课堂上临时应用了一些激励学生学习动机的策略, 但是很少有人采取系统的课堂管理策略来提高学生的学习动机. 除此之外, 在我国的大学英语课堂教学的过程中,教师要在一个完全不同

4、的语言环境和文化背景下来激发,提高,维持学生的学习动机,以此来提高学习效果. 这必然要求教师在课堂上采取更加具体更加科学的管理技巧. 本文采用问卷调查和一系列的师生访谈的方法,对英语学习者的学习动机类型和影响动机的因素进行研究,运用SPSS11.5对采集的数据进行相关因素分析后,结果发现教师课堂上的行为,学生的学习态度和课堂环境与学习者的学习动机有着密切的联系.在理论分析和调查研究的基础上, 结合自己的英语教学实践, 本文提出了在大学英语教学的课堂中,教师如何运用管理策略通过对自身以及学生的课堂行为,课堂环境,课堂活动和学生情感方面的管理来激发、提高和维持学习者学习动机. 本文的不足之处在于问

5、卷调查的样本相对较少,所收集的数据有一定的局限性,还有待以后更广泛深入的调查研究和分析.关键词: 动机理论, 动机变量, 实证调查, 课堂管理策略 Empirical Investigation of non-English Major College Students Motivational Variables and Teachers Corresponding Motivation-stimulating Classroom Management StrategiesAbstractMotivation is one of the most important aspects of l

6、earners psychological factors and individual differences in learning a foreign language. It has significant influence on the whole process and outcome of the foreign language learning and teaching. Students in many universities in China often fail to reach their full potential as English language le

7、arners due to low motivation. The motivational problems prevent the language teaching and leaning going successfully and effectively. However, the current researches on language learning motivation in China mainly focus on the importance of motivation, and nearly no studies concern teachers classroo

8、m management influence on learners motivation and the effective classroom management strategies in ELT classroom. Because of the existing motivational problems in English teaching and learning, and the present situation of motivation researches, this paper intends to explore some of the English lang

9、uage teaching variables influencing college non-English majors motivation in the classroom, with the focus on teachers role in promoting students learning motivation, and seek for the management strategies to motivate the learners for teachers that are suitable to the present situation of college En

10、glish classroom teaching.This paper presents the motivation theories and their implications in language teaching and foreign and domestic research achievements in classroom management studies. The scope of classroom management includes the management of classroom people and their behavior, managemen

11、t of classroom setting and management of classroom activities. As the subject of classroom management, teachers are supposed to adopt corresponding strategies to improve the whole classroom teaching and learning process. In the China present English teaching and learning classroom, the teachers are

12、challenged by some unmotivated or demotivated learners. Most of the Chinese college English teachers fail to pay enough attention to the students motivations and the important motivational variables. Moreover, even if some of them have realized the significance of learning motivation, and have appli

13、ed certain motivational strategies occasionally in class, very few of them have in their mind a systematic way of improving students motivation from classroom management strategies. However, more specific and scientific teacher responsibilities are proposed in the present situation of college Englis

14、h classroom teaching. College English teachers are required much more specific and scientific management efforts while teaching another language in a completely different linguistic and cultural background. A questionnaire survey and interviews were made with the aim of identifying the learners moti

15、vation type and motivational variables, especially the variables related to teacher behaviors. Quantitative research method is used in the survey. The SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science for Windows) 11.5 analysis of the collected data shows that teachers influence , students attitudes and

16、the influence of classroom setting have a close relationship with the learners motivation to learn. Based on the analysis of motivation theories, the findings of the writers survey and teaching practices, some strategies are put forward to manage classroom behavior, classroom time and activity, clas

17、sroom physical environment and classroom students emotion to initiate, increase and sustain learners motivation to learn in the ELT classroom. Owing to the limitation in the relatively narrow samples, further studies in the effective classroom strategies should be conducted.Key words: motivation the

18、ories, motivational variables, empirical investigation, classroom management strategiesContentsChapter1 Introduction 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Purpose of the Present Study 21.3 Layout of the Thesis 3Chapter2 Literature Review 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Researches Relevant to Motivation 42.2.1 Definition of

19、 Motivation 52.2.2 Behaviorist View 62.2.3 Cognitive View 62.2.4 Humanist View 72.2.5 Theories of Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 82.2.6 Motivation Researches in China 122.3 Researches Relevant to Classroom Management Strategies 132.3.1 Definition of Classroom Management 142.3.2 Models of Cl

20、assroom Management 152.3.3 Classroom Management Researches in China 162.4 Limitations Arising From Literature Review 17Chapter 3 Research Design and Discussion 183.1 Introduction 183.2 Research Design 183.2.1 Research Questions 193.2.2 Subjects 193.2.3 Instruments 203.3 Results and Discussion 213.3.

21、1 Motivation Types 213.3.2 Variables Influencing Students Motivation in ELT Classroom 223.4 Limitations of Study 30Chapter 4 Promoting Students Motivation by Teachers Classroom Management Strategies 314.1 Introduction 314.2 Teachers Classroom Behavior Management Strategy 324.3 Teachers Classroom Tim

22、e and Activity Management Strategy 344.4 Teachers Classroom Physical Environment Management Strategy 364.5 Teachers Classroom Emotion Management Strategy 37Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions 40Bibliography 44Appendix I 49Appendix II 52Appendix III 52Contents of TablesTable 2-1 Drnyeis three-level

23、categorization 11Table 3-1 Demographic information about the participants involved in the present study 19Table 3-2 Motivation construct of non-English majors 22Table 3-3 Subjects attitudes toward English class 22Table 3-4 Correlations of subjects attitudes and effort exerted 24Table 3-5 Motivation

24、intensity 24Table 3-6 Influence of teachers attitude to students achievement 25Table 3-7 Influence of teachers attitude on students 26Table 3-8 Influence of teachers encouragement and feedback 27Table 3-9 Students participation in class activities 28Table 3-10 Students anxiety in classroom 29Table 4

25、-1 The relation between students motivation and the teachers management strategies 32Chapter1 Introduction1.1 IntroductionMotivation is one of the most important factors in promoting peoples behaviors. Its powerful influence also extends into learning, and there is no exception in the foreign langua

26、ge learning. The important thing is not how much that learners should be taught, but that learners should be given the wish to learn. All successful teaching depends upon learners learning. There is no point in providing entertaining, lively, well-constructed language lessons if learners do not have

27、 the wish to learn. So motivation is regarded as one of the most important factors in influencing learners learning efficiency and it has been proved to have a great educational significance. Numerous studies and experiments in human learning have shown by the western researchers that motivation is crucial to learning ( Gardner, 1985 Gar

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