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1、 05210535 指导教师: 沈贵水 职 称: 教 授 2014 年 3 月 4 日1 数控技术的发展趋势数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,使制造业成为工业化的象征,而且随着数控技术的不断发展和应用领域的扩大,他对国计民生的一些重要行业(IT、汽车、轻工、医疗等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为这些行业所需装备的数字化已是现代发展的大趋势。从目前世界上数控技术及其装备发展的趋势来看,其主要研究热点有以下几个方面14。1.1 高速、高精加工技术及装备的新趋势效率、质量是先进制造技术的主体。高速、高精加工技术可极大地提高效率,提高产品的质量和档次,缩短生产周期和提高市场竞争能力。


3、加工中心进给速度可达80m/min,甚至更高,空运行速度可达100m/min左右。目前世界上许多汽车厂,包括我国的上海通用汽车公司,已经采用以高速加工中心组成的生产线部分替代组合机床。美国CINCINNATI公司的HyperMach机床进给速度最大达60m/min,快速为100m/min,加速度达2g,主轴转速已达60 000r/min。加工一个薄壁飞机零件,只用30min,而同样的零件在一般高速铣床加工需3h,在普通铣床加工需8h;德国DMG公司的双主轴车床的主轴速度及加速度分别达120000r/mm和1g。在加工精度方面,近10年来,普通级数控机床的加工精度已由10m提高到5m,精密级加工

4、中心则从35m,提高到11.5m,并且超精密加工精度已开始进入纳米级(0.01m)。在可靠性方面,国外数控装置的MTBF值已达6 000h以上,伺服系统的MTBF值达到30000h以上,表现出非常高的可靠性。为了实现高速、高精加工,与之配套的功能部件如电主轴、直线电机得到了快速的发展,应用领域进一步扩大。2.回到基础:重整连杆你的连杆,考虑把他们送回服务中心,在那里,有很多事情你必须考虑。 They are one of the most critical pieces of the engine puzzle and under great strain when in operation,

5、 so you must pay attention to the details during the rebuilding process.它们是发动机的拼图中最关键的部分之一,受到很大的压力在运作,所以你一定要在重建过程中注意细节。There are many times when reconditioning the connecting rods is a necessary part of engine rebuilding.有些时候重整连杆是发动机多次重建的必要组成部分。 In many applications it is acceptable, and significant

6、ly less expensive, to rebuild rather than replace a set of rods.在许多应用中是可以接受的,并大大减少昂贵的维修费用,而不是取代重建一棒集。 In the heavy-duty market, for instance, many engine rebuilders prefer to recondition the connecting rods whenever possible because the components are typically expensive to replace and its not alway

7、s necessary.在重型市场,例如,许多发动机重建者宁愿整修连杆,因为昂贵的组件通常取代他们,它并不总是必要的。 However, like the rest of the engine, there are best practices that must be followed to ensure a quality engine build and to avoid costly comebacks.然而,像发动机的休息,有“最佳”所必须遵循的发动机,以确保建设质量,避免昂贵的做法。Experts say reconditioning connecting rods involve

8、s thoroughly cleaning them first to check for any visible damage.专家们说,重整连杆涉及彻底清洁,他们首先检查是否有明显的损坏。 After cleaning and inspecting them, you may find obvious clues that damage exists.经过清洗和检查他们,你会发现存在明显损害线索。 Knicks and burrs, or discolored rods can often be signs of a rod that will fail down the road.毛刺或

9、变色往往是一种迹象表明,将无法在道路上使用。The next step is to put the connecting rods through a magnetic particle inspection (MPI).下一步是通过磁粉探伤(MPI)的连杆。 This step will reveal any hidden damage such as cracks or other stressors and imperfections that cannot be seen.这一步将发现任何裂缝或其他压力,而无法看到隐藏的缺陷损害。 After the MPI has been perf

10、ormed, if the rods still look to be in good shape, they should be checked for bend and twist, which if too much, may negate the rest of the reconditioning process.之后,目前已进行的MPI,如果棒看起来仍然是在良好的状态,他们应检查弯曲和扭曲,而如果太多,可能会否定翻新过程的其余部分。 Experts say too much bend or twist may have been the result of an over-revv

11、ed engine or insufficient oil clearance, and if not properly straightened or replaced, will lead to certain engine failure.专家们说太多弯曲或扭曲可能是一种过度或不足的发动机油清理结果,如果没有适当拉直或更换,会导致某些引擎故障。Careful inspection and handling isnt reserved only for used rods, however.认真检查和处理是不保留只用棒。但是, One engine builder cautions tha

12、t you should always check the connecting rods thoroughly even when theyre new, because you never know when one will be out of spec and create problems down the road.一个引擎制造商警告说,你应该经常检查连杆即使他们是新的,因为你永远不知道什么时候会出一个错误,造成了交通事故。 And new or used, thats the last thing you want to have happen to your rebuilt o

13、r remanufactured engine.以及新的或使用的,这是过去的事你想有发生在你的重建或再制造发动机。The main purpose of reconditioning rods is to build a set of rods that are straight and of the correct length.翻新棒的主要目的是建立一个集直杆和正确的长度。 In typical light-duty applications, four- and six-cylinder gasoline and diesel engines, experts say the rods

14、should be machined back to original specs with no more than .0025 of bend and .00425 of twist.在典型的轻型应用,4和6缸汽油和柴油发动机,专家说,棒加工后应不超过0.0025的“弯曲和0.00425”扭到原来的规格。 A rod with too much bend will limit oil clearance from one side to the other and possibly lock up at the pin end or at the thrust face on the cr

15、ankshaft.一个多弯杆过多将限制从一个侧面向其他石油清理,并可能锁定在针端或在曲轴上的推力面了。 Furthermore, they must have round and concentric bores, and the fasteners must also be able to withstand the stresses of that application - whether its a performance engine or heavy-duty application.此外,他们必须有全面,同心孔,以及紧固件还必须能够承受压力的应用 - 无论它是一个高性能发动机或重

16、型应用。To ensure long engine life, the rods must be aligned correctly and the bearing surfaces must be smooth and perfectly round.为了确保发动机寿命长,棒必须正确对齐,轴承表面必须光滑,浑圆。 Any lobing, chatter or misalignment, particularly in engines that operate at higher revs, will affect the engines performance.任何凸角,颤振或不对,特别是在

17、发动机在高转速运作,会影响发动机的性能。After the rod has been cleaned and inspected thoroughly, it should be put back together with the rod bolts torqued.杆后已彻底清理和检查,应放回与连杆螺栓一起扭转。 With a stretch gauge, check each rod bolt for proper stretch.随着拉伸仪,进行适当的延伸检查每个连杆螺栓。 If the stretch is out of specification, then replace the

18、 bolt.如果伸出说明的是,然后更换螺栓。 While some engine builders say that it is safer and less expensive to just replace the rod bolts instead of measuring the stretch, others say that practice really depends on the application, because some high performance rod bolts can be quite expensive.虽然一些发动机制造商说是更安全,更便宜,而不是

19、仅仅更换测量拉伸杆螺栓,有人说这种做法实际上取决于应用程序,因为一些高性能连杆螺栓可能相当昂贵。After the caps are torqued on with acceptable rod bolts, measure the big end bores.盖后,可以接受扭转杆螺栓,测量孔的大底。 This will help you to determine how much to take off the caps and what size youll need to hone them to.这将帮助你确定有多少脱下帽子,你需要什么尺寸磨练他们。 In general, you w

20、ant to take off as little material as possible to make the bore round again.在一般情况下,你想带尽可能少的材料,使孔轮再次关闭。 Experts say you should not take off more than .002 of material off the big-end at a time. After you hone the big end, measure the rod to see what size bushing you need to put in the pin end.专家说,你应该

21、不超过0.002起飞“材料过大,在时间的尽头。磨练后的大底,测量杆,看看大小,你需要把套管针在年底。If during the inspection process a bent or twisted rod is found, it may be possible to straighten.如果在检查过程中一杆弯曲或扭曲的发现,它可能会整顿。 One method of correcting bend or twist is called cold bending.纠正的方法之一,弯曲或扭曲现象称为冷弯曲。 This can be achieved using a special hold

22、ing fixture.这可以通过使用一种特殊的夹具。 When performing this procedure, it is important not to nick or scratch the rod, caution experts.当执行此过程,重要的是不要尼克或刮伤杆,谨慎的专家。 Nicks and scratches weaken the connecting rod and may lead to possible breakage.尼克斯和划痕减弱,并可能导致连杆断裂可能的。Experts say you must first determine the direct

23、ion of bend or twist.专家说,你必须先确定方向弯曲或扭曲。 Most bends in the rod will be located near the small-end bore.在大多数弯杆将附近的小端位于孔。 Place the connecting rod into the straightening fixture using the correct size big-end and small-end adapters.放入矫直使用正确的尺寸大的高端和小端适配器夹具连杆。 Install the cap and torque the cap bolts to

24、specifications.安装扭矩帽帽和螺栓规格。 Select the appropriate bending bar.选择适当的弯曲杆。 It should closely fit the rod to prevent nicks and scratches.它应紧密贴合杆,以防止划痕和擦伤。 Use the bar to bend the rod in small increments.使用栏小增量弯曲杆。 Measure the progress on a rod alignment fixture.测量杆对准夹具上的进步。Once the connecting rods are

25、straightened, bored and honed, then you can put the proper size bushing in the small end, which is a very important step according to some engine builders.一旦连杆拉直,无聊和磨练,那么你可以把适当大小的小头,这是一个非常重要的一步根据一些发动机制造商套管。 It is recommended that you press out the old piston-pin bushing and install new ones.建议您按旧的活塞

26、销衬套,安装新的。 And to ensure that the bushing wont rotate, you should expand it to conform to the small end bore.并保证套管不会旋转,你应该扩大到符合小端孔。 To expand this bushing, press a hardened steel ball through the ID of the new bushing.为扩大此套,按通过的新ID的淬火钢套管球。 This will lock in the new bushing and prevent it from spinnin

27、g in the bore.这将锁定在新的套管,防止它从纺纱孔。 If you heat the rod to install the new bushing, you should allow it to cool before you expand the bushing with this broaching technique.如果你热棒安装新的衬套,你应该让它冷却,然后再扩大与本拉床技术套管。 Then grind the cap to the correct center-to-center dimension and hone the big end and install ne

28、w rod bolts.然后磨帽的正确的中心到中心线和磨练的大底,并安装新的连杆螺栓。There are many different types of connecting rods from cast steel to powder metal (PM) cracked rods to all the various types of performance rods.有连接铸钢棒金属粉末许多不同类型的“破解”的所有不同类型的表现平平。More than half of the connecting rods used in todays late model engines are po

29、wder metal I-beam design.超过今天的最新型号的发动机所使用的连杆一半是金属粉末的I -梁的设计。 PM rods are constructed by compressing powdered steel into a mold and heating it to a high enough temperature where the powder melts and fuses into a solid piece.下午棒构建压缩成一个模具钢和粉末加热到足够高的温度下熔化的粉末到一个坚实的一块保险丝。 This process allows the rods to b

30、e cast with very precise tolerances, thus reducing the amount machining required to finish the part, making it less expensive to produce higher quality rods.这个过程允许棒丢在非常精确的公差,从而减少所需的数额加工完成的部分,使其更便宜,生产更高质量的棒。PM rods are made up of a composite of alloys that allow rod caps to be at the parting line rat

31、her than split with a straight cut.下午棒是由一种合金,使棒盖被“破解”,在分型线,而不是一个分裂复合直切。 Many PM rods are not serviceable because you cannot grind down the caps to bring it back to original specifications.许多下午棒不能使用,因为你不能磨下来的上限,以使其恢复到原来的规格。 In some cases, there are oversize OD bearings available that will allow you t

32、o hone the big-end and fit a larger bearing.在某些情况下,有特大型轴承外径可用,可以让你磨练的大底,适合较大的影响。The benefit to manufacturers is that the fractured PM rod is popped out like an egg with very little machining to make the center-to-center distances right.对制造商的好处是,下午杆断裂弹出很少像一个鸡蛋,使加工中心到中心距离的权利了。 It comes out of the casting process the final size and is broken at a scored line that is part of the design.它配备了铸造过程的最终尺寸,并在得分线即部分的设计打破。 PM rods can be manufactured for less cost than traditional rods and is a mo

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