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1、( ) 19. colour hot mother( ) 20. school nice crayon4A词形变化A:名词复数:1. mango ( ) 2. photo ( ) 3. toy ( )4. key ( ) 5. kite ( ) 6. doll ( )7. bus ( ) 8. panda ( ) 9. dress( )10. glass ( )B: 写出单数形式1. books ( ) 2. puzzles ( ) 3. puppets ( )4. shorts ( ) 5. bikes ( ) 6. words ( )7. shoes ( ) 8. scarves ( )

2、9. gloves( )10. cakes ( )C: 写出动词的第三人称单数形式。1. have ( ) 2. like ( ) 3. look ( )D: 写出对应词1. this ( ) 2. I ( ) 3. her ( )E: 同音词1. eye ( ) 2. by ( ) 3. know ( )4. right ( ) 5. four ( ) 6. their ( )7. too ( ) 8. U ( ) 9. C ( )10. T ( ) F: 物主代词或所有格1. Helen ( ) 2. you ( ) 3. I ( )4. he ( ) 5. she ( ) 6. Nanc

3、y( )G: 写出下列单词的反义词1. yes( ) 2.big( )3.hot4.long5.here6.tallH: 写出下列词组的所略或者完全形式its=isntsheswheresImthatisyouare=donot=theywhats=4A词组互译一、将下列英文翻译成中文。1.Here you are. 2. Happy Teachers Day! 3. good morning 4、thank you 5. how lovely 6. Id like 7. in which box 8. a toy shop 9. on the desk 10. a nice rabbit 1

4、1、five fat dogs 12、a toy panda 13. over there 14.Let me see. 15. come here 16.excuse me 17. I dont know. 18.Im sorry. 19. eat a hot dog 20. in the classroom 21. Thats OK. 22. very much 23. in the kitchen 24. fly my kite 25. clean the car 26. trythedresson 27. Dont worry. 28. so funny 29. some mangoe

5、s 30. three pairs of glasses 31. have breakfast 32. in the afternoon 33. go to the cinema 34. watch TV 35. drink some tea 36. Thats all right. 37. good night 38. new words 39. draw a dog for. 40. be late 41. read the book 42. do the puzzle 43. Whats the time? 44. Why dont you.? 45. Ive got 46. MayI?

6、 47、ninepairsofshoes 48. inclass 49、goodnight50、lookhappy 二、把下列中文翻译成英文。 1. 进来 2. 行,好 3.我明白了。 4.看一看 5那只老虎 6、我的猫 7. 不用谢,不客气 8.起床 9.用英语 10.朝.看 11.喜欢自行车 12.太小 13.一双鞋 14.谁的毛衣 15. 去上学 16. 到家 17. 再见 18.该做.的时候了 19. 乘公共汽车去 20. 去睡觉 21. 在上课 22.坐下 23. 起立 24.孩子们 25关门 26一杯水 27.怎么了? 28.多漂亮的小汽车!29.晚上好 30. 几点?31.什么时

7、间32.打开盒子33. 一杯水34. 我也是。35. 5+9 36. 我想要 37. 太冷了 38. 喜欢小汽车39. 在七点四十分 40. 八把扇子41. 在书桌上 42. 读一本英语书4A句型转换1. May I have a glass of juice? (肯定回答) _.2. This bookmark is for Jack. (一般疑问句) _?3. This stapler is for you. (一般疑问句)4. That is a nice panda.一般疑问句:_?肯定回答:_.否定回答:5. Su Yangs water bottle is on the table

8、. 对划线部分提问:_?6. I like oranges. 7. They are my fathers gloves. 8. Whose school bag is this?同意句:_?9. Heres a knife for you.10. I come home at five thirty.11. Its twelve.12. Shall we go to the cinema?_.13. Open your books, please.否定句: _.14. Im hungry.15. Its a big room.感叹句:_!16. I go home now. (用why 开头

9、引出反问句)_?17. Perhaps its his car. (替换perhaps)_.18. Whats the time?_?19. Whats five plus five? 同意句:_?20. This new scarf is for your brother. _.4A句子翻译1、我可以进来吗?请进。2、这只圆珠笔是给你的。3、那是她的橡皮。4、你喜欢猴子吗?不,我不喜欢。5、这用英语怎么说?6、让我看看。7、多长的围巾啊!8、我的钱包在哪儿?也许在你的课桌里。9、那是什么? 那是他的自行车。10、几点了? 11点。11. 她看上去这么高兴。12. 这是谁的新手套? 是她爸爸的

10、。13. 我的橡皮太小了。14. 对不起,几点了?15. 让我们看电视好吗?好的。16. 不要在床上拼拼图。17. 怎么了?我口渴。18. 给你一些果汁。谢谢。19. 为我画个水壶吧。20. 我想要那个胖熊猫。给你。21. Good morning, boys and girls.22. Can I have a look? Sure. Here you are.23. Whats that over there? Sorry, I dont know.24. What time do you go to bed? At nine forty.25. Im sorry. Im late.26.

11、 Come and have some chocolate.27. Your coat is too big.28.Id like some milk and mangoes for lunch.29.Heres a pair of socks for your sister.30. Whats the matter with you? Im thirsty.31. Lets colour the picture.32. Whats the time? Its twelve fifty.33. Whats ninety and ten? Its a hundred.34. You look s

12、o happy.35. Dont draw in your English books.36. Is ninety and five eighty-five? No, it isnt.37. Is that your balloon? No. My balloon is green. 38. Wheres his bookmark? Its in his new book, I think.39. The shoes are too big. Try this on, please.40. Shall we read the storybook now?4A选择题( ) 1. -May I h

13、ave a glass of orange juice? -_. A. No, I dont give you. B. Yes. C. Goodbye( ) 2. This copybook is _ you. A. to B. four C. for( ) 3. -Thank you. -_. 哪个选项不正确? A. Thats OK. B. Youre welcome. C. Not at all.( ) 4. -Whats this? -_. A. This is a lion. B. Thats a lion. C. Its a panda.( ) 5. -Wheres Su Hai?

14、 -_. A. She is in the classroom . B. He is in the classroom. C. He is over there.( ) 6. -_is the umbrella? -Its Jacks. A. Where B. Whose C. What( ) 7. I like _. A. apple B. an orange C. watermelons.( ) 8. -Where is _ storybook? -My storybook is in my school bag. A. her B. his C. your( ) 9. -Whats th

15、at _? -Its a kite. A. in English B. on English C. in English( ) 10. -Do you like Chinese? -_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.( ) 11. Jims juice and key _ in the litchen. A. are B. am C. is( ) 12. A pair of new shoes _ on the chair.( ) 13. She _ so funny. A. look B is look C. looks( ) 14. -W

16、hose pens are they? -_. A. They are my father. B. They are her fathers. C. Its my fathers.( ) 15. The jeans are _ long. A. to B. two C. too( ) 16. -_ do you come home? -At five. A. What time B. Whats time C. Whats the time( ) 17. -Whats the time? A. It is four fourty. B. Seven. C. At eleven.( ) 18.

17、-Shall we go to the cinema now? -_. A. Yes. Lets go. B. OK. C. Thank you.( ) 19. Seven rabbits are _ on the sofa. A. running B. run C. are running( ) 20. -_? - Im tired and thirsty. A. Whats the time? B. Whats that? C. Whats the matter?( ) 21. -_. - Have some cakes, please. A. Im hungry. B. Im ill.

18、C. Im thirsty.( ) 22. The dress is pretty. _. A. Try it in. B. Try it on. C. Try on it.( ) 23. -What time do you have lunch? -_. A. I have lunch in eleven thirty. B. At twelve. C. About eleven fifty.( ) 24. Lets go to Beijing _. A. in car B. by plane C. on plane( ) 25. I like the shorts. _ nice. A.

19、It is B. They are C. There are四年级阅读理解Passage A: Go to school In the morning I get up at six. I wash my face and put on clothes(衣服). I have breakfast with my father and mother at six thirty. At six forty I go to school by bike. I am never(从不) late. But Tom is sometimes(有时) late and Mary is always(总是) late. They often

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