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1、 i have to tell you, however, todays civilization is based on peoples labor, yes, and it is, but which is not only on the physical labor, the more important is on the mental labor-the thought. 我要告诉你,但是,今天的文明是基于人们的劳动,是的,它是,但不仅是体力劳动,脑力劳动上的更重要的是思想。 if there is no thought on the earth, what will happen?

2、 地球上如果没有思想,会发生什么? i cant imagine such a devastating scene and i think no one would be willing to fancy. 我无法想象这样一个毁灭性的场景,我认为没有人愿意的。 what we inherit from our ancestors are wealth, knowledge and dream-our ancestors dream. 我们从我们的祖先继承财富,知识和梦想祖先的梦想。 they devoted themselves to building our society, which w

3、as not for themselves but for the descendants. 他们致力于建设我们的社会,不是为自己,而是为后代。 they had viewed it because their society existed some outstanding philosophers. 他们认为,因为社会存在一些杰出的哲学家。 thats why their society had been developed. 这就是为什么他们的社会发展。 i am no scholar, no great man and no saint. i am just a citizen as

4、same as you. 我不是学者,没有伟人和圣人。我只是一个公民和你一样。 however, i have a dream and i believe both we have. 然而,我有一个梦想,我相信我们都有。a dream for our life. 我们的生活的梦想。 a dream for our goal. 一个梦想对于我们的目标。 a dream for our hope. 一个梦想对我们的希望。 and my dream is give our descent ant a dream. 和我的梦想是给我们的血统蚂蚁一个梦。 struggle and dreams 奋斗和梦

5、想 do you have dreams you want to pursue, but never seem to have the time because of the twin demands of work and family? 你有梦想你想追求,但似乎从来没有因为工作和家庭的双重需求? so whats the quick answer? 如此迅速的回答是什么? there isnt one. 没有一个。 it takes hard work. 这需要艰苦的工作。 but the most important two factors are: 但最重要的两个因素是: 1. it

6、has to be something youre excited and passionate about; 1.它必须是你激动,充满激情; 2. you have to make it a top priority, and structure your day so that it really is a priority. 2.你要使它成为一个首要任务,和结构你的一天,它真的是一个优先级。 lets go into more depth for each of these two factors. 让我们进入更深度的这两个因素。 work on something youre exci

7、ted and passionate about 做些你兴奋,充满激情 this step might seem a bit trite or obvious but its crucial, and i think its something many people dont think enough about. 这一步似乎有点老套的或明显的但这是至关重要的,而且我认为这是许多人没有足够的思考。 often people think they want to do something, but perhaps its just something they think would be n

8、ice to do ? not something theyre really passionate about. 通常人们认为他们想要做点什么,但也许这只是他们认为将是一个好东西?不是他们真的热爱。 if youre passionate about something, you cant wait to do it, and youll clear your schedule and make the time to do it. 如果你对某事很有激情,你迫不及待地做它,你会清楚你的时间表,让时间去做。 youll find a way, and when youre doing it,

9、youre excited and happy (and maybe even a little obsessed). 你会找到一种方法,当你这样做时,你很激动和快乐,甚至有点着迷。 really think about whether youre excited about your goals or dreams ? if not, you might need to look for new dreams. 真的觉得是否你兴奋的目标或梦想?如果不是,您可能需要寻找新的梦想。 if you are excited, and youre really working hard to purs

10、ue the dreams because of this excitement, move on to the next step! 如果你兴奋,你真的努力追求的梦想,因为兴奋,继续下一个步骤! making your 让你的梦想优先so how do you go from being excited about it to actually doing it? 那么如何从兴奋到真的这样做吗? by making your dream your top priority. 让你的梦想你的首要任务。 that means every day, when you wake up, decide

11、 what youre going to do to make that dream a reality. 这意味着每一天,当你醒来,决定你要做些什么才能让这个梦想成为现实。 then do that task first thing in the day, before even checking email. 然后做任务的第一件事就是天,之前甚至查收邮件。 if you cant do it first thing, schedule time for it. 如果你不能做的第一件事,安排时间。 if its a priority, youll make the time. 如果这是一个优

12、先级,你会。 but what about work and family? 但是工作和家庭呢? obviously those are also priorities, so youll have to schedule time for all three. 显然这些也是重点,所以你要安排时间所有三个。 that might mean cutting back on the work you do, or watching less tv, or doing less internet surfing or reading, or spending less time on email.

13、这可能意味着减少你的工作,或少看电视,或做的少上网或阅读,或电子邮件上花费更少的时间。 place limits on these routine-type activities, so that you can find the time to work on your dreams. 限制这些routine-type活动,这样你就可以找到时间来工作你的梦想。 you might consider waking up earlier, or working late at night when your family is asleep. 你可以考虑早醒来,或者晚上工作到很晚当你的家人睡着了

14、。 you might go in to work early so youll have some quiet time to work on your dreams, or leave early and work on your dreams right after work, or work on your dreams during lunchtime. 你可能会早去工作所以你会有一些安静的时间来工作你的梦想,或提前离开,在你的梦想工作下班后,或在你的梦想工作在午餐时间。 you can make the time, if you make it a priority. 你可以,如果

15、你使它成为一个优先级。 take action 采取行动 its also important, of course, to take action you cant just schedule the time. 也很重要,当然,采取行动你不能安排时间。 you have to wake up from dreaming and actually get to the doing! 你必须从梦中醒来,真的去做! again, make the action to move closer to your dream the first action you take each day, if

16、at all possible. 再次,使行动靠近你的梦想第一行动你每一天,如果可能的话。 that way it wont get pushed back to the end of the day, and then to the next day,and so on. 这样它就不会推迟到一天结束的时候,然后第二天,等等。 dont let the dream tasks be pushed back! 不要让梦想任务被推迟! try to take action every single day on your dreams. 试图采取行动每一天你的梦想。 small steps add

17、 up over time. 随着时间的推移小步骤加起来。 enjoy the journey 享受这个过程 most of all, enjoy yourself. 最重要的是,享受自己。 if you hate what youre doing, you wont do it for long. 如果你讨厌你在做什么,你不会做太久。 but if you really enjoy the activity, you wont be able to wait youll want to do it right now. 但如果你真的很喜欢活动,你不能等待,你现在就想要。 whether yo

18、ur dream is writing a book or starting a new business or creating your own blog or taking photography or pursuing a graduate degree ? dont always keep your eye on the destination. 不管你的梦想是写一本书或开始一个新的业务或创建自己的博客或摄影或追求一个研究生学位?并不总是保持你的眼睛在目的地。 enjoy the journey, right here, right now, and appreciate what

19、a gift it is to be able to follow your dreams. 享受这个过程,就在这里,现在,和欣赏什么礼物能够追逐你的梦想。【篇二:英语演讲素材】 泰坦尼克号 titanicis a 1997 american epic romantic disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by james cameron. it is a fictionalized account of the sinking of the rms titanic. its stars leonardo di

20、caprio and kate winslet as members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage. 1997年12月19日首次上映,这部电影就获得了重要的商业成功。它获得了14项学术奖提名和11胜的记录,获得最佳影片和最佳导演奖。随着全球票房超过18亿美元,这是第一部票房达到10亿美元的电影,十二年来一直保持最高,直到2010年卡梅隆的下一部电影阿凡达问世才超过它。为了纪念这一历史悲剧,2012年4月4日3d版电影在电影院上映。全世

21、界所有的人都被这部电影以及它所讲述的故事所感动。在过去的十四年中,它仍旧吸引世界的眼球,被当做是世界上最好的电影之一。如今,大部分人去电影院看3d版泰坦尼克号是为了再现十四年前的感觉和记忆。尽管已经过去了那么久,这部电影仍然凭借其动人的爱情故事、动听的音乐和唯美的结构深深触动着人们内心最深处。在如此漫长的时间里,很多东西都已经发生了变化,当年的小伙子现在已经年入三十且已为人父母,但是泰坦尼克号的美好回忆将永存。 旅游nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. by traveling, we not only can

22、 relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. from my aspect, i think we can make many friends and travel with them. 现在,越来越多的人会经常去旅游。通过旅游,我们不仅能够放松自己,并且也能开阔我们的视野。在我看来,我们可以在旅游中结识到新朋友和他们结伴同行。 firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. for modern life, we are busy with o

23、ur work with high pressure. however, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life. 第一,我们能在欣赏风景之余放松自己。现代生活中,我们整天忙于工作,压力很大。但是,当我们旅游的时候,我们会被美景吸引,暂时忘记工作和生活的压力。 secondly, we can make friends by traveling. for most travelers, they tend to find many co

24、mpanions to travel with. if you check the internet, you will find that some people will call others to join them for travel. through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle. 第二,在旅游中能够交朋友。对于许多旅游的人来说,喜欢与人结伴同游。如果你到网上搜一搜,你会发现有很多人都会叫其

25、他人加入他们去旅游。通过这种方式的出游,我们能见到各种各样的人,与他们交朋友,扩大我们的交际圈。 thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. you can find lots of things you dont know when you make a plan, such as, the origin of a certain area, the custo

26、ms of different areas, local food and so on. 第三,在旅游中,我们能学到很多的知识。在你想去某个地方旅游之前,通常你需要制定一个计划。制定计划的过程中,你会发现许多你不知道的事情,例如,某个地区的由来,不同地方的人的风俗习惯,当地的美食等等。 in conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel. 总之,通过旅游,我们不仅能放松自己,结识新朋友,同时也能学到新知识。 和

27、爸妈去旅游 nowadays, with long holidays at hand, traveling has become a new trend for us to relax ourselves outside work. some people even had made a plan for it a long time before the holiday begins. they usually travel with good friends or travel along; only few people take their parents into travel pl

28、an. however, i think it is high time for us to travel with parents. 现在,随着长假即将到来,旅行变成我们从工作中放松自我的新趋势。有些人甚至在假期之前就制定好计划了。他们通常和好朋友一起旅行或者自己旅行,只有少数的人把父母划入旅行计划中。然而,我认为是时候和父母一起去旅行了。 in the first place, we should spend more time with parents. according to research, if we come home 5 days a year, spend 4 hours

29、 a day with parents, it would be less than 300 hours of 30 years, which means 25 days. we could see it now that there is not much timefor us to spend with our parents after we go to work or have our own family. hence, we should travel with our parents. 第一,我们应该花更多的时间陪父母。根据研究,如果我们每年回家5天,每天花4小时陪父母,那么30年里就会低于300小时,也就是25天。我们现在知道如果去工作,或者有了自己的家庭,是有没有多少时间和父母在一起的。因此,我们该和父母一

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