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1、15) What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? 今天星期几?今天天气怎么样?16) Lets sing an English song together. OK? 让我们一起唱首英文歌吧。17) Ready? Start. /Lets begin. 我们开始上课。18) There goes the bell. Lets begin our class. /Class begins. /Is that the bell? 上课铃响了,我们开始上课。19) Stand up. /lease stand. 起立!20) Good mo

2、rning, boys and girls! 早上好!21) Hello, children/everyone! 22) Sit down, please. 请坐。2.Beginning Class 开始上课23) Lets do some warming-up exercises first. 首先让我们做一下热身运动。24) Lets do some oral practice. 让我们做些口头练习。25) Lets review the old lessons./Lets do some revision work. 让我们复习原来学过的课。26) Today were going to

3、 have a revision class. /Do you remember what we did last lesson? 今天我上复习课。/你们还刻我们原来学过的内容吗?27) Today well have a general revision of what we have learned so far. 今天我们把到目前学过的东西总复习一下。28) First of all, lets do some phonetic exercises. Can you do this? 首先我们做些语音练习。29) Today well have a test/quiz. Get your

4、 exercise-books ready, please. 今天我们来做个小测,请把你们的练习本拿出来。30) Take out a piece of paper and a pen. Lets have a dictation. 拿出纸和笔,我们来听写。31) Get ready for dictation, please. Are you ready? 准备好听写。32) Lets start, begin. 开始。33) Let me sum up the mid-term examination. After that well take up a new lesson. 现在让我们

5、总结一下期中考试,然后我们上新课。34) Today we are going to learn a new lesson, Lesson Nine. It is about How to Ask the Way. First of all, lets do some free talks about “Introduction.” 首先自由讨论一下“介绍”部分。35) Who wants to try? /Who would like to try? 谁想试一试。36) Today we have three things to do. First ask and answer some q

6、uestions with the pictures. Second, do some written work. And third, watch a short English play on video-tape. 今天我们要做三件事:第一,看图提出并回答问题;第二,做一些书面练习;第三,看一个简短的英语录相带。3.During Classa) Teaching of Pronunciation and Spelling /语音和拼写37) Be quiet and listen to me carefully.安静,认真听我说。38) Just listen, dont repeat.

7、只听,不要跟我读。39) Read it one by one.一个一个读。40) Say it after me. /Repeat after me.请跟我说。41) Look at my mouth/my lip position. Like this.看我的嘴形。42) Pronounce the sound ?: with a smiling face.发时,面带微笑。43) Try again. /Try once more.再来一遍。44) Dont be shy.不要害羞。45) Dont be nervous. /Relax. /Isnt this fun?不要紧张。放松。这不

8、是很有趣吗?46) Dont be afraid of making mistakes.不要害怕出错。47) Do your best.尽力做吧。48) Louder, please. I cant hear you. /Speak up, please.请大声一点。49) I beg your pardon. /Say it again. /Please repeat.请再说一遍。50) It doesnt matter. /Thats all right.没关系。51) Read the word syllable by syllable.一个音节一个音节地读单词。52) Dont swa

9、llow any sounds.不要吞音。53) Dont put the vowel sound ? after k.在发k时后面不要加。54) Pay attention to the consonant cluster, such as: green, great, glass, glove, class, clock, black, bread, brush, brother and please.注意辅音的连读,例如:55) How do you pronounce this word?这个单词怎么发音?56) Spell the word “Thursday”.“Thursday”

10、这个单词怎么拼写?57) How do you spell the word “Wednesday”?“Wednesday”这个单词怎么拼写?58) Think it over, please.再想想。59) The letter “a” is pronounced in this word.在这个单词里,字母a是发的音。60) The letter “n” is silent in the word “autumn”.在autumn这个单词中,字母n是不发音的。61) There is a silent “e” at the end of the word.单词末尾有一个不发音的e。62)

11、The letter “e” in the word is not pronounced.字母在这个单词中是不发音的。63) What letter is missing in this word?这个单词里漏了什么字母?64) How many vowel letters are there in English? What are they? Is “y” a vowel?英语里有几个元音字母?是哪些?y是元音吗?65) According to the rules of pronunciation, letter “i” is pronounced as i in the stresse

12、d closed syllables.根据发音规则,字母i在重读闭音节里发成i。66) In the stressed open syllables, all the vowel letters are pronounced their own names except letter “y”. It is pronounced ai.在开音节里,所有的元音字母都发本身的音,除了之外。67) Letter combination “sh” is pronounced , but “th” is pronounced or .sh连起来发的音,但th发成或。68) Double “e” is of

13、ten pronounced i :. And “ea” is pronounced i : or e in the different words.双写通常都发成i:。69) How many syllables does this word have? /How many syllables has this word got?这个单词有几个音节?70) This word has two syllables. The stress falls on the first syllable.这个单词有两个音节,重音落在第一个音节。71) Is the stress on the first

14、syllable or the second syllable?重音落在第一个音节还是第二个音节上?72) The article “the” should be pronounced before a noun with a vowel as the first sound.冠词the在以元音开头的名词前面应发的音。73) Dont put too much stress on this word in the sentence.在这个句子里,这个单词不要发得太重。74) Your voice should be loud and clear.你发音应大声、清晰些。b)Teaching of

15、 Dialogues or Texts /教对话或课文75) Would you like to play a game with me? First, lets watch the video-tape about the game. Try to understand it, And then I will ask you some questions.你们想和我玩游戏吗?首先,让我们先看一下有关这个游戏的录相,尽力地理解,然后我们再来做些训练。76) Have you got the meaning of the dialogue? Do you understand all of th

16、em? What about you?你明白了对话的意思吗?你能全部理解吗?77) Were going to learn a new dialogue. Look at this photo of family. Let me introduce something about it. And then I will ask you some questions.我们要学习一个新的对话。看这张“全家福”,让我介绍一下,然后我会问你们一些问题。78) Lets do Questions and Answers on the picture.让我们做有关这张照片的问答题。79) Can you

17、say some thing about the picture? Who will be the first?你们能说说关于这张照片的一些事吗?谁来试一试?80) Put your books away. Say the dialogue after me.把书本收起来,请跟我读对话。81) Open your books. Turn to page 25. Read the text after the tape-recording.打开课本,翻到页,跟着录音读课文。82) Can you follow it?你能跟得上吗?83) Pay more attention to the sen

18、tence stress, sense groups and liaison.请注意句子的生意、意群、连读。84) Read after me sentence by sentence.一句一句跟我读。85) Read the text from the very beginning.从头开始读课文。86) Now you are going to read the text in turn. Its your turn now, Betty. Henry, continue to read, please.现在你们轮流读课文。Betty,现在轮到你读了。Henry,请继续。87) When

19、someone is reading, the rest of the class should all listen carefully and try to point out his mistakes, if there is any.当有人在读课文时,其他人应该认真听,如果有错误时,尽力指出。88) Anything wrong? /Have you found any mistakes? /Can you do this better? /Can this be improved?有错误吗?你有没有发现什么错误?有没有谁来改进一下?89)Your pronunciation and

20、intonation are all right. But your voice is not loud enough.你的语音语调都很正确,但声音不够大。90) Read more loudly and slowly so that everybody can hear you. Thats it. Go on!读得慢一点,大声一点,让每人都听得见。对了,继续。91) You read very fluently. /Well done.你读得很流利。92) Good. You read much better than before. Keep it up!好的,你读得比以前好多了,请保持

21、。93) Read the dialogue again. This half of the class will be A, and the other half will be B.再读对话,这一半人读,另一半人读。94) Lets do a role play. All of you will be a customer, and I will be a shop assistant.让我们做角色扮演,你们当顾客,我当店员。95) Word in pairs, please.两个一组。96) Please prepare it in group. /Now in groups.请小组一起

22、准备。97) Ill give you a few minutes for preparation. Then Ill ask each group to do it.我给你们几分钟准备,然后我请每一组表演。98) OK. Are you ready? Whod like to do it with me? Any volunteers?好了,准备好了吗?谁愿意和我一起做?有没有志愿者?99) Tom, Mary and I are going to act out the dialogue first.Tom, Mary和先和我一起来表演这个对话。100) Id like to have s

23、ome of you come here and act out the dialogue. Whod like to have a try?我需要你们一些人来这儿表演这个对话,谁来试试?101) Which group wants to do? Volunteers? Come on!哪一组来?快点。102) They have done a good job. Lets clap hands for them.他们表演得很好。让我们掌声鼓励。103) Make up the dialogue according to this lesson. Try to use the words an

24、d sentences you have learned.根据这一课的内容编一个对话,尽量使用学过的单词和句子。104) Which group is the best one, first, second or the third?哪一组是最好的?第一组?第二组还是第三组呢?105) Would you like to read out the drill on the slide?你要不要把幻灯片上的对话读一下?106) This is a general question. It should be read in the rising tone.这是一个一般疑问句,所以应该读升调。10

25、7) Use the falling tone when we read special questions.让我们用降调读特殊疑问句。108) Pay attention to the sentence order. Its often quite different from that in Chinese.请注意句子的顺序。和汉语表达是不一样的。109) What does the sentence mean in Chinese?这句话是什么意思?c)Teaching of Grammar /教语法110) The article “an” should be used before

26、a noun with a vowel as the first sound. 冠词an用在以元音开头的名词前面111) Give the plural form of this noun.给出这个名词的复数形式.112) Are they countable nouns or uncountable nouns? 它们是可数名词还是不可数名词?113) Dont add “s” or “es” after an uncountable noun. 不要在不可数名词后面加s或es.114) This word has the same form in the singular as in th

27、e plural. 这个单词的单/复数形式是一样的.115) This noun appears in the singular form, never in the plural form. 这个单词只有单数形式,没有复数形式.116) Can you give the antonyms of the following adjectives? 你能给出下列形容词的反义词吗?117) Let me explain the sentence.118) What does the phrase mean? 这个词组是什么意思?119) What part of speech is this wo

28、rd in the sentence? 句子里这个单词是什么词性?120) Here, the pronoun is used as the object of the verb, so the objective case is required. 在这里,代词用作副词的宾语.121) “One” here is not a numeral. It is used as an indefinite pronoun. It is a substitute for the noun “bag” in the last sentence. one在这儿不是数词,作为一个不定代词,它是最后一句话里bag的替代.122) It is the comparative degree / the superlative degree of this adjective / adverb. 这个是形容词/副词的比较级/最高级.123) This is proper noun. Notice the first letter should be capitalized. Could you tell us more about it? 这是一个专有名词,注意第一个字母必须大写.你能举些例子吗?124) Weve tak

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