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1、( )9、Athat Bwhy Cmany Dall ( )10、Aas Blike Csame Das ifB Many of you are studying English and you may be 1 why it is so difficult to learn. Its actually not too difficult to learn 2 you know some 3 about the language and culture that it reflects (反映). Perhaps the first thing you need to know about E

2、nglish is that it is made up of several other languages 4 French, German, Latin, Greek and AngloSaxon. In addition, there are words 5 Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese 6 can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words 7 other la

3、nguages is 8 of the key reasons 9 some of the difficulties that people meet with (遇到) 10 they are learning English.( )1、Aknowing Bwondering Clearning Dhearing ( )2、Abut Band Cif Dunless ( )3、Anews Bfacts Ctruth Dinformations ( )4、Asuch as Bthe same as Cso as Dfor example ( )5、Ain Boff Cof Dfrom ( )6

4、、Awords Bculture Clanguage Dletters ( )7、Afor Bto Cfrom Dout ( )8、Athat Bsomething Cone Dthis ( )9、Awhy Bof Cwhat Dfor ( )10、Awhen Bbefore Cafter DwhileC Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. She 1 chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the 2 . Sometime

5、s the new classes 3 rapidly, but sometimes they were very 4 , and then Miss Richards had to 5 things many times. One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several 6 when Miss Richards suddenly asked, What is water? Who knows? 7 up? There was silence (沉默) for a few seconds, and miss R

6、ichards felt saddened (难过), but then one boy 8 his hand. Yes, Dick? said Miss Richards encouragingly (鼓励地). He was not one of the brightest children in the class, so she was 9 that he could answer.Water is a liquid which has no 10 until you wash your hands in it, Miss. Then it turns black, the boy r

7、eplied with great confidence (信心).( )1、Ateaches Bteaching Ctaught Dteach ( )2、Aschooling Bschool Cschools Dhome ( )3、Alearned Blearning Chad been learned Dwere learned ( )4、Aslow Bbeing slow Cslowly Dslowest ( )5、Arepeated Brepeating Cdo Drepeat ( )6、Ayears Bminutes Cweeks Dseconds ( )7、APut BHands

8、CGet DLook ( )8、Alows Bride Craised Dput ( )9、Asad Bglad Cangry Dhungry ( )10、Acolour Bcolourful Ccolourless Dwith colourD Mr. Wang teaches English in a middle school. He likes his work very much. He wanted 1 a teacher even when he was a young boy. There are six classes in a school day at Mr. Wangs

9、middle school. Mr. Wang teachers five of these six classes. 2 his free hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, Mr. Wang 3 meet with parents, check students homework and 4 many other things. So Mr. Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the

10、afternoon, and his hour is not free at all. In his English lesson, Mr. Wang sometimes teaches poems (诗). He likes poems very much, and he likes Li Bais poems 5 of all. In his fifth class today, Mr. Wang taught a poem. He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it. As soon as he finished 6 the poem

11、, the students began to ask questions. He answered all the questions. Then he asked his students to talk about the poem. 7 one wanted to stop when the bell rang. 8 home, Mr. Wang thought about the fifth class. He was happy about what he did as a teacher. Every one of his students 9 the poem. When th

12、ey started to talk, they forgot about the time. He did not have to make them 10 . He only had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem.( )1、Awas Bbeing Cto be Dbe ( )2、AIn BAt CTo DOn ( )3、Ahas to Bhas Cable to Dwill ( )4、Atake care for Bcare of Ctake care of Dbe careful of ( )5、A

13、better Bgood Cwell Dbest ( )6、Areading Bto read Cread Ddoing ( )7、ANot BNo CHave no DAny ( )8、ABy the way BTo his way COn his way DIn the way ( )9、Aliked Basked Chad Dwanted ( )10、Alearning Bto learn Clearn Dleant E John lived with his mother in a very big house, and when she 1 , the house became to

14、o big 2 him, so he bought a 3 one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his 4 house, and when the man came to take his things to the new house, John thought, “Im not going to let them 5 my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expe

15、nsive to repair it.” So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms. It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have 7 . Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for 8 seconds. Then he said to John, “Youre a 9 , arent you? 10 dont you buy a watch l

16、ike everyone else?”( )1、Aworked Bstudied Cdied Dplayed( )2、Aat Bwith Cabout Dfor( )3、Alarger Bbigger Cnicer Dsmaller( )4、Asecond Bthird Cfirst Dnew( )5、Ato carry Bbring Cto take Dcarry( )6、Apicked it up Bpicks it up Cpicks up it Dpicked up it( )7、Aa look Ba drink Ca walk Da rest( )8、Aa few Bfew Clit

17、tle Da little( )9、Agreat Bfool(傻瓜) Cclever Dbright( )10、AWhere BWhy CHow DWhen F Mr. Green heard that a certain government department(政府部门)wanted a clerk(职员), 1 he wrote and 2 the position(职位). But while he was waiting for 3 , a friend of his introduced(介绍)him to the head of the department. And the

18、head at once gave him 4 . Several months 5 , 6 Mr. Green was working in the department, he got a letter from his old address. This letter said:“Dear Sir, We are 7 to have to tell you that we cannot offer(提供)you the work in this department because we do not think that you would 8 do the job successfu

19、lly(成功地). Yours Faithfully,” Mr. Green laughed, but when he looked at the letter more 9 he was 10 to see that he signed(签名)it himself!( )1、Abut Bso Cor Dand( )2、Ago ready for Blooked for Ctook Dasked for( )3、Aan answer Bhis friend Cthe position Dthe head( )4、Athe pay Bthe address Cthe work Da letter

20、( )5、Alater Bago Cbefore Dsince( )6、Aso Bthen Cwhile Dafter( )7、Ahappy Bsorry Csure Dpleased( )8、Ahave to Blove to Cbe glad to Dbe able to( )9、Aquietly Bpolitely Ccarefully Dquickly( )10、Aworried Blucky Csad DsurprisedA.An artist (画家) went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed

21、with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes(颜料和画笔)and painted till evening. When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said,” No, I dont want money. But give me one

22、of your pictures. Whats money? In a week it will all be finished ,but your picture will still be here.” The artists was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered ,”Its not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an art

23、ist. When he comes home next month, Ill show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”( )1.The artist went to the countryside to _.A. visit his old friend B. spend his holiday C. visit the farmer D. Thank the farmer( )2. Every day ,the artist _.A. went out to help th

24、e farmer to do some farming B.went out to visit his friendsC. painted pictures D. enjoyed the beautiful scenery( )3. The artist wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer _.A. wanted much more money B. wanted nothingC. didnt want any money at all D. wanted one of his pictures instead of money( )4. The

25、 artist thought the farmer wanted a picture of his because _.A. the farmer was an artist too B.the farmer liked his pictures very muchC. the farmer wanted to give it to his son as a present D. the farmer was rich( )5. After hearing the farmers words ,perhaps the artist would be _.A. very worried B.

26、very happy C. very thankful D. very disappointed B We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf. It stood outside a furniture(家具)shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “

27、Well carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). Ive always wanted one like that.” What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too. As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to le

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