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1、 He has been talking since the beginning of the class.1) 一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数the sun,所以两个动词rise和set的词尾都加上了-s;2) 现在进行时,主语Mary是第三人称单数,所以be动词采用的是is;3) 现在完成时,主语my mother是第三人称单数,所以助动词have采用的是has;4) 现在完成进行时,主语为第一人称;5) 现在进行时,主语they是复数,所以be动词采用的是are;6) 一般现在时,主语my mother是第三人称单数,所以动词work的词尾加上了-s;7) 现在完成进行时,主语she是第

2、三人称单数,所以助动词have采用的是has;8) 现在完成时,主语为第一人称;9) 一般现在时,主语Japan是第三人称单数,所以动词lie的词尾加上了-s;10) 现在进行时,主语为第二人称。二、过去时【语法讲解】相对于现在时,过去时就是将事件发生的时间向过去推移。下面将现在时和过去时进行对比:过去时(以do为例) 形式 用法一般式 did (动词过去式) 过去某时发生的动作或状态进行式 was doingwere 过去某一时刻正在进行的动作完成式 had done(动词过去分词) 1.过去某个时间或某个动作之前就已经完成的动作;2.过去某个时间开始延续到过去另一个时间的动作完成进行式 h

3、ad been doing 过去某个时间以前开始并延续到过去这个时间的动作【特别提醒】动词过去式和过去分词的规则变化为在动词后面直接加-ed,而不规则变化则需要特殊记忆。【练习解析】1) 过去完成时,had written表明在said这个过去的动作之前就已经结束的动作;2) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作;3) 过去完成进行时,表明过去开始并延续到somebody answered it这个时间的动作;4) 过去进行时,表明在he called me这一时刻正在发生的动作;5) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作;6) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作;7) 过去完成进行时,表明过去开始并延续到h

4、e decided 这个时间的动作;8) 过去进行时,表明在I saw her这一时刻正在发生的动作;9) 一般过去时,表明过去发生的动作;10) 过去完成时,had finished表明在waited这个过去的动作之前就已经结束的动作。三、将来时相对于现在时,将来时就是将事件发生的时间向将来推移。下面将现在时和将来时进行对比:将来时(以do为例)一般式 shallwill work 将来发生的动作或情况进行式 Shall be workingwill 将来某一时刻正在进行的动作完成式 Shall have worked will 将来某个时间或某个动作之前就已经完成的动作1) 一般将来时;2

5、) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发生的动作;3) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完成的动作;4) 一般将来时;5) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发生的动作;6) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完成的动作;7) 一般将来时;8) 一般将来时;9) 将来进行时,表明将来某个时间正在发生的动作;10) 将来完成时,表明到将来某时间将要完成的动作。四、过去将来时过去将来时主要用来表示过去某一时间内将要发生的动作或存在的状态,可以看成时一般过去时和一般将来时的合并。过去将来时(以do为例)的形式如下:1) would (should) do2) was (were) going to do3

6、) was (were) about to do4) was (were) to do第三讲 谓语(二)语态 (Voice)一、 形式汉语里, 我们会听到类似这样的句子:1)“我打他了。”2)“他被我打了。这两个句子表达的是同样的内容,但第一句强调的是“是我打的他”,而第二句强调的是“是他挨打了”。两个句子的侧重点有所不同。第一句“我”是主语,谓语“打”这个动作是“我”发出的,所以第一句在语法上叫做“主动语态”;第二句“他”是主语,“他”是“打”这个动作的承受者,所以第二句在语法上叫做“被动语态”。与之相对应的英语译文是:1)I beat him.2) He was beaten by me.

7、汉语里的被动语态是通过“被”字体现的,而英语中,被动语态是通过 “be+及物动词的过去分词”的这一形式体现出来的。以动词do为例,常用的被动语态的各种时态的形式如下: 现在时 过去时 将来时 过去将来时一般 is (am, are) done was (were) done will (shall) be done would (should) be done进行 is (am, are) being done was (were) being done _ _完成 have (has) been done had been done _ _1) 被动语态中,助动词be有时态、人称和数的变化。

8、2) 能够在被动语态中使用的动词必须是“及物动词”,因为只有及物动词才有宾语,才能将其宾语转换为被动语态句中的主语。3) 在被动语态句中,通常不用指出动作的执行者。如果有必要指出,则在句末用介词by代表动作执行者的名词或代词来表示。【强化练习】判断下列被动语态句的时态1) Cars are seen everywhere in cities.2) The work was finally finished.3) Mary will be invited to dinner tonight.4) The window has been broken.5) The classroom is bei

9、ng cleaned by the students.6) The house had been repaired before he came back.7) He said that no water would be brought to the river if there was no rain.8) The program was being broadcasted when he cooked.判断被动语态句的时态主要以助动词be的变化为依据。因此:1句中are说明本句是一般现在时;2句中was说明本句是一般过去时;3句中will be说明本句是一般将来时;4句中has been

10、说明本句是现在完成时;5句中is being说明本句是现在进行时;6句中had been说明本句是过去完成时;7句中would be说明本句是过去将来时;8句中was being说明本句是过去进行时。二、 主动语态向被动语态的转换主动语态向被动语态的转换可以分为三步:1) 确定句子的主、谓、宾;2) 确定句子的时态; 3) 将主动语态句中的宾语转换为被动语态句中的主语,并要求被动语态句中的助动词be在人称和数上与之保持一致。被动语态句的时态与原句一致,原句的谓语动词要变为过去分词放在助动词be之后。例如:People keep all the books in good order in th

11、e library.1) 句子的主语是people,谓语是keep,宾语是all the books;2) 句子的时态是一般现在时;3) 将主动语态句的宾语all the books用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为一般现在时are,将keep变为过去分词kept。动作执行者people在被动语态句中可以省略。所以,这句话的被动语态的形式为:All the books are kept in good order in the library.再例如:The police asked each of them about the accident.1) 句子的主语是the police,谓语

12、是asked,宾语是each of them;2) 句子的时态是一般过去时;3) 将主动语态句的宾语each of them用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为一般过去时was,ask的过去分词是asked。动作的执行者the police可以放在句末,通过介词短语by the police来表示。Each of them was asked about the accident by the police.1) 含有情态动词的被动语态的结构构成是:情态动词be及物动词的过去分词。Bad things sometimes can be turned into good things.2) 短语

13、动词(即动词介词或副词等)应作为一个整体看待,变为被动语态时不能丢掉构成短语动词的介词或副词等。The children have been taken good care of by the nurse.3) 主动语态中若是有双宾语,变被动语态结构时,只将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个宾语不变。I gave him a watch.在这个句子中有两个宾语,him(间接宾语)和a watch(直接宾语)。可以选择间接宾语him作被动语态中的主语,则这句话的被动语态为:He was given a watch by me. 或者选择直接宾语a watch作被动语态中的主语,则这句话的被动语态为:A

14、 watch was given to him. 注意:当直接宾语用作被动语态的主语时,后面保留的间接宾语前有时要加一个介词to。将下列句子改为被动语态1) Someone had cleaned the window.2) We use the room only on special occasions.3) They were starting a new system.4) You must finish the homework before 9.5) Somebody has already told him to come.1) 句子的主语是someone,谓语是had clea

15、ned,宾语是the window;句子的时态是过去完成时;将主动语态句的宾语the window用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为过去完成时had been,clean的过去分词为cleaned,动作执行者someone在被动语态句中可以省略。The window had been cleaned.2) 句子的主语是we,谓语是use,宾语是the room;句子的时态是一般现在时;将主动语态句的宾语the room用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为一般现在时is,use的过去分词为used,动作执行者we在被动语态句中可以省略。The room is only used on spec

16、ial occasions.3) 句子的主语是they,谓语是were starting,宾语是a new system;句子的时态是过去进行时;将主动语态句的宾语a new system用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为过去进行时was being,start的过去分词为started,动作执行者they在被动语态句中可以省略。A new system was being started.4) 句子的主语是you,谓语是must finish,宾语是the homework;句子中由于出现了情态助动词must,所以不考虑其时态;将主动语态句的宾语the homework用作被动语态句的主语

17、,助动词be在情态动词must后仍为原形be,finish的过去分词为finished,动作执行者you在被动语态句中可以省略。The homework must be finished before 9.5) 句子的主语是somebody,谓语是has already told,宾语是him;句子的时态是现在完成时;将主动语态句的宾语him用作被动语态句的主语,助动词be变为现在完成时has been,tell的过去分词为told,动作执行者somebody在被动语态句中可以省略。He has already been told to come.三、 被动语态的用法被动语态常用于以下情况:1

18、) 我们不知道谁是动作的执行者。His car was stolen last week.一个星期前他的汽车被盗了。2) 我们认为没有必要指出或不想指出动作的执行者。TV ads are usually repeated over and over again. 电视广告通常一遍又一遍地重复播放。如果需要指出被动语态句中动作的执行者,则用介词by代表动作执行者的名词或代词。The window has been cleaned by Mary.【巩固练习】(九)1将下列句子改为被动语态,并根据情况保留或去掉动作的执行者1) They will say nothing more about th

19、is matter.2) They have made some flowers of silk.3) He wrote a poem.4) The students are planting some trees and flowers.5) They are to open up a new business next week.6) Children couldnt have done all this damage.7) All of us will see him off at the airport.8) They feed the tigers at the zoo three

20、times a day.9) You must hand in your homework before five.10) People say that she is a good teacher.2. 用所给动词的正确形式填空1) English _ (speak) in many countries.2) Information in short-term memory _ (can, not, keep) very long.3) After that, one of the lights _ (turn off) and the rat had to wait for a short

21、 time.4) Just a few years ago, tomatoes _ (believe) to have magical powers, making people who ate them fall in love.5) It is said new copies of the book _ (print) now.6) The old house _ (pull) down next month.7) In the old days, the children _ (take care of) by the mother because she did not work ou

22、tside the house.8) Needless to say, the second list of words _ (can, remember) more easily than the first one.9) She _ (send) to another village when I got there.10) The teacher said that we _ (give) another chance some time next month if we failed in the exam.第三讲【巩固练习】(九)答案1将下列句子改为被动语态1) Nothing mo

23、re will be said about this matter.2) Some flowers of silk have been made by them.3) A poem was written by him.4) Some trees and flowers are being planted by the students.5) A new business is to be opened up next week.6) All this damage couldnt have been done by children.7) He will be seen off at the

24、 airport by all of us.8) The tigers at the zoo are fed three times a day (by them).9) Your homework must be handed in before five (by you).10) It is said that she is a good teacher. (That she is a good teacher is said by them.)1) is spoken2) cannot be kept3) was turned off4) were believed5) are bein

25、g printed6) will be pulled7) were taken care of8) can be remembered9) had been sent10) would be given第四讲 谓语(三)主谓一致“一致”指句子成分之间要在人称、数、性等方面保持的协调关系。在英语中最主要的一致关系是主语和谓语动词之间的数的一致。1. 基本原则:在现代英语中主谓一致基本遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近原则。三个原则中,以语法一致为主,意义一致次之,就近一致再次之。1.1语法一致原则指的是一般情况下,主语和谓语动词要在语法上取得一致,即主语为单数形式,动词也采取单数形式

26、;主语为复数形式,动词也采取复数形式,这种一致关系叫做语法一致。Tom is a good student. 汤姆是一个好学生。(一般现在时中主语为第三人称单数时,be动词采用is的形式)Tom and Mary are good friends. (一般现在时中主语为第三人称复数时,be动词采用are的形式)英语中遵循语法一致原则的具体情况包括:1) 动词不定式、动名词、从句做主语时,谓语动词采用单数形式。Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。(主语为动名词talking)To make a plan for our future is important. 为我们的

27、将来制定计划很重要。(主语为不定式短语to make a plan for our future)When they will move to Beijing has not been decided yet.他们什么时候搬到北京去还没有决定。(主语为主语从句when they will move to Beijing)2) a portion of, a series of, a kind of 等词语修饰主语时, of后面既可以接单数名词,也可以接复数名词,但谓语动词采用单数形式。A kind of special tools is needed. 需要一种特殊的工具。A series o

28、f white arrows has been painted on the road. 马路上画有一连串白色箭头。A portion of land has been cultivated. 已经耕种了一部分土地。【特别提醒】a variety of, a number of 名词复数作主语时,谓语动词采用复数形式。A variety of ways have been tried in solving the problem. 为了解决这一问题已经尝试了很多种方法。A large number of people work in that company.很多人在那家公司工作。3) eve

29、ryone, everybody, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, each, one of, either, neither, every用作主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词采用单数形式。Someone has brought the book here.有人把书带到这儿来。If anyone calls, tell him Ill be back in a minute.如果有人打电话,告诉他我马上回来。One of the students is absent today. 有一个学生今天没来。Nobody feels interested in the proposal. 没人对这个提议感兴趣。I invited both of them but neither has come yet. 我邀请了他们两个人,但现在一个也没到。The

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