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1、 3. Is the boy helping the old man?七模仿对话编写新对话。八阅读B部分(P81),回答:What can the members at the Helping Hands Club do for the children in poor areas?思考:What can we do to help others? Then make a dialogue using Part B as a model.九十准备A short speech: Say something about yourself. (1) your name (2) your abilit

2、y (3) your personality (个性) (4)What would you like to do to help others?六、默写下列课文中的句子。1. 信还是不信!2. 当心,Eddie!3. 我们可以给他们寄送一些过去。4. .一些家庭甚至没有能力付得起钢笔和笔记本5. 我们可以为他们筹集一些钱来买这些东西。七下Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit检测反馈一、用所给首字母完成下列句子。1. Be c_! There are a lot of cars and people in the street.2. On Marc

3、h 12th, her mother often takes her to p_ trees near the river.3. We should h_ each other.4. -Do you like c_ stamps? - Yes, I do.5. Look! The girl is g_ a seat to an old man.二、用合适的介词或副词填空。1. I usually help my classmates _ their homework.2. -Can you help me _ my English? -Yes, with pleasure. 3. Its im

4、portant to be careful _ fire.4. Planting Trees Day is _ March 12th.5. Daniel is a member _ the Helping Hands Club.6. There isnt a home _ the elderly in our village .7. We will clean _ the classroom after school.8. Simon often gives a seat _ someone _ the bus.三、句型转换。1. 信不信由你,李阳将到我们学校来。 !Li Yang will

5、come to our school.2. 同学们想为希望工程收集东西。The students want to _ Project Hope.3李阿姨每天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。Aunt Li _ _ the office every day.4.He often _ _ to the _ on the bus.( 他经常在公共汽车上给老人让座)5.We often go to _ the _ for the elderly every year. (我们每年都去访问老年公寓)初中英语七年级下册导学案七下Unit 7 Reading (1)学案一借助音标朗读单词表中的82页生词。记忆生词意

6、思。并完成一下填空。1. There was a lot of (烟)from the window of a wooden house just now.2. Today Lindas parents are out, so she has to stay at home (独自)。3. It is a good habit to check your work (仔细)before you hand it in.4. She is a very (勇敢)little girl.5. Is the fire still (燃烧)?二读82页的文章,了解下列词或词组的意思并写下来。smoke

7、hurt_ pour_ rush_ blanket_ save_ burn_ arm_ glad_ dangerous help sb. out on 10th May be at home alone hear sb. doing the 79-year-old Mrs Sun happen to pour sth. Over rush into put out the fire be careful with 三、阅读课文标出生词及不理解的句子。四快速阅读课文一遍,判断正(T)误(F)。1)Lin Tao is 26 years old, Mrs Sun is 79yearold.2)Li

8、n Tao was at home with his parents on 10th May.3)Mrs Sun shouted “Fire! Fire!” in the kitchen.4)Lin Tao was in hospital for only one month.5)Many people visited him with some flowers and presents.五阅读课文两遍,并回答下列问题。1. What did Lin Tao see and hear on May 10th?2.How old was Mrs Sun?3.Why couldnt Mrs Sun

9、 get out of the fire?4. How did Lin Tao save his neighbour?5 How long was the young man in hospital?6、What did Lin Tao say at last?7. What do you think about the young man?五再阅读课文一遍,完成83页B2部分内容。六、快速朗读完成课本84页B3部分和C部分练习。七、思考:What do you learn from Lin Tao?八、默写下列课文中的句子。1. 他真够勇敢的从火海里就出了他的邻居。2. 他跑了出来看见了许多

10、来自隔壁的烟。3. 他的左腿严重受伤了,他不能出去了。4. 他把他的外套浇湿了来保护他自己。5. 然后他冲进了厨房。6. 他把一个湿的毯子盖在了孙夫人身上,然后把她救了出来。一、将下列短语英汉互译。1. a careful boy_ 2.一个勇敢的年轻人_ 3.hurt ones leg_ 4.让某人脱离危险_5.put out_ 6. hurt by fire _7.冲进去_ 8. be in hospital _9.从大火中救出某人_10.在此刻_二、完成短文。The 25yearold man c 1 Lin Tao helped his neighbour out of a f 2 .

11、 On 10th May, he was at home a 3 . Suddenly he h 4 someone shouting “ Fire!”. He ran outside and saw a lot of s 5 from next door, Mrs Suns house. Then he r 6 into her kitchen to s 7 her. The fire was very hot, but he was not a 8 . Lin Tao said “We should help e 9 other and it is important to be c 10

12、 with fire.”三、用下列单词的正确形式填空。1. Suddenly he heard someone _ (shout ) “Fire!”.2. At that time,I saw him (cross) the street.3. Lin Tao put out the fire _ (quick ).4. He saw _ (many ) smoke from next room.5. Its dangerous for the children to play with (knife).6. Thank you for _ ( join ) us.7. How terribl

13、e!Is she getting (well)now?8.He is a _ ( care ) man. He often makes some mistakes (错误).四、将下列句子译成英语。1.上周他呆在床上休息了2 天。_.2.你刚才听见有人在隔壁唱歌吗?_?3.我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。_.4.这音乐听起来不错。_.5. 刚才我用一个湿毯子扑灭了火。I the fire just now.七下Unit 7 Reading (2)一、阅读课文两遍,找出语言点。(重点词汇、短语、句子)二、翻译下列短语。1.小心火 2. 扑灭大火 3.住院 4.打110 报警 5.冲进. 6. kee

14、p ones life from danger_7.呆在家 8.带给某人某物 9.烧伤某人的腿 10.把水浇在他的裤子上 11听到某人正在做某事 12.a brave man_三自学文中重要短语或句型。1. help sb out of a fire help with /(to)do sth.2. alone/lonely eg:I often stay home alone on Sundays but I dont feel lonely.3.hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doing4. 79yearold 79岁大的,是用连字符所构成的一个形容词结构,一

15、般放在名词前作定语用,其中所含名词必须用单数。eg. a 12yearold boy 一个12岁大的男孩an 8hundredword article 一篇800字的文章a 2metrelong desk 一张2米长的桌子5.hurt The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. hurt by fire6.pour over 7. put out the fire put on/ up/down/ into/away8. in hospital 住院,指生病eg. She was in hospital for two months. 她住院已

16、有两个月了。 My grandma is ill in hospital. 我奶奶生病住院了。in the hospital 在医院里(不是生病)eg. My uncle is a doctor. He works in the hospital near here. 我的叔叔是个医生,在这附近的医院工作。9.It is important to be careful with fire. Be care with sth Children must be careful with matches.10.keep ones life from danger keep from I should

17、 keep my father from smoking.11.Thank you for joining us this evening.四假设你是一名记者,想对Lin Tao做一次采访,请列出你想问他的问题(留作课堂采访)五. 如何用火才是安全的,请列出你的想法:(Fire safety)六、延伸学习:判断下列行为是否安全。(S=safety;D=dangerous)1. Ride a bike very fast on the road.2. Do not drive a car after driving.3. Sleep with the stove on.4. Be alone a

18、t home without locking the door.5. Do not go swimming in the river.6. Do not speak to strangers. 七、默写下列课文中的句子。1. 后来一些消防员来了扑灭了火。2. 火烧伤了林涛的胳膊、脖子和脸。3. 他在医院住了两个星期。4. 我们应当当心它。5. 我听到某人求救。6. 你听说了关于林涛的消息吗?7. 他把一个湿的毯子盖在了孙夫人身上,然后把她救了出来。一、 动词填空。1.I often hear her_(sing) in the room.2. Thank you for _(help) us.

19、3.The brave boy rushed into the room _(save) the girl.4.Miss Xu _(teach) me maths last term.5.She fell off her bike and_(hurt) her leg.6.You should do something _(keep) water clean.二、句型转换。1. The man put out the fire with a blanket. (5-6划线提问)2. Mrs. Li is 80 years old. She is an old woman. (同义句) Mrs.

20、 Li is woman.3. He is a brave young man. (感叹句)二、单项选择.( )1. Yi Jianlian is a _ basketball player.A.2metrestall B.2metretall c. 2 metres tall ( )2_is important _careful with fire AThat;be BIt;be CIt;to be DThat;being( )3. His grandpa lives _ in the country but she doesnt feel_. A. alone; alone B. alon

21、e; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely( )4If we _ careful,fire can be dangerous。 Adont be Bare Carent D. wont be( )5. There was a big fire last night, but the firemen _. A. put down it B. put it down C. put out it D. put it out七下Unit7 Grammar A一、(一)在课本85页找出并翻译下面的词或词组。smoke by the way_camera no

22、 problem_ride a horse swim across the river ride a bike go camping a good place to have fun_ (二)阅读书P85例句,体会两组例句中相同单词的不同用途。1.Can/could:_2. Can,could,may:_二、用can和could造句,表示能力。_-_三、分别用can,could和may造三个句子(表示许可)。四、根据要求改写下列的句子。1. He can play tennis now. (用two years ago改写句)2.Pingping could speak English las

23、t year.(用now改写句子)3. The parrot can speak some English words. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 4. They can go to Guannan today. (改为否定句)五朗读书本85页A部分内容,然后完成A trip to South Hill。1. 能说很好的英语。2. 不会骑马。3. 这个老人能横游长江。4. 抱歉,我恐怕你不可以。5. 当然,你可以。6. 顺便问一下,你可以带上你的相机吗,Amy?7. 没问题。一、用can/cant/could/couldnt填空。1. you lend me your ruler?Ye

24、s, of course.2. Kate ride a bike when she was five years old?No, she .3. Look at the sun! It be a nice day today. We go fishing today.4. Mike work out(解决) this problem yesterday. He thinks hard and he work it out now.5. I sing many Chinese songs. But I sing any English songs at all.6. you row a boat now? No, I . But my brother _.7. It rained hard yesterday. We fly kites out

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