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1、(B) passed(C) last(D) lasted6. The young man came into the classroom _ flowers in his hand.(5分)of(B) within(D) to7. The old man used to _ early in the morning(5分)wake up(B) waking up(C) woke up(D) waken up8. He finished writing the novel _ of last month (5分)at the end(B) in the end(C) by the end(D)

2、on the end9. He is not a child _(5分)(A) no more(B) no longerany much(D) any moreD10. He _ poor all his life as he was not healthy enough.(5分)(A) was remaining(B) was remained remained(D) has remained选词填空11. 1. His eyesto the telephone.2. When will scientistcancer?3. Your encouragement made me moreof

3、 my future.4. My fatherme with the importance of hard work.5. The teacherher students to speak more English in and out of class. 6. I willthe days we were together for ever.7. She wasof her childrens (bad) behavior.8. When I walk down again theroutes on campus, I couldnt help thinking of my old scho

4、ol life.9. If you cant sign your name, make a cross.10. Her boyfriend is herby six years.(50分)confident(C) familiarcherish(E) encourages(F) conquer(G) shifted(H) impresses(I) senior(J) instead(1)G(2)F(3)A(4)H(5)E(6)D(7)B(8)C(9)J(10)I大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业21. This dress is too long. I want one of _ length(3

5、分)mediummodestaverage(D) middle2. Would you come and have dinner with us?_(3分)(A) No, I think I dont.No, never mind.(C) Yes, please.Yes, I think I will.3. Newton was one of the greatest scientists _ ever lived.(3分)whomwhichwhatthat4. By the time he reached to the dentist, his toothache_.(3分) stopped

6、had stopped has stoppedas been stopped5. Sorry to have kept you waiting._(3分)(A) Thats Ok(B) What are you doing?(C) Whats wrong with you?(D) Where have you been?6. Modern education is _ because of its failure to meet the practical needs of the society.(3分)on attack(B) in attack(C) for attackunder at

7、tack7. Can you help me?No, I dont know.Sure, what is it?Dont mention it.We dont have books here.8. He recited _ much of the poem as he could remember.(3分)withassosuch9. The company made efforts _ their products.(3分)(A) promotingto promote promotedto promoting10. This dress is too long. I want one of

8、 _ length(3分)11. Not until last night _ the news.(3分)do I getcan I getI gotdid I get12. The rescue team rushed the injured _ the hospital.(3分) to infrom of13. Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much._(3分)(A) My pleasure(B) It doesnt matter.(C) No thanks(D) Its OK14. I prefer the red dress.

9、 _(3分)(A) You have a very good taste.(B) I respect your work. (C) You have a very successful business. (D) your wife is very charming. 15. You havent paid for it yet._(3分)Oh, Im really very sorry.(B) Thank you.Not at all(D) Of course, I know.16. The president tried every means to protect his _ in th

10、e political world.(3分)imageimagine(C) imaginationImaginable17. Its _ difficult for young people to imagine how their grandparents managed to live without internet decades ago.(3分)desperatelyabsolutely(C) unfortunately(D) terribly18. Hello, Peter, what do you do? I am fine.I am not sick.(C) I am a st

11、udent from Bonne University.I come from Bonne University.19. I have bought two pens, _ writes well(3分)neither of themneither of whichnone of which both of which20. Dont leave her_ outside in the rain.(3分)waiting wait to waitwaited21. Hi, is Thomas there? _(4分)Who are you? Sorry, Ill call him.(C) Hol

12、d on, Ill get him.(D) Yes, its me. 22. I am terribly sorry I broke the vase._(4分) I dont want it.(B) Dont worry. (C) You meant to do it. You buy one for me.23. More than one car _ destroyed in the accident.(4分)iswasarewere24. Whats the weather like today?Whats the weather like today?Its Saturday and

13、 cold.(C) Its 5th July. Its very serious.25. Have you any oranges and apples?_(4分)(A) Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there(B) The oranges are very cheap.(C) You like apples, dont you?(D) Of course, we have some fruits.26. I did laundry _ you were having the dinner.(4分)becauseifwhileand27. That

14、s a challenging job. Who wants it?Ill take it.(B) Its a good ideaYou bet.(D) No sweat28. Can I borrow your English dictionary?Thank you very muchNo. Im not available. Im sorry. Its not at hand nowIts very kind of you.29. How much is this blue tablecloth?(A) The green one is better(B) Ten dollars and

15、 30 cents.(C) Its cheapYes, its beautiful.30. Parents of young children have to learn something about _ in case their children get hurt.(4分)first helpfirst savefirst treat first aid大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业3完型填空Can you imagine how you would feel if you feel serious ill and could not communicate your need for

16、a doctor? Millions of people throughout the world are in this unfortunate. They live in distant placesthere are no railways, proper roads or telephones; far from means of communication that we take for grated. Many thousands ofare lost every year, which could have been saved if medical attention had

17、 been provided in time. Even today help could be brought quickly and easilymany of these peoplefull advantage was taken of the airplane.ountry has proved this more than Australia. The Australiansgreater use of the airplane than anypeople in the world. The total number of miles flown by the average p

18、erson living in Australia is higher than any other country in the world. It has been said that Australians jumps into planespeople in other countries jump into their automobiles or trains or buses. It is not surprising, that Australia should have been the first country to initiate a Flying Doctor Se

19、rvice.(50分)1.societyworld positionway2.althoughwhere3.peoplechildren livesfamilies4.5. if onlybutuseless6.NoAnyNotOne7.madedidmakewere making8. elseJapaneseother9. when a waythereforeperhapsaccordingly(1)C(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)A(7)C(8)D(9)C(10)BIn Britain, winter is the season not only for vis

20、its to the theatre, opera, concerts and ballet, but also for shopping or sightseeing. London, one of thecities in the world, has plenty to offer during the winter month,in the way of entertainment and the shops act like a magnet witharray of presents for the Christmas, followed by large scale bargai

21、ns in the January sales. But it is not only London thatvalue shoppingmost of our suburban and provincial centers have just as much to offer to theshopper. Even if youre basedLondon, you dont have to spend all your time there. Take a train or coach andwhat else Britain has to offer; there are many ex

22、cursions, even in the winter, and among the great country houseskeep their stately front doors open throughout the year are Longleaf and Woburn Abbey. Rent a car drive into the beauty of the winter landscapethe scenery will be ever beautifuland the people will have more time to chat to you at this t

23、ime of the year.(50分)coldest hottestbusiestnoisiest normallyespeciallyoccasionallygenerallyits that theirshoppersvisitorscallersspendersopenspresentsgrantsoffers lonelyeagerlazynervousatonoutsideseewatchlookviewwhooutbackacross(1)C(2)B(3)D(4)A(5)D(6)B(7)A(8)A(9)B(10)A大学英语1(高起专)阶段性作业4阅读理解1. A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his fiance (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was

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