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1、3. What would you like as a birthday present? 你想要什么作为你的生日礼物? Id like. 我想要四、“三会”句型 There are a lot of signs here. 这儿有许多标志。They mean different things. 它们有不同的含义。Keep off the grass. 远离草地。Be quiet. 保持安静。No smoking. 禁止吸烟。No littering. 禁止乱扔杂物。No parking. 禁止停车。No eating or drinking. 禁止投喂/禁止吃喝。Danger! 危险!Do

2、not touch. 不要触摸What date is it today? 今天是几月几日?Its the 16th of October. 今天是十月十六日。My birthdays coming soon. 我的生日即将到来。Would you like to come to my birthday party?你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too?你想要一张日本卡通的VCD吗?Lets wait and see 让我们等着瞧。Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!五、语法1. 情态动

3、词 我们学到的情态动词有:can, may, should, shall, would等。他们所代表的是一种感情和态度,使句子的语气变得较委婉。如:Can I have a look? 我可以看看吗? Shall we go to the park by taxi? 我们乘出租车去公园,好吗?Would you like to come to my house? 你愿意来我家吗?2“No + doing” 表示禁止做某事。No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 No littering. 禁止乱扔杂物。3. a lot of “许多”,表示数量。同义词有:many, much, lots of。a

4、 lot of = lots of 用来修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词;Many只能用来修饰可数名词复数,而much只能用来修饰不可数名词。 如:(1)There is a lot of / lots of milk in the fridge. There is much milk in the fridge.(2)There are a lot of / lots of sweets in the box. There are many sweets in the box. 4. 日期的表达它的结构是:the+表示日期的序数词+of +月份或月份+the+表示日期的序数词。the tenth

5、 of September 或September the tenth 九月十日5. “be动词+行为动词ing”这个结构属于现在进行时,如果行为动词是come, go, leave(离开)等,也表示将来的意思。Im going home.我马上回家。My birthdays coming soon.我的生日即将到来。6. in , on, at 在表达时间时的用法(1) in 表示一段时间,通常放在年份、月份、季节前面,也可用在上午、下午晚上前面。in 2011 in January in spring in the morning(2) on 放在具体某一天前面。on Monday on t

6、he 1st of May(3) at 用在具体的时间点前面,如:at nine oclock;或固定用法,如:at night, at noon等。知识总结4课时一、“四会”词汇、短语am,is的过去式 激动的,兴奋的 片刻,瞬间 以前are的过去式 手机 眼镜 假日 最后的 见到,相遇 在以前 do的过去式 品尝 拉出 刚才二、“三会”词汇、短语camera exciting film groundearphone diary roll remember fun pick wonderful volleyballmountain farm carrot camp cow zoo milk

7、CD walkman sports day watch the running race National Day be excited (to do sth.)very exciting want to do sth. take some photos look for have a good time a moment ago just now on the ground pick them up pick up the films a pair of earphones a pair of glasses two pairs of glasses a roll of film write

8、 diaries under the diarynear the desk beside the tablebehind the camera in front of the blackboardbetween the books next totry to remember close your eyes watch a film last week last year after the holiday go to school early/ late in the school playground before classwatch a film with my parents a f

9、unny cartoonvisit a farm with my family on the farmwater trees pull up carrots milk cows fruit trees collect eggs go to the farm pick a lot of oranges watch cartoonsat the weekends visit the zoo listen to music play football visit Liu Taos grandparents a camping trip at a camp walk in the mountainsc

10、ook a lot of food play a lot of games go camping plant flowersWheres my camera? 我的照相机在哪里?Its in your bag. 它在你的包里。It isnt there now. 它现在不在那儿。It was there a moment ago. 它刚才在那儿的。Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?Ther are on the ground. 它们在地面上。They arent there now. 它们现在不在那儿。They were there a moment ago. 它们刚

11、才在那儿的。What (else)did you do last week? 你上周(还)干什么了?I pulled up carrots. 我拔萝卜了。That was fun! 那真有趣。四、“三会”句型It is sports day. 今天是体育运动日。Can I have them, please? 我能得到它们吗?Can you pick them up for me , please? 能请你帮我捡起它们吗?Were there any fruit trees on the farm? 农场里有一些水果树吗?Let me have a look/see. 让我看看/ 想想。(Le

12、t meus接动词原形)Did you lke the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗?It was a funny cartoon. 只是一部有趣的动画片。We all liked it very much. 我们都很喜欢它。There were apple trees,orange trees and pear trees. 有许多苹果树,橘子树还有梨树。一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,简单地说就是动作或状态在过去时间里已经结束。通常在句子中会出现一些表示过去的时间状语。a moment ago, just now, this morning, yesterday, last w

13、eek/year/night/, two days ago, three hours ago等。在一般过去时的句子中,动词要用过去式。第三单元主要学习了Be动词的一般过去时。1、be动词的过去式形式 :was,were2、几种句子结构陈述句: 1)I was a teacher two years ago.两年前我是一个老师。 2)He was a doctor last year.去年他是一个医生。 3)We were in the computer room just now.刚才我们在电脑房。 4)They were in the table tennis room just now.刚

14、才他们在乒乓球室。否定句:(在was/were后加not即可) 1)I wasnt a teacher two years ago.两年前我不是一个老师。 2)He wasnt a doctor last year.去年他不是一个医生。 3)We werent in the computer room just now.刚才我们不在电脑房。一般疑问句及回答:(将was, were提前即可,也就是Was/Were+ )1).Was he a doctor last year? Yes, he was. /No, he wasnt.去年他是一个医生吗?是的,他是。/不,他不是。2).Was she

15、 a driver three years ago? Yes, she was. /No, she wasnt.三年前她是一个司机吗?是的,她是。/不,她不是。3)Were you at home last night? Yes, we were. /No, we werent.昨晚你们在家吗?是的,我们在。/不,我们不在。特殊疑问句及回答:(特殊疑问词+was/were+) 1)Where was he a moment ago? He was in the office.片刻之前他在哪?他在厕所。 2)Where was the dog just now? It was in the ga

16、rden.刚才这只狗在哪?它在花园。3)Where were they last night? They were at school.昨晚他们在哪?他们在学校。第五单元主要学习一些动词的过去式。1、动词过去式的形式:动词过去式的变化可分为规则的和不规则的两大类。a. 规则动词的过去式,词尾变化有以下三种:1)一般情况下,直接在词尾加ed. 如:washwashed, looklooked, climbclimbed2) 以不发音字母e结尾的,加d. 如:likeliked, dancedanced3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再加ed. 如:studystudiedb. 不规则动词的过去

17、式变化没有什么规律。(应注意积累)如:is/amwas, arewere, dodid, have/hashad, gowent, comecame, readread,singsang, makemade, taketook, eatate, drinkdrank, runran, drawdrew, flyflew, givegave, drivedrove, buybought, meetmet, stopstopped, carrycarried, putput, writewrote, keepkept, standstood, seesaw, gowent,sitsat, begi

18、nbegan, growgrew, telltold, speakspoke, letlet, findfound, teachtaught, taketook, givegave2、规则动词过去式的词尾读音。1)在清辅音后读/t/helped, liked, watched.2) 在浊辅音和元音后读/d/lived, listened.3) 在/t/和/d/的后面读/Id/wanted, planted.3、一般过去时的几种句子结构。a.肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+其他。I played football with my friends last Sunday.b.否定句:主语+助动词did

19、nt+动词原形+其他。She didnt go to school yesterday.一般疑问句:助动词Did+主语+动词原形+其他?Did you read English last night?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词What+助动词did+主语+动词原形+其他?What did you do last week?4、There be 句型的过去时态。肯定句:There was/were a/an/some There wasnt/werent a/an/any Was/Were there a/an/any ? 回答:Yes, there was/were. / No, there wa

20、snt/werent.1、 “四会”词汇、短语(写出英文)路线 到达 沿着 街道乘坐 停车站 道路 季节紧接在后的 天气 夏季 秋季最好的 春季 冬季history museum come fromlive in get thereon your left/right turn right / leftpost office get on/offshopping centre middle school run-ran primary schooltrain station a long/short walkat the bus stop take bus No. 5every five mi

21、nutes on Zhongshan Roadin Shanghai Street out of come-came at the third stopBank of China stop thiefthe long jump the high jump50-metre race next weekwork there for one year the best seasonin the countryside the weather in New Yorkmost of the time make snowmenturn green go rowingget longer go joggin

22、gshout hotel place kilometre miss warm cool windyrainy cloudy rain sunny 3、“四会”句型Can you tell me the way to ., please? 你能告诉我去的路吗?Whats the weather like .? 天气怎么样?4、“三会”句型Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. Theis on your沿着这条街走,在第各十字路口向转,就在你的边。How far is it from here?它离这有多远?Its aboutme

23、ters/kilometers away.大概米/千米远。How many stops are there?有多少站?How can I get to .?我怎样才能到达?You can take bus No. 5. 你可以乘5路车。You cant miss it. 你不会错过。Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节?I likebest.我最喜欢 Why? 为什么?Because its, I can因为天气 我能 Does it often rain there in spring? 春天经常下雨吗?Theres a lot of rain in

24、 spring. 在春天雨水很多。What/How about?怎么样?Sounds great!听起来很棒!It is warm in spring.春天天气比较暖和。The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter. 在秋/冬季白天变得更短,夜晚变得更长。5、语法1、问路知识 问路通常包括四个方面的内容:1)引起话题;2)问路;3)指路4)表达谢意。常用的表达方式有:A. 引起话题 Excuse me.B. 问路s ?Can you tell me the way to , please ?Can you sho

25、w me the way to ?Which is the way to ?Is there a near here ?C. 指路Go along this street,and then turn at the crossing.The is on your Its over there./Its near the /Its on Road./Its in Street.You can take bus No.and get off at the stop.D. 表达谢意Thank you/Thanks (a lot).不用谢有以下方式:Youre welcome./Thats all ri

26、ght./Not at all./Thats OK2、How far是用来提问路程有多远的特殊疑问句,基本句型为: How far is . From .? 离有多远?通常用Its about +具体数字+away来回答。3、What是用来询问天气的句子,另外也可以用How is the weather?他们的回答都是Its .后面加天气情况,如 Its hot/sunny/rainy.4、What about .?表示怎么样?通常用于又上文的情况下提问,What about=How about,两者后都可以直接接名词或跟动词的ing形式。-Id like a school bag. -What about the red one. -What are you going to do tomorrow? -What about going swimming?5、rain可以是动词“下雨”,也可以是名词“雨”,它的形容词形式是rainy,在具体的句子中我们要注意不同词性用法的区别。Does it often rain in sum

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