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1、1A.largest Bhighest Cearliest Dlatest答案:B解析:根据本文判断是美国最高的建筑物。2A.seldom Bhardly Calways DalmostD由句意可知,当他到达最后一个台阶时,几乎要掉下来,故答案为D。3A.enjoyed Bneeded Cmade DkeptA句意:那里他欣赏着来自人群中的欢呼。故答案为A。4A.while Bafter Cif DthoughC根据句意:我只是想要向人们证明,如果一个没有腿的孩子可以做到,任何人都能做到。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,故答案为C。5A.heart Bhope Cbody Dlove根据上下文可

2、知应该是有一颗强壮的心,故答案为A。 Bfor Cin Dfrom固定短语stop.from.“阻止.”,故答案为D。 Bsince Cuntil Dbefore自从他四岁以来,他就上所特殊学校。故答案为B。8A.pleased Bbeaten Cmoved Dasked根据后句可知,应该是被他的决心所感动,并帮助训练,故答案为C。9A.used Bspent Ctook Dwasted固定搭配spend.doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,故答案为B。10A.Here BThere CHe DIt固定句型It seems that.“看起来似乎.”,故答案为D。11A

3、.However BSometimes CAgain DThen根据上下文可知,应该是“有时候”,故答案为B。12A.friends Bhelpers Ctime Dexercise由上文可知,是想要更多的练习,故答案为D。13A.tried Bsaw Cdid Dmet我看到最后的10个台阶,他走的更快了。只有B符合题意。14A.thinking Btalking Cworried Dproud固定短语be proud of“以为骄傲”,故答案为D。15A.point Bgo Cturn Dhurry短语point to.“指着”,故选A。B(2011山东菏泽)(10分) When I wa

4、s 18 years old,one morning,my father told me to drive him into a town,about 40 miles away.I had just learned to _16_,so I agreed with pleasure.When we came to the town,something was wrong with the car.Then I took the car to a nearby garage to have it _17_and promised to pick Dad up at 4 pm.Because I

5、 had a few hours to spend,I decided to go to the _18_.However I became _19_ interested in the film that I forgot the time.When the last film finished,it was 6 oclock.I was afraid Dad would be _20_ and never let me drive again,so I drove back quickly to meet Dad and made an excuse(借口) _21_ my being l

6、ate.Ill never forget the cry he gave me: “Im disappointed that I feel you have to tell a lie to me,Jack.Im angry,not with _22_ but with myself.I have failed _23_ Ive brought up a son who can not even tell the truth to his own father.Im going to walk home now and think seriously about _24_ I have don

7、e wrong all these years.” Dad began _25_ along the road.I begged(乞求)all the way,telling him how I drove behind him for 40 miles,at a speed of 5 miles an hour.It was the most unforgettable lesson.I have never told a lie to him ever since.文章讲述了我十八岁时答应父亲开车载他去城里,可是我却看电影忘记时间,并且撒谎骗父亲,父亲很生气,用惩罚自己的方式给我上了难忘的

8、一课。 Bwork Clive Dtravel 根据句意应是我刚学会开车,所以很高兴的同意了。17A.made Brepaired Cwaited Dparked 根据上句知“车出了毛病”,所以应是我去附近的车厂去修理它,其他不符题意。18A.concert Bbookstore Cshop Dcinema 根据下文讲到看电影,所以应是去了电影院。19A.very Btoo Cso Dfairly 根据复合句的结构可以看出考查固定句式结构so.that.。20A.excited Bangry Cdisappointed Dsad 根据文意我忘记接父亲的时间,所以可以推测出害怕

9、父亲会“生气”,故选B。 Bto Cfor Dwith 考查固定短语的用法,make an excuse for“为找借口”。 Bit Cyou Dhim 根据句子结构可以看出考查的是not.but.“不是而是”, 根据句意应是“不是你而是我自己”,故选C。 Bbecause Cafter Dbefore 根据上下句的关系“我很失败,因为我养了一个不能对父亲说出事实的儿子”,可以看出考查的是原因状语从句。24A.where Bwhen Cwhy Dhow 根据句意应是“我要认真地想一下我哪儿做错了”,故选A。25.A.running Bdriving Ccr

10、ying Dwalking 根据上文父亲的话可知父亲是要走着回家,选D。C(2011重庆)(10分)读短文,然后根据内容从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It is very important to stay healthy.I have a neighbor.She is an old lady.She can do all the housework,_26_ newspapers,watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new.I often see _27_ do taijiquan in the m

11、orning and dance in the evening.She looks young and beautiful _28_ she is over seventy.Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked _29_ she kept so young and healthy.She replied with a smile: I have a secret of staying young and healthy.It is quite _30_ keep your mind active,take

12、an interest in the world _31_ you,and learn at least one new thing every day.Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as _32_ you can.Dont think you are too old to go back to _33_.I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old.He studied there for 6 years and now he

13、is a doctor.Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at _34_ tennis.Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future.In fact,no matter how old you are,you can make it.Please tell the story to your family.It would be a good start to _35_ t

14、he Ladys example.I hope all people will stay young and healthy.本文介绍一位七十多岁的老人,永葆青春活力的“秘诀”,就是多思考、多运动、多学习,并希望所有人都保持年轻、健康。26A.look Bread Csee Dwatchread newpapers意为“读报、看报”,当宾语为书、报纸、杂志时,感官动词用read。27A.her Bhim Cother Dothers由上文“She is an old lady”可知,她是一位女性。故选A。28A.than Bsince Cthough Dbecause考查让步状语从句,“tha

15、n”“比”;“sine”“自从,以来,既然”;“though”“虽然,尽管”;because“因为”。句意为“尽管她七十多岁,可看起来年轻、漂亮”。29A.what Bwhy Cwho Dhow由下文可知记者采访她是想知道她怎样保持年轻和健康。30A.early Bdear Ceasy Dlate由下文紧接的两句话可知,保持活跃的思维是很容易的。31A.under Baround Cabove Dbetween由句意“对你的周围的世界感兴趣”知要用around。32A.soon Bbusily Chardly Doften由上下文可知做家务和做运动要尽可能经常地做,as often as sb

16、. can尽可能经常地。 Bsong Cschool Ddance由上下文两个例子可知,他们都是进入了学校学习,因此,此处是“返回学校”之意。34A.buying Blosing Csending Dplaying考查固定搭配,“play tennis”意为“打网球”。35A.follow Bgive Cmake Dbring句意为“仿效这位女士(做)是一个良好的开端”。D(2011广西桂林)( 10分)Li Dong is a farmer.He has a very big _36_.On the farm,he grows oranges,grapes and bana

17、nas.Many people come to _37_ his farm.He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.In 2003,he went back to his hometown _38_he finished middle school.“What work can I do?” he said to himself.Then he had an idea.“Im interested _39_farming.I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many _40_on TV ab

18、out growing fruit.He also read a lot of books about it.Then he went to _41_on Mr Wangs farm for two years.He learned a lot there. In 2005,he started his own fruit farm._42_,Li Dongs farm was small.But now,his farm is much _43_.His fruits are very good.He sends them to many big _44_ in China,such as

19、Shanghai,Beijing and Guangzhou.He also grows vegetables and raises chickens on his farm.His family eats very _45_food.He has a very happy family.本文主要介绍了一个成功农民李东的故事。在他初中毕业后,他选择了种植水果,经过几年的打拼他获得了成功。 Bpark Cschool Dshop根据上下文可知他是一个农民,因此他有一个大的农场。37A.look Btake Cvisit Dnotice根据句意“许多人来参观他的农场”,可知选C。3

20、8A.since Bafter Cthough Dso根据句意“在2003年,他初中毕业之后返回他的家乡”,after表示“在之后”。 Bon Cat Dforbe interested in为固定搭配意为“对感兴趣”。 Bconcerts Cprogrammes Dplays根据句意“他开始在电视上观看有关种植水果的节目”,可知选C。41A.see Bplay Ceat Dwork根据下文“在那里他学到了很多”,可知他在王先生的农场里工作了两年。因此选D。42A.At last BAt that time CAt this moment DAt once at

21、last意为“最后”; at that time意为“在那时”;at this moment意为“此刻”;at once 意为“立刻”。根据句意“在那时,李东的农场是小的”。因此选B。43A.big Bbigger Cthe biggest Dbiggest much后加形容词的比较级表示“的多”。44A.villages Bschools Ccities Dfarms根据下文举例可知为许多大的城市。45A.healthy Bbad Cterrible Dunhealthy根据句意“他的家人吃非常健康的食物”。可知选A。E(2011四川广安)(10分)Food is very importan

22、t.Everyone needs to _46_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is _47_.We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young.Small children are _48_in everything around them.They learn _49_ while they are watching and listening.When they a

23、re getting older.they begin to _50_ storybooks,science books,or anything they like.When they find something new,they have to ask questions and _51_ to find out the answers.Whats the best _52_to get knowledge? If we learn _53_ ourselves,we will get the most knowledge.If we are _54_ getting answers from others and dont ask why,we will never learn more and understand _55_.正像身体需要吃东西来补充营养一样,我们的大脑也需要营养,那就是不断地学习知识。人的不同生长阶段学习的方式不同,但是最好的学习方式是自学,这样可以保证你学到最多的知识。46A.sleep Bdrink Ceat Dplay每个人只有吃好才能长

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