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1、 came(S) (IV)b主语 及物动词 宾语 likes oranges (TV) (O)c主语 双宾动词 间接宾语 直接宾语 gave Mary books (DV) (IO) (DO)d主语 系动词 主语补语 is happy (LV) (SC)e主语 宾补动词 宾语 宾语补语 makes angry (FV) (O) (OC)主语、不及物动词、及物动词、双宾动词、系动词、宾补动词、宾语及补语可以称为基本句子成分。在上面的句子中,如把任何一个成分删除,都会成为病句。从上面例句也可看出,完整的句子一般至少包含2个基本成分,至多4个基本成分。2附属成分1303 基本成分可以加修饰语:1)定

2、语(即用来修饰名词的单词、短语或从句)或2)状语(即用来修饰名词或代词以外的词的单词、短语或从句)。下面例句中,修饰语为斜体字,被修饰的词为黑体字:1)Poor John tottered toward a hospital nearbyJohn likes oranges imported from the USJohn gave Mary many books,which are full of illustrations2)John often came to chat with meJohn likes oranges very muchWhenever he gets drunk,J

3、ohn makes Mary very angry这类句子,即使把修饰语去掉,结构仍是完整的。这种修饰语,可能在意思上很重要,但在结构上不影响句子的完整性,因此称作附属成分。3独立成分1304 句中还有一类成分,可以去掉,不影响句子的完整性,并和句子的其他词没有语法的关系,可以称作独立成分。Oh!What is that!(惊叹词)He has,alas,failed againCome here,John(呼语)Roll on,Ocean,roll on4省略成分1305 此外还有一类被省略的成分,虽然未说出来,却在句中表示一定的意思:(You) Come here(I wish you)G

4、ood luck!Some gave him praises,but others(gave him)rotten eggs5连接成分1306 最后还有连接成分,它实际上是一个并列连词,用来连接两个或几个平行的词、短语和分句。1307 ,一个完整的句子(从句或分句)必须包含2个到4个基本成分,此外,如果意思上有需要,还可包含一个或更多其他的句子成分。1解析That指示形容词,修饰单数名词boy。boy普通名词,阳性,单数,主格,为动词shook的主语。shook及物动词,过去式。his物主代词,阳性,单数,第三人称,所有格,修饰名词head。head普通名词,中性,单数,宾格,shook的宾语

5、。2分析3图解ewc MVIMAGE,MVIMAGE, !4F6004T1.bmp解析对词的分类处理过多,不甚有用。分析说明了句中词之间的关系,但有时显得很复杂。图解最有用,因为它以最简单明了的方式说明了词与词之间的关系,这种关系有时会把读者弄糊涂。14个基本成分的图解办法1309 5类基本句及4种基本成分可以用下面的方式加以图解:4F6004T2.bmp4F6005T1.bmp一个词的特定地位意味着它的特定作用。和横线交叉的左边竖线把主语S(在左面)和动词V(在右面)分开。斜线表示它右面的词为主语或宾语的补语。另一竖线表示右面的词为宾语O。2附属成分的图解办法1310 主语、动词。宾语及补语

6、这4种基本成分都放在横线的上方,附属成分,如形容词、副词及起相同作用的其他词语,都放在横线的下方,紧挨在它们所修饰词的下面:My father left yesterday4F6005T2.bmpSome people write commercial letters skillfully4F6005T3.bmpSome naughty little children broke his expensive spectacles purposely4F6005T4.bmpA downright bad man is very often a wonderfully successful man

7、4F6006T1.bmpThe old man opposite the street visited his children in Francein 19684F6006T2.bmp3成语、助动词、动名词等的图解办法1311 应当记住,一个空位通常只容一个词(类),但成语由几个词构成却起一个词(类)的作用。因此有必要把构成成语的几个词放在一个空位中,因为成语表示一个单一的意思,不宜分割成几个词(类):The Minister of Economics paid attention to the inflation4F6006T3.bmp助动词应和主要动词放在一起:She has been

8、raising her children for the last ten years4F6006T4.bmp介词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语或名词从句,在用作主语、宾语或补语时,可用一个 来进行图解,不仅表示其内在结构,还表示它作为一个词和其他词的关系:He is in a bad temper4F6007T1.bmp注意,这个句子有3个基本成分:主语+系动词+补语。第三部分in a bad temper的图解,不仅说明了这 4个词之间的关系,还通过使用 说明它作为一个单一词类和其他词之间的关系,即起形容词的作用,作为系动词is的补语。在下面图解中,这个短语占了2个空位,这样容易引起误会,因

9、为人们会以为这个句子包含4个基本成分:4F6007T2.bmpTo tell lies is not always successful4F6007T3.bmp上面图解中to tell lies这个不定式短语,一方面表明了to tell 是一个及物动词,lies是它的宾语,另一方面说明整个短语起名词作用,只占一个空,作为句子的主语。如果用下面图解,就会引起误会:4F6008T1.bmpHe likes playing tennis in the morning4F6008T2.bmp注意上面动名词playing tennis in the morning的图解,一方面说明playing为及物动

10、词,tennis为其宾语,而in the morning为其修饰语,另一方面说明这个短语起名词作用,用作及物动词(谓语动词)like的宾语。He washes before taking dinner4F6008T3.bmp注意,talking dinner这个动名词短语,通过使用 ,表明为一个单一词类,起名词作用,用作介词before的宾语。如作下面图解则会引起误会:4F6008T4.bmpknow that you speak English well4F6008T5.bmp注意that引起的从句的图解,一方面表明了这5个词之间的关系(that为连词,主语为you,speak为及物动词,宾

11、语为english,well为speak的修饰语),另一方面说明整个从句起一个单一词即名词的作用,用作及物动词,know的宾语。that上下的两条模线表明它是一个连词。4其他规则1312 在图解中省略的词应用圆括号标出:He has walked fifty miles4F6009T1.bmpCome here4F6009T2.bmpWhat(=The thing which)I know is unimportant4F6009T3.bmp问号及惊叹号放在正横线右边末尾,在图解中大写字母保持不变:Can he come?What a trip we have had!4F6009T4.bmp

12、只要句子的意思保持不变,词语位置的任何变动都不影响图解。He left for France yesterday和Yesterday he left for France图解的方式一样:4F6010T1.bmp同样,I sing this song specially for you和Specially for you I sing this song图解的方式一样:4F6010T2.bmpMy happy days are gone!和 Gone are my happy days!也如此:4F6010T3.bmp某个特殊的句子,根据不同的理解可有不同的图解方式。例如在 He is out

13、of temper中,out of temper可看作是成语,是一个整体,这时图解方式如下:4F6010T4.bmp如果把它看作介词短语,包含2个成分,则可作如下图解:4F6010T5.bmp在Walking along the street,John met Mary这个句子中,Walking along the street可以看作定语,这时可以按下面方式图解:4F6011T1.bmp如果把它看作状语,图解会是下面这个方式:4F6011T2.bmp还有一些其他规则,说明如下:在主要横线左端下方的竖线来表示它后面或下面的词和全句有关,可以是一个句子修饰语或是一个把这个句子和另一句子连接起来的

14、并列连词:Luckily,I found the lost ring4F6011T3.bmpIn at word,I can do no more4F6011T4.bmpI study music and my wife does housework4F6011T5.bmpHe is a great politician;besides,he is an artist4F6012T1.bmpHe worked very hard;on the other hand,his children played all day4F6012T2.bmpIndeed he knows his fault,

15、but he refuses to own it4F6012T3.bmp最后,注意以后各节中,凡有星号的例句,都将在各句型讲完之后加以图解。名词(或代词)1314 Books are good companionsLondon is populous如果由名词表示的主语受到强调或有较长的修饰语,它可以由一个代词代替,本身则移到句子末尾:He is a nice fellow,your uncleIt is truly long,that bridge across the Yellow RiverThey have gone away,those rascalsThere it stood a

16、 monument of all agesIt is funny the way(that)he teaches his children(主语可以跟一定语从句)It astonishes me the number of the wives he hasIt is inscrutable the rumour that is spreading4F6014T1.bmp表示它上面的整个词组和它前面的词指的是同一东西。名词成语1315 “Crocodile tears”means pretended sorrowThe dog star is the largest fixed starA“fi

17、eld piece”means a cannonThe river bed is muddyI wore a sun hatHe is a paper tiger and who is afraid of him?(名词+名词)His maiden speech is wonderfulA leap year comes every fourth yearHis untimely end is beyond beliefA wet blanket and a queer fish are coming toward usIs a heavy hand enough to suppress th

18、e revolt?(形容词+名词)Today is All FoolsDayA cats paw may be a scapegoatThis printers ink is poor“Mans estate”means the age of manhood(名词所有格+名词)An apple of discord was thrown among themA Jack of all trades may be a good-fornothingA fish out of water will die soonHere is a case in pointA friend at court w

19、ill help me(名词+介词+名词)The ins and outs of this scandal interested usThe long and short of the story is thisThe ups and downs of life are familiar to my uncle(名词+and +名词)Guangdong Province is in the south of ChinaStratford-on- Avon is the birthplace of ShakespeareThe Ministry of Education has issued a

20、n important ordinance(专有名词短语)其他例子:A curtain lecture,elbow room,an insect bite,fairy tales The Almighty Dollar,the Dark Continent,the black market,a dark room,a golden wedding,an aching void,a low diet The bulls eye,a sheeps eye,a fools cap,a sailors home,Achilles heel,Adams apple,the lions share,the

21、 kings evilThe age of machinery,the art of God,the man in the street,a bed of roses,a woman of the world,a man of family,a letter of credit,a word of honour,castles in the air,a friend in need,a man about town All beer and skittle,the alpha and beta,the why and where fore the sum and substance,Darby

22、 and Joan,David and Jonathan4F6015T1.bmp代词1316 We shall start tomorrowShe likes itMine(= My family)is an unhappy familyHis(=His fate) has been the fate of an unusual artistHers is a car made in Germany(名词性物主代词+系动词+名词)We(= Our class)are full upWe(= Our office)close on Saturday afternoonHe(= His watch

23、)is too fastWe( Our things)have been packed(人称代词有时可用来表示属于某人的东西)My uncle he(名词+多余的代词)wants it donePeople in town they have never seen cows(文化低的人的语言或歌谣中的说法)She is a nice girl,MaryThey are very selfish,those people(代词在前,指同一人或东西的名词在后,参阅1314节)It is hot(or cloudy,snowing,raining)(It指天气)It is spring(or mor

24、ning,Sunday,my birthday);struck three,is growing towards evening(It指时间)It is ten miles(or a long way)(It指距离)It is I(or me)(It指一个身份尚不清楚的人)It is all over with himHow is it with him?How goes it?(It 泛指一般情况)It is my sister(主语受到强调)that(or who) studied English at AAASchool when she was seventeen(用It isthat

25、这种结构可以对主语、宾语、状语短语或状语从句加以强调。My sister studied at AAASchool when she was seventeen是原来的句子,对主语加以强调时可改为上面形式。)It is English(宾语受到强调)that(or which) my sister studied,etcIt is at AAASchool(状语短语受到强调)that(or where)my sister studied English,etcIt is when she was seventeen(状语从句受到强调)that my sister studied English at AAASchoolIt is I that said soIt is waiting for a chance that will not doIt is here(or then,for this reason,with a lightning speed)that he married herIt was a

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