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1、My parents usually do some (wash) on weekends. 12. spend time (in) doing sthI spent two hours (run) yesterday. My mother spends 20 minutes in (cook) breakfast. 13. remember doing sthI dont remember (meet) him once.14. forget doing sth He forgot (tell) me many times about it.14. mind doing sth Do you

2、 mid (close) the door?A. 动词作主语要用doing 形式 (eat) fruits is good for our health. (read) in the sun is bad for your eyes.B. be + doing sth 表示正在做某事Listen! The girls (sing) in the next room.C. No doing sth No (smoke). 2动词+ to do sth1、 love/like/dislike/hate to do sth Its hot today. Do you like (swim)?2、 w

3、ant to do sth I want (visit) the Great Wall on vacation. 3、 tell sb to do sth The teacher told me (study) hard.4、 decide to do sth They decided (play) tennis after class.5、 have to do sth We have (clean)the classroom every day.6、 Its time (for sb) to do sths time for me (go) home.7、 Stop to do sth K

4、ate has watched TV for 2 hours. She should stop (do )her homework.8、 Would like to do sth Would you like something (drink)?9、 remember to do sth Please remember (turn) off the lights when you leave.10、 forget to do sth My mother forgot (wake ) me up this morning,so I was late for school again. 1. 动词

5、+ do sth1. help sb do sth I helped him (find) his father.2. make sb do sth The joke makes us (feel) happy.3. Let sb do sth Let us (go)to the zoo.4. Can/may/must. +do sth I can (meet )friends on weekends.5. 祈使句中 (wear) school uniforms in school.6. 助动词后 She doesnt (have) two dictionaries. He didnt (ea

6、t)dinner last night.用所给单词的适当形式填空1、 Thank you very much for (give) me so much help.2、 They enjoyed (swim) in the pool last Sunday.3、 Do they want (go) to the mountains?4、 Mrs. Smith tells her students (clean) the classroom every day.5、 The boys like (play)soccer. Now they are enjoying (watch) the soc

7、cer games.6、 Lets (take) a walk in the park.7、 Does your brother want (is) a policeman?8、 Can she (speak) a little French?9、 If you dont feel well, you may stop .(run)10、 Its summer. It s time (wear) sunglasses.11、 The Greens decided (stay) at home.12、 They often help me (practice ) (speak) English.

8、13、 The boss makes him (work) 12 hours a day.14、 The sad story made everyone (cry).15、 Its Sunday today. How about (go) shopping?16、 Its sunny. What about (take) a walk?17、 Please (tell) me your age.18、 Where Jet (e) from? -Brazil.19、 Sometimes the boy (be) late for school.20、 Yesterday I (be) late,

9、 I (say) sorry to the teacher.21、 Tom (want) (look) for a job in town.22、 Mary with her friends (go) to school from Monday to Friday.23、 What is she doing? She (wash) her clothes.24、 Do you mind my (open) the door? -Never mind.25、 Here (be) the flowers for your mother. -Thanks.26、 (go) straight,Tom.

10、27、 She cant (find) anything to eat.28、 They are really good at (tell) jokes.29、 What did the boys do? -They (ride) their bikes in the field.30、 Dont (call) me Lucy. I am her twin sister.动词的应用做题指导原则4. 找时间状语 2. 定时态,想结构 3. 写答案,并检查 (A)2. yourgrandparent (live) in Wuhan now?3. Sometimes they (be) at sch

11、ool.4. The boy usually (go) to China in spring.5. There (be) a bird and a cat in the tree.6. We (have) breakfast at 7:00 every morning.7. Jenny (not go) to school on weekends.8. (be) you from Singapore?9. Lily and I (not like) salad at all.10. your parents (have) a car?11. My cousin with my brother

12、(be) in the garden. (B)1、 What are you doing? Im (write) new words.2、 Look! The teacher (talk) to Dave.3、 Listen! Who is (sing) in the next room?4、 When I get home, my mother (cook) dinner.5、 Where is your father? He (shop) in the supermarket.6、 Are you (swim)? No, we .7、 Its 8:00 oclock. Children (

13、read) English in the classroom.8、 What he waiting for?9、 While boys are playing soccer, girls (play) ping-pong.10、 Bob (listen) to music.He is watching TV. (C)1. We (be) in London last week.2. David (go) to Beijing yesterday.3. When did you buy the car? I (buy) it in 1998.4. There (be) two old men h

14、ere just now.5. We (eat) fried eggs this morning.6. What did you do last week? I (visit) my uncle in Tokyo.7. Mona do her homework? Yes, she did.8. Because it rained, we (not go) out. 9. They stayed at home and (watch) TV all day.I (forget) to do my homework, so my teacher was angry with me. 真的不掉线吗?

15、10. 三年级第二学期归类题2二、从右栏找出与左栏相搭配的中文意思,把答案编号写在前面的括号里。(35分) A 栏( ) 1.Whats your name? A. 她叫什么名字?( )2. Whats her name? B. 他叫什么名字?( )3. Whats his name? C. 你叫什么名字?( )4. Whats this? D. 这些是什么?( )5. Whats that? E. 这是什么?( )6.What are these? F. 那些是什么?( )7. What are those? G. 那是什么?( )8.Lets play basketball! H. 你几岁

16、了?( )9.How are you? I. 你好吗?( )10. How old are you? J. 让我们打篮球吧! B 栏 ( )11.Can you read? K. 你高兴吗?( )12. Can you swim? L. 你冷吗?( )13.Are you happy? M. 你会游泳吗?( )14. Are you cold? N. 你会看书吗?( )15.Whos he? O. 现在是几点?( )16. Whos she? P. 它是什么颜色?( )17.Very good! Q. 你喜欢什么?( )18. What color is it? R. 她是谁?( )19. W

17、hat time is it? S. 他是谁?( )20. What do you like? T. 非常好! C 栏( )21.Do you like badminton? U. 早上好!( )22.Wheres my book? V. 下午好!( )23.Where are your socks? W. 早上好,同学们!( )24.Good morning! X .这是一扇棕色的门吗?( )25.Good morning, class! Y. 那是一只白色的枕头吗?( )26.Good afternoon! Z. 她有杯子吗?( )27.Does she have cups? a. 他有盘

18、子吗?( )28.Does he have plates? b. 你喜欢羽毛球吗?( )29.Is that a white pillow? c . 我的书在哪里?( )30.Is this a brown door? d . .你的袜子在哪里? D 栏( )31.Are these peaches? e .几点了?( )32. Are those mangoes? f .八点了吗?( )33. How many peaches are there? g 这些是桃子吗?( )34 . How many are there? h那些是芒果吗?( )35. What time is it? i 她

19、是小的。( )36. What color is it? j 我们很愉快。( )37. Is it eight oclock? k看!我是大的。( )38. Look! Im big. l 它是什么颜色?( )39. Shes small. m 有多少?( )40.Were happy o 有多少只梨? E栏( )41.Do you like tennis? n 他是我的哥哥。( )42.I dont like volleyball. p 她是我的姐姐。( )43.We like baseball. q 它是一张黄色的椅子。( )44.Hes my brother. r 那只猫不是黑色的。(

20、)45.Shes my sister. s那是一只绿色的猫吗?( )46.Lets play! t 我不喜欢排球。( )47. I dont like mangoes. u 我们喜欢棒球。( )48.Is that a green cat? v 你喜欢网球吗?( )49.The cat isnt black. w我不喜欢芒果。( )50.Its a yellow chair. x谢谢你。 F栏( )51.Are these oranges? y 我的袜子在哪里?( )52.Yes,they are. z 我的书在哪里?( )53.No ,they arent. A 它在椅子下。( )54.Do

21、nt touch. B 它们在床上。( )55.Wheres my book? C 这些是桔子吗?( )56. Its under the chair. D 不,它们不是。( )57. Wheres my socks? E 不要触摸。( )58.They re on the bed. F 对了。( )59.Open your books. G 打开你的书。( )60.Thats right. H 是的,它们是。 G栏( )61.Do you have forks? I 他有杯子。( )62.Do they have glasses? J 她们有碟子。( )63. We dont have pl

22、ane. K 她没有汤匙.( )64.They have plates. L 我们没有飞机.( )65.Excuse me. M 不,她没有.( )66.Here you are. N 是的,我们有.( )67.She doesnt have spoons. O 他们有玻璃杯吗?( )68.He has cups. P 你们有叉吗?( )69.Yes, we do. Q 请问。( )70.No she doesnt. R给你。11. 小学六年级班主任工作计划随着新一轮课程改革的到来,未成年人思想道德建设问题和对策的出现,我们的班主任工作也将迎接新的挑战,我们都知道,一个学校是由多个班级组成的,

23、班级是学校的重要成员,它的一言一行都将影响着学校。如何才能将班级工作开展得有声有色呢?那就要看这个班的指挥官班主任的工作是怎样进行的,有人说:一个好班主任就是一个好班集体,为了让班级充满活力与创新,为了能更好地塑造孩子们的心灵,让他们得到全面的发展,也为了使新学期班级上能有更新的气息,特制定班主任工作计划:(一)本班学生基本情况 全班共有47人,其中男生18人,女生31人。学生学习的纪律性、自觉性一般,希望经过这一学期的努力,能使该班学生的学风、班风能有明显的提高.(二)基本措施和做法。、进一步了解学生思想状况。了解和研究学生是做好班主任工作的前提。因此为了深入了解学生的思想状况,我主要采取以

24、下几种途径: 与学生交谈。有计划地利用班会课与思想品德课与学生交谈,通过召开中下生座谈会、召开班干部会议等方式来了解学生情况,增加师生感情消除学生与教师之间的隔膜,有利于开展工作。不定期检查学生的作业。通过平时的观察与检查学生的书面作业,了解学生的学习态度和进度,学生出现较大的进步要及时鼓励与表扬,当学生的成绩出现较真的不掉线吗?大的退步时,要及时调查原因,扭转局势。 2、抓好班主任的日常工作。组织好学生参加升旗和做操。组织学生参加每一周的升国旗,是对学生进行形象具体的爱国主义教育,通过这种形式可以激发学生热爱中国共产党、热爱社会主义祖国和人民解放军的情感,进一步把自己的学习、生活与祖国的前途

25、、命运联系起来。 组织和指导学生的课间操,是保证小学生经常锻炼身体的重要措施。做课间操是班主任坚持跟班指导,要求学生做到精神饱满,姿势正确,动作符合节奏,做操完毕听口令整理好队伍,依次返回课室。 检查本班学生值日生工作。 班级的值日制是培养小学生良好道德品质和自治自理能力的重要途径。目前学校中独生子女的比重越来越大,在他们的身上不可避免地会具有独生子女在性格上的弱点。学校通过班级的值日工作,对他们进行关心他人,关心集体,热爱劳动,培养劳动习惯等方面的教育,都有着重要的现实意义。组织好放学。组织放学是班主任不容忽视的一项工作。小学生在经过半天或全天的紧张学习,离校时情绪变得激动,行为举止也容易失

26、控,在返家的途中会相互追逐,不遵守交通规则为了防止意外事故的发生,班主任必须重视抓好放学这一环节的教育。3、组织和培养班集体。班级集体是班主任教育的对象,又是班主任工作依靠的教育力量。班级集体不是自然而然形成的,需要班主任进行长期工作,进行组织和培养。 重新确立共同的奋斗目标、培养良好的班风。共同的目标是班集体形成和发展的动力。班主任在了解和研究学生的基础上,向全班学生提出明确的前进目标,并制定出有效措施,鼓励全班学生努力去实现奋斗目标,一个奋斗目标的实现,就可以使班集体达到巩固和发展。一个优秀的班集体还应该有良好的班风,正确的舆论。这种班风、舆论对学生有很大的教育作用。为此,班主任必须培养良

27、好的班风,而培养班风要以正确的舆论做起。班上有了正确的舆论,坏事在班上就得不到支持,就会很快被制止,学风、班风就可以达到巩固的目的。 继续培养和使用班干部。首先注意选拔培养班级的积极分子,物色班干部,组成班委会,让学生初步学习自己管理自己。在使用过程中不断指出他们的不足,给予及时培养和教育,教育学生要民主观念。班干部定期轮换,让更多的学生有得到锻炼的机会,同时也培养了学生既能当领导,又能被领导的适应能力。实践证明,班干部是班主任的好助手,正确选拔、培养和使用班干部,有利于班主任搞好班上的工作。 4、做好个别学生的教育工作。 班主任在组织学生开展集体活动的同时,要注意对学生进行个别教育工作。班集体

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