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1、 Oh, Im so sorry52.09I forgot to bring along the book53.69you borrowed from the library.55.56W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway,58.80I wont need it until Friday night.01:01.00As long as I can get it by then, OK?03.78Q: What do we learn from this conversation?21.612. W: Doctor, I havent been

2、able to25.21get enough sleep lately,26.78and Im too tired to concentrate in class.29.35M: Well, you know,30.48spending too much time indoors32.31with all that artificial lighting can do that to you.35.46Your body loses track of whether its day or night.38.86Q: What does the man imply?55.693. M: I th

3、ink Ill get one of those new T-shirts,59.75you know,with the schools logo on both the front and back.02:03.78W: Youll regret it.04.99They are expensive,06.41and Ive heard the printing fades easily08.32when you wash them.09.84Q: What does the woman mean?26.594. W: I think your article in the school n

4、ewspaper30.45is right on target,31.71and your viewpoints have certainly convinced me.34.62M: Thanks, but in view of the general responses,37.62you and I are definitely in the minority.40.55Q: What does the man mean?57.345. M: Daisy was furious yesterday03:01.20because I lost her notebook.03.18Should

5、 I go see her and apologize to again?06.19W: Well, if I were you,07.64Id let her cool off a few days before I approach her.11.18Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?29.056. M: Would you please tell me31.56where I can get batteries for this brand of camera?35.13W: Let me have a look.36.53Oh, yes

6、.37.48Go down this aisle,pass the garden tools.40.12Youll find them on the shelf next to the light bulbs.43.16Q: What is the man looking for?04:00.387. M: Our basketball team is playing in the finals04.25but I dont have a ticket.06.01I guess Ill just watch it on TV.08.52Do you want to come over?09.9

7、9W: Actually I have a ticket.11.83But Im not feeling well.13.42You can have it for what it cost me.15.75Q: What do we learn from the conversation?33.408. M: Honey, Ill be going straight to the theatre36.89from work this evening.38.26Could you bring my suit and tie along?40.47W: Sure, its the first p

8、erformance42.64of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city,45.61so suit and tie is a must.48.02Q:05:05.49Now youll hear the two long conversations.08.57Conversation One10.28M: I got two letters this morning with job offers,13.16one from the Polytechnic,14.79and the other from the Language School in

9、Pistoia,17.46Italy.18.41W: So you are not sure which to go for?20.85M: Thats it.21.84Of course, the conditions of work are very different:25.22The Polytechnic is offering a two-year contract27.79which could be renewed,29.35but the language school is only30.89offering a years contract,32.65and thats

10、a different minus.34.72It could be renewed,35.97but you never know.37.44W: I see.38.49So its much less secure.40.43But you dont need to think too much42.05about steady jobs when you are only 23.44.82M: Thats true.45.82W: What about the salaries?47.69M: Well, the Pistoia job pays49.60much better in t

11、he short term.51.51Ill be getting the equivalent of53.12about 22 000 a year there,55.82but only 20 000 at the Polytechnic.59.05But then the hours are different.06:01.24At the Polytechnic Id have to do 35 hours a week,04.9920 teaching and 15 administration,07.98whereas the Pistoia school is09.81only

12、asking for 30 hours teaching.12.31W: Hmm13.09M: Then the type of teaching is so different.15.95The Polytechnic is all adults17.67and mostly preparation for exams20.55like the Cambridge certificates.22.82The Language School wants me24.19to do a bit of exam preparation,26.54but also quite a lot of wor

13、k28.21in companies and factories,29.96and a couple of childrens classes.32.30Oh, and a bit of literature teaching.35.14W: Well, that sounds much more varied and interesting.38.58And Id imagine you would be doing40.34quite a lot of teaching outside the school,42.56and moving around quite a bit.44.38M

14、: Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position,47.76Id be stuck in the school all day.50.47Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation53.62you have just heard.55.559. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?07:15.5610. What do we learn about the students at the Polytechnic?35.3211. Wh

15、at does the woman think of the job at the Language School?55.56Conversation Two57.27W: Good evening and welcome to58.79tonights edition of Legendary Lives.08:01.83Our subject this evening is James Dean,04.50actor and hero for the young people of his time.07.94Edward Murray is the author of a new bio

16、graphy of Dean.11.91Good evening, Edward.13.13M: Hello, Tina.14.26W: Edward, tell us what you know about Deans early life.17.84M: He was born in Indiana in 1931,20.86but his parents moved to California when he was five.24.36He wasnt there long though25.99because his mother passed away just four year

17、s later.29.44Jimmys father sent him back to Indiana31.72after that to live with his aunt.33.76W: So how did he get into acting?36.45M: Well, first he acted in plays at high school,39.51then he went to college in California41.52where he got seriously into acting.44.51In 1951 he moved to New York to d

18、o more stage acting.49.36W: Then when did his movie career really start?52.28M: 1955.54.09His first starring role was in East of Eden.57.16It was fabulous.58.85Dean became a huge success.09:01.36But the movie that02.38really made him famous was his second one,04.81Rebel Without a Cause,06.84that was

19、 about teenagers08.35who felt like they didnt fit into society.11.14W: So how many more movies did he make?13.79M: Just one more,15.26then he died in that car crash in California in 1955.19.20W: What a tragedy! He only made three movies!22.69So what made him the legend he still is today?27.63M: Well

20、 I guess his looks,29.54his acting ability,31.02his short life,31.97and maybe the type of character33.76he played in his movies.35.57Many young people saw him37.12as a symbol of American youths.40.15Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation43.31you have just heard.45.6612. What is the woman d

21、oing?10:04.3213. Why did James Dean move back to Indiana08.29when he was young?24.4014. What does the man say James Dean did28.28at college in California?45.2615. What do we learn about James Dean from the conversation?11:05.14Section B06.77Directions:09.03you will hear 3 short passages.11.64At the

22、end of each passage,13.28you will hear some questions.15.40Both the passage and the questions17.06will be spoken only once.19.34After you hear a question,20.96you must choose the best answer22.69from the four choices marked A),25.77B), C) and D).27.35Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Shee

23、t 131.08with a single line through the centre.35.12Passage One36.90The time is 9 oclock and38.51this is Marian Snow with the news.41.06The German authorities are sending investigators43.52to discover the cause of the plane crash45.79late yesterday on the island of Tenerife.50.85The plane, a Boeing 7

24、37,53.58taking German holiday makers to the island,56.31crashed into a hillside57.81as it circled while preparing to land.12:00.65The plane was carrying 180 passengers.04.21Its thought there are no survivors.06.72Rescue workers were at the scene.09.64The British industrialist James Louis,12.58held b

25、y kidnappers in central Africa14.62for the past 8 months,16.25was released unharmed yesterday.18.46The kidnappers had been demanding 1 million pounds21.49for the release of Mr. Louis.23.75The London Bank and their agents25.46who have been negotiating26.59with the kidnappers have not said28.50whether any amount of money has been paid.31.52The 500 UK motors workers who had been on strike34.77in High Town for the past 3 three weeks37.67went back to work this morning.39.92This follows succe

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