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1、1 Project Overview 80 during the late 20th century, wrote Hill gold deposit found in the mining area southeast of 27 # pulse, thick veins, not low grade, substantial reserves, so they changed the implementation of the expansion project, two shaft extension to build a new concentrator, production Aft

2、er the production capacity of 150t / d. Cyanide-wide mud - a new zinc concentrator replacement process # pulse wellhead located in the vicinity of 27 to deal with the main ore of the Hang Hau, Hau sunny ore deputy. Hang the two away from the 685m, sunny Hang ore to the surface by the ZL-30 shovel 5t

3、 capacity dump trucks loaded to the concentrator. Change the design of the expansion project, the main shaft 27, # network can balance the hammer for double upgrade to 8-de-sac under the middle, the middle of a high degree of 40m. 8 for the middle elevation of 387m. Enhance the capacity of the main

4、shaft 200t / d. In order to reduce the ore to surface shipping costs and to eliminate unreasonable sunny Hang reverse some of the ore transport, at the same time, surface mining when shipped by the weather disturbance is planned wells sunny middle extension from 5 to 6 middle and 6 middle elevation

5、of the same design for the 387m. And then select a suitable program through the middle of sunny Hang over 6 ore production, unity to the 27 # main shaft to the surface ore warehouse. This resulted in two shaft extension at the same time, and the level of 387m each other through the two wells through

6、 large underground works. 2 through the selection and implementation of programs Nature of the works: In 1990, the implementation of plans to change the design of the expansion project, the main shaft 27 # pulse comprehensive renovation and extension, extension to sunny well. Two output shaft extens

7、ion 580m, together with the level of 387m through the Transportation Roadway 840m, while its total mine works through more than 1400m. By rock gold mine geological and survey work regulations in the relevant provisions of, the works are large-scale projects through. Options: 2 shaft in extension, ho

8、w to achieve the project through to a battle between two options. The first program: sunny shaft extension to 6 middle, 5 # pulse Shihmen see along veins towards the South East prospecting. 27 # clock shaft extension to 8 middle, south and hit marshalling yard and Shihmen 50m, 120m and then south-we

9、st vein wearing see 27 1 # clock after the clock change this heading to the northwest. From the ore-forming theory, these two belong to the same network structure with fissures, fracture due to the degree of structure and the formation of such factors as time independent of each other and linked to

10、form the two ore bodies. Tunneling along the vein, through the inevitable. Project: 387m roadway through the project design specifications 2 0m 2 5m, large-scale transport of my mine roadway. Upon completion, the sunny middle of all of the above Hang Hau 6 ore by the middle of Ingate 2 2 2 sunny sec

11、ond shaft extension program works less. July 1991, wearing Shihmen see 5 # clock pulse after the south east will open up and prospecting, to early 1992, prospecting extended nearly 600m, this time the main shaft 27, # network extension just to the middle 8. In order to speed up the pace through to i

12、mprove the operating conditions of 6 wells from the middle of sunny 5 # pulse prospecting tunnel test 6543 points, with 27 # 8, the middle of the north side of the pulse Ingate 20m direct directional boring, straight-through works of about 400m. Program to determine: the advantages of the first prog

13、ram is for the purpose of prospecting, exploration through integration with Health; shortcomings have long distance, multi-turn, driving conditions, even if the link, because of the need to conduct quasi-cutting projects such as mining, making it difficult to play a shipment Route task. The second p

14、rogram of the advantages of the short distance through the construction conditions, and the backbone of the transport roadway almost no turn, could significantly reduce the time period, cost savings, the implementation of the program, by the second. Vertical slide shaft, the use of vibration into th

15、e tub drawing machine, the motor vehicle 4t # connections to the main shaft 27 to position the surface ore. In addition to Hang Hau sunny 5 # pulse along the veins of iron ore prospecting in the gold veins with tunneling, the straight-through works by more than 400 m through the veins of rock are th

16、e crystallization of limestone footwall diorite and neutral, hard rock solid, is not entitled conservation, without gushing, but no fault, fault and fracture zone. Drifting through the works of the major organizations of workers from sunny Possession issued by the production plan construction sectio

17、n. Most of them alone the first tunneling project is planned on 28m, that is, to complete a day of rock blasting and Java tasks; but have also organized a few months of the so-called rapid tunneling, that is, four classes daily, every two In small classes to complete a driving cycle. In this way, th

18、e maximum driving speed of each month 84 7m. To drift through the construction in November 1992, Hang Hau sunny east measuring point from 6543 is also driving more than 200 m, underground transport distance and ventilation, worker efficiency, and therefore decided to Pulse 8 and # 27 on the north si

19、de of the middle Ingate relatively boring 27,802 points. The whole project lasted 2 years, survey work in the mines, the general reference measurement unit 243 geological team 5 accuracy of the measurement results. Sunny spots near well No. 507 and 27 # clock nearly 512 well point the coordinates of

20、 its numerical table. 3 through the measurement method Mine large-scale projects through its technology and technology to ensure that the key lies in measuring the work and working methods of measurement accuracy. As far as I am today how to ensure that mine ore project through the measurement of la

21、rge-scale work, a brief introduction as follows. Mining area control network profile: I first built mine ore production, measured after the exploration. Mining the basic control plane network 243 by the nuclear industry group with the Liaoning Provincial Geological Prospecting Bureau of Geophysical

22、Prospecting Brigade in 1989 and completed in 1991. It is based on nine routes, such as state-level Hill and山尖control network, such as Beijing University. Mine is located in the meantime. Corresponding surface of the horizontal control network accuracy. I mine for many years through the application o

23、f tests that, 243 Geological Brigade 5 head-level control of a small triangulation network, its precision can satisfy the engineering requirements of mine. The above-mentioned two points near well head control network is also able to meet through project needs, without a separate test set. Through t

24、he working methods of measurement Shaft joint measurement: the two shafts underground Inoue Contact gyro theodolite measurements are used to determine the coordinates of wire pit theodolite position coordinates the use of single-wire transmission method. Determination of the pit with gyro theodolite

25、 azimuth coordinates wire side, the strict implementation of directional gyro theodolite observation of the relevant provisions and rules, that is adjacent to each other bad swing in the value of not more than 30 , wire length should be greater than 30m, the zero bias no more than 0 5 grid, the two

26、side of mirror position and orientation known sight while reading the level of the two dial readings before and after each observation no more than 10 poor. Observation process is first measured in the apparatus while Inoue known constant 3 times. The apparatus constant formula: A = + - sit Tuo-Ping

27、 and then to the determination of the unknown side of downhole directional gyro azimuth side, which in accordance with the formula: = Tuo-Ping sit- + A-type convergence for the radial angle, geodetic latitude in the surveyed area can be used for the argument of the above-mentioned formula, so the ca

28、lculation of the coordinates of azimuth directional edge. Inoue and then back to the apparatus constant determined 3 times. In this way, a total of 6 times before and after the equipment as the basis for calculating the average of constant orientation while mine is based on azimuth coordinates. In o

29、rder to ensure the accuracy of measurement through this shaft two links to a number of measurements. Sunny shaft twice on different dates contact measurement, the initial determination of edge coordinates azimuth 3 times for point coordinates transmission of 4 times, twice each measured the same azi

30、muth difference coordinates 26 6 , in the scope of allowable values. 4 Determination of the coordinates of the same point, the X value of the largest difference among 4mm, Y value of maximum mutual difference 4mm. At the same time during the contact measurements, using a long steel ruler (150m) dock

31、ing with Level reading methods reading Steel Ruler Elevation import, transform instrument with two high-Determination, measured each other with little elevation difference to zero. 27 # pulse measurement shaft also linked the two, start-edge, wire edge, azimuth determination of 2, the coordinates fo

32、r point 2. The result is: poor inter-azimuth 11 2 , the same coordinates of each X value of the maximum deviation 7mm, Y value of maximum mutual difference 3mm, height measured into each other with little elevation difference 2mm. Contact the measurement results of these shafts to meet the needs of the mine through the measurement. Underground Theodolite traversing: In accordance with the principle of low-level high-level control and precision through the project, in order to reduce the accumulation of m

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