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届高考英语词汇综合练系列05 冲刺段Word文档格式.docx

1、近年来,人们在网上购物有增长的趋势,并且大多数人或多或少有网购的经验。situation处境;purpose目的;intention意欲,打算;tendency趋势。故选D。4.(湖北省2015届高三4仿真月供卷)The wide _ of electronic computers in science and technology will free man free the labour of complicated measurement and computation.A. approach B. appreciation C. application D. appointment【答

2、案】C电脑在科学技术领域的广泛应用将把人类从复杂的测量与计算中解脱出来。approach方法;appreciation感激,欣赏;application应用,申请;appointment任命。故选C。5.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练) After his father died suddenly without finishing his research in a certain field, Xiao Jun determined to follow his _ to complete it. A. trial B. track C. remarks D. trap

3、【答案】B 【解析】trial 审判;track 踪迹;remarks评论;trap陷井。句意:父亲没有完成他在某个领域的研究任务突然去世以后,小君决定沿着父亲的足迹来把这个研究完成。故选B。6.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)In order to rescue the miners caught in the flood quickly, the rescuers have got a busy _. A. settlement B. identity C. schedule D. security【答案】C 【解析】settlement定居;identity身份;sc

4、hedule时间表;security安全。为了尽快地营救被困矿工,营救人员时间很紧张。根据句意选C项。7.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Practice is the only _ to testify truth, while learning of theory eventually serves practical application.A. evidence B. element C. criterion D. contrast实践是检验真理的唯一标准,而理论学习最终将服务于实践应用。evidence证据; element 元素; criterion (评判)标

5、准;contrast对比。根据句意可知,criterion符合句意。故答案选C。8-12介词和介词短语8.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Why not talk with your parents about your willingness to attend 2016 Peking University Summer Camp?I tried _ to get them to listen to me.A. in time B. in vain C. in need D. in case【答案】B9.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)In order

6、 to encourage participation in class activities, teachers may call on students _ whether they have raised their hands.A. regardless of B. instead of C. in terms of D. on top of【答案】A为了鼓励学生参与班级活动,老师可以号召学生,不管他们是否举手(想要参加)。regardless of不管,不顾,不理会,符合句意。故答案选A。instead of而不是;in terms of就而言,在方面;on top of 除了。10

7、.(江苏省清江中学2016届高三考前一周双练冲刺模拟卷二)The best thing you can give children, _ good habits, are good memories.A. far from B. next to C. but for D. except for 【解祈】far from远离,远非;next to紧邻,在近旁,仅次于,紧接;but for要不是,要是没有,若非;except for除之外(就没有),若不是。你所能给孩子的最美好的东西除了好习惯以外,就是给他们以美好的回忆(字面意思是:你所能给孩子的最美好的东西就是给他们以美好的回忆,仅次于给他们好

8、的习惯)。11.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Its difficult for China and America to fully understand each other _ economic, political and cultural differences. A. in terms of B. in spite of C. regardless of D. on account of【答案】D 【解祈】in terms of 就而言,在方面;in spite of尽管,不管;regardless of 不管,不顾;on account of 因为。因为经济

9、,政治和文化方面的差异,中国和美国很难充分相互理解。12.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)I like that bookstore because whenever I buy a book there, they will offer me a book cover _. A. for good measure B. at any cost C. beyond my reach D. on their own【解祈】句意: 我喜欢那家书店, 因为每当我到那里购书, 他们都会另外赠送我一个书的封面。for good measure固定短语,意为“额外,作为额外的东西”;a

10、t any cost不惜任何代价;beyond my reach超出我的能力范围;on their own只靠他们自己的力量,独立地。13-20副词和形容词13.(湖北省七市州2015届高考教科研协作体4月联合考试)There is a growing concern that if waste electronic devices like phones are not recycled, they can _ fall into someones hands, leading to personal data being stolen. A. logically B. illegally

11、C. normally D. regularly 14.(湖北省2015届高三4仿真月供卷)Whether you inherited an _ breast cancer gene or acquired it, if you have one normal gene, that gene will still work to control cell growth and prevent cancer.A. abstract B. abnormal C. abundant D. absurd不管你是否继承了异常的乳腺癌基因或获得了这个基因,如果你有一个正常的基因,那么那个基因就仍在发挥作用

12、来控制细胞的增长并遏制癌症。abstract抽象的;abnormal不正常的;abundant丰富的;absurd荒唐的。15.(湖北省2015届高三4仿真月供卷)That makes them highly _ to almost everyone in the organization because no special talent or knowledge is required to use them.A. capable B. alternative C. apparent D. accessible这使得组织中几乎所有的人都可以访问它,因为使用它们并不需要任何特殊的技巧或者知识

13、。capable有能力的;alternative可替换的;apparent 显而易见的,显然的;accessible接近的。16.(江苏省清江中学2016届高三考前一周双练冲刺模拟卷三)What was so _ about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.A. awful B. essential C. impressive D. obvious【解析】awful可怕的,敬畏的;essential根本的;impressive印象深刻的;obvious明显的。关于茉莉韦斯

14、特兰的胜利我们印象很深的就是她光着脚参加马拉松比赛获得了第一。17.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练) “Qianshui(潜水)”, which _ means diving water, refers to someone who only views the postings across the website but never makes any comments. A. deliberately B. originally C. accidentally D. ridiculously【解析】句意: “潜水”,原来指的是潜到水中,(现在)指仅仅浏览网站上的帖子而

15、不发表评论的人。deliberately故意地;originally原始地,原本;accidentally偶然地;ridiculously荒唐地。18.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Children are _ of understanding the message of traditional festivals if told in a way they can grasp. A. capable B. convinced C. positive D. tired 如果能够用一种孩子们可以接受的方式告诉他们传统节日的意义,他们是能够理解的。capable能够的;co

16、nvinced信服的;positive积极的;tired累的,厌烦的。根据语境可知选A。19.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)After years of learning Chinese, I still cant understand something, particularly in the rural areas. This is my most _ momentwhen I cant understand what people say. A. skeptical B. awesome C. optional D. awkward20.(江苏省某四星高中2016

17、届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Having seen several deadly traffic accidents recently, Chinas traffic police launched _ breath tests among all drivers.A. authentic B. random C. vague D. absurd近期在目睹了多起致命的交通事故后,中国交警开始对所有的驾驶员进行随机呼吸测试。authentic真正的,可信的;random随机的,随意的;vague模糊的;absurd荒谬的,荒唐的。故选B项。21-30动词和动词短语21.(湖北省2015届高三仿真月

18、供卷)Tourism has already _ in South Africa, a country thousands of miles away from West Africa because of Ebola, which killed about 4,000 people.A. increased B. directed C. declined D. boomed西非大约有4000人死于埃博拉。而一个远离西非上万英里的国家南非的旅游业却因此而下降了。increase增加,提高;direct指导;decline下降;boom繁荣。22.(湖北省2015届高三仿真月供卷) This m

19、ay be an ineffective way because the students may even _ more unhealthy food in their leisure time.A. take in B. take on C. take over D. take up这可能是无效的方法,因为学生们可能在在他们的闲暇时间甚至吃了更不健康的食物。take in吸收,吃进;take on雇佣,呈现;take over接管;take up开始,拿起,占用。故选A。23.(湖北省2015届高三仿真月供卷)Most drivers have realized the significa

20、nce of traffic safety and strictly followed the traffic laws, marking the fact that our efforts have _.A. paid off B. showed off C. put off D. let off大多数司机已经意识到交通安全的重要性,并严格遵守交通规则,标志着我们的努力已经取得明显效果。pay off还清,取得成功,使得益,得到回报;show off炫耀;put off推迟;let off让下车下船,引发,引爆,放掉,免除。24.(湖北省七市州2015届高考教科研协作体4月联合考试)Sinc

21、e cultural differences occur wherever you go, its a good idea to go to a firm of consultants to learn how to _ before moving to another country. A. fit in B. rely on C. bring up D. stand out 25.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)The manager asked his assistant if it was possible to _ the investment plan with

22、in a week.A. work out B. put out C. make out D. set out经理问他的助理是否可能在一个星期内把投资计划制订出来。work out制订出(计划等),符合句意。put out扑灭;make out辨认出;set out着手进行。26.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)To prevent further pollution, many people are _ the use of alternative energy sources.A. applying to B. compensating for C. catering

23、to D. pushing for为了防止进一步的污染,许多人正在呼吁使用可替代的能源。apply to适用于,应用于;compensate for赔偿;cater to迎合;push for努力说服,力劝,呼吁。27.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Although Kodak _ the unavoidable rise of digital photography, its culture was so rooted in the previous success that it failed to fully hug the future, eventually l

24、eading to its closing. A. foresaw B. achieved C. postponed D. demanded【解祈】foresee预见;achieve实现,取得,获得;postpone推迟;demand要求。尽管柯达公司预见到了数码摄影的必然崛起,但是公司文化却深深植根于以往的成功之中而未能充分地拥抱未来,最终导致了它的破产。28.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)Sometimes being confused can make us _, but it can also motivate us to adjust our learning

25、strategy, largely depending on our attitude towards it.A. refresh B. withdraw C. accustom D. accelerate【解祈】refresh精神焕发;withdraw退缩;accustom习惯;accelerate加速。有时候困惑会让我们退缩,但是困惑还可以激励我们调整学习策略,这很大程度上取决于我们对困惑的态度。29.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)From my viewpoint, the secret to happiness _ your achievements in you

26、r work and your contributions to others happiness. A. brings about B. results in C. consists in D. lights up【解祈】bring about引起;result in导致;consist in在于;light up点亮。幸福的秘诀在于你自己工作中所取得的成就以及你为别人的幸福所作出的贡献。根据题意选C。30.(江苏省某四星高中2016届高考英语词汇复习专题练)_ loads of disbelief and doubt, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, ac

27、hieved great success with his unique business ideas and distinct view on the market. A. Putting aside B. Putting up C. Putting forward D. Putting away二、短文填词(改编自2016届湖北省黄冈市高三3月份质量检测) Colorful fruits and vegetables are helpful to our health. Their _1_(nature) colors help protect our bodies from disease. Think about the colors of fruits and vegetables-the red of tomatoes, the orange of carrots, the green of apples and the purple of grapes. You can enjoy _2_ (eat) fruits and vegetab

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