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1、 trousers long yellowblue shortred smallblack long5.The jacket is a blackblackan blackthe black6.I dont want to do as _sports as Tony does.But you have to do if you want to be as _as he. many ; healthymuch; healthilymuch ; healthy7.I prefer skiing to climbing because I think climbing is skiing. not

2、as exciting asnot more exciting asnot most exciting asmore exciting than8.The Chinese government is trying to solve the problems between China and other neighbouring(临近的) countries peacefully.A _ way is better for all. peacefulpeacefullypeacethe most peaceful9.Im going to travel _. a interesting pla

3、cesomewhere interestinginteresting somewhere10.Jill likes her new neighborhood because most people here greet others with a _smile. lovelyhappilypolitelybeautifully11.Its _ to work out the math problem. Can you help me?easydangerousbusydifficult12.Our teacher looks _ today.happyangrilylike13.The Afr

4、ican elephant weighs as as 1, 500 kilograms. littlemoremuch14.Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes so _I dont want to take it.But, dear, it will cure your cold. deliciousdeliciouslyterriblyterrible15.Lily is as _as her father friendly.more friendlyfriendliermore friendlier16.My math teacher lives an act

5、ive life. She looks as _ as she was ten years ago. A.youngB.youngerC.the youngestD.youngest17.Mrs Black has _ hair. blonde curly shortshort curly blondecurly short blondeshort blonde curly18.We should keep our classroom . cleaningcleanedcleanA,B and C19.Please keep us _ before we get home. safetybei

6、ng safe20.This problem is _ that one. not as easy asmore easy thannot as easier asnot easy than21.Please give her something to eat. She is very_ thirstytiredhungrybusy22.Whats your _ sport?Its swimming. likebestfavoritehave23.My pen is . Its pen. a black; blackblack; a black a black24.Most of us fin

7、d Tom _ and we like to play with him. kindlywellhelpfulcarefully25.There are some _ desks in the classroom. nice long newnice new longlong new nicenew nice long26.Five dollars is a price for the bookWhy not buy it? enough goodgood enoughenough highhigh enough27.Do you like the music?Yes, very much,

8、it sounds _. goodbeautifullyspecially28.Id like to eat _ from my country. something differentdifferent somethinganything differentdifferent anything29.I wont buy it because its too _. expensivemore expensivemost expensivemuch expensive30.From the report we know the pilots in this area are not as _as

9、 they should be. A.accurateB.accuratelyC.more accurateD.more accurately31.Liu Ying is as _ as her sister. talltallerthe tallest32.I like this dress better, but it costs almost twice _ that one. as less as as much asas more as33.-Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon because I like the soft music there.-Me

10、 too. Soft music makes me to dancecomfortabletense34. Where do you usually go shopping?I live next to a big supermarket, so it is _ to go shopping there.interestingconvenientcareful35.There is _ in the classroom, so we can see _. enough light; clearly enoughlight enough; clearly enough enough clearl

11、y enough clearly二、填空题36.I will be ten kilogrammes _heavy, heavier . 37.- What is taobao. com? - It is an_在线的marketplace. 38.We found it _ easy) to find the new museum in my city. 39.We can read both home news and i _news in the newspaper. 40.In the past, many children were not able to study in_ (正规的

12、) schools. 答案解析局部【答案】C 【考点】形容词原级 【解析】【分析】句意:据报道,自动驾驶汽车预计会改变我们的挪动方式。听起来不错。sound听起来,连系动词,后面需接形容词作表语,badly和greatly是副词,都可排除。根据句意语境,可知bad坏的不合句意,应选C。【点评】考察形容词辨析题。根据语境和句意确定正确选项,牢记形容词作表语。【答案】B 【解析】【分析】save动词,救援,拯救;safe名词,保险箱。形容词,平安的,可靠的;safely副词,平安地;safety名词,平安,保险。句意:为了保证我们自己平安,我们应该遵守交通规那么。结合语境可知本句是用形容词作宾语补

13、足语,应选。【点评】该题型是属于英语考试的根底题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的根本含义,并注意穿插含义间的区别,理解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案。他足够认真把那项工作做好。系动词的后面用形容词,enough修饰形容词或副词要后置。根据题意,应选B。【点评】考察形容词和enough的用法。【答案】A 这些是黄色的长的裤子。形容词修饰名词时大小长短在前,颜色在后。故答案为A。【点评】掌握形容词修饰名词的次序:限定词描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出处材料,作用类别向后靠。这个夹克是黑色的。black黑色的,形容词做表语。应选B。【点评】此题考察形容词做表语。【解析】【分析】 many许多,修饰可数名词复数;much许多,大量,修饰不可数名词。Healthy安康的;healthily安康地。我不想和托尼那样做大量运动。但是假如你想和他一样安康,你就必须做。上文sports为复数形式,故用many。根据下文be动词,可知用形容词做表语,应选A。相比爬山我更喜欢滑雪,因为我觉得爬山没有滑雪让人兴奋。as+原级+as 和一样;not as/soas 不如;比不上。根据前一句可知选A。【点评】考察比拟级的句型。pea

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