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1、1. 词汇 :课后三个话题的单词。2. 短语: to, touch with,carry out,be knowen as,as a matter of fact,think of,thanks to,take measures to do sth. ect.3. 语法:现在完成时4. 句型:So doamcan I So It is + adj.+ for + sb.+ to do sth.学情 分析学生刚跨入九年级,每个学生都对这学期充满着信心,学习热情很高,要充分利用这一优势,调动全班学生的学习积极性。不利因素是漫长的一个暑假,学生对英语有点陌生了,大多学过的知识忘掉了,不习惯张口说英语

2、了。教学 目标知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语 掌握现在完成时的定义、谓语构成及在具体语境中的使用 掌握延续性动词与非延续性动词的用法区别 掌握构词法中的合成词与派生词能力目标:能用本单元知识解决一定的习题,能听懂有关人口话题的短文和对话,能读懂有关人口方面的文章,能书面表达有关人口方面的话题情感、态度、价值观:1.培养学生关注世界的发展,关注中国人口问 2. 通过了解生活水平的提高,使学生认识到社会的不断发展,并引导其树立正确的社会意识 3.引导学生树立正确的人口观念,了解中国的计划生育政策 4.关注生活问题,培养学生的爱心和同情心重、难点重点:本课出现的单词、短语 及句型 难点:延续性动词与

3、非延续性动词在具体句型中的区别运用 策略 方法1. 引导学生课前预习,提出问题,带着问题去听课2. 引导学生就不同问题各抒己见,交流观点,培养学生的英语学习信心3. 学会归纳总结所学知识 ,构建知识框架4. 课堂把关,每节课都要有收获5. 区别对待,程度不同的学生目标要求不同 ,目的是每个学生都有不同的进步 课时 分配本单元共三个话题,每个话题分Section A 、B、 C 、D 四部分,需四个课时,一周时间,所以Unit 1共需12个课时,三周时间完成Unit1Topic1 Our country A (第1课时) 备课人:苏帅Learn some new words and useful

4、 expressions:take place volunteer shut ever by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet,narrow - Learn1a 、 2a 、1b 、2b 1c and 3教学 目标1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: 2. take place volunteer shut ever by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet,narrow Learn the present perfect tense:You .Where , Jane? I to

5、Mount Huang with my parents.By the way, wheres Maria? She some functional sentences:I felt sorry for them.There goes the bell.重难点The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。课堂限定时间速记单词。 听、说、读、写、练 教学过程环节教学内容教师活动学生活动批注目标 展示 Our country A 板书教学目标齐读教学目标学生 探究复习(时间:12分钟)(通过教师询问暑期活动,导入话题,呈现现在完成时和部分生词。T: Li

6、sten! The bell is ringing. Lets begin our class! (老师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握)bellNice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer . Wang Xue, where did you go?S2:I went to West Lake with my father. 学生合作交流听1a完成1b播放1a录音学生俩人一组讨论答案 学习成果展示展示1b答案板书have to ,havehas gone to核对

7、1b答案学生读对话,也可以俩人人小组分角色读对话,学生独立完成1b的表格。然后学生口头汇报 教师 引导让学生理解掌握重点词语对学生板书的关键词做评判解释学生做笔记并可提出疑难问题反馈 检测完成2a听力练习播放听力带子,并核对答案。听并完成2a 后俩人一组核对答案。拓展 提升练习3解释3的例句后让学生模仿造句学生利用课本中图片造句,区分have been to与have gone to 课堂 总结1. 现在完成时的构成 : to与have gone to板书 设计Unit1Topic1Section A 教学目标 : 2. Learn the present perfect tense:3. L

8、earn some functional sentences:课堂 反思 Our country B (第2课时) 备课人: communication various report keep in touch with relative telegram rapidly since- Learn1a 、 2a 、1b 、2b 1c and 2C communication various report keep in touch with relative telegram rapidly since 2.Learn the present perfect tense:cleancleane

9、d -cleaned dodiddone shutshutshut 3.Learn some functional sentences:Have you ever fed the disabled children? Yes, I t.Has Ann ever? Yes, she t.Though I had no time to travel, Is that so?The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a, 1c和2a。Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案目标 展示Section B 8分钟)通过师生问答复

10、习现在完成时。Hi, Class. Lets play the game “Quick .Where , S1?S1:I to Hong Kong, and I have bought many things.展示1b答案 练习1c板书1a短语学生读1a,做1c 讲解1a对话,指出重点learn from,What a wonderful experience! Though I had no time to travel,I still felt very happy完成2a练习写出动词clean jump chat fly do amisare shut make等写出这些动词的过去式和过

11、去分词形式,总结规则动词与不规则动词的过去式和过去分词练习2b和2c解释并领读2b的例句后让学生模仿造句学生利用课本中图片造句,注意升降调 2. 现在完成时的构成 :havehas +动词过去分词 3. 区分规则动词与不规则动词的过去式和过去分词Unit1Topic1Section B 教学目标 :课堂 反思Our country C (第3课时) 备课人:苏帅 教学 内 容1单词job worth effort successfully steak neatly2.1a,1b and 21.Learn some new words and useful expressions:communi

12、cation,quick,keepintouchwith,faraway,sort,rapid,progress,makeprogress,already,succeed2.Go on learning the present perfect tense:(1)my granny Beijing for more than forty years.(2)Beijing the past with those at present .Learn the great changes in china.4.Tell the students to cherish the life at presen

13、t and study hard to make China stronger.重难 点The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。本课出现的单词及短语 及现在完成时复习 1.(检查作业。让学生在小组中交流自己的报告,然后小组推荐出一名学生向全体同学报告。师生互动,谈论父母或爷爷奶奶的童年生活。For example: What do you think of your life at present?Ss: We live a tell us what your grandparents life was like in the past? Let me try .

14、My granny t afford .My grandpa used to be a child laborerS3:- Very good. So you should enjoy todays life and study wear different kinds of clothes.呈现1.(用多媒体或图片展出旧北京城和现代北京城的照片并做比较,从而引出生词。In the past Beijings roads were narrow.But Beijings roads are wide now. (板书narrow,要求理解。)narrow(板书,讲解且要求掌握。)faraway

15、, keep in touch withWe can keep in touch with our friends on the Internet.We can also use fax machines.S4:We can use cellphone to keep in touch with our friends. Great. But do you know touch with their friends in the past?They used to write letters.Yes,good.we could also send telegrams. (板书telegram,

16、fax,要求理解。板书 communication fax,telegram,sort,communication,quick,rapid,progress,quick,rapid,progress要求掌握。2.(学生打开书,快速阅读1a,完成1b,找出每段的中心句。 (1)Kangkangs granny the changes in Beijing the 1960s,the living conditions in the city were poor.(3)China the present and dream about the future3.(仔细阅读1a,并回答下列问题,提高阅

17、读理解能力,用幻灯片出示问题。(教师核对答案,并加以纠正。4.(学生跟读课文录音,找出文中的疑难点,并分组讨论。对大部分学生不能理解的难点,教师给以板书并讲解。seeoneself, narrow(要求理解) , sothat, relative, far away ,not onlybut also, alreadyChina has developed rapidly since 1978.巩固练习 让学生再次阅读。两人一组填表格,加深对北京今昔变化的了解。(用投影仪出示表格。In the past NowadaysRoads HousesCommunicationsLiving cond

18、itions综合 探究 活 动1.(再次呈现新旧北京城的图片,参照上一步的表格,师生互动,完成1c。 What were Beijings roads like in the past?S: Beijings roads were narrow. What before. There are more ring roads. What will Beijings roads be like in the future?S : I think Beijings roads will be the widest in the world in the future.反馈 检 测2.(分组活动以采访

19、的形式二人一组,其中一个扮演记者,另一个扮演居住在北京多年的老人,对北京的变化做一个采访,从而提高同学们的口语表达能力,培养热爱生活热爱社会的情感。R=Reporter,m=man)R : Hello! How do you do?m:may I ask you some questions? of course .Go ahead.How long Beijing?M :I thirty years.R: oh. Can you describe the roads, the past?:(找尽可能多的学生做采访,比一比哪个组更好。Step5Project第五步综合探究活动(时间:3分钟)拓

20、展 提 升让学生们搜集关于所住的城镇的旧照片,并与现在的城镇作比较,写一篇调查报告。教育学生热爱自己的家乡,为家乡拥有更美好的未来而努力。完成2。课堂 总 结1. 单词2. 短语3. 现在完成时4. 过去与现在生活对比的书面表达课堂 反 思Our country D (第4课时) 备课人:黎丛新 rope,war,note,composition,consider,draw up,tool,thanks to2.Review the present perfect tense.3.Feel and write down the changes of ChinaThe main activiti

21、es are 1 and 4.本课重点活动是1和4。.(检查上节课综合探究活动成果描述你家乡的变化,要求学生交换描述,并选几名学生在全班同学面前进行描述。We the changes around us.Lets talk about them together.(教师引导学生一起讲述一些中国生活条件的变化。(1)The roads in the past were narrow and dirty.Now there are many clean and wide ring roads in the cities.(2)We .They are very comfortable.(3)We

22、have different kinds of food to eat and fashionable clothes to wear.(教师可用提示性的单词如road,house,food等让学生一起来讲述(教师拿出课本2中的图片,复习现在完成时一般疑问句,学习部分生词,完成2。Thankstothe governments efforts,peoples living conditions you say some leisure activities which they often the past ? Watching a movie in the open airJumping r

23、opePlaying tug of warPlaying the open air?No,we t.1老师继续利用2中图片对话,引出1听力内容。I think these leisure activities youre your lives interesting.What else organization to the community Services.(板书单词organization,要求理解。organizationYou are so characterin1 also joined the same organization.Lets listen to the tape.

24、练 习 .(利用多媒体或小黑板做一些现在完成时的练习。(1)A:you(make)yourbed?B:Yes.(2)I(water)the flowers already.(3)My mother(work)in the hospital for twenty years.(4)A:Wheres maria?She to the library.(5)Lily Beijing twice.(学生完成后,核对答案. (教师出示第4部分的挂图或让学生直接看课文的插图。 (板书note,composition,consider,drawup,要求掌握)note,composition,conside

25、r,drawup(学生四个一组讨论图画内容或同桌之间讨论。Thetitle: Changes in Limings Hometown.(学生讨论后,学习4中写作的各个步骤。First,consider it carefully before writing.Second,draw up an outline.Third,write the composition.Finally,check over the composition.课 堂 总 结1. 巩固本话题所学语法和功能句型2.学习书面表达的方法。Unit1-Topic2-Section A 主备人:苏帅(第五课时)学习内容1.学习本课单

26、词、词组和句型等;2.复习上个单元的重要内容;3、学习语法:现在完成时;教学目标1. Learn the present perfect tense with “just”, “already”, “yet”, “ever” and “never”.2. Talk about population.3. Lead students to care about the population problem and build up right ideas of population.教学重点、难点。1. yet, probably, call up, European, population, recent, because of, policy, neither2. (1) So do I. (2) Neither do my parents3. the present perfect tense

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