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本文(学年高中外研版英语选修八同步检测Module 2 The Renaissance23 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年高中外研版英语选修八同步检测Module 2 The Renaissance23 Word版含答案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、s original _(手稿) were lost in the fire.manuscripts10. There is a _(根本的,基本的) difference between the two points.fundamental. 选词填空get tired of, at liberty, lead to, take up, leave sth. behind, end up, up to, in history1. That was the worst airline disaster history2. I am afraid that I am not _ to

2、discuss this liberty3. The little boy soon _ eating the same food day after day, and finally refused to eat tired of4. The man _ journalism after his graduation.took up5. If you ask the fast runner to set the pace, then most of them will be _.left behind6. This hotel can accommodate

3、 _ 500 guests.up to7. Her reading English aloud _ her improved English.led to8. At first he refused to admit his fault but _ apologizing.ended up. 完成句子1. 缺乏锻炼常会导致抑郁和疲劳。Lack of exercise often _ _ feelings of depression and exhaustion.leads to2. 你要是继续偷窃终归得进监狱。You will _ _ _ _ if you continue to steal.

4、end up in prison3. 你尽可畅所欲言。You are _ _ _ _ what you liberty to say4. 把药放在孩子够不到的地方。Put the medicine _ _ _ _ _.where children cant reach it5. 他们夜以继日的工作,使得一切进展顺利成为可能。They worked around the clock, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.making it possible for everything to go smoothly6. 他再也没去过,也没有写信道歉。He never went aga

5、in and _ _ _ _ _ _.nor did he write to apologize7. 你有没有经验都不重要。_ _ _ _ you have experience or not.It doesnt matter whether8从我们住的地方,可以很清楚地看到这座寺庙。We could see the temple quite clearly _ _ _ _.from where we lived. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. Cigarettes _(tax) heavily in some Western countries.are taxed2. We may n

6、eed more food _(depend) on how many people turn up.depending3. _(accept) into the university was a great pleasure for his whole family.Being accepted4. Does it matter _ I dont attend the meeting?if5. _(blame) for this error, the boy was in low spirits all the day.Blamed6. The best moment for the foo

7、tball star was _ he scored the winning goal. when7. I felt it a great honour _(ask) to speak to be asked8. Dont worry, we can depend on _ that she will help us with our business.it9. _(suspect) of being a thief, he is likely to lose his work.Suspected10. Its getting up late in the morning tha

8、t led to Jim _ (punish) for being late for school.being punished提升实战能力. 阅读理解My father had always been an alert(警觉的) observer of human character. Within seconds of meeting someone, he could sum up their strengths and weaknesses. It was always a challenge to see if any of my boyfriends could pass his

9、test. None did. My father was always rightthey didnt pass my test either. After he died, I wondered how Id figure it out on my own.Thats when Jack arrived on the scene. He was different from any other guy Id dated. He could sit for hours on the piano bench with my mother, discussing some composers.

10、My brother Rick loudly announced that Jack wasnt a turkey like the other guys Id brought home.Jack passed my familys test. But what about my fathers?Then came my mothers birthday. The day he was supposed to drive, I got a call. “Dont worry,” he said, “but Ive been in an accident. Im fine, but I need

11、 you to pick me up.”When I got there, we rushed to a flower shop for something for my mother. “How about gardenias?” Jack said, pointing at a beautiful white corsage(小花束). The florist put the corsage in a box.The entire ride, Jack was unusually quiet. “Are you all right?” I asked. “Ive been doing a

12、lot of thinking,” he said. “I might be moving.” Moving? Then he added, “Moving in with you.” I nearly put the car on the sidewalk. “What?” I asked. “I think we should get married,” he said. He told me hed planned his proposal in a fancy restaurant, but after the accident, he decided to do it right a

13、way. “Yes,” I whispered. We both sat dumbfounded, tears running down our cheeks. Id never known such a tender moment. If only my father were here to give his final approval.“Oh, lets just go inside,” Jack laughed. My mother opened the door. “Happy Birthday!” we shouted. Jack handed the box to her. S

14、he opened it up. Suddenly, her eyes were filled with tears.“Mom, whats wrong?m sorry,” she said, wiping her eyes. “This is only the second gardenia corsage Ive ever received. I was given one years ago, long before you kids were born.” “From who?” I asked. “Your father,” Mom said. “He gave me one rig

15、ht before we were engaged.” My eyes locked on Jacks as I blinked away tears(眨眼控制泪水). My fathers test? I knew Jack had passed.作者的父亲总能够洞察人性。在作者交男友这一方面,父亲靠自己敏锐的洞察力作出了正确的判断。甚至在父亲去世以后,他仍然以自己的方式给了作者这方面的指导。1. According to the text, we know the authors father was _.Ainterested in observing things aroundB. g

16、ood at judging ones characterC. strict with her boyfriendD. fond of challengesB细节理解题。根据文章第一段前两句可知,作者的父亲擅长洞察人性,能在很短的时间内发现人的优缺点。2. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A. Jack got the familys approval except the fathers.B. Jack was different from any other boy.C. Jack was getting on well with the moth

17、er.D. Jack knew a lot about piano.A主旨大意题。概括第二段的内容可知,本段主要讲了作者的男友Jack得到了作者家人的认同,除了作者的父亲,因为作者的父亲已经去世了。3. The underlined word “proposal” in Paragraph 5 means _.Apiece of adviceB. wedding ceremonyC. celebration of birthdayD. offer of marriageD词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句上一句中的I think we should get married可知,Jack认为他和作者该

18、结婚了,于是他告诉作者他本来打算在一家豪华饭店向作者“求婚”。4. On hearing “Moving in with you”, the author felt _.Apleased B. worriedC. surprised D. disappointedC推理判断题。根据第五段中Jack说出Moving in with you后作者反问道“What?”可推知,作者听到Jack这样说时感到吃惊。5. Why did the authors mother cry?A. The gift was the same as the one her husband gave her.B. She

19、 had never received such a beautiful gift.C. Her daughter found her life partner at last.D. The gardenia corsage was too expensive.A细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,作者的母亲在打开盒子看到礼物之后哭了起来。结合母亲和作者的对话可知,母亲哭了是因为她收到的这个礼物跟她丈夫曾经送给她的那个礼物一样。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Become SmarterThere are three thin

20、gs that will get you ahead in life: good looks, smarts, and being considered as being smart. The first is Godgiven. _1_ In this article we explore some different ways to become smarter.Go to college, and get an education. _2_ It means that you will have been exposed to many different ideas and hopef

21、ully you will have learned how to think. Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.Read books and educational magazines. _3_ Educational magazines such as Discovery or National Geographic are a wealth of knowledge that you can share with others, thus maki

22、ng you sound very smart. If you do watch television, try watching something where you can learn such as the History Channel, Discovery etc.Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn one new word a week. It does not seem like much, but adding 52 new words to your vocabulary will really make you appear much

23、 smarter. Subscribing to vocabulary. com is a good start. _4_ This way you are actually getting 365 words a year, but that is usually more than most people can absorb._5_ Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this. They hear an outrageous(离谱的) claim and they repeat it

24、 to the nearest ear. You can do much harm to your quest for being smart if you are known for giving bad information.A. That is my exact point.B. And unluckily most of us are not goodlooking.C. You will have a new word sent to your email address daily.D. The programs actually provide you with informa

25、tion you can use.EReading books works the brain out more than viewing television.FDo not repeat everything people tell you until you know that it is true.GCollege does not necessarily mean you will be smarter, just educated.有些人生来就比其他人聪明,然而大多数人需要继续努力。本文针对如何变得更聪明为我们提供了一些建议。1. B上一句提到好的相貌是天赐的(可遇不可求的),B项

26、(不幸的是,大多数人都没有好的相貌)紧承上文进行论述。2. G本段主题为:要去读大学,接受大学教育。下一句提到大学教育意味着你会接触到不同的思想观点,并让你有希望学会思考,故G项(有了大学教育未必意味着你会更聪明,仅仅是让你受到教育而已)符合语境。3E空格后面的语境论述了读有教育意义的杂志与看电视相比,读书会更有助于使得一个人变得聪明,E项(读书会比看电视更有益于锻炼大脑)引起对下文的论述。4. C上一句提到订阅词汇网站扩充词汇量,下一句提到这样一年你就会学到365个单词,故C项(每天该网站会发送一个生词到你的邮箱)符合上下文语境。5. F本段主要论述了不要人云亦云,要勇于质疑,故F项(你确定

27、某事的真实性后才将之告诉他人)符合本段主旨。. 书面表达大连的“发现王国”主题公园是中国最大的主题公园之一。假如你于3月20日(星期六,晴)游览了“发现王国”,请写一篇游记。要点如下:1.主题:有六部分,如沙漠、雨林等;2.建筑:奇形怪状,有喷泉、城堡等;3.活动:过山车、彩车游行、表演等;4.感受:新鲜、刺激。注意:1.词数:120个左右;2参考词汇:发现王国Discoveryland;彩车游行float parade;过山车roller coaster_One Possible Version:March 20, Saturday FineToday I visited one of th

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