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Unit 4 Law and orderWord格式文档下载.docx

1、我不熟悉化学术语。The Presidents term of office is four years.总统任期为四年。他们被判长期徒刑。 They were sentenced to long terms in prison.注意:term的短语We are on good terms with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处。In term of money, hes quite rich. But he is not always happy. 就金钱而言,他很富有,但他不总是幸福。The new economic policy will prove effective

2、 in the long term. 从长远来看,新经济政策将会证明有效。3、offence1)n. 违反,罪;不愉快的事物;攻击Offence is the safest form of defense. 先发制人是最好的防御形式。His sarcastic(讽刺的) voice was an offence to me. 他讽刺性的语调对我是一种冒犯。他做了违法的事。 He committed an offence against the law.2) offensive adj. 冒犯的,攻击的,令人不快的 Traffic sounds are offensive to the ear.

3、 交通的噪音很刺耳。我并非故意要冒犯。 I didnt mean to be offensive.3)v. offend 使发怒,伤害(别人)的感情His misbehavior offended her. 他的不当行为冒犯了她。他犯了法,不能不受惩罚。 _. He offended against the law and couldnt go unpunished.4、hatred 1)n憎恨;仇恨;憎恶; 恶意All the old and recent hatreds come to his mind.旧恨新仇一起涌上他的心头。 He felt hatred for the rich p

4、eople. 他对富人怀有仇恨。他以憎恨的眼光望着我。 _.Keys:He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.2)v. hate憎恨,讨厌. (不可用进行式)I hate asking any favors of her 我很不喜欢求助于他。I hate to say it, but you are really mistaken.我不想说出来,但是你确实误会了。他不喜欢女人吸烟。_. He hates women smoking. 5. lastly 1)adv. 最后一点; 最后Lastly, were going to visit Athens,

5、and fly home from there. 最后我们将访问雅典, 然后从那儿乘飞机回国. 最后,我必须指出你冒犯了你的父亲。Lastly, I must point out that you have offended you father.2) last adj.最不可能的, 最不合适的Kate is the last person you can trust。Kate是你最不能相信的人。 That is the last thing I can do.我最不适合做那件事。她是最不能保守秘密的人。She is the person to keep a secret.6. identif

6、y v 鉴定,验明;视.(与.)为同一事物;(与.)认同Never identify wealth with happiness. 千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。I identified with the heroine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。我识别不出这是谁的签字。 I cannot identify this signature.7. relate to 1)有关; 使联系; relate to = relate withTo what events did your remarks relate?你的话指的是什么事?They are related

7、to each other. 他们彼此之间有亲戚关系。They passed a law relating to noise.他们通过了一项关于噪音的法律。I cant relate what he does with to what he says. 我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。财富很少与幸福相关。Wealth is seldom related to happiness. 2) 理解,沟通Children need to learn to relate to other children.孩子们应该学会与其他孩子友好相处。I just cant relate to punk music.

8、 我对蓬克摇滚音乐简直一窍不通.有些成年人不理解儿童的想法。 Some adults cant relate to children.8. individual 1) adj.& n. 个人的,个体的;个别的,单独的;特有的,独特的;个人;个体The director of the factory felt no individual responsibility for the deficit.厂长觉得工厂亏损没有任何个人责任。Students can apply for individual tuition. 学生可以申请个别授课。Exceptions can not be made fo

9、r individuals.对个人不能有例外。这个模特儿有着独特的穿衣方式。 _. The model has an individual way of dressing. 2) individual,single,personal,和private的区别:individual是相对于collective“集体”的“个人” ; 还可以表示“个人独特的” The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community. 个人的福利与社区集体福利紧密相关。She has her own individual w

10、ay of walking 她有她自己独特的走路方式。single表示一个(人),或单身 He is still single.他至今依然是单身personal 表示私人的,个人的I have something personal to discuss with you. 我有点私事和你商量。Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance. 个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。private 多涉及“隐私” Its illegal to read peoples private letters without

11、 permission. 未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。9. ripe adj. (水果)成熟的,引申为时机恰当These apples are not ripe; they are sour.这些苹果不熟,是酸的。The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.时机已经成熟,可以向政府权力提出挑战了。成熟的苹果易于采摘。 The ripe apples picked easily.10. break into1)强行进入某处;突然开始(大笑、唱歌、欢呼等);突然改变(由慢到快); (指活动)用去(应做其他

12、事情的时间) His house was broken into (e. g by burglars) last week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼)。As the Presidents car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时, 群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。The man broke into a run when he saw the police. 那人一见到警察, 拔腿就跑。All this extra work Im doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这

13、一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. 当他听说儿子在战争中还活着时,他突然哭了起来。 When he knew that his survived the war, he broke into tears. 2)break短语归纳break away (from) 突然逃掉或离开;改掉(旧习惯)break down (机器、车辆等)坏了;(计划、谈判等)失败;(健康、精神等)变坏break in突然进来,强行进入;插嘴,打岔。break off停止讲话;暂停,休息;(使)折断break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发。无被动语态break through突破,有重要创见;克服,征服;强行穿

14、过(进入)break up解散,驱散;结束,破裂;绝交11. accuracy n.精确, 准确(尤指用心的结果)It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected. 无论如何也说不准受影响的有多少。 She could predict with accuracy what would happen in your life. 她能够准确预言你的生活会发生什么。我怀疑你的话的正确性。 I doubt the accuracy of your statement. 12. regarding 1)prep.有关 He k

15、new nothing regarding the case.关于这件事他一无所知。:我写了一封关于我女儿学校考试的信。 I wrote a letter regarding/as regards my daughters school examinations. 2)regardless adv. 不加理会;不顾Most of us didnt agree with her on the project, but she carried on regardless. 我们多数人在这一项目上和她看法不一致,但她依然置之不理,一意孤行。今天她身体不好,但她仍然坚持工作。Today she did

16、nt feel well, but she went to work regardless. 3)regardless of prep.不理会(某人或某事),不顾He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. 他不顾及我在这件事上的感情继续往下讲。Regardless of how hard she tried, Jennie couldnt figure out what her boyfriend thought. 不管珍妮如何努力,都揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。他不顾恶劣的天气依然要出去寻找他失踪的小狗。R

17、egardless of the bad weather, he went out to search for his missing pet dog.13. keep up(指天气等)持续不停;保持;维持;跟上(某人某事物)If this rain keeps up, the garden will be ruined. 如果这雨继续下,花园就完蛋了。The high cost of materials keeps up prices. 材料的昂贵费用使价格居高不下。他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。Keys They walked so fast that I could not keep up

18、 (with them).keep短语归纳keep at sth 坚持做某事。keep doing sth不断地或一直做某事keep on doing sth不断地或一直做某事(动作之间略有间隔)。多于持续性动词连用:keep from (doing) sth;忍不住做某事;避开或防止(做)某事。:keep sb fromdoing 使某人不能做某事。句中from不省略keep back (使)后退;忍住,隐瞒keep down 抑制,控制,使下降keep off 避开,防止,挡住。keep on 继续。keep out (of) 遮挡,使不进入keep up with “和.保持联系”14.

19、 no doubt无疑地,不容怀疑地;很可能地。前面省略了there be结构。No doubt I will succeed in the end. = There is no doubt I will succeed in the end.我确信我最终会成功。可能他只是想帮忙,但却把我们的工作给弄糟了。No doubt he was just trying to help, but hes spoiled our work. 15. spy v. 暗中监视;侦察出;察觉,发现(复合宾语)He sent out a party to spy the enemy. 他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人

20、的行动。We spied on the man. 我们监视那个人。我们发现一位陌生人在拐角处闲荡。We spied a stranger hanging around the corner. 16. apply to适用于;向申请(或要求).注意相关表达: apply A to B:将A应用于Bapply to sb./sth.: 适用于apply to for: 向提出申请The discount no longer applies to him because hes over eighteen. 他不再享受打折待遇,因为他已超过18岁。We applied to them for hel

21、p. 我们向他们求援。Apply a theory to practice.将理论运用与实践。我不知道在毕业后申请哪一个大学。I dont know which university I should apply to after graduation.17. be faced with “面临; 面对Faced with a bill for 10,000, John has taken an extra job.面对一万元的账单,John额外又找了一份工作。What challenge do you think university students will be faced with

22、in the new century? 你认为新世纪里大学生将会面临什么样的挑战?面对那么多困难,他不知道该怎么办。Faced with so many difficulties, he didnt know what to do.18. similarly 1) adv. 相似地, 类似地; 也, 同样The two boys dress similarly. 两个小男孩穿得差不多一样。She was late and I similarly was delayed. 她迟到了, 我也晚了。同样,我们还面对很多潜在的问题。Similarly, we are facing many poten

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