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1、2. As so often, the past holds the key to the future: wehave now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of theplanet, and our species, to make evidence-based forecasts about the situationsin which our descendants will find themselves.(2013 T3 P6)正如很多时候,过去掌握着通往未来的钥匙:我们现在已经对塑造

2、地球和历史的长期模式有了很充分的认识,我们可以以此为依据来预测我们子孙后代的生存环境。(2013 T3 P6)3. The Constitutional principles that Washington alonehas the power to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and that federallaws precede state laws are noncontroversial.(2013 T4 P2)宪法规定只有华盛顿政府有权利去“制定统一的入籍规则”,以及联邦法律优先于州法律,这两项都是毋庸置疑的。(2013

3、 T4 P2)4. The Administration was in essence asserting thatbecause it didnt want to carry out Congresss immigration wishes, no stateshould be allowed to do so either. (2013 T4 P7)政府实质上一直声称因为自己并不想执行国会的移民意愿,所以它(政府)也不允许任何州这样做。(2013 T4 P7)5. On first hearing, this was the socially concernedchancellor, tr

4、ying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms” toan obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newlyunemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness. (2014 T1 P2)乍一听,这是一位关心民生的财政大臣正试着去帮人们改善生活,包括去“改革”一个明显纵容的社会(福利)系统, 它对新失业者要求甚少并且还滋生懒惰。(2014 T1 P2)6. What motivated

5、 him, we were to understand, was hiszeal for “fundamental fairness” protecting the taxpayer, controlling spendingand ensuring that only the most deserving claimants received their benefits. (2014 T1 P2)然而我们要明白,他的动机是源自于对 “基本公平”的热情保护纳税人,控制开销并且确保只有那些最应得的救济的申请者才能申领救济金。7. There is pressure for change fro

6、m within theprofession, but opponents of change among the regulators insist that keepingoutsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make moneyrather than serve clients ethically. (2014 T2 P5)行业内部也有改革的压力,但是反对改革的管理者坚持认为禁止外人(外部资金) 进入律师事务所使得律师远离赚钱的压力, 而按照职业道德更好地为客户服务。(2014 T2 P5)8.

7、 In fact, allowing non-lawyers to own shares in lawfirms would reduce costs and improve services to customers, by encouraging lawfirms to use technology and to employ professional managers to focus onimproving firms efficiency. (2014 T2 P6)实际上,通过律所运用新的技术, 招募致力于提升公司效率的职业经理人, 允许非律师拥有律师事务所的股份,将会降低成本,提升

8、服务(质量)。(2014 T2 P6)9. There is just one path for a lawyer in most Americanstates: a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject, then athree- year law degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the American BarAssociation and an expensive preparation for the bar exam. (2014 T2 P3)在美

9、国的绝大多数州想成为律师只有一条途径: 首先在(与法律专业)不相关的专业读四年本科,然后在经过美国律师协会授权的200所法学院中读 3 年的法学学位,并且再花巨资准备律师资格。(2014 T2 P3)10. But the Nobel Foundations limit of three recipientsper prize, each of whom must still be living, has long been outgrown by thecollaborative nature of modern researchas will be demonstrated by thei

10、nevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discoveryof the Higgs boson. (2014 T3 P4)但是诺贝尔学奖关于每个奖项限三名获奖者,而且他们必须在世的限制已经因为现代科学的合作方式而变得不再适用,并将会在承认希格斯玻色子的发现时被证明,因为到时会不可避免的出现哪位科学家被忽视了这样的争论。(2014 T3 P4)11. Among the commissions 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, schola

11、rs, lawyers, judges, and business executives, aswell as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism. (2014 T4 P2)该委员会由51名委员组成,在他们当中,有顶级高等学校的校长、学者、律师、法官以及企业经理,还包括了外交、电影、音乐和新闻界的杰出的人物。(2014 T4 P2)12. The commission ignores that for several decadesAmericas colleges and universitie

12、s have produced graduates who dont know thecontent and character of liberal education and are thus deprived of itsbenefits. (2014 T4 P4)委员会忽略了数十年来存在的问题,美国大学所培养出来的毕业生并未真正了解人文教育的内容和特点,因此并没有从中获益。(2014 T4 P4)13. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economistsare warning of rising inequality and the i

13、ncreasing power of inherited wealth,it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolicheart of modern democratic states. (2015 T1 P4)当 ThomasPiketty和其他经济学家开始对于日益加剧的不公和继承财富的权利发出警告时,那些富有的贵族家庭依然被看做是现代民主国家象征就显得令人费解了。(2015 T1 P4)14. While Europes monarchies will no doubt be sma

14、rtenough to survive for some time to come, it is the British royals who have mostto fear from the Spanish example. (2015 T1 P6)查尔斯应该明白:正如英国历史所示,共和党并非君主制最大的敌人,国王(本身的言行) 才是君主制最大的敌人。(2015 T1 P6)15. The Supreme Court will now consider whether policecan search the contents of a mobile phone without a war

15、rant if the phone is onor around a person during an arrest. (2015 T2 P1)现在,最高法院将要考虑的是警察是否可以在没有搜查令的情况下搜查在逮捕期间的嫌疑人的手机内容。(2015 T2 P1)16. They could still invalidate Fourth Amendmentprotections when facing severe, urgent circumstances, and they could takereasonable measures to ensure that phone data are

16、 not erased or altered while awarrant is pending. (2015 T2 P6)当面临严重紧急情况时他们仍然会违反第四修正法案的保护条例,他们需要采取合理的措施来确保在没有拿到搜查令的时候手机数据不会被删除或修改。(2015 T2 P6)17. Asked whether any particular papers had impelled thechange, McNutt said: “The creation of the statistics board was motivated byconcerns broadly with the ap

17、plication of statistics and data analysis inscientific research and is part of Sciences overall drive to increasereproducibility in the research we publish.” (2015 T3 P3)当被问及是否是某篇特定的出版物促使了这个变化,McNutt回答道:“统计委员会的设立是受对科学调查的统计应用和数据分析的广泛担忧所驱使的,并且它是杂志整体趋势的一部分,用以增加出版文章的可复制性。” (2015 T3 P3)18. Researchers sh

18、ould improve their standards, he wrotein 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line, “engaging reviewers whoare statistically literate and editors who can verify the process”. (2015 T3 P6)他在2012年写到研究者应该提升他们的标准,而杂志也应该采取一个更加严格的路线“参与的审查者应该具有统计学知识,并且编辑应该核实这一流程”。(2015 T3 P6)19. One of the astonis

19、hing revelations was how littleRebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought toask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived. (2015 T4 P4)其中一个令人惊讶的事实是Rebekah Brooks竟不知道她的编辑部所发生的事,也没想到自己会被审问,事实上,她也从未过问事情是怎样发生的。(2015 T4 P4)20. Ms Brooks may or may not h

20、ave had suspicions abouthow her journalists got their stories, but she asked no questions, gave noinstructionsnor received traceable, recorded answers. (2015 T4 P6)Brooks女士可能怀疑或可能没怀疑过她的记者们是如何得到他们所写的故事的, 但是她没有询问,没有做出指示,即没有得到可追溯的记录下来的回答。(2015 T4 P6)21. It is difficult to the point ofimpossibility for

21、the average reader under theage of forty to imagine a time when high- quality arts criticism could be found in most big-citynewspapers. (2010 T1 P2)对于平均年龄40岁以下的读者而言, 他们很难想象在大多数大城市的主流报纸上可以读到高质量的艺术评论的那一年代。22. To read such books today is tomarvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed

22、 suitable for publication in general- circulation dailies. (2010 T1 P2)今天我们阅读这样的书籍,会惊讶于这样的一个事实:这些学术性文艺评论曾经被认为适合刊登在面向大众发行的日报上。23. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers wouldwrite in detail and at length about the events they covered. (2010 T1 P3)在那些远去的日子里,主流

23、报刊的评论家们详尽地评论所报道的事件,认为是理所当然的。24. Curbs on business-method claimswould be a dramaticabout-face,because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its1998 decision in the so- called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of poolingmutual-fund assets. (2010 T2 P3)对于

24、商业方法专利授予的限制将会出现巨大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998年被称为“州街银行案”的决议中引入了这类专利,其中的共有资产投资的管理方法被授予了专利。25. The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard byall 12 of the courts judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and thatone issue it wants to evaluate iswhether it should “recons

25、ider” its State Street Bank ruling. (2010 T2 P4)联邦巡回法院发布了一项不寻常的法令,即这个案件将由法院全部的12名法官共同听审, 而不是典型的三人听审团。法令还宣布法院希望评估是否要“重新考虑”州街银行案的裁决。26. In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that “social epidemics” are driven in large part by the actions of a tinyminority of special individuals, often

26、 called influentials, who are unusually-informed, persuasive, or well connected. (2010 T3 P1)Malcolm Gladwell在他的引爆点一书中指出,“社会流行潮”主要是由一少部分特殊个体的行为引领的,这些人通常被称为有影响力的人,他们博闻强识, 有说服力,并且有很好的人脉。27. For a social epidemic to occur,however, each person so affected must then influence his or her ownacquaintances,

27、 who must in turn influence theirs,and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people haslittle to do with the initial influential. (2010T3 P4)但是对于社会流行潮的形成来说,每一个受影响的人必须接着去影响他们的熟人,这些人还要继续影响他们的熟人,如此循环下去; 然而处于中间层级的人能得到被影响者的多少关注往往与最初的有影响力的人没多大关系。28. The details may be unknowable,

28、butthe independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised. (2010 T4 P2)细节也许不得而知,但是对于资本市场正常运转至关重要的准则制定者的独立性正在面临妥协(被弱化)。29. And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of bankswhich will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are r

29、eluctant to buyall those supposed bargains. (2010 T4 P5)而且, 不流动的市场(交易量萎靡)一定程度上反映了银行系统的瘫痪。银行因为害怕(报告)其账面损失而不愿出售(有毒)资产, 同时也不愿收购那些(别人持有的)所谓的廉价资产。30. The decision of the New YorkPhilharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert asits next musicdirector has been the talk of the classical-music world ever sincethe sudden

30、announcementof his appointment in 2009. (2011 T1 P1)纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请Alan Gilbert 作为其下一任指挥,这一决定自2009年突然宣布以来就一直是古典音乐界热议的话题。31. For the time, attention, and moneyof the art- loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, butalso with the recorded performances ofthe great classical musicians of the 20th century. (2011 T1 P4)出于对于艺术爱好者的时间、精力和金钱角度的考量,古典音乐演奏家们不仅要和歌剧院、舞蹈团、剧团和博物馆竞争,而且还得

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