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1、Spotlite Dance Studio4075 Luke Ct, Murfreesborot TN37I28. USATel: (615)4594200Set up in 2006, Spotlite Dance Studio is offering full day. half day and evening dance camps to kids aged 2-18. We have fun new themes each week. We will work on dancing techniques and play fun games activities, and more.S

2、TEM Bllilders504 Autumn Springs Ct, Eranklin. TN 37067, USATel: (615)3669196Along with education, to be successful in life, reasonable thinking, problem solving and teamwork are necessary skills in today s competitive society. STEM Builders provides a unique combination of science# technology, engin

3、eering, math and fun. Both founders of the center beginning in 2016 have more than 15 years of IT experience.Smile Doctors152 Heritage Park. Murfreesboro TN 37128, USA (615)8480011Created in 2015, Smile Doctors provides excellence in onhodonlic(牙齿矫正的)care resulting in beautiful, confident smiles and

4、 unforgettable experiences. Every interaction strengthens the idea that each person has value as a human being. We hope our positiveinteractions will motivate kids to improve themselves.Tap Root Farm905 Hickory Hills Dr, Franklin. TN 37067, USA (615)5943210Wc have been caretakers of the tannland tor

5、 over 50 years. Come and join us in the joy of keeping our family famiinglActivities of our 2019 Tap Root Fann Summer Farm Camp (June 24 29)include horseback riding and gardening(planting and harvesting vegetables, herbs and flowers).1.Where should you go lo grow vegetables?A. 905 Hickory Hills Dr,

6、Franklin, TN 37067.B. 4075 Luke Ct, Murfreesboro TN 37128.C. 152 Heritage Park, MurfreesboroD. 504 Autumn Springs Ct, Franklin TN 37067.2.What skill can not STEM Builders provide?A. Teamwork. B. Problem solving.C. IT experience. D. Reasonable thinking.3.Which center has the longest history?A. Smile

7、Doctors. B. Tap Root Farm.C. STEM Builders. D. Spotlite Dance Studio.BIn 2018 I wanted to do something to bring change fbr people in rny community. I carried out research to understand the problems affecting them and found ihat climate change was the greatest threat. When I realised many people in t

8、he rural areas faced fatal impacts such as landslides floods and droughts I decided to stand up. Seeing climate change threaten the availability of (bod and water in my country was a wake-up call.We are focused and very clear with our demands. Wc arc not afraid of holding governments and corporation

9、s accountable fbr the climate crisis because the science is clear. Wc will not give up because our future is at stake. We need to demand for climate action as our lives depend on it too because we do. Farmers in Ontario stood up against a proposed mega quarry(采石J勿)in their land. They held festivals

10、to draw attention they spoke up against corporate mining which threatened their groundwater and soil, they mobilised many people to stop it and in 2012 Highland Company withdrew their plans.I hope to see the end of the fossil fuel industry and we need renewable energy. We need sustainability in ever

11、y sector through green building and clean transportation. I hope to see recovery of our ecosystems through planting more trees, having urban forests and protecting wildlife. Our existence depends on that of our ecosystems. I hope to see more recovery projects built in the most aftected communities.T

12、here are many climate movements all over the world and most have social media accounts. Find a local group that you can work with to demand climate action. When people are unitedt they cannot be defeated. Earth is our home to protect. Everyone is needed.4.Why did the author take immediate action?A.

13、He wanted to change people in his community.B He reminded people of valuing food and water.C. He was aware of the danger of the climate change.D. He was interested in the problems in the niral areas.5.What docs the underlined word “mobilised“ in Paragrapli 2 mean?A. Forced. B. Forbade. C. Warned. D.

14、 Organized.6.What can we infer from the third paragraph?A.Renewable energy has replaced the fossil fuel.B.More recovery projects have been built in many communities.C.The fossil fuel industry does harm to our ecosystems.D.The fossil fuel industry docsn t account for our existence.7.What is the purpo

15、se of this text?A. To appeal to people to unite to protect environment.B- To clarify the author s contribution for the community.C.To recommend us a new kind of renewable energy.D.To show the importance of banning the fossil fuel industry.CThere are around 100 tribes that live in global isolation* m

16、ostly in South America and India.The Scntinclcsc(250 pcoplc)havc lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60, 000 years. They protect their island by fighting against people from outside. Their language is different from any other known language.Another Andaman tribe is the Jarawa(30

17、0 people). In the past, they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them. But in 1998, the Indian government built a road across their land* and since then they* ve had more contact with the outside world.Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories.

18、The Mashco-Piro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies killed most of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th century. Those who surx ived became nomadic.游牧的)and started hunting animals in the forest.The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil. Out of 350 members 100 have no contact w

19、ith the outside world. They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans. In the following years, farmers in nearby coniinunitics startedcutting the trees to expand their farmland. The Awa lost most of their hunting land.The few Amazon tribes that st

20、ill exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of life.Survivah an organization that fights for the rights of tribal people, says that uncontactcd tribes are the most vulnenible(弱势的)humans on the planet and that* s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us.After years of pr

21、essure, the organization got Brazil* s government to clear invaders from the Awa land. All non-Awa people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest back. But some think it s impossible fbr tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected world. Contact will be made one day. So the question is: Who

22、se choice should it be, ours or theirs?8.What could be learnt about the Sentinelese from the text?A.They speak the same language as the Jarawa.B.They resist contact from the outside world.C.There are about 350 members in their tribe.D.They received help from the Indian government.9.Why did the Awa a

23、dopt a nomadic lifestyle?A.To avoid being attacked by Europeans.B.To avoid being robbed by mbber companies.C.To protect their hunting land.D.To maintain their traditional way of life.10.What is Survival s view of the tribal people?A.They should fight for their rights by themselves.B.Wc should show t

24、hem respect and not disturb them.C.h s impossible to stay isolated from the outside world.D.We should help them get used lo the connected world.11.How does the author describe the isolated tribes?A. Doubtfully. B. Critically. C. Indifferently. D. Objectively.I)Tiic future of space exploration may de

25、pend on an art tbnn from the past: origami(折纸艺 术), the ancient art of paper folding.Researchers from Washington Stale University(WSU)t US, have used origami to possibly solve the problem of storing and moving fuel to rocket engines a key challenge in space travel according to News wise. They* ve dev

26、eloped a foldable plastic fuel “bladder(囊状物)” resistant to super cold temperatures which could be used to store and pump fuel in spacecrafts of the future. Their findings have recently been published in the journal Cryogenics.uFolks have been trying to make bags fbr rocket fuel for a long time,” sai

27、d Jake Lcachmant one of the lead researchers. We currently don* t do large, long-duration trips because wc can, t store fuel long enough in space. MMeanwhile, NASA is also looking to paper folding to help observe distant planets. Theagency is currently developing Starshadc, a foldable sunflower-shap

28、ed piece of hardware that would help block starlight and enable telescopes to view distant objects more clearly in space.“A huge part of my job is looking at something on paper and asking, 4 Can wc fly【his? Manan Arya, a technologist in Californiat said. Once I realized this is how you fold spacecra

29、ft structures I became interested in origami. 1 realized I was good at it and enjoyed it. Now. I fold constantly. MUsing origami for space purposes isn t new. however. Solar arrays(太阳能|库歹U), experimental wings fbr space shuttle programs and an inflatable(可充气的)satellite were also inspired by origami

30、in both past and present space projects.u With most origamit the magic conies from the folding* M Robert Salazar who helped design the Starshadc and now works on the Transformers project, said in a statement. There arc so many patterns to still be explored.12.Which can be the suitable title for the

31、text?A.Folding into space.B.The art of paper folding.C.Space exploration.D.The origami-inspired projects.13.How could the 44 bladder help in fiiture missions?A.To protect spacecrafts from extreme weather.B.To be used to store and supply fuel in spacecrafts.C.To help rocket engines cut energy consumption.D.To be used to improve energy efficiency.14.W

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