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届牛津版高三英语一轮复习听课手册 Unit 1Laughter is good for youdocx文档格式.docx

1、 making what you try to convey more convincing;并列句: not only are they interesting, but also they tend to teach some wisdom;定语从句: which helps me a lot等。.单词荟萃(一)基础词汇(汉译英)1. n.周刊;周报 adj.每周的 2. n.舞台;阶段,时期3. adj.先前的,以往的4. n.风格;方式;样式5. n.格言,谚语,警句6. vi.参加,参与7. n.外国人8. vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到9.vt.(tore,torn)撕,扯

2、,burst)猛冲;突然出现;爆裂(二)基础词汇(英译汉)1.tease vt.2.little-known adj.3.howl vi. n.4.cigar n.5.bathtub n.6.bench n.7.setting n.8.textbook n.9.yell vi.& n.10.official-looking adj.(三)拓展词汇1. n.表演,演出 n.表演者 v.表演 2. vt.逗笑,逗乐 n.消遣活动;娱乐 3. n.愚蠢 adj.愚蠢的;傻的 n.傻瓜 v.欺骗;愚弄 4. vi.参加,参与 n.参与者 5.;适合 adj.健康的;适

3、合的 v. 适合 adj.健康状况欠佳;不适合的 6. v.增强;巩固 adj.坚强的;强壮的 n.力量;力气;长处 7. n.专科院校;研究院,学会 adj.学术的;纯理论的;学业的 8. n.喜剧演员;滑稽演员 n.喜剧;滑稽;幽默 9. adj.技术的;技能的 n.技巧;技术 n.技师;技术员 10. adj.深呼吸的 adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的 v.呼吸;低语 n.呼吸的空气;一次吸入的空气 11. adj.无形的,看不见的 adj.明显的;看得见的 n.视力;眼力;幻象;想象力 12. n.邀请 v.邀请;招致 13. adj.拥挤的;挤满的 v.拥挤,挤;聚集 n.人群;一伙人;一

4、帮人 14. adj.貌似官方的 adj.官方的;正式的 n.官员;高级职员 adv.正式地;官方地 n.军官;官员 15. n.怒,怒火 adj.生气的;愤怒的;狂风暴雨的 adv.愤怒地.短语检测1.支持,维护2.绊倒 3.拿开玩笑 4.喜爱,钟爱 5.想出;拿出 6.无声电影 7.赶走;驱赶 8.编造;补上;和解 9.去世,亡故 10.为腾出地方 11.burst in 12.glare at 13.hold out 14.point to 15.lose weight 16.fall down 17.react to 18.broadcast sth live on TV 19.tak

5、e on good for .佳句再现1.whatever 引导让步状语从句,“不管” the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying, Laughter is the best medicine, may be true . 不管是什么原因,研究表明,英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。2.once引导时间状语从句,“一旦” they have polished their skills, some of his students quite well known themselves. 一旦他

6、们提高了自己的技能,他的一些学生便会继续走下去直到自己变得非常出名。3.现在分词短语作状语A stand-up comedian may an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes how the audience his or her previous jokes. 单口喜剧演员可能会拿某一观众开玩笑,或是根据观众对他或她之前讲的笑话的反应来决定讲不同的笑话。4.while引导让步状语从句,“尽管” this kind of humour may sound cruel, it usually only works

7、if both the comedian and the audience or admire the person . 尽管这种幽默听起来可能有点刻薄,但通常只有当喜剧演员和观众都喜欢或者崇拜这个被取笑的对象时,这种幽默才奏效。5.follow in the footsteps of效仿He hopes to other famous comedians, such as Bob Hope and George Burns, who lived to be 100 years old and kept working until nearly the end of their lives.他

8、希望效仿鲍勃霍普和乔治伯恩斯等著名单口喜剧明星,他们都活到了一百岁,并且一直工作到生命的最后时期。6.The/One reason is that.原因是One reason Crystal has become so famous is , and is often able to new jokes about the people and things around him. 克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他思维非常敏捷,常常能就身边的人或事即兴编排笑话。【巧学助记】构词法记忆含词根vis(看)的单词荟萃visual adj.视觉的visit vt.& n.参观visible ad

9、j.可见的visibility n.能见度television n.电视revise v.复习;修改(续表)规律记忆与“音乐”有关的高频单词classical adj.古典的perform v.演出;表演performance n.演出;album n.专辑compose vt.&vi.作(曲)composer n.创作者conductor n.(乐队等的)指挥conduct vt.指挥1 variety n.(several different sorts of the same thing)(同一事物的)不同种类;多种样式(1)a variety of/varieties of 种种,各种

10、各样的(2)various adj. 各种不同的; 各种各样的(3)vary vt. 改变; 变更vi. 变化; 不同vary with 随着而变化vary fromto/betweenand 在和之间变化vary in 不同【活学活用】(1)A great variety of flowers were shown in the park last week, some of which were unfamiliar to me.上周公园里展出了很多品种的花,其中有些我不熟悉。(2)单句填空Changes in price normally vary changes of supply a

11、nd need. People vary taste: some love music, some enjoy taking pictures, and still others are fond of climbing mountains. The teacher will put forward variety of questions, depending on your different answers. 2 amuse vt.(to make someone laugh or smile) 逗笑,逗乐;提供(消遣),(使)娱乐(1)amuse sb使某人开心/高兴(2)amusem

12、ent n. 愉悦;可笑;娱乐;消遣活动with/in amusement 津津有味地to ones amusement 使某人感到好笑的是(3)amusing adj. 有趣的,逗乐的amused adj. 愉快的,逗乐的;觉得好笑的be amused at/by 以为乐;觉得有趣/好笑 be amused to do 很高兴做keep sb amused 使某人高兴(1)However, many Americans are amused by cheerleading and see it as rather a stupid activity.然而,许多美国人都觉得拉拉队很可笑,并且只

13、把它看成是一项相当无聊的活动。He was (amuse) to find during a later visit that some of the solar panels were on exhibition in China, which now produces 18 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources. He had amused look on his face when reading the (amuse) article. Lucy has a great sense of humour and always

14、 keeps her colleagues (amuse) with her stories. 3 tear v.撕,扯,使分裂;飞奔,疾驰 n.眼泪tear 撕碎;把弄得一团糟tear into 把撕碎成;痛击;严厉斥责tear off 扯下;胡乱脱掉;匆匆做成tear down 拆毁(建筑)(1)I tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland shouted. 我扯下我的衣服鞋子、袜子、内衣和身上穿着的所有东西并大声叫嚷着。(2)用上述短语的适当形式填空She cried, her skirt pieces.Angry wor

15、kers the notice from the noticeboard.The strongest man that you can think of cannot the log with bare hands.The soldiers were the enemy. The cover of the novel has been .4 perform vt.& vi.演出,表演;履行,做;工作,运转;执行(1)perform an operation 做手术perform ones promise 履行承诺s duties 尽责任 perform an experiment 做实验per

16、form well in 在中表现好(2)performance n. 表演,表现give/put on a performance 演出;上演(节目)(3)performer n. 演员;表演者【图解助记】(1)However, studies have shown that when exercise is performed in groups, its not only great for improving physical health but for psychological health.然而,研究表明,集体锻炼不仅能改善身体健康,也有助于改善心理健康。The surgeon

17、 (perform) an operation now, so you just cant talk to him for the moment. If the supporters do not perform (they) duties of providing for the elderly, the latter shall have the right to ask the former for allowances. Your (perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting

18、on how you learn. The (perform) is giving a performance. 5 attain vt.(to succeed in getting something; to reach) (通常经过努力)获得,得到;达到(1)attainable adj. 可达到的attainment n. 成就;达到;获得(2)attain success 获得成功(1)Researchers found that left-behind students who had more strategies to attain their possible selves s

19、cored better on their exams a year later. 研究人员发现,那些善于找到自我的后进生,在一年后的考试中得分较高。He (attain) success through hard work. 6 live adj.& adv.现场直播的;活的(前置定语);在现场直播【易混辨析】(1)live作形容词时,只用于修饰物,指“活的”,还可以表示“直播的,实况转播的”;(2)live作为动词表示“生活,居住”。此外,live on意为“以食为生,靠过活”,后接表示“食物、收入”的词语。live by意为“靠(手段)谋生;按照某信念或原则生活”,后常接名词或v.-in

20、g 形式。(3)live还可以作副词,意为“在现场直播或录制;实况地”。The soldiers lived on wild plants. 那些士兵以吃野生植物为生。The whole family lived on the earnings of the two sisters. 全家靠两姐妹挣的钱过日子。Writers live by their pens while fishermen live by fishing.作家靠写作谋生,而渔夫以捕鱼为生。【词汇联想】(1)lively意为“活泼的, 活跃的, 生气勃勃的, 生动的”。(2)living用于修饰生物时,指“活着的”。(3)a

21、live指“活着的,在世的”,着重于状态,用作表语,或放在名词或代词后作定语。(1)Listening to music at home is one thing, and going to hear it being performed live is quite another.在家听音乐是一回事,而现场听音乐会又是另一回事了。(2)用lively, living, alive或live的适当形式填空Do we have to lower our expectation and our standard of ?All the spring around him seemed to gro

22、w more lovely and .He had a strange way of making his classes and interesting.Two local radio stations were broadcasting from the scene.7 guarantee n.保证;保修单;保用证书;担保品,抵押品 vt.保证;担保;保障(1)give sb a guarantee that向某人保证give/offer/provide a guarantee 提供担保under guarantee 在保修期内(2)guarantee that 保证;担保guarante

23、e sb sth 保证某人某事guarantee to do sth 保证做某事(1)Can you give me your guarantee that the goods will be delivered before Friday?你能向我保证这批货在星期五之前送到吗?The watch (guarantee) for three years.Can you guarantee me job when I get there?They guaranteed (arrive) here within an hour.The car is less than a year old, so it is still guarantee.1 stand up for 支持,维护;坚持;拥护;捍卫stand (do

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