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1、 80. The earth is getting warmer. People burn coal, oil and gas and this produces carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These gases, called “greenhouse gases”, prevent the heat of the sun from leaving the earths upper atmosphere and this makes the earth warmer.81. A few weeks ago a group of sci

2、entists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. According to what they found, the scientists say that during the next 50 years about 25% of land animals and plants will become extinct. More than a m

3、illion plant and animal species will be extinct by 2050.82. More than 10% of all plants and animals will become extinct. It is too late to save many plants and animals because of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say if we control greenhouse gases now, we co

4、uld save many more plants and animals from extinction.83. The scientists studied some regions of the world with a very rich biology. These regions were Europe, Australia, Central and South America, and South Africa. Their studies showed that species living in mountainous areas had a better chance of

5、 survival because they could move uphill, to get cooler. In flat areas, such as deserts, plants and animals would have to move a very long distance to get cooler, so they are in greater danger of extinction.84. The scientists found that half of the 24 species of butterflies they studied in Australia

6、 would soon become extinct. 60% of the species in the Kruger National Park in South Africa would also die out, and more than 100% of the 300 South Africa plant species they studied would also become extinct. One of the plants in danger of extinction is the national flower of South Africa, the King P

7、rotea. They studied 163 tree species in the Cerrado region of Brazil and found that 70 would become extinct. Many of the plants and trees that live in this region live nowhere else in the world. In Mexico, they studied 1,870 species and found that more than 30% of these were in danger of extinction.

8、8084 BFCAE(崇明)A. Learn how to resist the temptationB. Do not make yourself less activeC. Escape your social pressureD. Amuse yourself in proper placesE. Get support from your friends and familyF. Swear not to smoke Giving up smoking will most likely add seven years to ones life. While many people tr

9、y to give up and fail, it is not an impossible task. Follow these five tips, and you will be well on your way to giving up smoking.80. Success in all fields of life begins with firm determination. If you are weak in willpower, you can never do anything. However, if you make up your mind, once and fo

10、r all, that you are giving up the habit, whenever you want a smoke, you will remember your promise and not give in.81. If you sit around doing nothing there is a higher chance that you will light up a cigarette and relax. Fill your spare time with sports and energetic activities. Try to feel how goo

11、d it is to get your blood circulating and to breathe in air deeply. If you are not the athletic type, then walking will have the same benefit as other kinds of sports.82. If going to a bar means that you are going to have a drink and then light up, maybe it is better to avoid that place for the time

12、 being. Once you have truly stopped smoking and you feel how good it is, you can go anywhere and not be tempted. But while you are in the transition phase, it is better to carefully choose where you will spend your recreational time.83. Whenever you get a desire to put a cigarette in you mouth, repl

13、ace it with something that will help you rather than harm you. Drinking small amounts of water throughout the day is not only a good way to help you give up smoking, but it is also a great way to stay healthy. You should drink eight glasses of water per day, if you can. If you need to put something

14、solid in your mouth, then eat a piece of fruit.84. Tell them that you are giving up smoking for health reasons. Your true friends will support you and not offer you cigarettes. Your family and loved ones will similarly support your efforts and help you to avoid situations where you may feel you have

15、 to smoke because of social pressure.E) FBDAE(嘉定)A. Ways to learn common senseB. Other factors leading to successC. Making everything simpleD. What is common senseE. The most important qualityF. Study on secrets to success80. _ Is there a “success personality”some winning combination of qualities th

16、at leads almost inevitably to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula, and can anyone develop it? At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, probing the attitudes of 1,500 prominent people selected at random from “Whos Who” in America. Our research fo

17、und a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is common sense. 81. _ Common sense is the most significant quality possessed by our respondents. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that com

18、mon sense was very important in contributing to their success. 82. _ To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the core of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it th

19、is way: “The key ability for success is simplifying. In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”83. _ Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil mans answer is that comm

20、on sense can definitely be developed. He attributes his success to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from theirand your ownmistakes. 84. _ Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success

21、: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense stands out. If you develop these qualities, youll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in “Whos Who” someday.80-84 F

22、EDAB(静安)A. Who does freelancing?B. The pros and cons of freelanceC. What is the definition of freelance?D. Key to freelance successE. What is freelancing really like?F. The best way to develop a career80 Freelance is a word that goes back to medieval times when it was used to describe soldiers who s

23、old their skills to those prepared to pay their market rate. Today its an increasingly common way of working for people in a range of occupations and appeals to many who feel constrained by corporate culture. 81 What you gain is freedom of movement, what you can lose is a sense of belonging. You can

24、 end up feeling isolated from normal support networks, because suddenly you are responsible for your own welfare, training, safety, career development, equipment, professional updating and a thousand other things, it is easy to remain unaware of these things in the relatively cosseted existence of f

25、ull-time employment. So before you leap up into this exciting and potentially rewarding way of working, stand back and take a look at the risks.82 Freelancing has always been a common way of working for writers, artists and performers, but the range of occupations with a substantial number of freela

26、ncers is growing steadily. Anyone with a marketable skill can choose to go it alone. Websites offer a free directory listing for those with skills to sell. Their categories include accountants, healthcare consultants, landscape architects and computer trainers. Areas of work that have problems recru

27、iting staff are always keen to employ freelancers.Being a freelance is different from other forms of self-employment you still work for an employer or several employers but have to develop a completely different set of relationships with them. Employers are now your customers, you are their supplier

28、. You have to become indispensable (不可缺少的) to them, providing solutions to their problems, some of which they may not even realized they had. In many ways you have to behave like their dream employee, being more willing and available than you may have got used to whilst in a “proper job”.You also ha

29、ve to be aware of, and sensitive to, the fact that you can be seen as a threat by your customers conventional employees, who may regard you as taking work they could do. Successful freelancing relies on the co-operation of everyone you come into contact with. Work that brings you into conflict with

30、an existing workforce can be more trouble than its worth.80-84 CBAED(浦东)A. Teachers should be honestB. Teachers should have good characterC. Teachers need patienceD. Teachers should be adaptableE. Teachers can never be perfect F. Teachers should be understanding What makes a good teacher?First, the

31、teachers personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, unfriendly, sarcastic, and frustrated: I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely negative personality. I still stick to what I said in my earlier book: that school children probably “suffer more from an uninteresting person th

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