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初中英语时态一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 过去进行时文档格式.docx

1、fix-fixesdo-does go-goes pass-passeswatch-watches wash_washes (3)以“辅音字母加 “y”结尾的动词,要先变y为i再加-es.try-tries study-studies cry-cries2不规则变化:be- is have-has3. 一般现在时的句子转换:变否定句、一般疑问句(1)一般疑问句:当句子中有be动词或情态动词时,则把be动词或情态动词提到主语的前面变成疑问句;否定句:在be动词或情态动词后面加not变成否定句.例:She is a student. I can swim. Is she a student Can

2、 you swim She is not a student. I can not swim.(2)一般疑问句:当句子中即没有be动词,也没有情态动词时,则在主语前加助动词do, does变成问句;在主语后谓语动词前加助动词dont, doesnt变成否定句,助动词后的谓语动词要变成动词原形。We get up at 7:00 every morning. Do you get up at 7:00 every morning We dont get up at 7:She has a little brother. Does she have a little brother She doe

3、snt have a little brother.百看不如一练 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。sit swim read make run writetype go watch cleancry wash jump come study二、用do、does填空1、_ you ride a bike after school Yes, I _.2、_ your sister like football No, she _ not.3、What_ the students have They have some pens.4、How_ Linda go to school She goes

4、 to school on foot.5、He _ not speak English. He speaks Chinese.6、_ they watch TV on Sundays Yes, they _ .7、 My father and mother _ not read newspapers on Saturday.三、改句子1. Do you often play football after school (肯定回答)2. I have many books. (改为否定句)3. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)

5、4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)7. We have four lessons.(否定句)8. Nancy doesnt run fast (肯定句)9. My dog runs fast. 一般疑问句:10. Mike has two letters for him.11. I usually play football on Friday afternoon.否定句:一般疑问句:12

6、. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day般疑问句:14. Tom does his homework at home.现在进行时一、现在进行式的基本结构。1)第一人称:主语 + am + 现在分词 + I am watching TV. 2)第三人称单数:主语 + is + 现在分词 + She is washing the dishes. 3)第二人称及复数人称:主语 + are + 现在分词 + They are playing ga

7、mes. 二、进行时的基本用法:表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。We are waiting for you.习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。Mr. Green is writing another novel. She is learning English under Mr. Smith.表示渐变的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go等。The leaves are turning red. Its getting warmer and warmer. 4)与always, constantly, forever

8、 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。You are always changing your mind.三、现在进行时谓语动词的变化规则一般情况下,在动词后加ing构成. 如:work_working sleep_sleepingwait_waiting study_studying以不发音的e结尾的动词去掉e后再加ing. 如take_taking move_ moving write_writing.以重读闭音节或r音节结尾且未尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写未尾的辅音字母于加ing.如。sit_sitting plan_planning swim_s

9、wimming.4)以字母ie结尾的动词,通常把ie改为y,再加ing.如。die_dying Lie_lying四、没有进行时态的动词表示感觉的感官动词没有进行时态。see hear feel sound smell taste表示存在状态的动词没有进行时态have(有) stay be own表示人物的心理活动,态度情感等的描述性动词没有进行时态love like hate know think4) 表示一次性动作的动词没有进行时态decide give百看不如一练一 写出下列动词的现在分词stand_ sleep_ jump_ walk_clean_ wash_ do_ go_liste

10、n_ read_ play _sing_have_ write_ come_ dance_skate_ make_ ride_sit_ run_ swim_二 根据提示完成下列句子 students_ (正在上英语课) girls_ (正在跳舞) (正在骑自行车) mother_( 正在做家务) (会做模型飞机) (正在看报纸吗)(正在打扫图书馆吗) boys_(正在打篮球吗)三、用所给的动词的正确形式填空: boy _ ( draw)a picture now.2. Listen! Some girls _ ( sing)in the classroom .3. My mother _ (

11、cook )some nice food now.4. What _ you _ ( do ) now5. Look! They _( have) an English lesson . _(not ,water) the flowers now.! the girls _(dance )in the classroom . is our granddaughter doing She _(listen ) to music.9. Its 5 oclock now. We _(have)supper now.(wash )clothes Yes ,she is .四 句型转换:1. They

12、are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句)2The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)3Im playing the football in the playground. (对划线部分进行提问)4Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)一般过去时一概述1.去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week,

13、 last(year, night, month, 具体时间) just now, at the age of , one day, long ago, once upon a time(很久以前),3.动词变化规则:一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加ed。如:wanted,played。以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d。hoped,lived。重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed。stopped,shipped。以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加ed。 如:studied,worried。有些动词不符合上面的规则,需要特殊记忆。am(is)-was,are-were,go-we

14、nt,eat-ate, swim-swam,buy-bought,see-saw, teach-taught,bring-brought,think-thought, fall-fell,hurt-hurt,break-broke,win-won, lose-lost二、一般过去时的基本用法 1. 带有确定的过去时间状语时,要用过去时,如:yesterday(昨天)、two days ago(两天前 )、last year(去年)、the other day(前几天)、once upon a time(很久以前)、 just now(刚才)、in the old days(过去的日子里)、be

15、fore(前)、at+一个时间点Eg. Did you have a party the other dayLei Feng was a good soldier in the old days. 2. 表示过去连续发生的动作时,要用过去时,这种情况下,往往没有表示过去的时间状语,而通过上下文来表示。 boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died. 3. 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作,常与always,never等连用。Eg.Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrell

16、a.(只是说明她过去的动作,不表明她现在是否常带着伞。)比较: Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella.(说明这是她的习惯,表明她现在仍然还习惯总带着一把伞)Mrs. Peter is always carrying an umbrella.彼得太太 总是带着一把伞。(表示说话者对这一动作或行为厌烦)4. 如果强调已经终止的习惯时要用 used to do(过去常常做,而现在不那样做了)He used to drink.(意味着他现在不喝酒了。喝酒这个动作终止了)I used to take a walk in the morning.(意味着现在不在早晨散

17、步了)比较:I took a walk in the morning.(只是说明过去这一动作)5 有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点,我们中国学生往往出错,要特别注意!I didnt know you were in Paris.我不知道你在巴黎。(因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.)I thought you were ill. (这句话应是在说话之前,我以为你病了。但是现在我知道你没病)辨别正误 L

18、i Ming studied English this morning.把此句变为一般疑问句 Li Ming studied English this morning动词应该用_2. Does Li Ming Study English this morning时态应该用_ Li Ming studied English this morning应该用_而不是be动词三、一般过去时的基本结构一般过去式的构成形式: 肯定式疑问式否定式I workedDid I workI did not workHe(she,it) workedDid he(she,it) workHe (she,it)did

19、 not workWe workedDid we workWe did not workYou workedDid you workYou did not workThey workedDid they workThey did not work否定形式:be动词前:were not行为动词前: did not+实义动词原形was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。一般过去时专项练习一 选择( )1. She lived there before he_to China. A. came B. comes C. come D. coming( )2. I _

20、but _ nothing.A . was listened; was hearing B. listened; heardC . have listened; D. listened; heard of( )3. When did you _hereA. got to B. reachedC. arrive in D. reach( )4. I_ my homework at 7:00 yesterday evening.A. finished B. would finishC. was finishing D. finish( )5 -He didnt go shopping with y

21、ou yesterday afternoon, did he- _. A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he didnC. No, he did D. Yes, he did.( ) 6 -I have had supper. - When _you _it A. have; had B. do, have C. did, have D. will have二、请用正确动词形式填空。1 They_(be) on the farm a moment ago.2 There_(be)a shop not long ago.3 Jenny_(not go)to bed until 1

22、1:00 oclock last night.4 Danny _(read )English five minutes ago.5 I _(see)Li Lei _(go) out just now.6 He _(do)his homework every day. But he _(not do)it yesterday.7 When I was young, I _(play)games with my friends.8 When _you_(write)this book I _it last year.9 Did he_(have) lunch at home10 I _(eat)

23、the bread, I m full now.11 _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 12. _ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday No, she _. 13. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book. 14. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 15. She _(not visit) her aunt las

24、t weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning. 16. When _ you _(write) this song I _(write) it last year. 17. My friend, Carol, _(study) for the math test and _(practice) English last night. 18. _ Mr. Li _(do) the project on Monday morning Yes, he _. 19. How _(be) Jims weekend It _(be not) bad. 20. _ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year No. she _. 三、翻译下列句子 1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。I _ _ _ _ exciti

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