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1、Q: Why did the Woman have to walk?分析 本题针对明示信息提问。女士的车在高速公路broke down抛锚,所以与A的意思“车出了问题”相符合。D说她的车separated into parts“散了架”,不符合原文。A.He didnt feel like going.B.He hadnt been invited.C.He didnt think it would be fun.D.He didnt like the mode of the party. Why didnt you come to Sallys party last night? Oh, I

2、 just wasnt in a party mood. t the man go to the party?分析 本题考查理解隐含信息的能力。男士说.wasnt in a party mood就是不想去参加晚会。所以A项didnt feel like going符合其意,D项的mode“方式,样式”,是声音干扰。A.She doesnt share his anxiety.B.She shares his anxiety.C.She predicts his future.D.She looks into the case too. We are very much worried abou

3、t this case. Its very serious. So are we. And noting is predictable at this point. Does the woman share the man s anxiety?分析 本题考查综合理解判断能力。男士worried about this case对这种情况很担心,女士说So are we我们也着急。所以Bshares his anxiety“女士和他一样着急”是正确答案。A.The man is too tired to go to the movie.B.The woman wants to go to the

4、movie.C.The man wants to go out to dinner.D.The woman does not want to go to the movie. Lets go to the movies after dinner. Well, Ill go if you really want to . but Im a little bit tired.Q : What conclusion does the woman want us to make from her statement ?分析 听录音双方在谈论去看电影,女士说if you really want to如果

5、你真要去看电影我就去。 but后说出她的心里话,即重要信息:我a little bit tired有点累了,言下之意是不想去看电影。所以D项正是此意。A.Not very interesting.B.Not very easy.C.Not very difficult.D.He doesnt like it at all. How do you like your new job so far? Its very demanding, but its very interesting. I like it. What does the man think of his new job ?分析

6、本题考查理解判断能力。在女士询问他对其新工作的感觉时,他回答新工作very demanding很费精力,但很有意思“very interesting”,所以他like it喜欢这个工作,只有答案B与原文相符,故选B。A.He doesnt hear the womans words clearly.B.He doesnt agree with the woman.C.He isnt sure about the weather.D.He thinks its a very hot day. This has to be the hottest day weve had so far this

7、summer! You can say that again, Ive never suffered so much from the heat. I really wish to stay inside the room and do nothing. What can we conclude from the man s words?分析 本题考查理解隐含意义的能力。在女士提出天气很热后,他回答you can say that again,意思不是他没有听清女士的话,而是他认为她的话非常正确,因为他never suffered so much from the heat从未感觉过热得这么难

8、受,表示同意她的话,认为天气很热。故选D。A.Seven oclock.B.Six oC.Half past seven.D.Half past six. Oh, no, its seven oclock already. Im afraid I will miss the train. Don t worry. The clock is half an hour fast. You still have forty minutes to get to the station. What time does the conversation happen ?分析 从本题的选项中可以看出这是一道

9、判断时间的题。从女士的话可知是七点,但男士说表 half an hour fast快了半个小时,所以他们说话时应是六点半。D是正确答案。A.The mans sister doesnt like to study at college.B.The mans sister wont go to college this year for lack of money.C.The man wants to save some money for his sister.D.The man s sister wants to find a job to earn a living. Is your si

10、ster going to college this year? No, she isnt. She is trying to save some money. What does the man mean ?分析 从四个选项推测谈话的内容是关于男士的妹妹上大学的问题。明示信息是trying to save some money,即“她还没有攒够足够的钱”,所以上不了大学。应选B。A.Mother and son.B.Daughter and father.C.Wife and husband.D.Customer and salesman. Mary worked as a teacher

11、for two years. Then she became a secretary. After that she was promoted to a manager. I know. And she has been doing nothing else ever since. What s Mary s occupation now?分析 从本题的选项中可以看出这是一道判断对话人关系的题。听女士的语气I want to buy及男士的回答Id suggest this shirt or tie ,its a famous brand,建议衬衫与领带而且是名牌产品,其中关键词“this”表

12、明现场有,而且从他对产品的熟悉程度看可以判断两个说话人之间的可能关系为D。A.He isnt hungry.B.It is too hot.C.He is afraid of getting fat.D.It looks good, but tastes bad. Come in, Ted! Would you like some chocolate cake? Ive just taken it out of the oven. It looks very good, but I shouldnt eat any. I put on weight very easily. Why doesn

13、 t the man want to eat any cake?分析 听录音女土说Would you like?是请对方享用巧克力蛋糕,男士说but I shouldnt eat any,表示婉转的拒绝。因为他put on weight very easily容易长胖,所以C符合其意。put on:增加。三、Section B(总题数:四、Villages in (S1) _ countries often lack many things, such as books, clean water, (S2) _ These shortages are easy to see, but a (S

14、3) _ kind of shortage is not easy to see.(总题数:1,分数:S1填空项1:_(正确答案:developing)听力原文Section BVillages in developing countries often lack many things such as books, clean water, electricity. These shortages are easy to see. But a different kind of shortage is not easy to see. That is a shortage of expert

15、s. Many villages have no doctors, engineers or scientists. They have no one who knows how to treat unusual medical problems or design a new energy system. Theres a way to ease these problems. They can do it with computers.In the past few years, computer specialists around the world have developed wh

16、at they call expert systems. An expert system is a special kind of computer program. In some situations it can take the place of a human expert. For example, an expert in the medical system can help care of a sick person. A question appears on the computer screen, Is the person hot? You tell the com

17、puter whether yes or no. The computer asks other questions Has the person lost any blood? . Can the person move normally? You answer. The computer continues to ask questions until it has enough information to make a decision. Then it tells what medicine or other treatment is needed. In this way the

18、expert system takes the place of a doctor. Another kind of expert system takes the place of an engineer. It measures the flow of water in the fiver. It tells if a dam can be built on the river and how much electricity can be produced. Still other kinds of expert systems help solve problems for farme

19、rs and owners of small businesses.分析这是一篇关于发展中国家农村缺少专门人才的报道。解决的办法是使用计算机专家系统治病,进行水利设施的建立,甚至帮助农民和小企业商人解决问题。从空格后看lack many things缺少很多东西的乡村,可以知道是在发展中国家,用developing表示发展中的。S2electricity分析与书、饮用水并列,是名词electricity(电)。S3different分析对应前句提到的一些容易看到的缺少状况,此句应指另一种不易看到的缺少状况。different表示不同的。S4scientists分析与医生、工程师并列,是名词sc

20、ientists科研人员。S5unusual分析接上句,缺少医生即缺少能够处理少见病症的专家,空格与medical一起修饰名词problems。unusual:少见的,不平常的。S6design分析在or后应与前面的treat并列,应该是动词,与名词短语new energy system新动力系统搭配,design表示设计。S7ease分析注意到后句点明:用计算机可以做到前面所说的无人能够做到的事情,该句只是提到There is a way有种方法能够ease日趋改善这些问题。ease在这里是动词,意思是:日趋改善/缓解,止痛,解忧。S8In some situations it can ta

21、ke the place of a human expert.分析前句说专家系统是一种特殊的计算机系统。此句说明其应用:在In some situations某些情况下可以take the place of a human expert代替医生。take the place of:取代,代替。S9The computer continues to ask questions until it has enough information to make a decision.分析注意后句Then it tells然后告诉你需用的药或需做的其他治疗,表明计算机continues to ask q

22、uestions until it has enough information to make a decision还要继续前面的询问直至得到足够的信息以做出诊断。这样才能与后句衔接。(10).S10(分数:1.00)It tells if a dam can be built on the river and how much electricity can be produced分析计算机专家系统还可以取代工程师。在测量水流量后,计算机会告诉你if a dam can be built on the river and how much electricity can be produc

23、ed是否可以在河上建水坝以及能够产生多少电量。If从句作宾语,表示是否。五、Part Reading Comprehension(总题数:六、Passage One(总题数:5,分数:1.It can be concluded from the passage that _.2.00)A.American architecture can be recognized by its wooden structureB.Architectural differences will result in social changesC.We shape our buildings and they s

24、hape usD.Indian cities were all designed by foreign architects分析 主题推理题。根据文章大意,不难看出不同建筑物反映了不同文化;同时,人们设计、建造了建筑物,而建筑物也会影响人们的生活方式。因此,选项CWe shape our buildings and they shape us与此结论相吻合,故为答案。2.The Indians social life changed after the foreign architect designed the capital city for _.A.public transportati

25、on destroys social life in big citiesB.local neighborhoods were no longer the centers of social activitiesC.all non-Indian architecture discourages social interactionD.villagers would not like to live in big cities分析 本题为推断题。根据最后一段第三、四句“He decided to design the city with centralized shopping centers

26、which required public transportation and movement away from the village centersEventually the Indian stopped meeting each other socially in the small neighborhoods”我们可推断:在新设计的城市里,人们不再以社区为中心,而是离开社区到购物中心去购物。因此,Blocal neighborhoods were no longer the centers of social activities应为最佳答案。3.Sliding walls a

27、re characteristic of _.A.American homesB.Latin American homesC.Indian homesD.Japanese homes分析 细节辨析题。要求选择滑动门墙是哪个国家的室内建筑特色。本题答案可在第三段最后一句“In Japan,homes with sliding walls can change”找到依据,故D为答案。4.American technicians in Latin America complained of feeling left out and shut off because _.A.they werent s

28、o shocked at the architectural style of walls around housesB.they were prevented from learning secrets of the Latin American familiesC.they were unable to get into some Latin American homesD.they were regarded as outsiders behind the walls分析 本题为细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句American technicians living in Latin America used to complain that the

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